Oct 16, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 (Love-Tsunami Solar Flash Event) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [☀️THE EVENT | December 2020 ~ LL♒] ... Combine what Lorie Ladd is saying with Cobra, Elizabeth April, Blossom Goodchild, Saint Germain, Messages from Matthew, Kryon's message and many, many others.. Including SoTW and my 'Best Self', Higher Self, Atma, the inseparable ray of the Universe and one self, passing informations down through The Silver Cord to my physical body... SoTW's own HS, have already given me notice about the month of December, every human will experience 4-5 times higher intensified increase Cosmic Energy Burst or Wave-X Frequency Shift (call it what you want)... ❤️Very exciting times ahead, can't wait to share it all with you all!!!... |
💌🔛😡 ~ (Love vs Hate) The Final Battle Between Good and Evil (Medium) ~ | Blogger: Michael Perlin is the Filmmaker of the documentary, “3 Magic Words”, and author of “Fantastic Adventures in Metaphysics, his life long passion has been to find new and creative ways to merge art and enlightenment... |
The Spark that Went Out
I grew up in the ’70s. I remember so much about that time and how my camp counselors tried so hard to hold on to what little remained of the magic that defined the ’60s. Peace and love became the theme of that generation and they started a worldwide cultural revolution. There was a rise and spread of student movements across many parts of the industrialized world. There was a growing number of young people protesting racial injustice, war, and police brutality, notably on the left. It was the first time in history when we saw the public at large experimenting in alternative ways to achieve higher consciousness. The influence of eastern mysticism and shamanism started to bleed through into American culture. There was a massive wave of peace activists, environmentalists, and free thinkers. It was a time when Americans believed in free love, world peace, and spiritual wisdom. Their spark had all the momentum. The energy of a whole generation was winning over the forces of evil. It grew so bright; it almost engulfed the entire world. But sadly, some unknown force took away all of its oxygen and slowed its momentum, until all that was left was a dim shimmering light that faded in the wind and then finally went out.
Now, 60 years later, a whole new wave of young activists has emerged. People all over the world are starting to develop a genuine concern for the planet, its ecosystem, and its people. A conscious revolution is re-emerging once again. It is a new spark of consciousness where people are feeling their oneness and are opening their eyes to a more universal spirituality.
Now, 60 years later, a whole new wave of young activists has emerged. People all over the world are starting to develop a genuine concern for the planet, its ecosystem, and its people. A conscious revolution is re-emerging once again. It is a new spark of consciousness where people are feeling their oneness and are opening their eyes to a more universal spirituality.
From Freedom to Fascism
👼 ~ 💗 (The EVENT! Believing Is Seeing!) Saint Germain: The Beginning of the Next Phase (GAOG + EOL - Channel: James McConnell) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Steve from GAOA: Beautifully put counsel on our role in these times. Combine with Blossom Goodchild’s recent postings👈] ... Excertps: "This is what you came here to do. And you are right now at the cusp of that, right now where you are approaching. We cannot say The Event just yet, but it is approaching. We cannot give you a date. We cannot give you a time frame. But we can say that everything is leading up to that now, even the announcement that you just had of the President. Even that is part of all of this."(..) ~ I am Saint Germain, and I release this channel now to your One Who Serves... |
St. Germain - Human Evolution |
Saint Germain has been the manufacturer of our entire generation of upcoming charity packages, RV, GCR, PPP and more. If you pursue the messages of our ascended masters who are currently spreading, you can summarize true accounts and the fundamental understanding of our race. I can of course just talk about my own experience and level of consciousness.
If you want to immerse yourself in St.Germain's story, how the money from the World Trust will be distributed - read here. (SoTW)
Saint Germain: The Beginning of the Next Phase
I am Saint Germain. As always, it is a pleasure to be with you. To be able to share. To be able to open up new vistas, new understandings for you to come to. For as you are contemplating much that is happening now across your planet, as you are looking at the scene in front of you and wondering, your third dimensional consciousness is wondering what is happening?
Why is this happening? Why can’t we just get on with it? Many of you ask that question—why can it not just be over? Why can we not end this game now?
