Jan 15, 2020

🙏 ~ 💓 Collective Meditation: 8 Minutes @ 8 AM or PM Holding and Sending Love ~ 💕 |

An invitation to join, wherever you are,

8 M I N U T E S @ 8 A M or 8 P M

with our Collective H E A R T

H O L D I N G friends and families,

communities, countries, nations

in L O V E & sending L O V E

January 2020

Our focus is on the bush fires in Australia,
the Jan 8th downed Ukrainian jetliner,
the earthquakes around Puerto Rico,
Taal Volcano, flooding in Jakarta,
other issues around the world.
Please join with us at 8AM and/or 8PM
holding everyone in Love and sending LOVE.


👼 ~ 💗 The Light, Whistleblower, Ancient Remedy, Timelines 💕 ~ |

Source (Era of Light Report 1/14/2020)

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj. The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.

The few remaining old thought forms are being transformed into light at a rapid pace. The old way of viewing the world is dissolving.

The walls within are collapsing fast, and so are the walls of the old matrix. This is happening for all of humanity, whether one may be aware of it or not.

We are not yesterday, we are not tomorrow, we are now. It is in this now that we find joy, and the fruits of the new world. All that is required is for one to claim them. As you think, so can you do.

The light of Creation bursting from within and blending with that from without with the rest of the collective and beyond. This is what is changing the world.

It is in this very now that we feel the wave of the Event washing over us, continuously increasing, closer than ever to reaching its climax and changing this world forever.

That is all for today.

The Pleiadians: Showers of Light

We are sending you the energetic frequencies of showers of light over your crown. Showers of light is a powerful visualization and we encourage you to use it when you are showering for starting and/or ending your day. » Source

We Found Over 700 Doctors Who Were Paid More Than a Million Dollars By Drug And Medical Device Companies

Some academics and physicians predicted that the exposure might cause companies to rethink making payments and doctors to rethink taking them. A flurry of studies matched the payment data with doctors’ prescribing choices and found links between the payments and the products doctors chose. » Source

Sananda: The Light Always Finds A Way

Wonderful news that as you know, everything is in process. Everything is in process of changing. Many things are occurring across the planet. Some that you are not yet aware of. » Source

Benjamin Fulford Full Report: Iran Gambit Backfires

💸 ~ Den Danske Centraladministration: Det Store Svindelnummer (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🙋Socialister / Kommunister / Borgerlige / (neo)konservative / you name it = egen "renhed" EFTERLYSES🤙] ... {🔍Tror det var politisk kommentator, Søs Marie Serup, der på Radio24syv's program, 'Det, vi taler om', sagde: "Vi har 750 milliarder kroner på plus og minus siden"} ... Altså, små 1.500 milliarder kroner, hvert år på de offentlige finanser som de 800.000 statsansatte, kan jonglerer rundt med... 🤪Mens vi taler, er der lige dukket en news ticker fra ritzau op, der siger, at 2 medarbejdere i Skat er politianmeldt inden for de seneste år. Denne nyhed kommer PRÆCIST efter at Statens Vagthunde (rigsrevisionen) igen og igen (og igen) bliver holdt for nar, ignoreret og gjort til grin, kommet med endnu "massiv kritik" efter man har fundet store huller i kontrollen med statens største konto. Altså, en kritik som ikke er til at tage fejl af - Rigsrevisionen siger, at der er »mangelfuldt og svagt« kontrolmiljø med statens indtægter på 1.000 milliarder kroner og det er »meget alvorligt«... 🤪Politiken, der har gennemgået Rigsrevisionens revisioner af statens regnskaber siden 2012 fortæller os, at Rigsrevision har påpeget risiko for misbrug i syv styrelser... 🤪Rigsrevisionen har også fundet (mulig) fusk og regnskabssvindel i Nordisk Ministerråd med 1,3 milliarder kroner... 🤪Information har i et læserbrev som går under titlen "Djøffernes indtog i sundhedsvæsnet har gjort personalet syge af stress", taget kampen op. Katastrofalen som indtraf, da man indførte Sundhedsplatformen. Processen med etableringen af den milliarddyre platform har Rigsrevisionen kaldt »nærmest amatøragtig«... 🤪Økonomisk ugebrev spørger ind til, om det i virkeligheden er Rigsrevisionen, der skal kulegraves? Institutionen har tydeligvis ikke levet op til sit ansvar. med de mange sager blandt andet i SKAT, Socialstyrelsen og Forsvarsministeriets Ejendomsstyrelse. Og hvor er regeringen og politikerne i forhold til dette morads med skatteydernes penge?... 🤪Alt imens alt dette sker, svindler DR-diktaturet videre. En årsløn på 3.6 mio. kr. kroner rakte ikke. DRs generaldirektør scorede (endnu) en stor lønforhøjelse, så hun nu har 3.735.351 kroner... 🤪 Vi er ikke færdige endnu, fordi, Forsvarets Ejendoms- styrelse og de korruptionsramte militærfolk lukker (helt) ned. De påstår ikke at kende navnene på politianmeldte medarbejdere... 🤪 I Esbjerg går det skide godt (egon), det selvom, de ikke længere har råd til juletræ - men penge til at sende borgmesteren jorden rundt på dyre hoteller og flysæder, det har de. Rettere sagt, en årligt rejsebudget på 340.000 kroner... 🤪 Esbjergs Borgmester, Jesper Frost Rasmussen, er ikke den eneste som har det super-duper-dejligt. Folketingets Europaudvalg tog på strøgtur til Brasilien - skatteyderne fik regning på 500.000 kr... ♛Frederik 8. introducerede i 1909 den afsluttende bøn i nytårstalen som også vor nuværende elskede Dronning benytter sig af: "Gud bevare Danmark"... |

