Jul 27, 2019

⛱️ ~ Out of office - Going completely off the grid - One weeks time - Family vacation ~ | Blogger: 16.000 blogposts, since 2014 and counting. If it resonate with you, use my SEARCH button or TRANSLATOR. Now, a SSL friendly site and no more performance issues .... ❔Who am I: Lightworker, truth-seeking debater, conspiracy untamed truth-oracle, awakening soul, spiritual advisor. I am no fortune-teller, but I can spot bullshit from a blimp in a fog storm!. Self-driven-awake-soul who has always had a feeling, there is more than meets the eye and life offers. Awaken to some insight or opened my consciousness that's greater than myself to bring the message to others who wish to receive it... TRUTH is ONLY what you perceive in YOUR OWN SPACE. The person sitting NEXT to YOU, might have a different OPINION and should NOT be FORCED upon. EVERYONE have FREE WILL and having their own SPIRITUAL AWAKENING EXPERIENCE. In other WORDS, STICK to the INNER TRUTH from your HIGHER SELF, that will always LEAD YOU STRAIGHT home... 💭 PS: I never posted anything that has not been researched and resonated with me. That means, all videos and articles has been skim through and sometimes read, studied and understood carefully. Yes i'm a follower of many highly spiritually people (not so many in Denmark, don't ask me why) and commenting on stuff sometimes, but hosting a serious blog is a full time job and i don't get paid a dime. It's all for you guys out there.. Always use your own spiritual discernment.. Research, Research, Research! .. Stay tuned! and thanks for reading on my blog... Namaste!🙏💟 |

🌍'Verdensalt' means - 'Salt Of The World'🌍

Former Technology
Specialist - Banking
You are the salt of the world. We are the salt of the world. We live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....

Verdensalt - About

Please Donate to support my blog.
If You Feel So Guided Or It Resonate With You. 
Much love & Light. 

🥵 ~ The sweltering Arctic is ablaze as unprecedented wildfires are ravaging the Arctic: Areas of Siberia, Scandinavia, Alaska and Greenland engulfed in flames (The Big Wobble) ~ |

The sweltering Arctic is ablaze, wildfires are ravaging the Arctic, with areas of northern Siberia, northern Scandinavia, Alaska and Greenland engulfed in flames.
Vast areas of Alaska Greenland and Siberia are literally on fire with Alaska alone burning 1.6 billion acres this year.

Alaska has been suffering a heatwave for weeks with temperatures reaching 92 deg F, (33.5 deg C).
In Siberia, massive fires in remote areas are burning out of control.
Lightning frequently triggers fires in the region but this year they have been worsened by summer temperatures that are higher than average because of climate change.
Plumes of smoke from the fires can be seen from space.

Mark Parrington, a wildfires expert at the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (Cams), described them as "unprecedented".
There are hundreds of fires covering mostly uninhabited regions across eastern Russia, northern Scandinavia, Greenland, and Alaska.

But smoke is affecting wider surrounding areas, engulfing some places. Cities in eastern Russia have noted a significant decrease in air quality since the fires started.
The smoke has reportedly reached Russia's Tyumen region in western Siberia, six time zones away from the fires on the east coast.

In June, the fires released an estimated 50 megatonnes of carbon dioxide - the equivalent of Sweden's annual carbon output, according to Cams.
Meanwhile, the hot air that smashed European weather records this week looks set to move toward Greenland and could take the world's second-largest ice sheet close to or below the record low set in 2012, the United Nations said on Friday.

🛸 ~ Copenhagen 2019 UFO´s and Remote Viewing w/ Richard Dolan - Chris Aubeck - Tracey Garbutt ~ | Blogger: [🤩Amazing Accomplishment With Honor That UFO Danmark Were Fortunate To Get A hold Of Richard Dolan, Tracey Garbutt & Chris Aubeck🙏] ... There were some challenges, some hiccups, presenter calling Mr. Dolan a 'Rothschild', technical issues as well, no aircon, no time for questions, besides lack of organised introductions, but it went well and deep gratitude to UFO DK, behind the scene, arranging the meet-up. I'm sure today's session, will be aired on Youtube soon.. ⚠️PS: Richard Dolan were laughing about Stom Area 51, like so many others... But for me, the September event has something to do with spiritual bonding with others, a meet-up with ONE common goal, no spiritual leaders to tame us or misguide our minds, to seek full disclosure, without any aggressive approach, avoid raiding anything in fact, no pickup arms not violating any laws (nobody can get 50 miles from the place, sealed off anyway)... Simple being part of a creative initiative, growing trend, a positive leap of transformation from our individual perception, sensation and awareness to collective consciousness, towards a better good.... |


🔴🎽 ~ Area 51 Live: Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us (LDG Station) ~ | Blogger: [🏃‍♂️1.9M going - 1.4M interested. LIVE in 55 Days : Storm Verdensalt - Storm Area 51🏃‍♀️] ... |

I hope you enjoy the video! Be sure to Subscribe if you're new here!

