Conscious Reminder
Here, the delicate thing is that we build our spiritual journey on the pain we cause to other people.
For example, we are married, and we start awakening in our marriage, while our partner does not. What are we supposed to do? Are we supposed to leave our partner? Or, are we supposed to work with this situation?
For instance, in California, more than 55% of the married people divorce, and about 80% of all those divorces remarry. This is a serially monogamous culture – one partner all the time. However, when we grow, and our partner does not, we say goodbye. Within such cultures, there are expectations.
They become our curriculum.
We aren’t supposed to decide if it is wrong or good; it is simply what it should be. However, other different cultures in the world treat marriage as a lifelong commitment, meaning that when one of the partners begins to grow and pushes the other one away, is considered violent.
The people that we are with, as of our karma, or nature of the things, we start working with their own presence.
They will become our curriculum.
Pushing away our parents will also be hard. However, when we get more stable when it comes to transforming ourselves, we will turn around and reach out to our parents.