Dec 12, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 (12/12 - 12/21 Portal) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [👉"WE ARE THE WORLD" SING ALONG WORLD WIDE" ~ Hosted by Teresa Susano Silva👈] ... From FB post: "TO MY FELLOW HUMANS💖 -- As you all know, the Universe language is frequency including sound frequency, we are all part of a great Symphony Divinely Orchestrated, our frequency matters, our voice matters. Due to the lastest crazy restritons of taking away from us, all that brings us joy, including singing, during a meditation I had this crazy idea of bringing people together from all over the world on the same day and time to sing "We Are The World" loud and clear outside, so our voices can be heard troughout the cosmos and create a ripple effect, a wave of unity and love we will be sending a clear message that WE THE SOULS OF THIS PLANET CHOOSE JOY, LOVE AND FREEDOM!! So I am planting a seed, inviting everyone that wants to join, worldwide, if you like the idea share it with friends, family, communities, the more of us that join the greater the impact. I wanted to do it all together at the same time, but it is not possible for some countries will be in the midle of the night, so I suggest each one of chooses the 12.12pm on your time zone and like this we will have people singing in waves from every different zones at diferent times, because there is no time in the Universe, the multidimensional effect will be the same, it is the intention that counts and that is timeless. Let us raise the vibration of our beautiful planet from fear to LOVE. What do you think? Let's do this? Any suggestions? With Love Teresa da Silva! ... |

🗣️🎤✊ ~ (Vibeke Manniche) Live fra demo i Aarhus - hør om censur og hvorfor mundbind AKA mundkurven er til skraldespanden (Nordjylland for frihed) ~ | Blogger: Syntes vi skal støtte og synge med... Lys, Kærlighed, Potter og Pander, vinder!... 🎶✨🙏💗... At tænke sig, Julebonus på 10.000 kr. udløser jubel på TV 2, hvor medarbejdere belønnes for fornem indsats i et hårdt år med både corona og MeToo, nu hvor Status, Penge og Censur, er så vigtigt for TV2 samt DR og alle Deres milliarder, som du og jeg betaler til... Og vi må ikke glemme Gaardbo... 'Nuværende og tidligere TV 2-ansatte fortæller om ”klamme” og ”upassende” beskeder fra en chef. Det stod på i flere år og gik ud over 10-20 kvinder, lyder det. Ingen af de tre kvinder, Journalisten har talt med, har lyst til at stå frem med navn, da de er bekymrede for, om det kan få konsekvenser for deres ansættelse'... Er det Jens Gaardbo de snakker om, spørger jeg på redaktionen?... |

🥳👵😂 ~ (Intet aalborggensisk blodbad) Diktatorer til Mette Frederiksen: Du er stadig en amatør (Rokokoposten) ~ | Blogger: Selvom det hele er sjov og spas, er jeg sindssyg imponeret over, hvordan ét partistyre og et par enkelte støttepartier af Demokrater, dannet for 180 år tilbage, har kunne tryllebinde, så mange mennesker, under det danske flag, og holde sammen, uanset om Alles Landsmoderen over alle, Mette-mus, hun er godt igang med at ødelægge det danske velfærdssamfund, omdanne private virksomheder til statens selskaber i form af tvungen hjælpepakker og kontrol, bryde loven og ikke respektere Grundloven og Retten til frihed... At tænke sig, vi er alle sammen så snotdumme, vi ikke kan se røgsløret og Mette F.s altoverskyggende magtfuldkommenhed og et Statsministerium, der blod rødt, har en kommunikation og magtudøvelse, der aldrig er set i Danmarkshistorien... Jeg har det lidt sådanne, efter at have fuldt reglerne til punkt og prikke, jeg vil og kan simpelthen ikke længere acceptere, at en Agenda 2030 (Event 201, Corona Corporation, Kinesisk styret og ledet Plan[Demic]) skal være enden, på Danmark, fordi, man har underskrevet en kontrakt med djælven, selv... Og står det til vores regering og den Globale Agenda, skal du stadigvæk bære mundbind i 2021, EFTER, du har været underlagt masseangstprovokerende tiltag, massetests og massevaccinationer... TRO MIG - de er slet ikke i mål endnu før, Rothschild ledet banker, har vundet slaget og fået sit "Great Reset" udført, i form af Digitalisering, Rotoblisering og total Dominans, over alle mennesker på jordkloden, så vi kan blive styret rent "Digitalt" - bokstavelig talt... Det er bare min ydmyge mening, efter at have set hvad de har haft planlagt, i årtier... Selv, private virksomheder, såsom Falck, der ejes af Lundbeckfonden, KIRKBI og Kapitalfonden Nordic Capital (som jeg selv har arbejdet for med IT) skal nu tjene penge på, podningscentre, testcentre, og rødglødende hjælpelinjer, under ledelse af Staten... |

En amatør, der ikke engang kan finde ud af at lave massegrave. Så hård er dommen over Mette Frederiksen på diktatorernes verdenskongres.

I sidste weekend blev den årlige verdenskongres for nuværende og afdøde diktatorer afviklet af The Esteemed Society of Despotic Leaders and Tyrants, populært kaldet TESLA, i Wien.