Hello everyone I own a live streaming satellite and I'm willing to use it to help with the document the events that take place on September 20 when the storm area 51 movement will be taking place. We will be filming what we will legally be allowed to film. Might put some area 51 meme compilations in here at some point not really sure. Hopefully we see some aliens ufos and what not as well

Be sure to become a channel member for exclusive content, emojis, and to support the channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WX...

👼 ~ 💗 Kryon 2019 - Believe in yourself 💕 ~ | .. Kryon (Channeled by Lee Carroll) is a "Support" Entity, Expressing positiveness in a beautiful ways .. |

👼 ~ 💗 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! JULY 26 ,THE FIRST DAY OF THE 260 DAY CYCLE OF THE GALACTIC MAYAN CALENDAR 💕 ~ (roserambles) ~ | .. Michael Love .. |

July 26, 2019 

Editor’s Note:This article brings really, really great news that surely all can realize, or feel in their NOW! I don’t know about how this Galactic closure has affected you and I Am happy to report from July 23-24, I can literally report experiencing my own “internal shift”.

This has caused me to “let go” of many old, dormant wounds in my life and I Am happy to see these go! As old wounds have exited and a sense of awareness is now in-place…we shall see where I Am led to go!

My, yours, and “our” future is wide open! Now I Am able to let go of preconceived notions about “how things are supposed to be” and welcome my future with open arms. Taking this philosophy IS a matter of having a “different” and expanded consciousness…one of belief, faith, and trust in the Universe/God/Source/Creator/All That Is.

So…please read this article, has your consciousness expanded(?), think about this, and be…



Lions Gate Portal Opens

“…Each year on July 26th, the sun, the earth, and the star Sirius move to specific points in the sky, creating an opening between the physical and spiritual worlds. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms.
On the 8th of August, the alignment reaches its highest point, and this gateway is known as the “8:8 Lion’s Gate” due to it peaking on August 8th in Leo, represented by a lion…”



♀️ ~ This is the No. 1 thing 64,000 women want from a lover: survey ( NYPost) ~ | Blogger: [🤗"Kindness is the No. 1 quality, followed closely by Supportiveness, Intelligence, level of education and confidence" ~ NYP👌] ... THE PROBLEM with this woman survey is, that NYPost has not done a similar one for men... If you ask most 'men', they will tell you, #MeToo is a man hating organization, but are afraid to say it out loud... EVERYTHING is about woman as the victims, but number of male victims of domestic abuse, is growing, but 'suffering in silence'... DOES 64.000 asked american woman of heterosexual, queer and bisexual in nature, decide, what 3.541 billion other woman, more or less, wants or thinks, is the ideal match? Of course not. It's much, much more complicated or simple, than that... |

The survey polled more than 64,000 people in 180 countries, asking them about their ideal match — from religious or political preferences to the importance of height. Most women asked identified as heterosexual, but queer and bisexual women also responded. The survey skews young: Nearly 40,600 of the women are ages 18 to 24, with the 25-to-29 age group the second biggest demo. Just under 3,800 were 40 years or older.

👼 ~ 💗 Dancing can reverse the signs of aging in the brain (sciencedaily) 💕 ~ | .. Physical exercise has an anti-aging effect on the hippocampus region of the brain -- an area that controls memory, learning and balance. A new study, comparing different forms of exercise -- dancing and endurance training -- undertaken by elderly volunteers for eighteen months, shows that both can have an anti-aging effect on the brain, but only dancing corresponded to a noticeable difference in behavior. This difference is attributed to the extra challenge of learning dancing routines .. |


🐀 ~ Svar på tiltale til Berlingske's forsøg på karaktermord (JFK21's Nyhedsbrev) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Lidt for aggressiv, uden reel 'spirituel dagsorden'. Ikke et parti for mig, men støtter dem skam, for de er vigtige🤛] ... BESTEMT ikke alt, jeg er enig med JFK21 omkring, men det er sikkert og vist, INGEN, der ønsker at se Mads Palsvig og co. udfolde sig på Borgen. Tænk hvad han kunne gøre at (godartet) skade på det Rothschild ejet familieforetagende i embedsapparatet... |

Kære Alle,

Efter forsøgene på karaktermord i Information og TV2 følger Berlingske trop. Her er mit svar på tiltale:

Men først et interessant fænomen:
Når rotter finder noget nyt og spændende mad, som de ikke kender, så sender de en af deres unger hen og spise det. Hvis rotteungen overlever, så kommer de hen og spiser, hvis de dør, så holder de sig væk.

