Feb 20, 2021
⚖️⏰💊 ~ (Sounding the Alarm!) A cry out from a Israeli dude about the new 'green passport' (From FB and many telegram channels) ~ | Blogger: [🤜I can't believe what i'm hearing -- Nordea Bank Abp - the largest financial group in the Scandinavian and Baltic regions and my own bank + I worked for danish major banks for 20 years, are telling their e-Markets investors shareholders etc., that they have documentation of "0" "ZERO" death among 523.000 fully vaccinated by Maccabi Healtcare Services in Israel" to (lure) more investors to buy up the super advanced deathly Pfizer nanotech-corona-vaccine stock and buy into the lucretius idea of "vaccine passports" - ARE you kidding me!?! Would you believe them?? This so-called israeli "Green Badge" will extend to Denmark and other countries like Great Britain where i've heard it's already about to be implemented -- i'm 1000% sure of that🤛] ... To support the American / Israeli guy on the video by showing that MSM outlets are LYING: 👉"COVID sickness dropped 95.8% after both Pfizer shots - Israeli Health Ministry." (Reuters)😟... 👉"It works: 0 deaths, only 4 severe cases among 523,000 fully vaccinated Israelis." (timesofIsrael + Nordea Bank Corporate Daily Corona Update)😟 ... 👉"Israel's 'green badge' plan to open services to vaccinated stirs concern."(france24)😟 ... 👉"A third hearing trial next week in Denmark of 2021 about the new ‘epidemic law’ (epidemilov) that would replace an emergency law passed in the spring of 2020 and later on November same year which gave the government extended powers to intervene in society in order to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. This new ‘epidemic law’ is worse than anyone could ever imagine."~ SoTW 😟... You be the Judge... |
🙏 ~ 💝 (Are we living in Biblical times?) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟This is Strange... (2021 BIBLICAL EVENTS) ~ Jason A World News🌟] ... Don't forget to watch the 30 minute video called "The Phenomena Rises" below - UFO sightings compilation from around the world... |
🧊🎐🥶 ~ (TEXAGEDDON) A False Flag Geoterrorist Operation With Multiple Nefarious NWO Goals UPDATES (StateOfTheNation + Rebel News) ~ | Blogger: Btw, Canadian solar farm in Alberta shows that the Solar Farm is only putting out one third of its rated output-3 mega watts not 25 as it was sold to the public on! - That's according to Steve Quayle research... |
Purposefully Carried Out by NWO Cabal
to Paralyze Texas Patriot Movement
and Shut Down Power Grid
👼 ~ 💕 ('Patience is a virtue') Patience, Appreciation, Answers (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ | Blogger: "Hi Dear Friends, The angels talk about patience and surrender to the present and how it leads us to better futures. I'll share a few real life examples from my week and some step by step tips to help you surrender to what is in front of you so you can enjoy better sooner! Love you all! ♥ Ann"... |
Patience, Appreciation, Answers
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Message from the Angels
You have a saying on earth that "Patience is a virtue." You understand intuitively that no matter how difficult life might be, you will weather it more easily with a bit of patience, for patience is a willingness to surrender yourself into the moment, to embrace the gifts and opportunities therein, and to find the love right where you are, in the here and now.
We absolutely understand that many of you want much more and much better than the present moment seems to offer, and we are not asking you to stay stuck in it. If you are cold, you want warmth. If you are broke, you want abundance. If you are lonely you want companionship.
It is normal, natural, and the nature of life itself to expand. It is your desire for more that causes that very expansion.
However, herein lies one of the most subtle and yet powerful truths you can embrace as you create more. You've heard it. We've said it, and yet so few manage to fully hardness the power of this truth:
• Your only power for change lies in the present moment.
• Your ability to harness this power begins with your acceptance of the present moment.
• As you stop resisting what "is" in front of you here and now, you open to grace, goodness, and guidance towards the better or more expanded future you desire.
