ALSO READ: Obama Says Police Have Hard Time in Communities With Lots of Guns
Jul 10, 2016
CONCEALED INTENTIONS: Alton Sterling, Philando Castile & The Dallas Shootings - Connecting The Dots!! -vid (ALSO READ:President Barack Obama held a press conference during the NATO Summit at the Polish National Stadium in Warsaw on Saturday to address the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five Dallas police officers, which occurred earlier in the week..)
»Selv de partier, der kalder sig selv ansvarlige, er direkte uansvarlige« - Demokratiet er i dyb krise. Befolkningen har mistet tilliden til politikerne, og politikerne vil hverken lede eller tage ægte ansvar. Løsningen kan ikke findes i partierne, for de er en del af problemet, mener debattør og radiovært Anne Sofie Allarp (Blogger: Denne banebrydende artikel anfægter hele regeringens parlamentariske grundlag, som med sikkerhed er ved at smuldre. Politikerleden har aldrig i historen være mere synlig end nu. "... Det er et veldokumenteret tillidstab til det politiske system. En krise, der i disse måneder giver næring til oprøret mod etablissementet i hele den vestlige verden, til populisme og politiske ekstremer på bekostning af den pragmatiske midte. »Der er et enormt opbrud i politik. Trump, Brexit, opbruddet i sydeuropæisk politik og de nye politiske bevægelser herhjemme er eksponenter for det...Med Fogh-regeringens tiltrædelse i 2001 skete der en stor ideologisk forandring af Danmark. Efter Foghs værdipolitiske projekt, en slags »af-socialdemokratisering« af samfundet og den generelle højredrejning i Europa efter 11. september-terroren i 2001, lå venstrefløjen rallende tilbage uden fodfæste, mener hun, og desuden betød Fogh-regeringens nye stærke fokus på blokpolitik, at man ikke længere behøvede at tale sig til rette om tingene. Selv en beslutning med så enorme konsekvenser som at gå i krig i Irak i 2003 blev kanøflet igennem af et smalt flertal, påpeger hun.." Jeg kan mærke det hver eneste dag, det, at brydningstiden eller et nyt paradigmeskifte, er lige over os. Kosmiske livscyklus, photon bælt energien, karmisk udrensning, det guddommelige højere aspekt's indgriben. Kald det hvad du vil. Denne fysiske, dimensionelle re-tilpasning process er igang. En galactic super bølge sendt fra vores Central Sol hvert 26.000 år sammen med Nibiru / Planet X ankomst, påvirker os alle...)
Af Line Tolstrup Holm / Berlingske / 10.07.16
Anne Sofie Allarp var engang socialdemokrat.
Ikke sådan en lejligheds-socialdemokrat, der satte sit kryds ved valgene; hun blev efter sin ungdoms sværgen til SF medlem af Socialdemokratiet i 2003 og var partiets internationale sekretær indtil 2008.
Men for et år siden satte hun sin underskrift på en udmeldelse, og så var det slut. Ikke bare med det gamle arbejderparti, men slut med at sætte sin stemme bag noget parti overhovedet.
Når vi går til valg, afleverer hun en blank stemme. Som en slags afdæmpet protest. Hun kan ikke længere identificere sig med noget projekt, når hun skuer henover partierne i det politiske spektrum. Og værre; hun ser et demokrati, som er i dyb krise. En krise, der i disse måneder giver næring til oprøret mod etablissementet i hele den vestlige verden, til populisme og politiske ekstremer på bekostning af den pragmatiske midte.
»Der er et enormt opbrud i politik. Trump, Brexit, opbruddet i sydeuropæisk politik og de nye politiske bevægelser herhjemme er eksponenter for det. Folk slutter op bag nogen, der tager afstand fra det bestående. Fordi det bestående er begyndt at virke som en eller anden form for postfaktuel absurditet. Det ligner teater,« siger Anne Sofie Allarp.
Med titler som jurist, forfatter til skøn- og faglitterære bøger og vært på Radio 24syv tilhører Anne Sofie Allarp faktuelt den såkaldte »elite« – dem med café latten, magten, EU-kærlighed, en lang uddannelse og bolig i København, men hendes frustration er den samme som den, der rører sig i det såkaldte »folk«.
»Folk er ikke idioter. De kan jo se, at det, der bliver opført på den politiske scene, er ritualiseret,« siger hun.