Information, Berlingske og TV2 sendte alle sammen deres yngste medarbejder til at interviewe mig. Ledende medarbejdere ved de tre institutioner, har valgt ikke at skrive om hverken mig eller partiet JFK – Jorden Frihed Kundskab.

Da David Rue Honore henvendte sig, sagde jeg nej adskillige gange, idet jeg var klar over, hvad formålet var, og ikke så nogen grund til at spilde tid på ham. Han forfulgte mig dog rundt i tre måneder til diverse demonstrationer og begivenheder, og endte op med mindst to timers optagelser i alt, idet mere tillidsfulde medlemmer af JFK mente, at Berlingske da ville lave en sober artikel. Og han kunne have lavet en glimrende artikel. Han fik chancen. Jeg har ikke tre måneder til at faktachecke fake news Berlingske, jeg har et par timer, jeg vil opfordre alle til at gøre sine egne studier, inetop derfor og i modsætning til fake news Berlingske underbygger jeg alle informationer og fakta, som jeg fremlægger: (Se nedenfor).

Al citater fra Berlingske er direkte copy paste fra artiklen. Lidt ligesom "journalister" copy paster dagen lang fra Ritzau, Reuters og API.
Nuvel here goes:

Konspirationsteoretikere er blevet mainstream: »Vi er en sandhedstrussel«

Hvis ordet ”sandhedstrussel” refererer til Berlingske, så er det korrekt.
Privatejede medier må gerne lyve. Det har de vundet retssager om. Dette til trods for, at de får mediestøtte.
90% af alle medier i Vesten er ejet af kun 5 virksomheder.
Præsident Obama kom i 2012 med en Executive Order ” Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions”, der tillader USA’s regering at komme med propaganda, altså at lyve.

Obama Seizes Control of All Communications Systems With Executive Order


Ellers noget der var forbudt siden WWI. Her blev det besluttet, at fremover måtte regeringer ikke længere lyve. Det har Obama stoppet.

🍿 ~ RV/Intelligence Alert: "Radical" ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... |


(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

A new international tax treaty has been ratified which means all countries must now conform to GESARA compliance.

The purpose of the RV and the implementation of the QFS (Quantum Financial System) is to transition to a fair global economy and a GESARA compliant world.

Boris Johnson has been named the new Prime Minister of the UK which means Brexit is now imminent.

The UK will begin GESARA compliant reforms post-Brexit.

Jeffrey Epstein's case is the linchpin to expose high profile Cabalists involved in human trafficking.


Meanwhile, the US Treasury is in the process of issuing a new gold-standard currency.

👊 ~ [7.25] QAnon - Clinton Body Count - Epstein/Disney - UFO Disclosure / TTSA/Area 51 - Measles (Destroying the Illusion) ~ |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

Read Q's Drops: https://qmap.pub/ 
#ClintonBodyCount is the third trending topic on Twitter: http://bit.ly/32Rwxht 
BREAKING: Top Los Angeles Water Executive Steps Down in Wake of FBI Raids: http://bit.ly/2Zd3CCe 
Herman Cain tweets about Epstein Island: http://bit.ly/2Y3CUzn 
Fox News cut away after #QAnon was mentioned: http://bit.ly/2Z87Tqu 
Ex-cop Nicholas Tartaglione could be connected to Epstein "suicide": http://bit.ly/30XviM0 
Me instagramming about bismuth years ago: http://bit.ly/2Y3DKfz 
Freedom Watch sues D.o.D. & DIA for UFO docs: http://bit.ly/2JPSqpP

🍿 ~ NETFLIX'S THE GREAT HACK BRINGS OUR DATA NIGHTMARE TO LIFE (Wired) ~ | Blogger: [👁️Netflix documentary The Great Hack : FORGET, for a moment about the (lying) Cambridge Analytica "whistleblower", Christopher Wylie, attempt to claim, the Trump campaign harvested Facebook data to influence the election, to the tune of $1 million. Or Russian bots and today's enemy in our Matrix. We're tired of the evil Trump meme from leftists, DNC tower of babel & Deep State sponsors. Look at the documentary as 'Google all seeing eye', NSA/CIA trillion dollars cyberwar weapon industry tool that sees/sells the way of data tracking, harvesting, and targeting. From profiling when you watch porn, China's facial recognition and state control, to Google and NASA's Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab. EVERYTHING is possible and there's no longer any limits, how you could be tracked and targeted, anywhere, anytime. Privacy law, is no more 🔁] ... {"We became obsessed with trying to bring the POV of the algorithm to life," codirector Karim Amer} ... |