👯♀️💏😰 ~ (Mink-Makrel-Mette & Mannequin-Hindbær-Helle) De 2 mest magtfulde kvinder i DK-historien. Spinhistorien om de Tårevædende, Poetiske, Charmerende, Hjertevarme og Smukke mennesker (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜DET er også historien om (Rothschild) Verdensbankens Falske Flag, PET, Politik, Skattely og Kapitalfonde🤛] ... {Om et splitsekund, vedtages den nye Epidemilov, der tillader Magnus LØGNICKE og Co., at fortsætte med nedlukninger og restriktioner på ubestemt tid} ... 👗THORNING🚸 Stod bag Danmarkshistoriens største lockout af 69.000 lærere... Var hun bevidst om, at Terrorangrebene i København 2015 var et falsk flag? Beskytte danske jøder og den israelske zionistiske stat og udskamme muslimer - den accepterede racisme?... x-leder af DONG / GoLDMaN SLaCKS salget - verdens mest vellykkede skandale... x-direktør for hjælpeorganisationen Red Barnet og anklager om sex-trafficking af kvinder og børn (Er hun stolt af Teenage-Predator Jeppe Kofod, Carsten Hansens samt FRANK-Klam slikkeri?)... Sidder for nuværende i Vestas bestyrelse og fru Helle Thorning-Schmidt, skulle også have været "ansvarlig" formand for FN's panel mod skatteunddragelse og skattely, men valgte istedet for, at tilrane sig flere bestyrelsesposter, i skattelylande som Jersey, sammen med sin partner, den efterlyste OW-bunker direktør, som, undersøges, for bedrageri. Er også Facebook-general under (den klonede) Zuckerberg og ytringsfrihedens dørvogter. Er favorit til at besætte formandsposten i Konferencen om Europas Fremtid, men danske kilder, er officielt tavse... 🎣FREDERIKSEN🦠... Fra MeToo, minkskandale og coronavirus... Mette Frederiksen var personligt involverede i det forsinkede fælles inddrivelsessystem, EFI, og massefyringer af ansatte i Skat (der er sikkert MANGE flere skandaler)... Hele det unge tidligere DSU/DKP kommunisiske ministerholds vilde fortid, #MeToo som genoplivende feministiske mål, samt EL's wet-dream om mink-slagtninger og lukning af et helt erhverv, består af pornokalender Dan-Klima, Kneppe-Kofod, samt sexministeren, dansemusen, Astrid Krag... Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil blev landskendt for at lukke høns ud under åbningsdebatten i Folketinget og støtte malingaktionen mod daværende statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen... Racistiske Africana-Tesfaye, medlem af DKP, fik et takkebrev fra rædselsregimet i Nordkorea i 2002, da Kim Jong-uns far Kim Jong-il var diktator... For ikke at glemme, Barolo-Mogens, som blev kastet ned under bussen, for at redde Mette-mus... PLUDSELIGT under (Regeringen Lars Løkke Rasmussen III WEF/DK-aftalen) Corona Corporations Agenda i 2019 som blev aktiveret allerede i 2017, bestilt i 2015, ser vi nu, en opblomstring af TERROR igen i Dannevang? En 23-årige (muslim/arabisk) gentofte kvinde fængslet og sigtet i en omfattende terrorsag med i alt 14 anholdte - tror du på den sag?... Socialakrobaterne og alle deres partisoldater og troldehæren af "Kommunist-Demokrater", vil fodre svinehunden og splitte folk op i A og B-hold, langt ind i næste generation og nej, Corona-krisen er ikke, slut endnu... "CV-projektet" slutter først den 25. Marts 2025, hvis man har set dokumentaren "Once Were the Living". Hvis ikke Trump Administrationen, udenjordiske ærede lysarbejdere, modstandsbevægelsen og Den Gyldne Tidsalder, stopper dem, før... |
🚦🕶️🔞 ~ (#GlobalPedoGate & #GameOfClones are no joke or conspiracy) Pedophile Ring Investigation Centers Around White House, Capitol Building as Children Surface! - Must Video | Blogger: I'm sorry guys to have to bring this up again, but HOW do we STOP the #RitualAbuse&Secret Societies, #GlobalPedoGate world of Elites?... By exposing them. By naming names and / or let the 1% of true best in-depth independent journalists deliver stories that has been fact checked over and over again, and not afraid of their reputations and money making monster Lame Stream Media outlets. PedoGate & PizzaGate seem too far fetched to be real right?🍕... As you may already know, behind the scene, TRUMP (with pleiadian contactees) is our LIGHTWORKER, trying to 'drain the swamp' and we know for a FACT, that a "DEEP STATE" exist and #GlobalPedoGate runned by global elites who are MAYBE "satanic pedophiles and cannibals"... |
🔭🌕🛰️ ~ (CGI, Blue Beam Hologram or Van Braun-Kubick Space Station?) UFO Recorded Near the Moon Baffles Ufologists and Conspiracy Theorists (VIDEO) ~ |
An fascinating video has been running on the internet for a couple of days. Filming is being performed in Indiana by a guy who wants to try a camera with strong lenses. Periodically through life, I’ve been intrigued with the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
🗣️🏳️🙌 ~ (More proof of CV-19 Bill Gates, Sun-Simulator, Capitol "Insurrection" etc.) LATEST UPDATES (James Gilliland ECETI Ranch) 💗 ~ |
James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience