Mar 11, 2019
Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | ~ Nu, hvor vi snakker Influenza, placeboeffekt eller livsstilssygdomme - det er næsten som at tage hverdags makeup på og af igen - måske finder du opskriften på hvordan du helbreder dig selv - udenom Sundheds- styrelsens propaganda ~ | Blogger: [💲💲💲 Jeg kunne tjene millioner af kroner, men på min blog, er de dyre råd - helt gratis!!!.💖 ] ... ⇛ Postevand ⇛ NATRON (Bikarb- onat) ⇛ Naturlige svovlkilde (MSM) ⇛ Kolloid Sølv ("sølvvand") ⇛ Øko ingefær og citron ⇛ Uraffineret koldpresset økologisk jomfru kokosolie ⇛ den 'korrekte' Vitaminpille med bl.a. antioxidanter (Omnimin Pure) ⇛ Boron/Borax (kemisk formel 'mest kendt som' - Na2B4O7 · 10H2O) og jeg kunne blive ved og ved .. og du skal ALDRIG indtage konventionel medicin igen. 💞 Efter laaaang sej argumen- tation og overbevisning tog min egen far endelig ansvar og handling, droppede det fup-kolesterolsænkende medicin, hjertepiller og alt andet crap han indtog💞. Da jeg sagde til ham, med min holistiske tilgang og naturlæges indflydelse, at han lugtede meget slemt ud af munden fra metallisk gasart (lugt af rådne æg). Vi vidste, at det var binyrertræhed-svækkede binyrer og svækkelse af meridianbanerne og det var meget slemt. Sagde til min gamle far, enten dør du før tid, ellers gør du noget ved sagen. Han har det perfekt den dag i dag, uden konventionel medicin (bortset fra lidt traumatiske ting fra barndommen, som han stadig nægter at gøre noget ved)... LÆS VIDERE ... |
Gratis Detox-kur - Copyright Verdensalt by tim on Scribd
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Udgivet, første gang, den 20. December 2018 af
🌈 Mange danskere indtager æteriske olier samt homøopatiske medikamenter, hvorfor ikke gør det endnu mere simpelt.
☝️ Mange kender ikke til hvilken æteriske olier som er højfrekvente eller hvad PPM står for, eller toksikologiske grundprincipper og begreber!..
👉 Start med at benytte dig af (nogle) disse prisbillige, tilgængelige, simple husmandsråd og jeg garantere dig, en 90 % aflivning af uønskede parasitter, bakterier, vira og svamp (fra candidasvampen til kræft) i din krop.
💲💲💲 Jeg kunne tjene millioner af kroner, men på min blog, er de dyre råd - helt gratis!!!.💖
(PS: har masser af uddybende artikler om MSM, Boron, Kolloid Sølv osv. check søgemaskinen) ...
Du behøver ikke en Hotline, detaljeret forklaringer findes på min blog (vedlægger søgning) ... Som jeg altid plejer at sige; Detox dit hjerte .. Detox din hjerne .. Detox din krop .. Detox er ikke kun til udrensning - det er meget vigtigt her!! Det kan betragtes som en spirituel terapi-form - en daglig aflivning af parasitter, vira og svamp og et totalt stop for kræftens udbredelse...
[👨🔬Nikola Tesla — 'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.'👨🔬]..
Disse nævnte produkter holder dig ikke kun i live, men stabilisere / regenerere dine indre organer, opretholder strukturen i kroppens proteiner og dræber uønskede vira og bakterier. Første RÅD som også er det vigtigste - Drik rigelige mængder af vand, men KUN postevand fra din egen vandhane (rens evt. vandet med dine positive tanker - affirmations og bekræftelser der virker) .. Drop alt flaskevand, sodavand eller andet med brus (din lever kan kun flushe og rense med rent postevand), evt. supplere med vandfilter, ioniseringsapparater for slippe for forurenet fluorstoffer og mikroplastik, dog skal Kolloid Sølv nok klare skærene uden vandfilter.