»For det første er der ikke noget reelt valg. Man kan ikke med mening påstå, at der er nogen væsentlig forskel på de to danske statsministerkandidater eller deres partier. Så den måde, hvorpå man forsøger at tale konflikt og skel op, positionere sig selv og byde sig til over for vælgerne, er per definition et teater. For det andet tror jeg, at folk bliver mere og mere bevidste om, at demokratiet
og vores ledere i virkeligheden er ret magtesløse særligt over for de globale udfordringer,« siger hun.
Læs videre:
Mike Quinsey: A Message from My Higher Self - July 10, 2016 ("..Your destiny is to ascend and many of you have already risen to a point where you have little or no karma to clear...")
Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2016 treeofthegoldenlight
The break-up of the EU has commenced and will achieve the long term objective of returning power to the people. It is the beginning of the end of the Illuminati plans to control the world, and as their authority diminishes you will see that those who put serving the people first come into their own. There will be no going back despite any attempts of the dark Ones to change the inevitable destiny that is now unfolding.
Many Lightworkers have been waiting for this time to push ahead with their plans for the establishment of a free society. It will take time to get the changes through, but nothing will be allowed to delay them and soon you will see the desired changes take place. Humans tend to be impatient for action so that they have proof of what is promised, and they will be satisfied as circumstances are changing that allow for them to be made more public.
Many people can only see what is before their eyes and do not understand that Humanity is on the verge of great changes that benefit them. There are powers in the higher dimensions that control events on Earth, and also ensure that the wishes of the people are upheld. Power is shifting from the dark Ones to the people who are now finding ways of exercising their new found authority to establish the Light where it can directly help the people.
Be assured that if you are working for the Light you will have help and protection, unless for karmic reasons you are destined to experience a different outcome. However, such instances will be the exception and you would not normally have a need to be concerned. Go ahead with your work knowing that this is the time when it will produce the desired results.
© 2016 treeofthegoldenlight
The break-up of the EU has commenced and will achieve the long term objective of returning power to the people. It is the beginning of the end of the Illuminati plans to control the world, and as their authority diminishes you will see that those who put serving the people first come into their own. There will be no going back despite any attempts of the dark Ones to change the inevitable destiny that is now unfolding.
Many Lightworkers have been waiting for this time to push ahead with their plans for the establishment of a free society. It will take time to get the changes through, but nothing will be allowed to delay them and soon you will see the desired changes take place. Humans tend to be impatient for action so that they have proof of what is promised, and they will be satisfied as circumstances are changing that allow for them to be made more public.
Many people can only see what is before their eyes and do not understand that Humanity is on the verge of great changes that benefit them. There are powers in the higher dimensions that control events on Earth, and also ensure that the wishes of the people are upheld. Power is shifting from the dark Ones to the people who are now finding ways of exercising their new found authority to establish the Light where it can directly help the people.
Be assured that if you are working for the Light you will have help and protection, unless for karmic reasons you are destined to experience a different outcome. However, such instances will be the exception and you would not normally have a need to be concerned. Go ahead with your work knowing that this is the time when it will produce the desired results.
'ZeroDays' dokumentaren fik verdenspremiere den 8. Juli 2016. Andrew Wakefields film 'Vaxxed', den 1. April. Begge DOXs kan betegnes som de mest betydningsfulde film i årtier og total censurerede fra nyhedsmedierne. ZeroDays er stor set frit tilgængeligt uden jeg tror DR vil vise den nogensinde, handler om verdens mest farlige og avancerede autonome malware, som blev sluppet løst på internettet i 2010 og var næsten umulig at stoppe igen, ligesom Skynet(Terminator). Spørgsmålet er nu om Cyberangrebet kom direkte fra NSA? Iran påstår i hvertfald at Stuxnet/O.G. var et koordineret angreb fra Israel og USA for at underminere sit atomprogram. Filmen påstulere at en kynisk statsledet multi-internationale-tværinstitutionelle-operation (under 'US Cyber Command' ledelse) rettede et Cyberangreb mod mellemøstlige lande, især Natanz atomanlæg i Iran. Vaxxed, derimod, som vi måske bedre kan forholde os til, fik det amerikanske Centers for Disease Control (CDC) som er sponsor for selvbestaltet vaccinevagtværn, til at presse Tribeca filmfestival til at aflyse visningen af Andrew Wakefields film vaxxed, der handler om korruption i CDC. Bare en tanke, Marts måned 2016 oprettede Danmarks udenrigs- og militære efterretningstjeneste et hackerakademi for »Blackhats«. Disse 'eksperter' skal bruges til at bryde ind i fremmede magters og terrororganisationers it-systemer og computere. Du skal ikke fortælle mig at Danmark IKKE kendte til Stuxnet operationen? Danmark er blandt eliten af nationer som samarbejder med det amerikanske National Security Agency. Foruden Frankrig, Holland og Norge er Danmark en del af 'FVEY' som igen er en del af 'The Nine Eyes'. ZeroDays filmen kan varmt anbefales, har selv arbejdet bl.a. med sikkerhed, IT i over 30 år. Vaxxed bliver desværre kun vist i enkelte amerikanske biograffer, indtil videre.
