Feb 19, 2022
🙏 ~ 💝 (Dark Hats on the last leg Endtime Madness??) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: 🤪INSANE TIMES what's goin on right now... 🎢Hang on to something... 😬Okay here we go!... 🔮Janine and (cant remember her name) Friday Deep Dive talks about Super Bowl halftime show and musical industry will drastically change for the better (after new "boss"). Olympics opening ceremony 2022 = CGI or filmed elsewhere NOT Beijing National Stadium but in Switzerland? (Whaaaat?)... 🤣Teenage-predator, Jeppe Kofod, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark DIRECTLY threatens Putin with hard penalties by invasion (Are you kidding me!!)... 🏴☠️Simon Parkes says to expect Ukrainian fake flag events from Ukrainian military into the Russian speaking populations (already happening)... 🤫Classified docs found at Trump’s resort and Judge rules Trump must testify in New York investigation (really CNN?)... 💸Rumors of BBVA Bank in France closed and people in panic mode with fire guts Bank of France money printing factory (QFS or Great Reset - who comes first)... 🌬️Denmark in overdrive closing everything down over hysteria of media insanity upscaling a megastorm Eunice AKA Nora that became a storm in a glass of water. Big in UK - nothingburger in DK (go figure)... ⚰️Suspected Epstein associate, French fashion agent Jean-Luc Brunel found, dead in Paris prison (just like Epstein or did he die?)... 😵💫du du dudu du du dudu... Twilight zone... |
✨ ~ 💗 ('Will be a once in a lifetime event') 222 Goddess Infusion (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: ONCE again thanks to every Friday- and Saturdays zoom by 'CC members of International Meditation to raise consciousness' (Leigh – NZ/Oceania IS/Antarctica, and Jo – Oceania/Asia). It's so beautiful that so many hundreds are able to send loving heart energies out to all the world. Reminds me on all the many Cobra RM mass-meditations I was part of, at one time (Cobra is a messenger for the Resistance Movement)... Meg Benedicte, with many energy healers, professional astrologers, tarot card readers, has predicted that February 22nd will be a once in a lifetime event and Meg says, it belongs to the Divine Goddess infusion and powerful gateway and plant your seeds for 2022 and beyond.. For me on SoTW, Balance of masculine/feminine is VITAL for all of Earthlings when we really move into 2022 - the year of the Black Water Tiger, which represents generosity, calmness, and ambition. At a certain point in evolution, each soul divides into a feminine and a masculine energy and begins learning along two different paths. We're all experienced 1000s lifetimes as different sexes, been a woman and a man, many nationalities, jobs, social positions and traumas and death, that we cant remember. The Divine Goddess infusion will spread world peace and Love to all life on the planet as we badly need to make peace with ourselves and brake the spell of separation and divisions among woman and men (by balancing of the masculine/feminine aspect). Many people who consider themselves spiritually mature love to talk about how awful the world is. And it is pretty terrible. Pick a headline almost any day. It's awful. But we all need to understand that, Spiritual maturity, lack of a better word, is not a destination but an ongoing journey. Our physical bodies develop, grow, and mature. Our emotions and spirit can follow the same path if we choose, but they can also stall and stop growing. Unlike physical aging, spiritual maturity must be intentional... |
'222 ushers in positive vibrations for dreams, visions, intentions and life goals. 222X2 emphasizes the Divine Mother essence of unconditional love, compassion, safety and security. This Tuesday we are in for a rare treat of expansive Goddess infusion.' ~ MEG
This coming Tuesday, February 22nd will be a once in a lifetime event - the date is all 2s - 2/22/2022. All day we will be immersed in magical ‘2’ energy. In Numerology, 2 symbolizes Divine Mother, the element of water, emotions, and intuition. 2 being the most feminine of all numbers, 2/22/2022 open the gates for a powerful Goddess infusion. Be it Athena, Hathor, Diana, Shakti, Isis, Sophia or Magdelene, to name a few, this is a very rare moment in time to receive an extraordinary wave of Goddess grace and blessings.
In tarot, the 2nd Arcana card represents the High Priestess of hidden talents, mystery and spiritual wisdom. This is a call to align with your divine purpose and soul mission. 22 is the symbol of the Master Alchemist. 22 inspires us to think BIG, on a global scale, innovative ideas that benefit the greater good. Let’s join AA Metatron in this auspicious 222 gateway and alchemize a world of peace and love.