Der er KUN en ting som kan holde dig tilbage, din 😱 FRYGT! 😱
Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | - Energi For Sjælen | ~ HEAVEN ~ | Blogger: [😇Kan varmt anbefales💜] ... 🤜 Stig Boye Petersen, sjæl og motivation mediator, kan man vel kalde ham - der er mere mellem himmel og jord (RIP 2004). Dansk blog handler om en form for sandhed om Kærlighed, Jesus, WingMakers, Nibiru, Rumfolk, Esoterisk Filosofi og så mange andre vigtige emner. Han havde oversat en del ting til dansk, hentede inspiration og var klarsynet på en letforstå- elig og spiseligt måde (også til børn og behagelig musik) ... PS: Det er en skam, at han er borte, mener, han var lige så vigtig og en moderne udgave af mejeristen, Martinus Thomsen. Verdensalt, holder ham i live 🤛... |
Say, what does this word mean? Is it a place in the blue nowhere, containing only angels flapping their wings, and praising the Lord? Is it a state of mind, a spiritual level or just nonsense?
As we sometimes may experience a state of sheer luck this might strengthen our beliefs in the second eventuality. Of course, modern man doesn’t find such a place very likely apart from the fact that we leave our bodies on this Earth. Which leave us completely without means to hear, talk or sense anything?
The same must apply to the so-called “hell”. How on earth can you feel a punishment if you are without a body? You will probably be able to neither feel and physical pain cannot wail or express your feelings.
And yet you might be able to think or have an inner feeling of what (the hell) is going on. So heaven could very well be a spiritual level.
Should this be the case you still miss someone or something to pronounce a sentence, if you are to experience the uttermost bliss, or the contrary. Could this somebody or someone be an entity called God? Or is nobody else present except you? This last assumption demands a little speculation whether anybody else than you exist, or are you just dreaming that you are in existence? Maybe you are just a figment of the mind. Whose mind? Your own? Gods mind? This assumption presupposes that an almighty God or Creator really exists.
If we are to believe the Bible, we are told that God loves his whole creation and that He does not pass judgement or condemn. But as we are narrow minded we tend to impose our assumptions on Him, and that may be the reason why the Church has taken on the very human point of view, that God is an old man with a white beard, and equipped with human qualities, even if He is above all.
The next possibility is the spiritual level. Does such a level really exist? This cannot be proven scientifically. Well, what about electricity? You can only prove that this invisible cause exists by way of its effects. Likewise you cannot prove the existence of thoughts directly, or can you?
Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | ~ Khazarian mafia play Trump black- mail card in final bid to avoid extermination ~ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: Oh Wauv... YouTube has removed or censored the channel 'Secret wars' or something else happened... All my videos on my blog has been faded out... Secret Wars did cover the full report on BF... hmm.. |
Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.
Pope Francis fired as 13 bloodlines, Gnostic Illuminati negotiate end of Western civil war
Published by Benjamin on March 11, 2019
The Gnostic Illuminati, strongest in the military-industrial complex, and the bloodlines, who control finance and the media, agreed to compromise because they have to present a united Western front in order to make a deal with a resurgent Asia, they said.
Francis, who may stay on as a figurehead, was relieved of power because of the fiasco over convicted pedophile Cardinal Pell who ran the Vatican Bank, the sources say. The Vatican and the Vatican Bank with its 6,000 bribery accounts of so-called “world leaders” are now run by “a troika of cardinals,” the Pentagon source says.
In public, this fundamental change can be seen in the fact that ten cardinals have been defrocked recently. The most recent was French Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, who was convicted last week of covering up pedophilia.