Malware er en fællesbetegnelse for skadelige programmer, som er blevet installeret på din computer, ofte uden at du har givet tilladelse til det. Du kan få malware, hvis du er kommet til at klikke på et ukendt link i en mail, har downloadet et ukendt program eller har åbnet en fil fra et inficeret USB-stik. Bagmændene til malware kan have forskellige formål. Nogle typer malware udspionerer din adfærd, og kan på den måde opsnappe oplysninger om din bankkonto, kreditkort eller andre oplysninger som kan udnyttes. Andre overtager dele af din computer og bruger den til at udsende spam. I særligt slemme tilfælde bruges et malware-program til at kidnappe dine filer og kræve en løsesum for, at du får adgang til dem igen.
Link til Trailer
Da "Operation Olympic Games" eller Stuxnet som Antivirus eksperter kaldte det, fik frit løb, dvs. dens 'Payload' (attack kode) blev eksekveret, fandt man ud af, denne malware's payload kode var så sofistikeret, at vitale infrastruktur komponenter kunne overtages ikke nok med forårsage store ødelæggelser men også menneskeliv. Een af disse komponenter som sad i Irans atomanlæg var Siemens Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) der er kontrol styreenheder til automationsløsninger: kraftværk, elforsyningen, atomanlæg, maskinbygning, til produktion eller procesteknologi m.m. Med andre ord Stuxnet er et cyber masseødelæggelsesvåben med dens selvguidende, autonomt, undetectable format. Det mest skræmmende er, at Danmarks udenrigs- og militære efterretningstjeneste håndplukker hackere til at udføre sådanne angreb. Det kunne være din 16-årrige dreng som syntes hacker gruppen Anonymous er cool, sidder derhjemme og koder i alt sin fritid og pludseligt står der en efterretningsofficer og lokker med rekruttering til legalt at hacke sig ind i fremmede magters og terrororganisationers it-systemer dagen lang. Der skal ikke meget fantasi til at forestille sig, regeringen også spionere mod hinanden, ligesom virksomheder gør. Der findes ikke kun computerkriminalitet men også en hemmelig agenda til at fremme nations kontrol og magt. Det handler ikke kun om Iran kan fremstille masseødelæggelsesvåben, men mere om man ikke ønsker Iran's råderum til berigelse der kan bruges til at producere uran til reaktorbrændsel. For Obama handler det måske rettere at beskytte sine geopolitiske interesser og lefle for stærke anti-iranske og anti-syriske politiske interesser i USA og Mellemøsten, som vil hjælpe og støtte den syriske hærs kamp mod invaderende jihadister/ISIS (CIA finansieret) mod en legal invasion i Iran og Syrien. Disse to lande udgør sidste bastion mod den USA-ledet koalition. De udgør sidste lande af en perlerække af mellemøstlige lande som USA ikke har magten over. Husk den hemmeligholdte agenda - Seven Countries In Five Years som Bush var en del af. Det handler sig om total kontrol af verdens ressourcer, finanser og regeringer. Filmen ZeroDays er ikke kun en konspiration. Der er nok bevismateriale til at konkludere samtlige vestlige G7 lande har været involveret i denne covert operation under ledelse af Israelitisk efterretningstjeneste Unit 8200 og US Cyber Command. Hvis disse efterretningstjenester har denne mulighed, tænk på hvad de målretter sig efter næste gang. 'Aflyttet' med Anders Kjærulff via Radio24Syv snakker netop om det russiske firma Kaspersky's kernemedarbejdere som bliver overvåget og konfronteret fra efterretningstjenesterne, der lokker som falske journalister eller med smukke kvinder med massive pengeoverførsler for at udføre cyberangreb eller bryde koder....
