Apr 9, 2023
🙏 ~ 💝 (MASSIVE DISTRACTION = BANKING COLLAPSE IMMINENT) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Apr 9, 2023 (SoTW; SNL mocks arrested Trump, who compares himself to Jesus on Easter. Train car derails in Jasper. ‘Barbaric’ attacks leave 44 civilians dead in Burkina Faso. FF ops hit-and-run incident in Norway. Toxic fumes alert after massive warehouse fire in Hamburg. Israel hits multiple targets in Syria. US resumes biolabs program in Ukraine (RT.com). China surrounds Taiwan, USA on alert, Russia moves nukes toward Finland. US Nuke subs. And none of the LAME STREAM MEDIA discuss the dollar collapse that is imminent. QFS new financial system and currency and 500.000 sealed indictments will be unsealed. In my humble opinion... Listen to Benedetta Caretta INCREDIBLE performances will give you GOOSEBUMPS! Let it Rip! Same age and looks as my former girlfriend from Romania, so a bit taken with her and her voice) ~ |
𓍯👤💰 (SLAY nation: Man må fandme ikke noget mere) En verdensorden styrret af pædofile satanister, kontrolleret opposition og gale globalister? Hvor meget mere kan Mette-magtfuldkommenheden's SVM-regeringen, holde til, inden danskerne går amok, som i Israel og DeHvideHatte, slipper kamphundene løs, der bider sig fast i røvbalderne, på magthaverne? ~ 9. April 2023 ~ |
'Take back your power; Først var det Konge-Krone Corona-bedraget, der tillod genterapi-dødssprøjter og kvaksine-imperialisterne, at tjene gigantiske beløb. Så fik glubske energi- og fødevarergiganter milliardoverskud og nu er det Putin, Putin, Putin, Nazi-Nato og Det militær-industrielle kompleks' tur. Næste agenda er "The Great Reset" og det kommer til at gøre rigtig rigtig niller naller ondt på alle non-spirituelle, som ikke er parate.' ~ SoTW
Editors' Note: De tudetossede samfundsregler som gør os alle dumme og magtesløse. Har man en skattegæld fra 50 øre plus, til Gældsstyrelsen, som er statens inkassofirma, kan man ikke købe et hus og e-Boks flyder over med gebyrer og advarsler. Betaler man ikke sin bøder eller regninger, kommer man i RKI og centraladmin. + politiet sender sagen i retten. Retten vil uden yderligere varsel kunne dømme dig for den forbrydelse, som bødeforelægget angår. Er man ung, woke og politiskbevidst, må man ikke sige N-ordet, skal acceptere transgender-toiletter og ligesom Neo i Matrix-filmene, som ikke kan tale, udebliver ordet "Kæmpe Eskimo". Hedder man Vivian Anita Alexandru og går i "Orange" som kalder sig selv, 'frihedskæmper'-aktivist, bliver man anholdt for at true og dele billeder af en brændende dukke som ligner, Socialakrobaternes højt ærede leder og formand, Mette Un-forrædersen, optaget i Christian Den Fjerdes Laug, anno 2018. Hedder man Nanna Skov Høpfner, kommer man i fængsel, for de snart velkendte ord om at; "smadre byen på en ikke-voldelig måde", til en demonstration. Går man til MIB-demoer, bliver man skannet af PET-agenter og nu viser det sig, at hedder man, dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis, med hundredtusindvis af følgere på twitter og instagram, kommer man på PETs radar, fordi, hun og andres holdninger, menes, at være antiautoritære og antimyndighedsorienterede... |De har tusindvis af følgere på sociale medier: Der er mulighed for, at de er på PETs radar | BT Samfund - www.bt.dk |
Eksperter slår alarm: Danske coronaskeptikere er nu blevet Ukraine-modstandere | BT Samfund - www.bt.dk |
»Jeg er beviset på, at man godt kan blive til noget, selvom man har set Matador over 50 gange« (berlingske.dk) Noget er gået alvorligt galt i dansk politik. Nu sender bekymrede eksperter advarsel til Christiansborg (berlingske.dk) |
Mand kørte angiveligt ind i menneskemængden med varevogn i Steinkjer: - Ser ud til at være en bevidst handling - VG |
Russiske soldater opdager "babyfabrikker" i Ukraine! Børn dyrkes til sexbordeller og til organhøst - Video Interview | VT alternativ udenrigspolitik (vtforeignpolicy.com) |
💌❤️🔥 ('By mid to late April, an intimate and sensual love will also re-awaken within us.') Emmanuel Dagher: Preparing for the Next Wave of Light ~ Apr 9, 2023 ~ |
Hi my friend,
Happy April!
There will be an abundance of Light penetrating Earth this month, and this will have a tremendous effect on humanity.
There may be surreal moments where things feel a bit strange to the mind, yet know that it’s all in support of the next step of our evolutionary journey.
For many, the Light making its way into our personal and collective experience will feel like a rebirth, especially since the energies of the past few months have brought in a roller coaster of emotions and experiences that most have found challenging to navigate.
As empaths and sensitives, it’s important for us to align with our center and to find an inner balance.
Connecting with our center will ensure that we more easily ride the waves of Light entering our physical, etheric, and mental bodies in the weeks ahead.
The following are some gentle ways we can connect with our center and feel more balanced, to prepare ourselves to be immersed in the waves of Light Energy coming in:
- Meditate
- Make time to nurture, acknowledge, and honor ourselves daily (body, mind, and Spirit)
- Play daily (dance, enjoy the Sun, run freely in a field of grass, paint, laugh, and anything else that gives us life)
- Embrace and share the Light through acts of kindness
- Let go of the need to figure everything out, and release over-analyzing
- Express gratitude
- Spend time remembering that we get to choose how we respond to life—we don’t have to react automatically or immediately
- Eat foods that are life-giving and nourishing to our body and mind
- Spend time in nature, and with gentle animals
- Have moments of mindful breathing throughout the day
🌝🤪😫😮💨 (Moon Madness, NPC's & Young People Deniers) A Girl in the Universe, [Apr 7, 2023 at 14:37]: TODAY BEGINS THREE DAYS OF THE BIGGEST ENERGIES YET! ~ Apr 9, 2023 (SoTW; Nomatter what this (girl in the Universe) feels or thinks, there's something abt the frequencies, emanating from the Moon affect the frequencies of the mental body, i.e. mind of HUman beings and will also, affect our sleep patterns. By ‘mind’ I mean our feelings, emotions and desires. Could also be the 3-D Matrix Grid frequency computers at the dark side of the moon controlled by the malevolent Draconian Lord Archons & Saturn rings. Anyways, the last 3-4 days I've felt Dizziness, Head pressure, Dry Eyes & Blurry Vision and more. I have asked my H-S (Higher Self) through my DK holistic licensed Naturopathy & Kinesiology (ND) many times why?. The answer is always the same; the constant intake of Universal energies, solar flares and DNA upgrades, that will affect me and other HUmans - every time - lunar phases & eclipses etc.. READ MORE) ~ |
We have a very special time in the energies happening.
Starting today, we have three days of the highest vibrational energies we've ever experienced on this planet.
Higher than the Creation Energies that you've been experiencing since December.
These energies are Bridge energies.
Connecting the gap between where you are now energetically and what will come in the Love Wave.
These energies are beginning today and going through Easter.
These are STRONG energies, and even if you don't normally feel Ascension Symptoms, these might surprise you.
These energies will rise, rise, and pause, then rise some more.
As you're experiencing these new energies, remember to put your self care first.
Taking care of you as you flow through these energies is the most important thing at this time.
Ascension Symptoms may include:
Limb cramping,
Dry mouth,