Here is what the representative of the 13 bloodlines had to say about the situation: “Cardinal Pell was an admission and acceptance of the Satanic Practices at our orders.” He added that the other cardinals were removed as part of a process of “weaning them off” of Satanic practices. “Pope Francis was fired because …
(Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)
⚠️ PFC | ~ 5G Was created in Israel and is Part of Sterilizing the Goyim (non-Jew) — Not Allowed in Israel ~ | ~ JFK21 - JordenFrihedKundskab: NB vigtig info re. 5G auktion Tirsdag morgen og Gul Vest Fredag morgen uddeling af flyers ~ | Blogger: Here are links to many of those 20,000 or so studies... PS: PFC and newsletters from JFK21 has nothing to do with eachother... |
By David Robert Steele,
Alert Reader writes in:
Smart meters and mandatory vaccinations/pesticides are the “Final Solution” to the cattle goyim…especially the white anglo saxon protestants! 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G use between 1 to 5 gigahertz frequency. 5G uses between 24 to 90 gigahertz frequency. Within the RF Radiation portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher the frequency the more dangerous it is to living organisms. 5G, developed in Israel, is exported — it is FORBIDDEN in Israel.
5G Technology Being Born In Israel
5G Danger Israel NOT using 5G
The safety of 5G technology is finally being brought into serious question
Genetic sequencing science breakthrough just proved that measles “outbreaks” are caused by the measles vaccine
RELATED (Long Input from Alert Reader):
På talrige opfordringer specielt fra personer i bevægelserne, som ikke er medlemmer i JFK, er jeg blevet gjort opmærksom på, at der er en auktion i Energistyrelsen ved Dybbelsbro i morgen tirsdag den 12/3, hvor tilladelserne til at forgifte folkesundheden er til salgs for højest bydende eller måske som i DONG/Ørsted sagen og Statens Seruminstitut for lavestbydende. Jeg ville ellers have troet at arrangere en demonstration der, lige var en opgave for bevægelserne. Nuvel, idet vi ønsker at samarbejde med bevægelserne i Danmark, deler vi naturligvis OGSÅ flyers ud om morgenen ved Dybbelsbro, hvis nogen skulle have lyst at gøre det foran selve styrelsen, kan det også lade sig gøre. Håber rigtig mange vil stå tidligt op i morgen. JFK giver ikke kaffe, medbring gerne selv, men flyers, kampråb og godt humør kan vi sagtens klare, selv i en så alvorlig situation vi står i overfor denne...
Mandag 11/3 kl 15:00 Rødovre Station
Tirsdag 12/3 kl 08:00 Dybbelbro St NB for de morgenfriske!!!
Tirsdag 12/3 kl 15:00 Ballerup Station
Onsdag 13/3 kl 15:00 Lyngby Station
Torsdag 14/3 kl 14:30 Nørreport Station NB 14:30
Fredag 15/3 er international Gul Vest dag og den støtter vi op med, ved at mødes ved Nørreport kl 10:00
Fredag 15. marts kl 16:45 Friheden Idrætscenter Hvidovre, paneldebat med Gemma O'Doherty, Alexandra Heydebree, Rikke Louise Andersen, Fritjof Persson, Henrik Eiriksson, vært og conferencier Mads Palsvig.
Husk at købe billet:
Lørdag 16. marts Kl 13:30 ved Christiansborg 5G stråling - nej tak!
Søndag 17 marts Gul Vest demonstration i Malmø
Venlig hilsen
Kryon of magnetic service | ~ Kryon Helps You Translate Intuitive Messages From Your Higher Self and Spirit Guides ~ | .. Kryon in Syracuse NY 2012 .. | Blogger: [😲 Synchronicity; wow - something i was thinking about this morning, essence of interbeing & how many of my multiple 'me' are 'party' here on Earth and partly' reflected or splitted into another dimensional planes. When i leave my corporally 'me', reentering the "nirvana" or "heaven"outside the Veil, how many of my doubles are still left in other planes 😇] ... AMAZING 30 minutes worth spending on... At the 16.50 minute maker Kryon (Lee Carroll) discuss something important and gets very emotional.. About our multidimensional staying above the Veil (Matrix) and below the Veil, and the engine of synchronicity, about our Guides and Angels, using 3D logic, trying to explain something, that is unexplainable... Actually Kryon is telling us why we love our angels or guides, it's because we actually have split souls of 'you' flooding around, elsewhere, vibration on a higher level... Refreshing process - booting our computer... Part of 'you' is what you see in the mirror, part of 'you' is on the other side of the Veil, 'higher self', which is the multidimensional soul part, and then you have the 'guides', which is the other part of 'you' when you came... |
In this channeling, Kryon explains how your ability communicate with your true self will begin to increase as the shift moves forward. Your intuition will sharpen and synchronicity will make sure you are always where you should be.