The Hidden Shame: A Society Lacking In Joy, Communication, Intimacy, And Even Sex Leads To Breakdown On Many Levels (Women Will Love It, Men Will Hate It(VIDEO) | Maureen McGrath | TEDxStanleyPark)
Marriage? Sex? Can a married couple have all three? Perhaps it’s
unrealistic since so many marriages end in divorce today. Why is that?
One reason might be that a reported 20% of all marriages are sexless and
that number is rising. Why have we lost the lust in our marriages? Is
it technology, is it trust? More importantly, how can we “get back at
it” in our marriages today?
Maureen McGrath - - hosts the Sunday Night Sex Show on News Talk 980 CKNW. She is a Registered Nurse, Sex Educator and author of “Sex & Health".
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Maureen McGrath - - hosts the Sunday Night Sex Show on News Talk 980 CKNW. She is a Registered Nurse, Sex Educator and author of “Sex & Health".
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Putin LOSES IT, Warns Journalists of War: 'I Don't Know How to Get Through to You People'
Posted: 08 Jul 2016 10:00 PM PDT
The Russian president was meeting with foreign journalists at the conclusion of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 17th, when he left no one in any doubt that the world is headed down a course which could lead to nuclear war.
Putin railed against the journalists for their "tall tales" in blindly repeating lies and misinformation provided to them by the United States on its anti-ballistic missile systems being constructed in Eastern Europe.
He pointed out that since the Iran nuclear deal, the claim the system is to protect against Iranian missiles has been exposed as a lie.
The journalists were informed that within a few years, Russia predicted the US would be able to extend the range of the system to 1000 km. At that point, Russia's nuclear potential, and thus the nuclear balance between the US and Russia, would be placed in jeopardy.
Exopolitics Denmark (Was officially founded as a Danish association in 2010. But it has been operational since 2007. Exopolitcs Denmark is a non-partisan association. We are primarily engaged in exopolitical activism and stimulating a debate - not in exopolitical studies and ufology)
Declassified documents and scores of testimonies from retired military personnel, astronauts, pilots, politicians etc. demonstrate that very advanced and unknown aviation technology is present in our skies.
The UFO-technology belongs to somebody. Perhaps humans, an extraterrestrial civilisation or it could be more complicated. But who ever owns the technology it is reasonable to assume that it is not based on fossil fuels when its performance is taken into account.
The world is faced with massive environmental, humanitarian, and economic challenges. It is therefore necessary to raise the scientific and political awareness of the small percentage of strong UFO-cases that have not been explained. Could the UFO-technology be used to ameliorate the global problems?
Not a single Danish politician addresses the UFO-issue in public. Not a single Danish journalist makes inquiries into the Danish political system; e.g. who owns the extremely potent technology? Could the UFO-technology be used to stimulate growth in society? The Danish public is to a large extent uninformed about one of the biggest and most important issues in the history of mankind. Informed citizens is a cornerstone in a democracy.
Nyhedsindslag om UFOer og atomvåben
Fredag, 08. Juli 2016 08:49 | |
Den amerikanske TV-station KLAS-TV bragte den 6. juli 2016 et indslag om forbindelsen mellem UFOer og atomvåben. Det blev vist i anledning af den nye dokumentarfilm "UFOs and Nukes - The Secret Link Revealed". Robert Hastings som er manden bag filmen medvirker også i indslaget. Han besøgte Exopolitik Danmark i 2013. Den undersøgende journalist George Knapp fra The I-Team har lavet nyhedshistorien. Han besøgte København i 2014. Knapps og Hastings' foredrag i Danmark kan ses på vores Youtube-kanal. Se indslaget nedenfor. Se historien på KLAS-TVs website. |
Exopolitcs Denmark is a non-partisan association. We are primarily engaged in exopolitical activism and stimulating a debate - not in exopolitical studies and ufology.
We do not necessarily share views and foci with other organisations and individuals who are engaged in exopolitics (e.g. The Exopolitics World Network and Exopolitics Europe). Like in traditional politics, there are often disagreements and different agendas within exopolitics. NB! Please be aware that there might be groups on Facebook pretending to be us. Exopolitics Denmark's offical Facebook profile is:
Our mission is to lobby the Danish government to:
World leader 'to confirm aliens are visiting Earth by end of this year' (President Barack Obama or David Cameron are among the names that have been tipped to reveal the information conspiracy theorists have long sought-after...)
8 Jul 2016 By Jon Dillon
Bookies have slashed the odds on a world leader revealing before the end of this year that aliens are visiting us.
Activists are stepping up calls today for governments around the world to formally acknowledge that extra-terrestrials are engaging the human race.