"Britta Nielsen fastholder, at det var utrolig let at svindle i Socialstyrelsen, og at der blev snakket om det." ~ TV2 Nyheder

Kilde (Google)

📉 ~ Ignoring Dire Economic Warning Signs – Greg Hunter (VIDEO) ~ | Blogger: Excerpts: "On Friday, the Fed pumped an eye popping $258.9 billion into the repo market. We find out now the Fed’s balance sheet has abruptly reversed, and added $500 billion in the last three months of 2019. Other reporting from the Fed’s own records reveals loans that amount to “roughly $215 billion per day flowing into the trading houses on Wall Street. . .”... |

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com

On the surface, everything looks to be going swimmingly for the U.S. economy. The rest of the world may not be doing as well as the U.S., but according to the legacy financial media, there is no real trouble being reported. Below the surface, warning signs abound that the economy is in trouble now. One of the biggest warning signs is coming from the repo market that provides lending to financial institutions. Since mid-September, the Fed has been getting increasingly involved with providing funding as the banks that provided it in the past simply do not trust the other banks.

On Friday, the Fed pumped an eye popping $258.9 billion into the repo market. We find out now the Fed’s balance sheet has abruptly reversed, and added $500 billion in the last three months of 2019. Other reporting from the Fed’s own records reveals loans that amount to “roughly $215 billion per day flowing into the trading houses on Wall Street. . .”

🤬 ~ Videnskab.dk advarer anerkendt forsker: Ret ind eller forsvind ~ | Blogger: [🌡️Husk at Lytte til Dine Konservative Klimabørn og Mongoler fra Sverige som 'Skralder Bananen' ~ Kisser🍌] ... (SoTW Arkiv 29. April, 2019 - Gu' savner vi Dronningen af dansk journalistik) ... Nu hvor vi har 'kisser' tilbage i sadlen, og opvarmer studiet med Greta Thunberg, en 16 år gammel klimaktivist med Asperger, der slikker skålen rent med non-klimavenligt foliebakke af leverpostej, fordi hun fik at vide, at kloden ellers ville stige med 2 grader. De har ikke nogle former for fremtidsvisioner, sådanne nogenlunde, siger Kirsten Birgit, der også tror på jorden går under, efter skolevalgets elever valgte de konservative med 13 procent... Hun kan se tendensen, ligesom SF's "Vikar fra Helvede," Karsten Hønge, er tilbage i Folketinget og kan spotte lobbyister på 4 kilometers afstand, så kan hun se en mongol på fem... Thule har desuden bedt Kim C. om at sælge sin restaurant A Porta, fordi hans medarbejdere, ingen overenskomst har og der er snarligt valg... |

Kilde (Folkets.dk)


Hvad er Global opvarmning - ægte eller fabrikeret? (Klimaaktivisterens modefænomen "global opvarmning")

Ægte eller fabrikeret opspind?
Udgivet første gang den 30. Juni 2014 af Verdensalt 

Update 20. Juni 2015: Havene omkring København kan stige 1,6 meter i dette århundrede. Global opvarmning betyder, at havene omkring os vil stige mere end forventet, viser beregninger fra Niels Bohr Instituttet - dr.dk

Global opvarmning er et udtryk, der bliver anvendt dagligt og i en masse forskellige sammenhænge. Men hvad betyder global opvarmning - Eller rettere global køling? Mange miljøforskere kan ikke helt finde ud hvad en præcist definition er. Dog er NASA og NOAA blevet fanget i at manipulere temperatur data og overvurderet omfanget af det 20. århundrede "global opvarmning" siden år 2000. Faktisk er det varmeste årti i USA - 1930'erne. UPS!