I am Saint Germain. As always, it is a pleasure to be with you. To be able to share. To be able to open up new vistas, new understandings for you to come to. For as you are contemplating much that is happening now across your planet, as you are looking at the scene in front of you and wondering, your third dimensional consciousness is wondering what is happening?
Why is this happening? Why can’t we just get on with it? Many of you ask that question—why can it not just be over? Why can we not end this game now?
🤪🤙🏻🍒 ~ (Fra A til B til Å) Er de Radikale FÆRDIGE? Var Alternativets sexchikane, festkultur, pyntet CV'er, rygter og løgne bedre? Hvorfor snakker man ikke længere om "Kneppe-Kofod" eller Alternativet? Tid til Partiet Klaus Riskær Pedersen, JFK21, De Mentale Krigere, De Progressive og Planetpartiet? (SoTW Marts 2020 Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: [🐰Mit lille Påskeeventyr; Meet the Fockers Grinch, som stjal det sidste påskehumor hos redebyggerne (aka jubeloptimisterne) i Alternativet - var det hele fup og svindel?🐤] ... Måske - et rigtigt spirituelt paradigmeskifte i dansk politik ville være på sin plads - en alliance mellem V og S, Blå og Røde lister? Eller er det også bare at blande skidt og kanel, lort og lagkageblande? (undskyld mit franske)... "Hug en hæl og klip en tå" - Brødrene Grimms eventyr om Aske&Pot (Pest eller Kolera), hvor stedmoderen, den almægtige Social-demigod (Mette Frederiksen) får de to onde uværdige stedsøstre (Gay Uffe & Captain-Focker) til at gå til det yderste i forsøget på at få deres store fødder presset ned i Aske&Pot's (seks kerneværdier: mod, generøsitet, gennemsigtighed, ydmyghed, humor og empati) alt for lille balsko... Prisen er stor for at vinde et ubestridt autokrati (kongedømmet), og den ene søster klipper en tå af, mens den anden hugger en del af hælen. Desværre for søstrene var den blodige indsats spildt, og med os tager vi ikke blot moralen om, at man ikke kan lyve sig til at få ægte kærlighed hos vælgerne, men også at det ikke kan anbefales at forkrøble sine fødder, så de passer til det begærede fodtøj inde i det Grønne monster, Alternativet, som faktisk, både er GRØNT, RØDT, BLÅT og SORT (af humor)... For hvem vinder til sidst - det gør Socialakrobaterne og de 80% procent af befolkningen som vitterlig tror, at hele Rød blok, kan, gøre en forskel!... Det er blevet en bunden opgave for de bolsjevik oppositionelle leninisterne, dvs. de kinesiske kommunister og Kinaformanden, Skrigeskinen, nu hvor Thulesen Dahl-rapperen og Den Sorte Greve Jakob Ælle bælle mig fortælle, har givet op... For, er der noget som Gay Uffe og Meet the Fockers Grinch ikke kan tåle, så er det, at tabe (vi så det også hos Luksus-Lars fra V - samme mentalitet)... Nu må vi jo se om Alternativet og dens dysfunktionel familie, kan rejse sig fra asken over i ilden, og den fromme Moder, Mette, forbarmer sig, for at redde den Grønne / Røde liste, ellers vil den upopulære Josephine Focker, skråle i Mette-demigod's »store patter« (ja ja beklager - reference til fodboldens 'store patter'-debatten)... |
Kilde (politiken.dk)
Uffe Elbæk og tre andre folketingsmedlemmer melder sig ud af Alternativet
Rygter og løgne har vundet over fakta og menneskelig ordentlighed, skriver Elbæk i farvel-brev til Alternativets medlemmer. Han bliver nu løsgænger og får følgeskab af Rasmus Nordqvist, Susanne Zimmer og Sikandar Siddique.
