Published on Jan 10, 2017
What Will Happen During The Shift?
January 10, 2017
by Drunvalo Melchizedek
This Article:
January 10, 2017
by Drunvalo Melchizedek
This Article:
What’s Going to Happen in the Near Future
What usually happens is that when we approach this point in the precession where this change takes place, everything begins to break down – all the social structures,etc begin to dissolve and break down. The key that does it is the magnetic field of the Earth. Which as present-day science realizes may also be the key that enables the axis to shift in the first place through magneto- hydrodynamics, where the magnetic field supports a connection where liquid aspects of the earth’s composition become solid. When the field collapses, some solids become liquid and become slippery. They have demonstrated this in laboratories. The magnetic field and the electromagnetic field are the key. The magnetic field is what we use to interpret who and what we think we are, and also to store our memory with. We need an exterior magnetic field to retain memory. We cannot live without some form of magnetic field. If you look at major cities all over the world, you will notice that the day before, after and during the full moon there is more rape and murder going on. The reason is that the full moon tends to cause a ripple in the magnetic field of the earth, and this change is enough to take people that are emotionally near the edge over the edge. The magnetic field affects the emotional body.
The Collapse of the Magnetic Field
Imagine a planet where you are at a point on the precession where things are starting to get out of balance. Suddenly the magnetic field of the Earth, over a very short period of time (usually three to six months) starts fluctuating a lot and undulating. What happens is that people start losing it. They go crazy. That is what breaks down all the structures of the planet. Without their balance, everything falls apart. The magnetic field will go away entirely for at least three and one half days. Usually you will see a buildup of chaos.
IN5D TRIVIA: 4,000 of the Earth’s major sacred sites are located at node points of the Earth’s planetary grid including: The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt, Machu Picchu in Peru, Stonehenge in UK, Pyramids at Teotihuacan in Mexico, Lake Titicaca, South America, Mt. Shasta, California, Sedona, Arizona, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Tikal in Guatemala, Avebury in UK, Shaanxi Pyramids in China, Ruins of Great Zimbabwe, Kunoonda stone circles in Australia, Haleakala Crater, Hawaii, Mt. Kailas, Tibet and Haleakala, Hawaii
Morphological Grid Interactions
Every time one person plugs into the consciousness grid, they increase the signal from the grid. There will come a point where people will just start remembering and start breathing this way. Children will have the least problem. The older you are the harder it is.