Aug 31, 2018 \\ Fox News | Aug 31, 2018 | ~ Eyewitnesses Prove Jacksonville Florida Shooting is a Terminally Corrupt DHS Orchestrated Hoax ~ | .. The female false witness even had the audacity to say there were children there and that they or others were “trampled.” Specifically, she said she was told there were “a lot of kids that were tampled on.” What were kids doing at the gaing bar? It gets more ludicrous at every further DHS-sponsored, pro-Israeli gun control hoax .. | Blogger: More proof!?... 🤑 As has already proclaimed on a early stage, but were unsure about facts...And now we have ministers in Denmark, been caught in a lie, earning big bucks on esports, 'fundeling' with taxpayers money to conduct sought of personal economic gain, which is illegal for any politician, acting as a lobbyist to support ONE danish company, to bet on future rise in stock options etc., let's call it that and laughing at peoples faces (not that it has any connections to Florida, gaming tournament, Madden 17). Just saying, like in ANY OTHER SPORTS, eSport is a CASH COW... The esports industry is estimated to be worth almost $900 million. Esports value could hit $1.23 billion by 2019, report says ( .. |

Make no mistake this supposed shooting in Jacksonville, Florida, is a hoax, just like all the others. Of course, it was a lone wolf white male. And of course, as is a signature of these frauds, he is dead at the scene.

To determine the extent of the scam all a person has to do is listen to the eyewitnesses. Clearly, there is no adrenaline running here. It’s all so unemotional, so absolutely canned and staged. Anyone can realize this, and there can be no doubt.

What does anyone expect? It’s a devilish setting; gaming and gambling – a fake and contrived setting, as phony and inane as it can get.

Watch her, listen to her: “He said he seen the lights of the gun or something.” Really, this is how you describe a mass shooting where blood is splattered about and where people are slaughtered before your eyes?

Why don’t they talk to the original person? Why use her as witness material to gain what amounts to nothing other than hearsay?

The female false witness even had the audacity to say there were children there and that they or others were “trampled.” Specifically, she said she was told there were “a lot of kids that were tampled on.” What were kids doing at the gaing bar? It gets more ludicrous at every further DHS-sponsored, pro-Israeli gun control hoax.

RT | Aug 31, 2018 | ~ Pentagon hiding ‘life-threatening’ F-35 design flaws to meet deadline – watchdog ~ | Blogger: O-M-G! Here we go again!... The achilles heel of Denmark and rest of the The Dirty Dozen countries who bought F-35 Lightning II, a trillion-dollar piece of embarrassing expensive garbage, to keep the military–industrial complex - happy!... What a SCAM... |


OUR GREATER DESTINY | Aug 31, 2018 | ~ Rapid Reversal in Earth’s Magnetic Poles – Signs of Sharp Increase in Natural Disasters (Videos) ~ | Blogger: In other news: "Greece earthquake: Greece hit by TWO ‘extremely strong’ quakes - tremors felt on islands"( ... |

Thanks to Nemesis Maturity for keeping us well-informed

Please read below and share ‘What if the Sun is knocking on the door of Earth’s magnetosphere?’

nemesis maturity
Aug 30, 2018

Is a reversal of the earth’s magnetic poles taking place? Volcanoes, earthquakes, strange noises from the sea. New shocking evidence points to a pole shift which, if it happens fast, will cause chaos around the world.

Right now, Earth’s magnetic field is decreasing 10 times faster than normal, which is why many scientists believe this century could see a pole reversal. The latest satellite imagery data from ESA suggests the north magnetic pole is especially turbulent and unpredictable.

A sudden shift would throw the earth’s balance out so significantly it could trigger lethal earthquakes, tsunami on a scale we can hardly imagine capable of washing right across the United States and every other major landmass, volcanic eruptions so large and widespread that the resulting ash clouds and gases could blanket the sun’s rays and trigger a new sudden ice-age.

Pole shifts cause a major increase in the movement of the tectonic plates, the giant lines of opposing cracks in the earth’s crust which push and grind against each other until they periodically release like a balled fist in a closed palm flicking upwards.

There are now signs amongst the sharp increase in natural disasters and other strange, apparently unrelated incidents which point towards a possible reversal.

Cross reference links posted at above video.

Earthquakes continue

From Doreen
Time appears to be collapsing into the eternal moment; a 24 hour day now allegedly equates to 16 hours. Suggest people focus on the positive and master your thoughts ‘before’ they begin to instantly manifest.

Climate change/global warming is based on omissions and incomplete science. The ‘natural’ world age shift occurring cannot be controlled by globalists, so to enforce resilient e-city prisons [UN Agenda 21/2030] data is falsified and the Sun* is blocked to ramp up illness, fear and unleash chaos that is dark energy upon which the false light thrives.

To smooth transition purify you by healing inner emotional wounds. Make right with Infinite Creator and ask for clear guidance. Rather than judge others, let Infinite Creator take care of others … as only Infinite Creator can.

*What if the Sun is knocking on the door of Earth’s magnetosphere?