Det var en kongres præget af positive forventninger til fremtiden, idet coronaepidemien og klimakrisen ventes at skabe en længe ønsket revival for jernhård statsstyring og undertrykkelse af befolkninger.

Kongressens helt store samtaleemne var Danmarks statsminister, Mette Frederiksen. Præsident Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, der siden 1979 har regeret Ækvatorialguinea med en jernnæve, havde nemlig stillet forslag om at indlemme statsministeren i diktatorklubben.

Begrundelsen lå i hendes inspirerende forfatningsstridige håndtering af minksagen og nedlukningen af Nordjylland.

Største danske talent siden Estrup
Det skulle imidlertid vise sig, at forslaget fik en hård medfart, eftersom formand for diktatorklubben, Hvideruslands præsident, Aleksandr Lukasjenko, var imod.

🤖🦮🔫 ~ (Fahrenheit 451 & K-9 Automoton: NYPD's Lethal DigiDog, aKa Black Mirror BigDog or RoboCop?) ‘You have 15 seconds to comply’: NYPD says new robotic cop dog will ‘save lives’ as netizens warn of sci-fi dystopia ( ~ | Blogger: [👉I was once part of a K9-unit under The Danish Royal Air Force Security Forces and I wouldn't trade any military trained dog over a Robot. My dog was my true 4 legged companion, and bodyguard and friend - now he's past over to the other side👈] ... I have read somewhere "robots" was used during March corona lockdown and it's just the beginning ... You see, the problem is not Boston Dynamics Spot robot you and me and the police / military can buy for a mere $74,500... The problem is that, the Massachusetts-based Boston Dynamics, first began working exclusively for the American military. After some time making naval training systems, funding from the experimental wing of America’s military, DARPA, allowed the company to eventually move on to what would make it famous: robot dogs... Sooo, when DARP is involved, developed in 2005, Spot’s sophisticated software, high performance mechanical design, spent decades creating and refining robots with advanced mobility, dexterity and intelligence, it has "unlimited" advancements for police and US military to create a fully armed and dangerous lethal "Black Mirror" BigDog to get rid of human interaction and let A.I. autonomous robots, take over... |


The NYPD has unveiled a new dog-like robot it says it will use to fight crime and “save lives,” but some netizens see the gadget as another step toward high-tech tyranny, reminiscent of dystopias from ‘RoboCop’ to ‘Black Mirror’.

Dubbed the “Digidog,” the New York City Police Department showed off its new K-9 automoton to local media earlier this week, boasting of its sophisticated artificial intelligence system and a series of cameras and sensors, which can be used to get a close-up, real-time look at dangerous situations before sending in flesh-and-blood officers.

“This dog is going to save lives, protect people, and protect officers and that's our goal,” NYPD Technical Assistance Response Unit Inspector Frank Digiacomo told ABC7 New York.[READ MORE] ... | 

🙈🙊🙉 ~ (You have nooo idea) Understanding pandemics and epidemics. There are a few common ways in which disease spreads... (intellihub) ~ | Blogger: [👉2,5 hours straight of talk-talk if you have the time👈] ... Shepard Leigh Ambellas is a nationally syndicated talk show host, journalist, filmmaker, film producer, musician, and founder and editor-in-chief of Intellihub (news and politics) ... |

By - December 11, 2020

One of the more dangerous disasters that can strike us is an epidemic or pandemic. Throughout world history, there have been a number of major epidemics which have struck. In each of these cases, the difficulty in treating the disease made for high death tolls, sometimes in the millions. What added to that was the lack of understanding about how disease spreads.

Today we have a much better understanding of disease and the disease mechanism. The “germ theory of disease” which was developed in the 1870s, helps us in that we know that disease is caused by bacteria, viruses and protozoa entering the body and infecting it.

When a few people are infected by a particular pathogen, giving them a disease, it is referred to as an “outbreak” of that disease. In the case of diseases which are pretty much always with us, a sudden rise in the incidents of that disease would qualify as an outbreak. When that disease spreads to the point where it is infecting a region or nation it is referred to as an epidemic. If it gets to the point where it is affecting the whole world, it is referred to as a pandemic. Most pandemics are caused by “novel” (new) viruses.

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💉🧑‍🎄 ~ (Contact Tracers Is Coming To Town) THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GET CRAZY (TheCrowhouse - Max Igan) ~ | Blogger: I just don't understand Trump at these crazy times either, when he praises FDA approval of COVID-19 vaccine? 'One of the greatest scientific accomplishments in history' -- Whaaaat!??? And every single bribed politician footsoldier in the western hemisphere, who sold their Soul to the Medical Mafia, are lining up to be first movers, committing 'Mass Suicide', but instead of taking an actual Big Phama Vaccineshot, they will received a placebo, a small injection of salt water (everyone knows that)... PS: If you're wondering, what Steve from 'Spacebusters' and the 2 sweatshirts are saying "Merry Christmas & Happy New Year" is a danish x-mas beer from danish Tuborg (J-Day that was closed down for the first time in danish history)... |