Secureteam10 | ~ You Won't Believe When You Hear It... ~ | Blogger: [🛸UFO Theater - The Age of Innocence: A rise of the social engineered nano-influencer, pieced together from montage of images and video sent in by his unsuspecting fans, buying up a huge 'arsenal' of stickers and t-shirts and what have you!?👽]... Arsenio Hall: These are things that make you say "hmmm"...(Tyler: Tell me what you think...) ... Why does Secureteam have 2M subscribers and hundreds of thousands of views, each time and NEVER been blacklisted by GoogleGG and YouTube police!? YouTube’s new monetization policies will make you rethink your brand and income, but Tyler, must make a fortune, alone, on other people's material, other than Cabal, is leaving him lone, at his YouTube channel... Don't get me wrong - good channel, but Tyler Glockner, NEVER EVER, has given us his own opinion, named names, pointed fingers or contacted the 'real' UFO communities for confir- mations, like Edge Of Wonder does, and seems to base his clues on a wasteland of nothingness... Perhaps that's why, they leave him alone?... Verdensalt is not trying to be condensating and will not compare Tyler to the scam artist, Jerzy Babkowski (AKA ZAP), or scamtastic scammers like Dinar Chronicles blogs, TNT Tony, Landa China Global, KP, Karen Hudes, Dave Schmidt, etc... But ALL of these characters, makes a tons of money, out of thin air... It's just an opinion - Don't shoot the messenger... Verdensalt makes no money at all on this blog - nothing. Not even google adsense og anything. I don't have an income and i don't take money from the State in my country.. Maybe i should, but that's NOT why i'm here... PS: Do you wanna know the secret to where the action is?... Attend UFO conferences, sessions or just talk to Dr. Greer, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Emery Smith, T. L. Keller, David Adair, Dr. Michael Salla,Tolec, Alex Collier, James Gilliland, Cobra, OMNEC ONEC, Rob Potter, R. Scott Lemriel etc. etc. I did.. They are the REAL truth-explorer of our universe... Listen to then, and you will find out, that nothing is what it seems... We're all desperately seeking the truth... We're so tired of NASA lies and want to get real confirmations of either 'unexplained aerial phenomenon' or 'Alien reproduction vehicles' has accessed our skies, below the Veil of the Matrix and why MIC-SSP with other factions, has the most super advanced Star Trek empire, in the LIMITED SPACE, where normal people like, Rocket-Madsen or "Mad" Mike Hughes, has no access too. Just think about, if you're been watching Star Trek Discovery series - we (Dark Alliance) has been traded with other civilizations on Earth and their Nazi allies, for decades with a highly advanced space community, that will make you head spin... This is where the fight should be, for FULL DISCLOSURE. Not bits and pieces, not partly - but FULL disclosure... Nothing else, matters.. |
Verdensalt | ~ 🤥 Valgkampsfusk: Kristian Jensen, Inger Støjberg og Claus Hjort Frederiksen, er blandt de V-profiler, der har modtaget penge fra hemmelige penge- klubber i det skjulte. Et lille plaster på ståret er, at Politiet har takseret forseelsen til 10.000 kroner 🤣 ~ | Blogger: [🤷Hallelujah!!! ⇨ How hidden 'private' donated money corrupts Danish politics. Triggers a fine for the FIRST time in Denmark's history, but who cares, really? Does it make any difference - NO!😔] ...{👯Pee-yew! Get out of here! Shoo Shoo!! ⇨ Digital predators, teen victims: 148 young- sters are now facing criminal charges (leaving a mark in their blue book, for life) for distribute 'child pornography or sharing offensive and intimate video' of a more or less innocent 15-year old couple having sex, in the Umbrella case. 1000 teenagers still waiting to be trialed in court. In the meanwhile, all of the Youth wings of political parties in Denmark, (ALL) has now been confronted by female members who have accused chairmans and other VIP party members, of (sexual) or cross-border behaviors, all the way down to a 14-year old party member, but no reply from leaders of ANY mother parties, no police charges or indictments of any kind. FAIR!?🤹} ... READ MORE.. |
Usædvanlig sag, der aldrig er set tidligere: Venstre får straf for skjulte pengedonationer
Some of them: (but that's ONLY, tip of the iceberg)
- Saxo Bank
- The King of Asphalt and his Money Bin - Kristian Pihl Lorentzen
- The business club in Kolding (who invited Obama)
- Kopenhagen Fur
- The Red Aalborg Business Club
- Liberal Business Forum
- Gilleleje Golf Club Jens Balling
- Liberal Erhvervsklub Nordvestjylland
- Viborg Liberale Erhvervslaug
- Businessman Lars Seier Christensen
- former spin doctor and public affairs director Carsten Mai.