Radio24syv - Det, vi taler om | 31. Aug 2018 - 15:05 | ~ Naser Khader støtter e-sport-virksomhed med flere millioner. Dronning Magrethe scorer Henriks millioner. Uffe Elbæk springer boligkø over ~ | Blogger: [🤴Mens nogle venter på prinsen, og andre, på Destiny 2: Forsaken, så kan vi ligeså kalde, en spade (for) en spade og udtrykke min egen ublu holdningstilkendegivelse, når det handler om offentlig håndtering af matadorpenge, softporno funny-money eller bare, misbrug af betroet magt, i den offentlige sektor🕹️] ... Som vi alle ved, arbejder 800.000 personer i den danske offentlige sektor, inklusive Dronning Margrethe, der lige nu er 8 mio. kr. af Prinsgemalens Kongekronesedler, plus 1,2 mio. kr. rigere, efter Kristian Jensens storlyvende frygt attitude, velsignelse og Finansloven ... Vi må ej heller forglemme, de 3 mio. kr. som det koster at lave et fint toilet, malerarbejde og fin metalhylde og lydanlæg, i Jesu navn, hos Skt. Johannes kirken på Nørrebro ... Naser Khader (præmieperker iflg. Kisser) bliver gjort til skamme, da han offentligt sammen med Brian Mikkelsen, Tommy Ahlers har økonomiske interesser i et bestemt eSport firma, og vil have e-sport anerkendt som sport og har støttet en kommerciel e-sport-virksomhed med flere millioner, fordi hans søn, er vild med counter strike ... Ja, programmet var faktisk rigtigt godt - for en gang skyld... |


Berlingske | 31. Aug 2018 | ~ Du har muligvis hørt om hvidvaskskandalen i Danske Bank ~ | Holdet bag Berlingskes hvidvaskdækning | .. Den letforståelige fortælling om den svært forståelige sag. Om lidt vil du være rustet til at tale med om den største finansskandale i nyere tid .. | Blogger: [🐰Looking for the silver lining? Click on the interactive narrative arrows or follow the white rabbit in the Case of Denmark's largest Money-laundering scandal at Danske Bank A/S💸] ... (Fra berlingske artikel:) ""Tusindvis af hemmelige data og dokumenter. Mange milliarder blev sendt til og fra selskaber i kendte skattely som De Britiske Jomfruøer. Fattig flygtning = Stråmand. Marmor + marmor er = våben? ""... (De mistænkelige pengestrømme har fundet sted i Dansk Bank Estland. Fra 2009 til 2012 hed den ansvarlige chef for de baltiske afdelinger i Danske Bank Thomas Borgen - I dag er han øverste chef for Danske Bank.)... | 👉Første advarsel -- Allerede i 2012 er vagthunden Finanstilsynet bekymret over »højrisikokunder” i Danske Bank Estland | 👉Anden advarsel -- I april 2013 skriver chefen for Danske Banks hvidvaskkontrol til den øverste chef i den estiske afdeling, at de estiske myndigheder er bekymrede over, hvad der foregår i banken | 👉Tredje advarsel -- I december 2013 advarer en chef i Danske Bank Estland direktionen i København om, at banken formentlig »har begået en forbrydelse«. Putin-familien og den russiske efterretningstjeneste FSB hvidvasker angiveligt gennem Danske Bank, skriver whistlebloweren | 👉Fjerde advarsel -- I februar 2014 advarer Danske Banks revisorer også den øverste ledelse om, at der foregår ulovligheder i banken. Danske Bank i Estland handler »i strid med hvidvaskreglerne«, skriver bankens egne revisorer | 👉Og ikke mindst Bankens revisorer advarer sågar om, at ansatte i banken hjælper med at skjule de mistænk- elige kunder for myndighederne | 🚩 (berlingske:) Vi kender endnu ikke det fulde omfang af sagen. Berlingske har blot gennemgået 218 af mere end 3.000 udenlandske kunder i den problematiske afdeling i Dansk Bank Estland. Danske Bank er lige nu ved at undersøge sig selv... |


Lavet af:

Ida Nyegård Espersen, Lars Nørgaard Pedersen, Michael Lund og Zoran Todorovic
Billeder: Ritzau Scanpix
Holdet bag Berlingskes hvidvaskdækning:
Michael Lund, Simon Bendtsen og Eva Jung

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24syv Morgen | 31. Aug 2018 | ~ Regeringen lovede 30 kameraer ved motorvejs- broer – der er kun sat to op ~ | .. For snart et år siden lovede justitsminister Søren Pape Poulsen, at der ville komme videokameraer op ved danske motorvejsbroer for at undgå stenkast. Men indtil videre er kun tre kameraer blevet sat op. I dag beklager kommunikationsdirektør i Rigspolitiet, Anders Frandsen, at det ikke er gået hurtigere, men siger samtidig, at politiet ligesom for 10 måneder siden "er i fuld gang" med at få sat kameraerne op .. | Blogger: [😨ET KOMPLOT!? Efter aktindsigt og gruppepres, har Politiet og Søren Barbapapa Pape Poulsen nu på Twitter, sagt, at de sætter 8 kameraer op I DAG. WHAT!???🙄] ... Tænk lige over, at en tysk kvinde er DØD, mens manden, er blevet invalid og INGEN, af stenkasterne er blevet stoppet.. Det er kun 2 dage siden, at en bil blev ramt af muligt stenkast fra fynsk motorvejsbro og hver ENESTE gang, koster det utilsigtede millioner, grundet tabt arbejdsfortjeneste og ekstra lønudgifter. HVER gang, en hovedfærdselsåre eller motorvejsstrækning lukkes i begge retninger efter større uheld eller stenkast, koster det 150.000 kroner i timen for samfundet, for hver kilometer, trafikken går i stå på motorvejen i én retning, anslår Dansk Erhverv... Hvad sker der for PET's Fake Terror Enheder, og Stjernegangen på Rigspolitiets ledelse (der hvor den tidl. korrupte Bettina Jensen boede) og hele det politiske korrupte centraladministration... Vi må snart ha' seniorkorrespondenten der nægtede at dø - Danmark's mediedarling, nyhedsoplæser, Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm, på banen og genoplive hendes opståen fra det døde hav, re-aktivere hendes avis, OnlinePosten og erobre General Birgit, oberst Viking og Troldehærens nyhedsstudie... Det må da være i regeringens interesse og efter Georg Orwells livstykke, at PET og dansk politi, benytter sig af ny teknologi, ansigtsgenkendelse, med ukendt software, søgning i bestemte databaser og smilende borgere på pasbilleder, som en computer, bedre kan genkende, det er gået under næsten, på den demokratiske samtale... |

