Oct 8, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝~ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [✨DNA Frequency Bioweapon Links Targeted Individuals to Artificial Intelligence Hive Mind Control Grid || German neurologist Margareta Griesz Brisson: masks are dangerous!!!✨] ... = Virus, Vaccine, Free Will and DNA Heist Brain Breakdown... |


😨⚕️卍 ~ (DS) So You Wanna Take Down the Deep State? (ReallyGraceful) ~ | Blogger: You're not gonna believe what RC was able to dug up of dirt on Mitt Romney and all his associates and companies and their associates as the world's biggest and most powerful -- unbelievable... |

PLEASE SHARE! This video is about the weakest link of the deep state: one unsuspecting individual who spent decades constructing his squeaky clean persona. Today we’re aiming straight for the Achilles heel of the deep state: Mitt Romney.

⚔️ ~ 💗 (Victory Now) THE FINAL BATTLE 432Hz (TruthEarthOrg) ~ | Blogger: It goes without saying, that this channel is Cobra-friendly, contributing to liberating planet Earth...Moder GAIA has not yet been set free and all it's earthlings, so the fight is still on... Victory Of The Light... |

✊♀⚢⚤👸👧 ~ (IKKE UDEN MIT SAMTYKKE) Mand fra Ikast vil så gerne krænkes bare lidt (Rokokoposten) ~ | Blogger:[🤦‍♂️Dramatrekanten - Se-Mig-egoismen - Krænkelsesparatheden - Krænkelsesdiktaturet : Er du Offer, Krænker eller Redder❓ ~ SoTW🙃] ... {'Kneppe Kofod' går fri, Pia Olsen Dyhr i tårer på talerstolen, sammen med Jens Rohde, under interview, og mulig krænkelsessag mod Lidegaard, mens partimænd tager Vermund på låret, en russer rydder op på Folketingets Udenrigspolitiske Nævn, Steen Olsen klasker løs på Sofie Janning og Mathilde og DR har valgt at sende (endnu) en mandlig vært hjem og ikke forglemme, at Grafström's nøgenbilleder, der viser angstprovokerende "vaginaer" i fuld oplæste gulv-til-loft portrætter, er godkendt, til Borgens haller} ... Satire på højt plan eller "normal" bizar virkelighed i dansk politik❓ Iscenesat og tilrettelagt af Lotte, Sofie eller Mette-mus❓ Hvorfor løj Morten Østergaard i det hele taget, for at bevare "magten" og hvorfor trækker Lotte, følehornene tilbage og nærmest "fortryder" og hvorfor ved Sofie, det "hele"❓ Har vi set enden på hele sexisme-sagaen, Mee-too komma 0, som spinder guld for feministerne, for rullende kameraer - neeej - først lige kickstartet❓ ... Alle vidste det, som i A-L-L-E, det var ingen nyhed og skete for laaang tid tilbage, men alligevel, kom DRAMAET, i går, præcist efter, at én partileder, var gået op imod (kvinde) commie-socialakrobaternes magtcenter, og smidt endu en "håndgranat" mod Mette F. og Co... Men det blev for meget, og et internt opgør udspillede sig på "Den Sorte Diamant" (Diamanten, som 'transformationsstenen', der hjælper følelser med angst, fred i sindet)... [LÆS VIDERE]... 📍PS:"Confused? You won't be, after this week's episode of...Soap."... |


Læs videre...

Det var først, da Lotte Rod - den "krænkede kvinde" - grædende skar igennem og sagde »I lyver, I lyver«, ifølge B.T., da måtte "sex-krænkeren", Morten Østergaard erkende, at slaget var tabt og en udkæmpet parti-topleder faldt grædende ned på knæ overfor er glubsk hav af sensationsjournalister af Henrik Qvortrup look-alikes stakler, der erkendte, at det var ham selv, som havde givet ham selv, en trøffel og reprimande, ja det var HAM! 

🔥😨🛸 ~ (West2East) Californians Wildfires HAARP, DEW Halloween Harvesting People Got Their Blood Moon and New York Mills Have Their SSP Triangle UFO or TR-3B Encounter (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Thoughts, healing and prayers goes out to all the affected in 2015 - 2020 wildfires🕯️😢💔... |