Personligt undre det mig ikke, som så mange andre, vi er under manipulation og vildledelse af vores verdens elite. Bedøm selv

Den generelle opfattelse af Global opvarmning;  

Kuldioxid og andet luftforurening indsamles i atmosfæren som en tykt tæppe, fanger solens varme og forårsager planeten til atvarme opKulfyrede kraftværker er den største amerikanske kilde på kuldioxid forurening - de producerer 2,5 milliarder tons om året. Bilerden næststørste kildeskaber næsten 1,5 milliarder tons CO2 årligt.

Forskere ved to af verdens førende klima-centre - NASA og NOAA - er blevet fanget i manipulere temperatur data og overvurderet omfanget af det 20. århundrede's "global opvarmning".

Beviset for deres lappeløsninger kan tydeligt ses på bloggen Real Sciencehvor Steven Goddard har udsendt en række grafer, der viser "klima-ændringer" før og efter justeringerne.

🤐 ~ Google Has 10,000 Employees Censoring YouTube Videos, Some of Them Starting to Believe Conspiracy Theories (VIDEO) ~ |

Source (PFC)

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki tells Lesley Stahl what the video platform is doing about hate speech in an interview Sunday on the CBS newsmagazine program ’60 Minutes.’

Wojcicki told ’60 Minutes’ that Google employs 10,000 people to focus on “controversial content.” She described their schedule, which includes time for therapy. Stahl also said there are reports that the “monitors” are “beginning to buy the conspiracy theories.”

“What we really had to do was tighten our enforcement of that to make sure we were catching everything and we use a combination of people and machines,” Wojcicki explained. “So Google as a whole has about 10,000 people that are focused on controversial content.”

Lesley Stahl: I’m told that it is very stressful to be looking at these questionable videos all the time. And that there’s actually counselors to make sure that there aren’t mental problems with the people who are doing this work. Is that true?

😞 ~ Banks, Insurance Companies, Mortgage Credit Institutions, Payment Institutions: Same Shit Different Day ~ | Blogger: [💨Why did I quit a perfect paid job in the GoLDMaN SLaCKS Wall Street Danish Banking Industry❓] ... After 30 years it was time, and i can't go back... There's actually only a single word that sums it up; "STRESSFULNESS"... After so many years, ONE friend remains, the rest has fired me, because i'm working for Healing Humanity now. The Spiritual Awakening and Planetary Liberation process, to break off from the 3-D Matrix of illusion... Been working as Network Engineer, Tech Solution Manager, Coordinator, Project Manager and many other things... To lie to my customers, colleagues and third-party vendors, that was the last straw from a scripted version; what I was allowed to say on the phone, always deflecting and how to bend the rules - a direct order from executives and internal Intranet policies... From the The Architect and program of the Machine world - the Danish banks, Financial Crime Awareness has been rampant, but only for the "floor" people a.k.a. "useless eaters"... From banking customers to employees, makes no difference, we all are forced into a personal identification check that has never been seen before. Useless mandatory e-learning course and Business Conduct Guidelines, to make sure, they can fire you, if you don't understand the signed papers of "money laundering regulations", which are always a crime committed on top level... You simply get scanned from passport ID to whether you are a "politically exposed person" (PEP), ISIS sympathizer, in the lead square with Imams, terrorist groups, has multiple passports or how long you stay in certain countries etc. etc. Add to this, the (constant) organizational changes, voluntary and involuntary termination, poor working environment, working conditions and stress and on top of that, budget cuts and narcissistic leaders... The Americanized cost-benefit analysis / model is quietly incorporated into the MUS conversations, both in the private and public systems, where everything is turned upside down, the scale of scores, and how to best serve shareholders' opportunity to make the most money over the next five years, into the future (who can answer that question?)... Believe me when i say, it's only getting worse with the takeover from robots, softbots, blockchain, digitalization... |