HAYHOUSE - Online Elearning | 31. Aug, 2018 | ~ Discover the Art of Loving Yourself - A Mirror Work Exercise for Self-Love & Self-Acceptance ~ | Blogger: [👨‍⚕️”Sundhed er summen af alle de sygdomme vi IKKE har!” Sandsynlig årsag versa nyt tankemønster⚕️] ... Hvis ikke du kender Louise L Hay, så er 'mirror work' en god begyndelse til selv-kærlighed. Bogen 'Helbred dit liv' er næsten et obligatorisk valg, når man er alternativ behandler ( er REIKI-healer - ikke kunde aktiv)... Jeg benytter mig selv af 'bekræftelser', hver eneste dag og grounding, det hjælper ... "Hvis vi har mange negative tanker og følelser, kan det påvirke kroppen og gøre os syge. Louise L. Hay sætter i sin bog, Helbred dit liv, fokus på en lang række sygdomme, der kan ses som en direkte konsekvens af uhensigtsmæssige tankemønstre, og hun kommer med sit bud på nye tankemønstre, der skal hjælpe til at slippe sygdommen igen" ... |

Læs også: Tør du leve sundt?

Your relationship with yourself affects everything in your life. So, if you are feeling stuck in difficult relationships, an unsatisfying career, unhealthy habits or even financial disparity, mirror work is a wonderful way to go deep within and heal so that more of what you want can come into your life.

Louise Hay discovered that positive affirmations work best when you look into your own eyes in a mirror and repeat these affirmations often. This is what she has coined, “Mirror Work” and she’s been the pioneer of this life-changing practice ever since. Louise discovered the power of the mirror work technique first-hand to heal from a traumatic childhood, low self-esteem and even used it to heal herself of cancer. As she practiced mirror work, her self-esteem improved and is responsible for her successful business and rewarding life.

In this first video, Robert Holden, Ph.D., shares one of Louise’s foundational mirror work exercises to help you begin a self-love journey that will forever change the way you see yourself, how you see others, and ultimately, how you see the world.

Video 1

Robert is the best-selling author of several books, Director of the Happiness Project and Success Intelligence, a business coach for top corporations, and has worked closely with Louise Hay and her mirror work technique. He’s sharing several mirror work exercises in his free video series to help you learn the gifts that come from loving yourself.

It’s never too late to improve your self-esteem. Self-esteem is essential in all aspects of your life including relationships, health and financial security. When you learn Louise’s mirror work technique, you’ll begin to take care of yourself on a much deeper level, and you’ll begin to see that when you truly love yourself, the world reflects more love back to you.

Wishing You the Best,
Reid Tracy
CEO, Hay House
Comments about the free video series:

"Very empowering. Love is as good as life gets and it does begin with self-love. Robert your teaching is great. " — Linda

"Love this. So gently presented, with loving kindness. I am headed to my mirror now. " — Katy

"I did this for the first time today and started by smiling as I did it, then I found I got very emotional as I've always had a lack of love in my life. I am 62 years old, so this was a "biggie" as I've never looked in a mirror before except to apply makeup. Thanks for this! " — Barbara

"Thank you so much for these exercises. I have already started doing the seven day challenge. I'm expecting an abundance of love. Thanks for your patient attitude."— Catherine

"Amazing and gifted teaching. I'm going to do the mirror work for 7 days. Just doing it for the first time and he's's like you tap into the REAL spiritual...tears of joy! " — Kamille
Loving Yourself: Improving Self-Esteem with Mirror Work

PFC \\ Waking Times \\ Dr. Mercola | Aug 31, 2018 | ~ GENETICALLY MODIFIED CHILDREN – NEW FILM UNVEILS THE ‘MONSTROUS’ CHILD DEFOR- MITIES CAUSED BY AGROCHEMICALS IN ARGENTINA ~ | .. The shocking film “Genetically Modified Children” unveils the horrors of decades of chemical-intensive agricultural practices in Argentina, where the majority of crops are genetically modified (GM) and routinely doused in dangerous agrochemicals, and the chokehold big tobacco companies such as Philip Morris and chemical and seed giants have on poverty-stricken farmers desperate to earn a living .. | Blogger: Full-length Film Documentary & News Story... A MUST-SEE 👁️💓👪 ... STOP MON-SATAN (MONSANTO) & NAZI-BAYER... PS: '85% of Tampons, Pads and Other Feminine Care Products Contaminated with Monsanto’s Cancer-Causing, Endocrine-Disrupting Glyphosate' (wakeup-world) ... |

Dr. Mercola, Guest
Waking Times

The shocking film “Genetically Modified Children” unveils the horrors of decades of chemical-intensive agricultural practices in Argentina, where the majority of crops are genetically modified (GM) and routinely doused in dangerous agrochemicals, and the chokehold big tobacco companies such as Philip Morris and chemical and seed giants have on poverty-stricken farmers desperate to earn a living.

The film, produced by Juliette Igier and Stephanie Lebrun, shows the devastating health effects the region’s agricultural sector is having on children,1 an increasing number of whom are being born with monstrous physical deformities. Some of the children’s cases are so severe that, without a medical intervention, will result in death before the age of 5.

The film begins with the crew traveling from North Argentina in the Province of Misiones to the Brazilian frontier, an agricultural region that was one of the nation’s first to begin growing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the mid-’90s.

Featured in the film is Ricardo Rivero, regional head of the local electricity company. He learned that the reason families cannot pay their bills is because often they are taking care of a sick or handicapped child, and receive no assistance from the Argentinian government.