- other secret clubs
Other links:
13 billionaires provide financial support to government parties with 49 million DKK. A review of the party accounts shows that among the generous donors to the three government parties, at least 13 of Denmark's 100 richest families are.
- Denmark's sovereign richest man, Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen
- The Liberal Alliance
- Conservative People's Party
- Denmark's Liberal Party Venstre
- Danish Social Liberal Party
- Danish People's Party
Blogger: ... As a 'red' thread in the 'blue' left-wing governments, since 1870, the superior attitude of the Denmark's Liberal Party Venstre, without direct democracy and the patriarchy has overthrown and helped to create a 'unwavering commitment' & 'unity' in the Left-wing groups in the Parliament (Folketing).
A corrupted power / fame structure, if the top management, has based their beliefs on cheats and lies, and if they're not kissing babies, or stealing their lollipops, how do you think, their subjects or lower employees in the political hierarchy acts, and are molded of... SHOULD WE BE NAIVE !?...
... (...).. "The devastation of the scandals in SKAT can become a bomb under the Venstre. On the paper anyway. The hunt for the lost treasure potentially contains all conceivable dramatic explosive force with global criminal gangs, corrupt office clerks and ideological hotspots in the ministerial offices. A whirlwind of incompetence, dragonfly and naivety has cost the taxpayers expensive over the years, and the frustrations are so deep that they could decide parliamentary elections (information) "...
... (...)... "This Danish political fairytale was tarnished by the book Skjulte Penge, or Hidden Money, which revealed how business clubs have for years fundraised for parties across Denmark’s political landscape, abusing loopholes in Denmark’s political finance laws. It is high time to wake up to the reality that Denmark is the only remaining country in the Nordics, and virtually all of Europe, with hardly any laws to ban the crippling influence of money on politics.
In Skjulte Penge, journalists Carl Emil Arnfred and Chris Kjær Jessen describe how fundraising clubs have supposedly bought influence in politics by funneling business money into politics. The resemblance to the so-called Super PACs, the American fundraising machines that pump billions of dollars in American election campaigns, is striking.
But Denmark goes much further: where Super PACs were invented to circumvent stringent American laws, Denmark lacks almost any law to curb the use of money in politics. In short, Denmark’s broken political finance legislation is the real problem that has made business clubs possible.
When it comes to the role of money in politics, Denmark is by far the most unregulated country in Europe. It lacks what is often considered the most basic rule, a ban on anonymous donations. In this, it is only joined by some tax havens such as Liechtenstein, Monaco and Switzerland. Swedish parties may accept anonymous donations but are then automatically banned from receiving state funding.
Similarly, as in only one in five countries in Europe, Denmark does not ban donations coming from corporations with government contracts. There is very little to prevent the entanglement between those companies that receive big government contracts and the business club donations that Skjulte Penge describes.
