Sep 10, 2024

👁️⃤𓂀🐯🥴️‍⚧️ (Den Fede Politikerlede) 2018 var året hvor den ukendte barndommens gadekryds, gåsepige og skrigeskine, tv-floppede da hun snobbede nedad under rød Aalborg i oprør ~ 10. September 2024 ~ |

Den mest magtfuldkommen royale Landsmoder i DK-historien som Corona-CIC, Bilderberger og Verdensborger...

... 2018 var også året det lykkes for WEF'er, C4 Lauget samt de Sorte Chabad Hatte, at få indviet den FGM-skadelige narcissist, til, at indføre dødssprøjte-vaksiner og drakoniske love, i 2020, der snoede sig op ad medicin-staven, som Den Sorte Mamba ...

Edior's Note
: Jeg er saftsuseme glad for, jeg ikke tilhører nogen former for politisk eller spiritual kult, som skal forsvare Dr Evil's Mini-Me, Landets Allesmoder Mette Forrædersen, efter hun bed Qvortrup's tunge af og udskammede hele journaliststanden tilbage i 2020... Den dag i dag ser vi stadig orkestrerede udkommendering af dæmoniserede S-partisoldater og troldehær på sociale medier. Til, forskrækkede tøsede (pride) mænd og alle magthavere og oppositionen af selvfede politikere. Med, forstenede journalister, som klapper sig selv på skulderen, fordi de føler sig som veldresserede hundehvalpe, som skal kæles med og er forelskede i vor almægtige leder af landet. Der, skuer hundene på hårene, hvis, de nu går hen og stiller kritiske spørgsmål... |

📢🙉💌 (Calling a Kate a Spade) If you don't know me by now I call a spade for a spade and i'm bleeding for changes ~ Sept 10, 2024 ~ |

SoTW - lots of rumors from truthers Kate has been killed - she knew too much...

Praying for Time and Divine Acceleration...

... Universal Laws are very specific Light Forces cannot intervene in Earthly matters. Good Samaritan Laws however should be that we get Full Disclosure and the Truth out NOW and not LATER ... 

Published on September 10, 2024 by Verdensalt

The hardcore digital soldiers, spiritual enlighten lightworkers and 144,000 ascended guides on Earth, are surely ready to provide first aid assistance during emergencies. After 1,3 billion worshipping Catholics scream of agony when they learn, their beloved Pope is a CGI-Actor - the 'original' pope is already dead and gone. 

And we can surely also assist the millions of Royalists that will cry their eyes out after learning most of the UK Royals has been processed at the Spa-Hotel at Gitmo. So has most of A-list Hollyweird actors and some of the most Evil Elitist and Globalists. 

What's so god damn frustrating for SoTW I've been into this "fight mode" for 20 years preparing myself for The New Golden Age and nobody can ensure me it will happen in 2024. No matter if it's "agreed" DemRats to win US election 2024 or Trump and Trumpsters. Cabal - will fight to last man standing (According to my higher self RV will come in 2025). 

Planetary Liberation seem to take forever after millennium of so-called "Space Rhinos" (Lord Archons, Alpha Dracos and their slaves Grey Aliens and HUman 'minions') conquered Earth and it became a Prison Planet. Introducing False Religions, Draconian Laws and “Worshiping a Guru” (Stockholm syndrome). 

Our precious Mother GAIA are fast and furious preparing and reading Earthlings to Ascend into a new 5D. However our new "rulers" The benevolent Earth Alliance or Grey/White Hats will apparently allow this "shitshow" to countine forever. Why? 

So more "normies" have to wake up before the BIG BANG? Israeli Zionist and their Elite Lord Reptilian Overlords are still slaughtering palestinians (so it seems). Gay Lord Voldemort Ze and NAZI-NATO with US Inc., is 'on a pathway' to WW3 and are ready to sacrifice Ukraine. And Russians (and whoever comes in their way of power and glory). 

Every single day, pro-russian friendly faces, are disappearing, like there's no tomorrow in the Western world. The Spiritual War is not over folks! The takedown of The Lame Stream Mass Media is the key for "normies". They are required to free themselves from their captors as hostages in which sovereignty and independence is sought... | 

SoTW - Palace honours Kate Middleton as she shares major life update
SoTW - Liberal candidate with Russian connections finished in the party
‘Biden is out to get me’: A Russian-American TV host facing 60 years in a US jail speaks out

SoTW - ireland Apple must pay billions - iPhone 16 Pro Price Comparison

reported a 'strange noise' coming from Boeing's Starliner aircraft.

SoTW - zeeemedia