The film shows them visiting the humble home of a tobacco farmer where they meet Lucas Texeira, a 5-year-old boy with an incurable genetic skin disease. The family believes it was caused by the mother’s exposure to Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller early on in her pregnancy. No one told her it was toxic, she says.

The genetic mutation that caused her son’s condition left him with no pores in his skin, which means he doesn’t perspire. The heat from his body stays inside, causing him severe and painful itching that leads to frequent crying spells. Mr. Texeira expresses his sadness over Lucas’ condition, as well as his fears that he could have another child in the future with a similar deformity.


NN | Aug 31, 2018 | ~ Editors of medical journals confirm: HPV vaccines cause more harm than good… science author facing death threats ~ | Blogger: BOMBSHELL: A swedish study, now officially retracted from Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, noted that there was a significant rise in invasive cervical cancer incidence in 2014 and 2015 among women between the ages of 20 and 49 years old – the age range during which women often get the HPV vaccine – in Sweden. Not only did the study link the higher HPV vaccination rates to a rise in cervical cancer, but it also highlighted how an FDA analysis of the Gardasil vaccine showed a greater risk of “premalignant cell changes” from the vaccine among groups that were exposed to certain strains of HPV (Surprise, Suprise or Surprize) ... |


Alien-ufo-sightings \\ TheEventChronicle \\ Secureteam10 | 2016 - 2018 | ~ WATCH HOW A LIGHTNING STRIKE TEMPORARILY DISABLES THIS UFO’S CLOAKING SHIELD ~ | Blogger: 🚀 Earths Secret part of Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) has the Solar Warden fleet, among others and the many Secret Space Programs, fighting, trading and taxiing back and forth, in and out through our solar system with other civilizations, and then we have our beloved benevolent 5D dimensional and above beings, like the Pleiadians, watching over us in the skies... YOU ARE NOT ALONE - take my word for it... 🛸 |

An unidentified flying object’s cloaking shield is one of its best assets since it allows the craft’s occupants to remain undetected while performing their obscure activities on Earth.

Visible light can be considered an oscillating electric and magnetic field and because the cloaking shield works on a visible level, it must operate on some kind of electromagnetic principle we’ve yet to discover. You know what else is electromagnetic? The immense power surge caused by a lightning strike. So it makes sense that when a camouflaged UFO is hit by the thousand or so Giga Watts discharged by a lightning bolt, some interference may occur.

In the following video we are treated to the rare sight of such a phenomenon.

During a recent thunderstorm in the U.S., a large, circular UFO became visible after coming in contact with the immense voltage of an electrical discharge between clouds. It is unclear whether the craft was accidentally hit or it was there exactly for that reason. Perhaps these advanced vehicles are able to harvest energy from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to volcanoes, lightning and solar wind.

After lightning touches its surface, the UFO becomes visible for approximately 30 seconds during which it remains lit and illuminates the sky and clouds surrounding its massive body. Once the UFO disappears, the surrounding area returns to its normal luminosity.

Although videos like this are rare, they are not unheard of. In a previous article, we showed you a fleet of UFOs recharging their batteries during a thunderstorm. Another video that quickly went viral featured a creepy UFO exiting a lightning storm at a high velocity.

It’s obvious that aliens always need two things: human specimens and a whole lot of power.


Pleiadian UFO Photographed Over Italy Goes Viral – Is it a Warning Signal?

Last week, the Italian city of Lecco became witness to a bizarre event featuring what some believe to be an advanced Pleiadian UFO.

Photos showing what appears to be an interdimensional craft hovering over the picturesque city have captured the attention of UFO enthusiasts all over the world and are cited as clear evidence of alien intervention. The controversial images were taken on November 2 by Giuseppe Filipponi and posted on Facebook the following day. They were viewed by thousands and quickly went viral.

The images show an enormous, translucent craft that materialized in the sky after traveling through an interdimensional portal, or so it’s been described. The perplexing craft then began to deploy a number of smaller, orb-type devices or entities. These smaller orbs appear as spheres of light and are believed to act as the UFO’s surveillance drones.... READ MORE



In Our World | Aug 31, 2018 | ~ Raniere's NXIVM: Cult or Clinton,Bronfman Child Traffickers ~ | .. ( In Our World:) - Hey Everyone! My goal is to help share important news, to teach about living healthy and nature, to analyze problems in the world, and to figure what we can do about them as individuals and groups. I like to analyze a wide variety of information in order to get to the truth, or close to it. So with this truth we may journey further down the rabbit hole together, teaching and uniting as many people with practical solutions and hope to solve our problems. We can all enjoy life better, together, In Our World.. | Blogger: [Mum's the word 🤫This is the real deal folks! The NXIVM-Cult is REAL and so is Journalist, David Seaman, reporting about it and 'In Our World'👍 EVERY, B-list actors and actresses, is a either a recruiter of the NXIVM Cult or recruiters of the secret cult, ABOVE, NXIVM. Yes, the Archons and power elites has an agenda!... O-M-G! Sickening🤢] ... (Gérard Depardieu Accused Of Rape In France; Actor’s Lawyer Denies Claims) ... This young american dude, is awesome. He's like a new cloned Jordan Sather of Destroying the Illusion. Still a 'unknown' youtuber, but bring up stuff, we all need to listen too... Thanks for exposing NXIVM. The canadian/american actors delight, who are recruiters of the #GlobalPedoGate Hollywood sex cults, sold children to Cabals & Clinton's satanism and witchcraft luciferian lifestyle. They MUST be stopped, even if people do not want to hear about these things... 🚩 PS: (don't kill the messenger) -- Denmark, has put an end to another occultist figure, “Rocket” Madsen who's formally charged with murder of Kim Wall aboard his sub, and member of COPENHELL (so was Kim Wall, people claims). Some even say, that CopenHell, a heavy metal festival in Denmark, which ('also') attracts occultist luciferianism and nazisupporters of the worst kind. Some also say, that Peter Madsen, had associations to or knew people within the inner circle of Danish Order of Freemasons (Den Danske Frimurerorden) and that was the REAL reason, they wanted to lock him up, FOREVER AND EVER (too many secrets - similar to Anders Behring Breivik manifesto & Knights Templar).... BUT BUT BUT... THAT'S JUST HEARSAY AND RUMORS - not trying to LINK Copenhell to Kim Wall, NXIVM or the fact, Kim's father worked as a freelance photographer for Google, and she was painted her face in white, corpse-like or Geishas Painted on her social media account (now deleted)... But there's sooooo much stuff going on, you have nooo idea... Do you really still think that 'The 2011 Norway attacks' & '2015 Copenhagen shootings' didn't have some False Flag elements in it (I do)... BY THE WAY -- did you know, during Peter Madsen's murder trial, the inventor wrote blog posts about stabbing women!? 'A female witness who testified “behind closed doors” said that Madsen had sent her a link to a post he had written titled Himmel og Helvede, or “Heaven and Hell”, which he described as “an entrance to my head”, reports Sky News’s Julie Thomsen' ( One of the greatest video's about Peter Madsen was called "..Er Raket Madsen en satanisk morder eller er der en større konspiration bag.." - now censored... |