🤯 ~ Levels of Consciousness (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [💌Yes, LOVE, is not the highest form or level of consciousness, according to David Hawkins🙏]... Gratitude, Joy and Peace has been logged, even higher towards ENLIGHTENMENT, which is close to 1000 on the 'Vibrations Scale' if i may so bold, to call it that... 🌹Tables below, something we frequently discuss among members in The Sisterhood of the Rose in Denmark (now closed)...🌹 ... "Just like how seismographs are used to measure earthquakes, recent breakthroughs have allowed researchers to measure a person’s energetic frequency on a specific Vibrations Scale. How does the scale work? Well imagine you have a scale of 1 to 1,000, with 1,000 being the highest state a human being can attain. If you reach this level you would be an Enlightened Master. At the lowest end of the spectrum is someone who is not thriving at all. Researchers use muscle testing and kinesiology to determine where people are on this scale. As you can see, heavy emotions like sadness, guilt or humiliation vibrate at low frequencies, while feelings like love, bliss and enlightenment vibrate at high, uplifting frequencies. Right now, the average level of energy on Earth is around 207—and this is because throughout our lives, we accumulate hidden energy blockages and negative conditioning that holds us back from higher vibrations. The level we should aim for, however, is 500 and above. 500 is the vibration of love. When you vibrate at this level life becomes drastically different. Love, joy, and abundance are suddenly within your grasp. Pain, stress, and struggle seem to melt away and you become a magnet for what you truly desire. But here’s where things get even better. Studies have shown that your energy doesn’t just affect you, but those around you too. Just Google research articles on subjects like the Maharishi affect or distance healing. …Scientists have discovered your energy doesn’t just affect you. It affects those around you too. Just google research articles on the power of positive thinking or distance healing. The conclusion? Everyone looking for a happier, more successful and more enlightened life should aim to overcome their energy blockages, and raise their energetic frequency to a level of Love or Above—a theory that many other reputable scientists have since come to support"(soundofheart.org)... |

Thanks to theearthplan


Menneskets Opstigen og Åndelige Hierarki 

PS: Der er Forskellige modeller til den menneskelige bevidsthed- og udviklingsvej. HVIS man tror på Abraham Maslow, Dr. Hawkin og L. Ron Hubbard m.m. Så er (ubetinget) KÆRLIGHED ikke den højeste kilde, langt fra, men mit ønske var, ikke at gøre modellen, for kompliceret...  

🛸 ~ SEASON 2 : Project Blue Book is BACK and it's heading your way January 21st at 10/9c on History Channel ~ | Blogger: Thx to MUFON for sharing... |

Source (MUFON newsletter)

The true top secret U.S. Air Force investigations into UFO-related phenomena in the 1950s and '60s, known as "Project Blue Book."

As the Cold War deepens and the new political threats loom for Project Blue Book, Dr. Allen Hynek and Captain Michael Quinn, must delve further down the UFO conspiracy rabbit hole in their dangerous quest for the truth. Soon, cover-ups from the past (including Roswell) collide with new UFO cases in the present (including Area 51), forcing our duo to not only question the multi-faceted layers to a broadening global conspiracy, but the very nature and origin of UFOs themselves in an increasingly unstable world.


🚒 ~ 💗Astro_Christina: Australia. Our hearts and thoughts are with you 💕 ~ |

💫 ~ 💗 Jason Silva : NextGen Jodie Foster Contact Sphere Spacegate 💕 ~ |

🏳️‍⚧️ ~ Star YouTuber NikkieTutorials comes out as transgender woman ~ | Blogger: [👨'NikkieTutorials' to her 12,7 million followers: "I'm coming out"👩] ... The crazies are "coming out" (if you ask me)... The oooonly reason "she" (he, hon, hen) even shared this information, was, because Nikkie de Jager, was blackmailed... Sooo... On the other scale of the feminist movement, a danish journalist is asking; "Why does Michelle Obama show a naked bra-free shoulder on the cover of her book? And why does a lawyer appear in towering pink Louboutin stilettos in the courtroom? At work, women are wise to settle for elegance and then save the sexy outfits for privacy."... Weeell, to answer that question would shock you even more and way more complicated... 😲Michelle (Michael) Obama is a transvestite or transexual... 😲ANOTHER (truth) that will shock you: the Grand Slam title magnet Serena Williams is widely considered to be the greatest women's tennis player of all time, but was (once) a man, so was his sister (brother)... You let that sink in.. |

Source (legit.ng)

  • Nikkie de Jager, who is known as NikkieTutorials online, posted a video that surprised her fans 
  • In the clip, which she titled I'm coming out, Nikkie revealed that she's a transgender woman
  • Nikkie said although she feels liberated for sharing her story, she decided to open up after people tried to blackmail her