⚠️🙉💊 ~ (Planlagt Event?) Mølbak: Restriktioner er den nye normal gennem efteråret og vinteren (TV2 FNYS NEWS) ~ | Blogger: 😰Det er IKKE tilfældig, at Magnus LØJNICKE deltager på Hell of Gates EVENT 201, vores Kommende Dronning og rigsforstander kronprinsesse Mary er pro-vacciner, pro-magtelite og LGBTI-protektor, som lige har deltaget på det kinesiske styret W.H.O.-møde og SS(T) Medical Corps Søren Understrøm bliver forenet i bestyrelsen og SS(I) Medical Corps Kåre Møllarve, bliver den NYE PRINS i SST (en mulighed altså)... 💤PS: Drømte, og jeg drømmer mange drømme de seneste par år, som jeg kan huske - jo mere åben, højfrekvent og spiritual engageret man er, uden lig i den ego-baseret og trauma-bagage computerbaseret verdensorden 3-D Matrix af illusionen, jo nemmere bliver man frigjort, til at få meldinger, oppefra de høje vindelag... Dog, var drømmen om Jesus, som kom tilbage, hvor titusinde var samlet, på et gigantisk stort forum og Jesus sagde, at vores Statsminister, var én, man skulle stole på (hmm). Dernæst, sang vi og dansede og løb rundt hånd-i-hånd, uden coronarestriktioner, men jeg vågnede først, da jeg skulle gennemgå en udvælgelsesprocess om jeg "bestod" og "forstod" herrens visse ord, med faldgruber, bogstavelig talt, var der faldlemme, hvis man svarede forkert, og jeg faldt i, naturligvis.. Så måske var det ikke "jesus" som stod ved alteret, men én partileder, der stod og prægede?... Jeg gør tykt grin med politikere, fordi, de virker som en flok "Narcissister" - Parasitter eller banditter i habitter og syntes, det er sørgeligt, at danskerne, falder til patten, hver gang og lovroser, at vi i Dannevang, har et "demokratisk" system, som alle skal stole på og adlyde.. |


Selv om regeringen kun forlængede restriktionerne til 31. oktober, skal danskerne måske indstille sig på, at de fortsætter hele efteråret og vinteren.



💏 ~ 💗 (Short & Sweet) Hydroxychloroquine is why Uganda, with a population of 43M, has only 15 COVID-19 deaths (PFC) 💕 ~ | Blogger: According to CNN and Facebook, they have removed Trump post falsely saying flu is more lethal than Covid and Trump says, he still thinks hydroxychloroquine works in treating early stage coronavirus. But we all must hate POTUS and distrust all the doctors, for what they do and say, for Hu-manity... |

By Dr. Eowyn,

Uganda, a country in east-central Africa, has a 2018 population of 42.729 million, which is 13% of the United States’ population of 328.239 million in 2019.

And yet Uganda has 1,603 COVID-19 cases and just 15 deaths (h/t Rush Limbaugh), wherease the U.S. has 5,656,744 COVID-19 cases and 175,105 deaths.

That means:
Uganda’s number of COVID-19 cases is only 0.028% of the number of U.S. COVID-19 cases; and

Uganda’s number of COVID-19 deaths is only 0.008% of the number of U.S. COVID-19 deaths.
How can that be, when Uganda is one of the poorest countries in the world, with a per capita GDP of $769 (37.8% of the population in 2012 lived on less than $1.25 a day) and a poor healthcare system.

This is why:

🦠🙅‍♂️💉 ~ (Just say no!) Mike Adams aka "The Health Ranger" | Exclusive Preview of The Truth About Vaccines 2020 ~ | Blogger: [👍Thumbs Up 5 Minute Wake Up Call👉] ... I'm not always fond of Mike Adams, sometimes non-spiritual approach to things and topics... You must understand something about Natural News website, among being amazingly "truthful" about many things, it's also "gung ho", kill-them-all, Qanon, itchy-trigger-finger prepper and survivalist energy - perhaps - because i'm not an american, i don't know?... HOWEVER, this interview is really mind-blowing about vaccines and in particular, Coronavaccines... 💉The Truth About Vaccines - hosted by Ty & Charlene Bollinger-- Free series first aired April 12th. 2017 and again in 2020 with 10 episodes and SoTW, have seen them all... 60 top health experts dive deep into the science on both sides of the debate, a new “tell-all” docu-series investigates the “pro vs anti vaccine” debate so that you can make an informed decision and protect your child"... 🎗️ Back in 2016, they came up with the biggest health event around CANCER. - "TTAC's Ultimate Live Symposium (The Truth About Cancer). A wildly amazing 3-day event that revealed the TRUTH behind the cancer industry and how we heal ourselves! Guarantee nothing neither the foreign and domestic elected politicians with the medicinal-industrial complex in their backpockets, wishes, to come, forward... |


👯‍♀️🛑🔞 ~ (Sexism vs. Pedogate) Ex-Reddit CEO On Ghislaine Maxwell: ‘We Knew About Her Supplying’ Children For Sex (HAF) ~ | Blogger: [👉Who cares about minor Sexual Violations Sexism - See it - Name it - Stop it, if #GlobalPedoGate is a MUCH larger problem? Both important you say, do you even KNOW about 'ordinary people' and 'elites', are sex trafficking and abusing children, as well as grooming children to become sex slaves, every day?👈] ... |



Earlier this year the former CEO of Reddit, Ellen K. Pao, tweeted that Ghislaine Maxwell “was at the Kleiner holiday party in 2011” but she “had no desire to meet her much less have a photo taken with her. We knew about her supplying underage girls for sex, but I guess that was fine with the “cool” people who managed the tightly controlled guest list.”

After the tweet, Pao removed it and then made her profile private.

According to the National Pulse, the 2011 list of guests at that party included many “high profile” individuals alongside Pao and Maxwell. This doesn’t mean that they are in any way involved in the sex trafficking business.