NXIVM is not a one off cult but one of many child trafficking rings used by the creatures of Jekyll Island to entrap their slaves and torture children. The Media has barely touched the actually charges. This is the big-lie theory, they tell us about Stormy Daniels but Not Jefrey Epstein, they tell us Keith Ranierre enslaved women but not children, the court DOCs show he was enslaving children as well they won't touch it because as soon as the people know, its all over.


Artvoice | April 6, 2018 | ~ TV Actresses Grace Park, Nicki Clyne, Kristin Kreuk were active in NXIVM Cult – now busted for branding and blackmailing women ~ | .. Vice [Vice,com] reporting in a story titled “All the Vancouver Actresses Linked to an Alleged Sex Cult” names Grace Park, Nicki Clyne, and Kristin Kreuk as active students of Raniere’s NXIVM cult .. | Blogger: [This is the real deal folks! The NXIVM-Cult is REAL and so is Journalist, David Seaman] ... According to David Seaman, the backbone of "illuminati banksters" and the imminent takedown with over 20,000 sealed indictments, includes the royal family, celebrities, politicians etc. Proof would be, that the secretive group’s leader charged with sex-trafficking, Keith Raniere, co-founder of the canadian group called Nxivm, was arrested in Mexico and returned to Texas, end of March 2018, authorities said. David Seaman is actually saying, that, EVERY, B-list actors and actresses, is a either a recruiter of the NXIVM Cult or recruiters of the secret cult above NXIVM. Other people is unfortunately 'child procures' for these elites, and enforcers of MS-13 (deadly MS-13 gang) during the Obama administration, acc. to David Seaman, In other words, Bush/Clinton/Obama cartel used L.A. inspired deadly MS-13 gangs as their own Assassin Hit Squad ...(O-M-G! Sickening🤢) ... |



Allison Mack, 35, is reportedly second in command of a secret sex cult at the heart of self-help group NXIVM.

- NXIVM, founded by Keith Raniere brands itself as a self-help group, but former members have said it's really a cult. 

- A former star of the hit series Smallville has been identified as a high-ranking member of a sex cult. 

Last month, the New York Times broke the story about a secret sorority that brands women, puts them on starvation diets and beats them if they don't recruit enough 'slaves'.


LeeHarrisEnergy | September 2018 Energy Update | .. Themes for this month that you may feel coming up: ➽ DARK NIGHTS OF THE SOUL ➽ NEW BIRTH, NEW CHAPTER, NEW ENERGY ➽ HEALER BURNOUT/HEALER CRISIS ➽ IDENTITY SHIFTS - SHEDDING THE OLD AND FEELING INTO THE NEW .. |

Lee Harris har månedlige prognoser via 15 minutters intensive videoer og han arbejder med energier som er rigtigt givende og meget reelle bud på hvordan vi bliver påvirket af de energifelter og energistrømme som eksistere overalt i naturen og omkring os. Lee Harris beskriver de nærværende situationer som alle mennesker og børn skal forholde sig til og hvordan vi genopretter balancen på ny.

Personligt syntes det er en opløftende oplevelse og faktisk meget rammende. Vil også sige, Lee Harris er på et bevidsthedsniveau jeg også deler, mange ting han fortæller os, er stort set mange af de emner, jeg beskriver på min blog........

Hi folks, 

The last four months has been an incredible shake down and everyone is talking about it. You will have either felt incredibly re-arranged by life and the Universe, and/or you may have passed through some real dark nights of the soul. But these shifts have been making way for new energy, new identity and a whole new chapter beginning this month that will continue until December. Themes for this month that you may feel coming up:

Take care everyone!