🥰🍒🤑 ~ (Commie, Skrigeskinken og Landsmoder Mette-mus) Det bliver i Sosse-familien plus millionløninger: 'Lobby-Larsen' 382K. 'Trotskij' 479K. 'Mögungen' 479K. Den tidl. 'Afrikas dronning' Rossen 1,2K. 'Grinebidder og SexSurrogat' Helle 4M. Samlet (S) Spindoktorer 18M (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Tid til vågne op: Staten får sine 'tusinde milliarder' via 4 metoder: Direkte Skatter -- Formue og Ejendomsskatter -- Moms -- Afgifter... Og en femte: politiske pengedonationer fra Magteliten, Guld1000 virksomheder og lobby-organisationer👈] ... Var sammen med et vennepar i går, som har en enorm insider viden omkring det offentlige system og de kunne berette, at man regner med, at Staten får omkring 1,800 milliarder kroner på årlige "indtægter", som skal fordeles på (næsten) 1 million statsansatte, herunder 200,000 stillinger i Statens Administration, 1 mio. danskere på offentlig forsørgelse og resten af "udgifterne". Dem som betaler hele lortet, er 2,28 millioner fuldtidsansatte danskere, ud af 7 millioner borgere... Der findes ikke noget land i verden, som overgår Danmark i antal personer som arbejder for Staten, andet end Cuba... Afligevel, når alt er trukket fra, så er der RIIIIIIIGTIGT mange milliarder tilbage, på plussiden, som Staten, ikke kommunerne, kan spendere på tant og fjas. Ego, den såkaldte "korruption" vi ser... |
👊💥💣~ (BREAKING KABOOM!) Every Asset Deployed: x-STC x-PM Helle Thorning, 19 other influential figures and her friends at Tech giants, like FB, Twitter & Google, has declared WAR on US, EU and DK controlled Mainstream & Alternative Press, now Blacklisting all SOURCES exposing Bombshell evidence on #CriminalBIDENFamily (#CrookedHillary & #Obamagate) (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉INFORMATION WARFARE: X22 Report Was Suspended From YouTube also the German Qlobal-Change Youtube Channel and the purge is still ongoing ~ SoTW👈] ... {and TOTAL SILENCE from 1.600 journalists at Danish Newspapers, & News Media} ... It's UNIMAGINABLE.... The Facebook and Twitter giants are now colluding to block and silence the NY Post and all (other) SOURCES covering the BREAKING KABOOM BOOMSHELL NEWS of Joe Biden's international crime cartel, with "SMOKING GUN" email evidence. Several U.S. Senators are outraged and calling for investigations and small bunch of U.S. journalists are decrying the attack on the freedom of the press...ENOUGH ALREADY... 🐉PS: Check out 1 hour Tucker Carlson latest streamed webcast 6 hours ago and BlazeTV's (Full Documentary) "RIDING THE DRAGON"... |
BREAKING: From me and @oneunderscore__
— Brandy Zadrozny (@BrandyZadrozny) October 15, 2020
YouTube bans QAnon, Pizzagate, and other conspiracy content that targets individuals.https://t.co/kq8h3SIyg3
TWITTER is against us.
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) October 15, 2020
THE MEDIA is against us.
BIG TECH is against us.
THE SWAMP is against us.
THE DEEP STATE is against us.
THE HOLLYWOOD ELITE is against us.
CHINA is against us.
But President Trump has the WORKING MAN AND WOMAN and NOTHING can beat that‼️
Just saw for myself a behind the scenes look at the #HunterBiden hard drive:
— Chanel Rion OAN (@ChanelRion) October 15, 2020
Drugs, underage obsessions, power deals...
Druggie Hunter makes Anthony Weiner's down under selfie addiction look normal.#BidenCrimeFamily has a lot of apologizing to do.
So does Big Tech. @OANN
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows...
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad...
- Facebook 'Supreme Court' to begin work before US Presidential vote -- The timing means that some rulings could relate to the US Presidential election, which is on 3 November.
- YouTube bans QAnon, other conspiracy content that targets individuals -- YouTube said it would be enforcing the updated policy immediately and plans to “ramp up in the weeks to come.”
- GOP report claims Hunter Biden paid women linked to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring’
- ABC ignores elephant in the room, asks Biden ZERO QUESTIONS about censored NY Post scoops on his son's overseas business dealings
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