Nor is there a ceiling to the size of donations. Although a 20 000 kronor ceiling exists above which parties have to report the donation, since those donations can be anonymous, such reports often reveal very little about the interests behind the money..." (opendemocracy)
But Denmark goes much further: where Super PACs were invented to circumvent stringent American laws, Denmark lacks almost any law to curb the use of money in politics. In short, Denmark’s broken political finance legislation is the real problem that has made business clubs possible.
When it comes to the role of money in politics, Denmark is by far the most unregulated country in Europe. It lacks what is often considered the most basic rule, a ban on anonymous donations. In this, it is only joined by some tax havens such as Liechtenstein, Monaco and Switzerland. Swedish parties may accept anonymous donations but are then automatically banned from receiving state funding.
Similarly, as in only one in five countries in Europe, Denmark does not ban donations coming from corporations with government contracts. There is very little to prevent the entanglement between those companies that receive big government contracts and the business club donations that Skjulte Penge describes.
Nor is there a ceiling to the size of donations. Although a 20 000 kronor ceiling exists above which parties have to report the donation, since those donations can be anonymous, such reports often reveal very little about the interests behind the money..." (opendemocracy)
Esoterically, the Ankh Cross shows that mankind and all wildlife have stepped out of the divine spiritual circle and are immersed in the masculine & feminine polarization of the fabric of the lower worlds ...
STOP all the sexualization of children, women and exploitation of all the weak in society and in the public space, as a hidden egocentric and powergreedy structure, which one tries to camouflage with a layer of "sugar-coated-care" ...
Let us manifest that the State and Danish Wall Street banks, which are solely depended by Rothschild & Co, are relieved from their duties, like Russia and other 'free' countries, so we get everything into the sunlight to be shown, solved and forgiven ...
Let us STOP the massive buildup of 30 years of the Danish defenses, buying up billions of billions, surveillance, supporting mercenaries like BLACKWATER, inept fighters, drones, robots, tanks, etc. based on merciless WARS, from political 'ghosts' and 'fake terror'...
Prevent DMI and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency from continuing to stamp and obtain great benefits for the U.S. Deep State, using CIA military aircrafts, torture prisons and over flights, and denying USAF to spray toxic aluminum and barium particles of Chemtrailing the land, to dumb down and makes people and animals, sick...
Prevent the Fake Toxic Cancer Industry, Lying Healthcare and Artificial Enzymes and Chemical Processes from the Sugar and Food Industry, with microscopic doses of toxic substances that keep us sick, and in the long run, kill and mutilate, innocent, naive citizens who do not, know any better ...
Keep the groundwater intact, without pesticides, GMO waste, medicine residues, microplastic, nitrogen, etc. etc. The forests must be good habitats for animals and plants ...
Let us all stop the propagation of 5G, which is so harmful to health, with microwave energy, that books can be written in addition upon the topic, to aluminum based chemtrails boosting wifi anywhere on the globe or the whole climate hoax ...
Proclaim that we no longer allow Denmark, continue to help big brother USA, Israel, dictatorship states and Cabal countries, to spy and that Danish intelligence agents and top people, PET and FE-DDIS, have unrestrained long-range means to promote false flag terror and anti-Russian agendas (or any of today's enemy, that has been political handpicked) ...
We open up to anyone, who today, has parliamentary immunity can be prosecuted as Anders Fog of War' Rasmussen, who announced support for US invasion, a year before the Iraq war ...
The media are seen as an important piece in an open, democratic society called "the fourth state power" because they complement the three official state powers: the legislature, the judiciary and the executive. THIS IS NOT THE CASE ... These misleaders are the fake news, and the fake news problem has helped to ruin this country... Folketinget, is ready to 'expel' or 'dissolve' any negative political 'tabloid' press, who do not consent to political pressure ... So please REMOVE any of the FAKE CIA controlled MSM media agencies, who literally stigmatizes and create Fake News, to ensure we are dumbed down ...
There are far more in debt secrets, swept under the carpet than you or I will ever discover, IN A LIFETIME, hidden, in plane sight or hidden in the Prime Minister's secret filing cabinet or vault, the Ministry of Defense and the National Archives ...
So be it and so it is!
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