Lee x

Awakening Our Truth | Aug 30, 2018 | ~ 11:11 Synchronicity - Twin Flame ~ | .. Twin flames and twin flame relationships often have 11:11 manifestations .. | Blogger: [🕚For some countries and world time zones, its stil; August 30th of 2018 = 8+3+0 ⇨ 11. 2+0+1+8 ⇨11 ⇰ 11:11🔮] ... (The powerful 11:11 stargate global activation - the awakening code) .. It takes 2,000 years to pass through the band of gamma photons streaming out of the Galactic Equator. The solar system is now fully infused in the 'purification' that naturally occurs from the surge of brilliant gamma photon light. This is evident in increasing solar flares, earthquakes and volcanos, coastal flooding, wildfires, melting ice caps, intensifying storms and shifting magnetic poles, thinning of the ionosphere and the acceleration of time towards zero point. During this period of rapid change, we will enter an eternal space of NO TIME ....marking the emergence of 2000 years called the Golden Age of Unity Consciousness .. |

Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | 20. Mar 2016 - 31. Aug, 2018 | Humans Are Free | ~ Everything is Fake: Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Our World ~ | 10-15 min læsetid | Blogger: [👨‍⚖️You Be The Judge, But Don't Be like Judge Dredd or Judge Judy. Do The Inner Fight - Ego vs True Self - Whoopi Goldberg vs Jeanine Pirro👩‍⚖️] ... Fantastisk læsning, 100 procent sandhed (efter min mening) 😱😱😱 Er man først lige vågnet op fra skønhedssøvnen, kommer dette faktum som et CHOK og vores EGO-magtcenter, ryster af skræk. Tænk, hvis vi bliver overbevist om at den mørke stat, har manipuleret os i et århundrede... Mange vil NÆGTE, og springe som trolden op af æsken, og påstå, det er FAKE NEWS, måske endda fabrikeret af selveste Grey Cardinal (Putin) & 70-Year-Old Toddler (Trump) og deres administration - NOT... |

Everything is fake in our society today – or at least a great many things are. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing. 

The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing. 

Sure, we’ve all felt overwhelmed, sad, angry and impotent at times when we’ve seen just how easily our (mis)leaders can fool the masses with sophistry and empty rhetoric, but they’ve all been placed there to challenge us to wake up more quickly and fully, and reclaim our world.

Here’s my list of the top 40 pieces of fakery in our world today:

1. Fake News

Let’s begin with the MSM (Mainstream Media), better called the lamestream media, and their “news”, which is essentially corporate infotainment. The MSM waters down the news and makes it entertaining to further distract people from things of real significance. 

There is nothing balanced, impartial or fair about MSM news. In the US, Australia and many other Western nations, the news is dominated by a handful of for-profit corporations who are legally bound to provide a return on investment to their shareholders. 

This means running “news” pieces which either promote the agenda of the corporate owners (especially the military agenda) or censoring stories which would hurt political allies and advertisers (like Big Pharma, who is the biggest contributor of funds for advertising on MSM according to former US Senator Robert Kennedy Jr.).

Additionally, the news is literally fake – remember the CNN green screen stunt where they pretended they were being bombed in Saudi Arabia but were really in a studio? What about lying news anchos like Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly (Bill O’Leilly)?

Evidence that the Main Stream Media is fabricating news for propaganda reasons:

1. CNN caught producing fake news during the Gulf War;
2. CNN caught producing fake news during the Syrian conflict;
3. CNN caught producing fake news during Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon "Bombing";
4. Former CNN journalist: "CNN is paid by foreign and domestic government agencies for specific content";
5. FOX News - and all other news agencies - are 'corporate persons' and can LEGALLY LIE their viewers;
6. New York Times openly admits MSM stories are scripted by the White House;
7. MSM censored/ignored a shocking admission of highest level Turkish false flag against Syria, which would have triggered a war between the two nations;

2. Fake Journalism

Alongside fake news, of course, comes equally fake journalism. MSM journalists today are not the true investigative reporters of yore. There are exceptions such as journalists who used to work for the MSM Big 6 and are now working independently (either leaving of their own volition or having been fired) such as Ben Swann and Sharyl Attkisson

However, they are few and far between. Most journalists function as little more than parrots repeating the corporate party line, and are too scared to rock the boat for fear of losing their jobs. 

The White House strictly controls who has “access” to the President and other officials. In general, if you want more access, you have to toe the line and ask easy, softball questions that make politicians look good.

Additionally, the Government admitted it made video news releases or prepackaged news for the MSM, which then broadcast these releases as “news” without disclosing to its viewers that the pieces were premade by the Government!

3. Fake Entertainment

On the topic of media, let’s turn our attention to Hollywood and the entertainment industry. If you’re looking for fakery and superficiality, look no further, because Hollywood and certain parts of southern California are about as shallow as it gets. 

The dominating culture there dictates that it’s more important what you look like than who you are; more important who you hang out with (and are seen with) than what you know; and more important how big your Botox lips or silicone breasts are than how big your heart is; and more important what you own and what’s in your bank account than what gifts you’ve given to the world.

Hollywood’s film and music industries are imbued with Satanism. This is easily seen with its influence on heavy metal, rock, hip hop and these days even pop (take a look at the Illuminati symbology in the music and videos of Madonna or Katy Perry). 

Actresses such as Rosanne Barr and many other Hollywood insiders have exposed how mind control, prostitution (turning up-and-coming stars into prostitutes or forcing them to have sex to “make” it) and pedophilia are rife throughout Hollywood. 

Michael Jackson suffered from mind control and attempted to tell the world before he was killed. Many others such as Mariah Carey and Britney Spears show obvious signs of mind control.

Read more about the fake entertainment industry here:

4. Fake Corporate PR and Advertising

Another aspect of visual media (TV) that makes you sick are these generic “we care” fake feel-good commercials made by slick marketing departments of the corporatocracy, trying to get you to associate them with happiness, caring, giving, equality or any other value they choose from a list. They use marketing as a kind of weaponized psychology. 

Did you ever wonder why Big Pharma always shows beautiful models, happy retired people, bouncing dogs or smiling babies to peddle its poisonous, side-effect laden drugs? 

Corporations are soulless entities and legal persons – the epitome of fakery in many ways since they are fake persons with the rights of people and the responsibilities of none.