World Disclosure Day is being held to raise awareness of the so-called Roswell incident 69 years ago and end the 'truth embargo', say organisers.
It is claimed an alien spaceship crashed on a remote ranch in New Mexico in the first week of July 1947.
Barack Obama could reveal that aliens are visiting us |
The Roswell Army Air Force issued a press release saying the military had recovered the remains of "flying disc" which made front page news around the world.
But on July 8, General Roger Ramey announced at a press conference that the object was just a weather balloon, sparking claims of a cover-up.
Stephen Bassett, America's only registered lobbyist on the UFO /ET issue, spoke at the Alien Cosmic Expo late last month: "World Disclosure Day is not a prediction that disclosure will happen on July 8.
"It is a designated day to draw focus on the issue. Think Earth Day.
David Cameron has previously stated he would be open with the public |
"However, on the day the first nation comes forward to finally and formally acknowledge the alien presence, that date will then become World Disclosure Day historically recognising the most profound event in human history."
The video was later uploaded to YouTube by Jo-Anne Eadie .
Simon Parkes (Message from ECETI - James Gilliland)
Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals
and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian,
Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other
creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician
in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's
biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called
MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British
Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security
Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related
to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface
and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery
We have hesitated in going public with this but now that it is already out it only confirms what we have been saying all along. DISCERNMENT and developing ones own inner sensitivity is foremost and paramount in the field of ufology. On many occasions people are coming to us who have been involved with Simon and other top people in the field only to have implants and reptillian or grey cords connected to them. Without mentioning names there are people who keep professing there are no negative ETs yet at the same time they are arm in arm with Rockefellers, Clintons and other people with a long history of self service and Draconian rule. There are tools for discernment. One does their message empower you as an individual or focus on them? Does it empower you to make your own personal contact, your own personal God/Creator/Spirit connection? Is their focus on material wealth and money? Where does the money actually go. How do they behave off the podium? Before donating any money do your research, ask why their staff keep leaving, why all the secrecy, binding contracts whereas you cannot talk about anything concerning the organization. Trust your feelings, see who is finacing these people and you will know who they serve. Sad to say so many are consciously and unconsciously serving a force that does not want the awakening and healing process to go forward. They are what is termed planned opposition. There to control the information, keep it in the past, far away and stuck in proving ETs exist verses who are they and why are they here. Better yet who are the benevolent ones and how can they assist humanity. There are some researchers who are for real and it is sad all the resources and donations are diverted due to name recognition verses service to the awakening and healing process. Again before donating to any of these groups do your own research, meditate on it, go and feel what kind of energies are present at their events. Trust that inner voices that says there is something not quite right here.
Cosmic Vision News - July 10, 2016 CET (※Weekly geo-political news, analysis "With news around, upon, within and beyond our planet, it is the first newscast making disclosure")
Cosmic Vision News: CVN vært, Geoffrey West tilbyder nyheder, kommentarer og lejlighedsvis diskussion om de seneste begivenheder, der udspiller med hensyn til, hvad der formodentligt er den vigtigste begivenhed for at forbedre den menneskelige og planetariske tilstand: AFSLØRING. CVN fremmer og tilskynder til modig dialog på verdensplan, mens de forbereder alle til re-introduktion af vores galaktiske familier. CVN behandler også aktuelle begivenheder, der understøtter et skift til en fredelig planet. Geoffrey West er en del af det team som står bag: Geoffrey har boet i Canada, Sverige og Costa Rica. Han har en bachelorgrad i radio og tv, og en Masters i Peace Education - FN-mandat universitetet for Fred oprettet i december 1980 som en Treaty Organization af FN Generalforsamling. CVN kan lyttes til direkte/downloades eller via MP3, smides på en USB nøgle/iPhone og lyttes til på din vej. Husk tidsforskellen på udgivelsen. Direkte Link her (blogtalkradio)
Cosmic Vision News - Show Summary:
1. ( 01:00 ) World Disclosure 2016: Hints that this may just be the year that life beyond Earth is finally accepted into greater mainstream consciousness
2. ( 30:24 ) NATO Summit: Smoke and mirrors meeting tries to show unity and force amidst an unravelling of corrupted and dysfunctional alliance
3. ( 41: 46 ) The movement East: While not admitted publicly, quiet movement continues towards the East, away from the US
4. ( 55:44 ) Failure in trust: Evidence mounts revealing that people in many countries no longer have faith in their governments
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