In tarot, the 2nd Arcana card represents the High Priestess of hidden talents, mystery and spiritual wisdom. This is a call to align with your divine purpose and soul mission. 22 is the symbol of the Master Alchemist. 22 inspires us to think BIG, on a global scale, innovative ideas that benefit the greater good. Let’s join AA Metatron in this auspicious 222 gateway and alchemize a world of peace and love.
🎁 ~ 💗 [GAVE] En healende fuldmåne lydfil (Sofie Rose) ~ | Blogger: SR er ikke min Go-to-'Guy' på SoTW eller skal promovere hendes/deres spirituelle virksomhed og betalingsplatform, hverken hos Anabella Rerup eller Sofie Rose, som hun samarbejder med, da jeg selv er en gratis spirituel informationsportal... Verdensalt.dk eeelsker dog gratis ting og taknemmelighed for, at gøre noget for andre, som Sofie Rose kærligheds- og fuldmånemeditationer... |
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Energien er aktiv, så længe du kan finde lydfilen her på siden
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En variation uden baggrundsmusik
En variation med baggrundsmusik
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Fuldmånen i februar topper den 16. februar kl. 17.58
👁️⃤🤘📐~ (Sorø-banden, FOA, Politi, Retspræsidenter, Justitsministeriet - hele retssystemet er beklædt med frimurere) Fra S-Orla Møller, Dommer Alex E. til Mette F: Denne Walter EOS DDFO-stormester grå eminence Danmarks og verdens største, stærkeste og dødsensfarlig forbryder-frimurer diktatur, værre end Tyskland, oprør på vej, vi får hjælp udefra ~ (Knud Jacobsen + SoTW Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: SoTW skal og vil ikke gøre sig klog på hvad Knud har været igennem, eller skal gøre mig som talsmand for noget parti eller andet. Men, at rive KJ private ejendomsgård ned og nedlægge et erhverv, på en moms og gældsfri velplejet 15-20 mio. kroner stort og verdensanerkendt “hestestutteri” i Dianalund (heste prinser opkøbte) og efterladt KJ og hustru, uden en krone, fordi man er "imod" Den Danske Frimurerordenen, er forrykt. Bare fordi, KJ ville indføre lov og ret, hjulpet familier hele hans liv, rig som fattige, og anført mange hundredevis af retssager mod "systemet" og "overdanmark". KJ fik 10 minutter før politi og hunde, smed ham ud, fra hans egen ejendom, solgt til en mystisk mand, som ikke ejede, en pengeseddel. KJ har dog fået afsat 4-5 dommere, som den eneste dansker, fordi han kæmpede og kæmpede og kæmpede, uden frygt. Nogle af frimuerne fra Helsinge på Sjælland (mit tidligere hjem på SoTW) måtte KJ gå til, fordi, de opkøbte tvangsaktioner og sendte folk, fra hus og hjem (selvmord). KJ har lige vundet sagen mod FOA, der uden lov og ret, smed hans syge kone, ud... |
https://ekstrabladet.dk/underholdning/kultur/ingen-adgang-200-meter-hemmelig-tunnel-snor-sig-under-aarhus/9130902 |
https://www.tv2lorry.dk/koebenhavn/arkaeologer-finder-hemmelig-tunnel-under-udgravning-til-ny-metro |
Den første ikke-frimurer der blev lukket ind var Dronning Margrethe i 1993...
~ Frimurerne i Danmark og Norge De hemmelige ritualene 1
"Kongehuset, styrer Den Danske Frimurerorden og frimurerne styrer alle ministerier og styrelser"
~ Knud Jacobsen fra partiet: Folkets Ret (RettenPaaVrangen.dk)
Hædersmand, Orla Møller, 1916-1979 præst, S-justitsminister, Knud's gamle lærermester, som han tit snakkede med på Christiansborg om grusomhederne der fandt sted og han var rystede, også selvom han selv, var frimurer!...
🍁🚚🚨 ~ (White Hats Card. The World is Watching: Freedom. RCMP Trampled Protesters! 19th they've Going after Truckers!) 🔴LIVESTREAM: SIEGE OF OTTAWA WITH JANINE, JOE & JeanClaude@BeyondMystic (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Drawing below is Remote Viewer Dick Allgire and one of Jean-Claude of Beyond Mystic shows (30 minute marker)... |
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