5. Fake Medicine

Big Pharma is the force behind Western Medicine, and Rockefeller is the force behind both of them. With its smorgasbord of synthetic drugs, vaccines, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, Western medicine or allopathy has earned the dubious honor of killing hundreds of thousands of people every year. 

2000 study by Dr. Barbara Starfield, MD, found that allopathy kills 225,000 per year in the US, while a 2003 study by Dr. Gary Null, MD and others, found that allopathy kills 783,000 per year in the US. Starfield concluded that Western Medicine in America causes:

– 12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgeries;

– 7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals;

– 20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals;

– 80,000 deaths from infections acquired in hospitals; and

– 106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines.

Null et al concluded that Western Medicine causes:

– 37,136 deaths from unnecessary procedures;

– 32,000 deaths related to surgery;

– 98,000 deaths from medical error;

– 115,000 deaths from bedsores;

– 88,000 deaths from infection;

– 108,800 deaths from malnutrition;

– 199,000 deaths related to outpatients; and

– 106,000 deaths from adverse drug reactions.

Now, with its antibiotic drugs becoming more useless in the face of rising super bugs, you have to really question whether an entire medical system that is based on masking symptoms, “managing” illness, and getting patients on a hamster wheel of pill after pill after pill, can really constitute true healing – or whether it’s just more fakery.

6. Fake Scientific Research

Aug 30, 2018 | Aug 30, 2018 | 💓 ~ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes ~ 💕 |

NI News | 30. Aug 2018 | ~ Nets' datterselskab politianmeldt for misbrug af position ~ | .. Konkurrencerådet mener, at Nets' datterselskab Teller i fire år misbrugte sin dominerende stilling .. | Blogger: [🤑Ligesom licens, er skattekroner noget, vi giver til hinanden. Nets er et statsdigitaliseret obligatorisk bureaukrati helvede🤑] ... (REBLOG 2017 - 2018: ) - Teller - Nets driver bl.a. Dankortet, NemID og e-Boks som alle danskere har interaktion med, hver eneste dag. Dankortet, er blevet til for alle skatteborgere, der har været med til at bygge op og støttet af staten som 'eneste' brugbare betalingssystem i Danmark. Hvordan? Det har været os alle pålagt, et politisk bestemt gode, eftersom der ikke var noget valg. Digitale tjenester er bestemt fra centraladministrationen. I årevis har Nets, KMD og TDC været under beskyld- ning for haltende service, høje priser og manglende konkurrence, der sikrer disse monopoler og milliarder i beskyttede reder. Nets er siden blevet privatiseret, kommet på børsen og ejes allerede af en kapitalfond. Nets har hentet store investeringer hjem fra Norge og Finland. Selvom store giganter som britiske storbank Barclays, Carnegie fortæller os, Nets' helt store indtægtskilde, har en svær fremtid, og flere investorer bakker ud, går det strygende for Nets. Absolut ingen, andet end de 70 ledende medarbejdere fra Nets og finansfolkene, som bliver forgyldt disse dage, kan forstå hvordan Nets, blev solgt til alt for høj præmie i børsnoteringen. Min egen vurdering er, værdiansættelsen var hemmeligholdt for, at advokater, kapitalfondene, finansfolk og ledende Nets folk kunne tjene max profit på den slags insiderhandel, som åbenbart er lovligt, via incitamentsprogramet! Ikke nok med, at Nets beskyldes for at holde på oplysninger før børsnoteringen, december 2016, slog de alle ud af finansmarkedet og indledte C20-tilværelse med en topplacering. Nu hvor Swipp lukkes og bliver en del af MobilePay, tager Nets kampen op og indfører Mobile Dankort (også kaldt 'Virtual Dankort' ) splintrende nyt system, som også lagre ens betalingsoplysninger på tværs af 25.000 nordiske netbutikker. Skidesmart.. Ifølge nye oplysninger som 24syv Morgen er kommet i besiddelse af, skal de 70 ledende medarbejdere dele mellem 1,2-2,6 milliarder kroner. Vi snakker om et 2-cifret millionbonus pr. medarbejder!! Topchefen Bo Nilsson fik en gevinst på cirka """700"""... Vi blev alle forarget over DONG's direktør, ledende medarbejdere og GoLDMaN SLaCKS, nu er toppen nået for grådighed og fordækt dagsorden. Husk lige på en ting, du og jeg har støttet med skattekroner, et tvangs-sponsoreret ægteskab med Nets og deres forretningsmodel, inden de blev privatiseret. Er det blot endnu et scam eller helt normal praksis i finansverden? ... NETS er en selvstændig virksomhed, men blev varetaget i Danmark af PBS A/S og været en stor del af centraladministrationens krav til digital tjenester for alle danskere... |

Af: /ritzau/

Betalingskortindløseren Teller, der nu er Nets, har misbrugt sin dominerende stilling i perioden fra 2012 til 2016.

Det har Konkurrencerådet afgjort.

Situationen er så alvorlig, at Konkurrencerådet har besluttet at melde sagen til Statsadvokaten for Særlig Økonomisk og International Kriminalitet med henblik på en strafferetlig forfølgelse.

Teller var i de pågældende år et datterselskab til Nets, men er siden blevet fusioneret ind i den børsnoterede selskab.

Ifølge Konkurrencerådet indeholdt datterselskabets kontrakter med nogle af de største kunder rabatter og kontraktvilkår, som havde en loyalitetsskabende effekt og kunne afskærme markedet for konkurrenter.

- Teller har givet betydelige rabatter til nogle af sine største kunder til gengæld for, at kunderne skulle benytte Teller til at dække hele eller en betydelig del af deres behov for at indløse internationale betalingskort.

Ascensionwithearth | Aug 30, 2018 | ~ Bombshell Intel Leaks From Anons - Pope Francis Arrest Warrant Issued, Elite Politicians and Hollywood Pedophiles Named, & Much More ~ |

August 29, 2018

Following Intel report provided by Daniel John Lee and his 'Deep Source Anon'

Open Interpol warrants for individuals found guilty of child trafficking, rape and murder.

Pope Francis Bergoglio, Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby were found guilty of rape, torture, murder and trafficking children. Five judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels determined that the crimes occurred as recently as this year, 2018. 48 eyewitness have come forward to testify before the ICLCJ court about the defendant’s activities as members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult. The Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult was said to do child sacrifices at Roman Catholic Cathedrals in Montreal, New York, Rome, Scotland, London, Carnarvon Castle in Wales, an undisclosed French Chateau in Holland and at a Canadian Catholic and Anglican Indian residential schools in Kamloops, British Columbia and Brantford, Ontario Canada. The Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult was believed to use privately owned forests groves in the United States, Canada, France and Holland for their “human hunting parties” for global elites including members of the European Royal Family. Teens were said to be obtained by the mafia and immigrants would be stripped naked, raped, hunted down then killed. (Usually beat to death or raped then eaten while still alive). The chief prosecutor said “The Catholic Church is the world’s largest corporation and appears to be in collusion with the mafia, governments, police and courts worldwide.

Before he was the pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio born in Argentina is implicated in the missing 30,000 children from the “dirty war” in Argentina. March 1976- December 1983.

I’m working on the rest I’m going to get some sleep then I’ll get back to it. The first part is from the Interpol warrant. I’m waiting for a friend to get me a pic of the actual warrant for you and that’s what I got so far.

Indictments issued:

Stephen Spielberg, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Robert De Niro, Jack Nicholson, Hue Hefner, Tom Hanks, Steph Colbert, Seth Green, Will Ferrel, Morgan Freeman, Jim Carey, Marylin Manson, Johnny Depp, Charlie Shean, Jimmy Kimmel. Stephen King, James Gunn, Dan Schneider, Barrack Obama, John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Kathy Griffin, Jay Z, Beyoncé Knowles, Cathy Griffin, Anthony Kieds, Oprah Winfrey, Ben Afflec, Steven Tyler, Madona, Prince, James Comey, Adam Schiff, Robert Muller, Katy Perry, Gwen Stefani, Brooke Shields, Ashton Kutcher, Lady Gaga, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Chealse Clinton, GHW Bush senior & Jr. Bernie Sanders, Marc Collins Rector, Leonardo DiCaprio, Paul Ryan, Antonoin Scalia, Jerry Brown

Email drops:

the CIA is the main reason this is happening, pope Francis is implicated and currently has an international warrant recognized by Russia and China and Interpol has been tasked with serving the warrant. I can get you the info on where they plan to serve him if you want. Date and location I’ll get it to you. Pope Francis had 3 13yo girls testify that he raped them during a Ninth Circle Satanic Ritual and that they personally witnessed him murder children in the Vatican itself. GHW Bush is one of the main people involved in this....

READ MORE: | Arkivskabet | Dagens | Ekstrabladet | 1. Marts 2018 - 30. Aug 2018 | ~ Medina i vild navneforandring: Så overraskende er hendes nye navn ~ | ~ Fucking nedtur: Medinas eventyr slut ~ | .. EB: Jyden falder 47 pladser på den britiske hitliste, hvor hun ellers har været flot placeret sommeren over .. | Blogger: Beklager, hvis nogen bliver stødt af det her 😇 ... (Satire - eller er det?) - Radio24syv, Den Korte Weekendavis og Kirsten-Birgit er tilbage. Og hvis man skal tro på hvad Seniorkorrespondenten fortæller os, så har Stjerneidolet, MEDINA, skiftet navn via CPR-registeret, for at SKJULE, at hun er taget for spiritus eller Narkokørsel, så pressen ikke får nys om det. Altså, så hendes navn ikke figurere over danske retskredse og deres retsprotokoller (satire? eller har KBSKH ret?). Lidt ligesom Søren Pape Poulsens kæreste der blev taget for spritkørsel med tårnhøj promille eller Venstre-profilen Jakob Engel-Schmidt, som blev knaldet for Narko i blodet ... PS: Nedenstående billeder, er hentet fra en af nyhedsbrevne via det nystartet parti, JFK21 - JordenFrihedKundskab (Copyright © *2017* *madspalsvig*, All rights reserved) ... Hvis du stadigvæk tror, at det blot er Disney Studios og alle deres partnere, den amerikanske Hollywood film, musik og underholdningsindustrien, som er en del af CIA finansieret Luciferiske/Sataniske -/Pædofilske agenda, så se blot her hvor mange af dine danske musikidoler, artister, komikere, tv- og radioværter som bejler eller hylder den industri de tilhører (velvidende eller ej) via ' telltale signs' som er direkte illuminati signaler. Jeg er ked af at ødelægge nogens naive forestillinger, jeg har studeret dette fænomen i snart ti år. 'The Roc Sign' (Pyramiden) er den mest kendte, lige efter kommer EL DIABLO ("Den Hornede Gud" - check billeder fra Medina til Simon Jul), TRIPLE 6 (666 tallet med nullet over øjet) til HIDDEN EYE (det altseende øje - Fx 'The Lord of the Ring'). Mange danske artister er også begyndt at bruge det dæmoniske MOCKING TONGUE (Har faktisk mange betydninger fra flabethed, afsky, legesyge, flirt eller direkte seksuel provokation). Miley Cyrus har gjort det i årevis, men også Albert Einstein.. For at forblive i underholdningsindustrien er alle (ALLE) underlagt en vis dagsorden, ellers bliver man smidt ud og kan ikke tjene penge. Sådan er det bare. Du skal ikke tage ord for givet, undersøg selv sagen... |


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