Jan 15, 2022

🕵️‍♂️🤐👀 ~ (Clear and Present Danger: White or Black Hat operation?) Here's what we know, but mostly gossip and hearsay, so far on the sequence of events that led to the Danish spy chief imprisoned for allegedly leaking classified information & Danish ex-minister charged with treason for leaking US spy cooperation (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉All "eyes" on FE data center, Sandagergård (Amager Island) DK equivalent of GCHQ or NSA👈] ... To all the hungry reporters worldwide I've make it short and sweet;... Back in 2020, professors, leading expects and The Oversight Board – TET, called for justice after Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) and Danish military intelligence (FE) has been systematically spying upon its own citizens for United States economic profit and political interests by NSA... [READ MORE]... PS: I had the privilege (before 2019) to been talking to Ole Dammegard in some semi-private seminars about CIA's infiltrations of Denmark, NATO’s Stay-Behind network, Assassination of Olof Palme and the Global False Flag-Machinery etc. (we always had Ole's old friend, Cody 'Golden Elk' Snodgres, a former CIA independent Black Ops Contractor, who is also part Cherokee and extremely spiritual, on zoom for a few questions).. |

📑"As it turns out, in 1992, President Bill Clinton asked then Danish Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen for access to his country’s core internet system. The latter, a diehard Atlanticist, readily acceded. The relations procedures between the NSA (National Security Agency) and the FE (Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste) were put on paper. During Barack Obama’s mandate (that is, after Edward Snowden’s revelations and the US commitment to no longer spy on its allies), the United States managed to rig the Danish tender procedure for fighter jets and impose the F-35 to the detriment of the Danish and European industry.  The general public mistakenly views this as a case of espionage. In fact, it was authorized by the Prime Minister and implemented by the Danish military and electromagnetic intelligence service. It is the continuation of the system put in place after WWII by the CIA (USA), and later by NATO (USA + UK), labeled Stay-behind network (Gladio). Under the pretext of fighting against the Soviet Union, the Anglo-Americans took the liberty of interfering in the internal affairs of allied countries, going so far as to have a prime minister assassinated or to orchestrate coups d’etat. The branch of the Danish Stay-behind network, Absalon, - allegedly dissolved in 1989 - was, to boot, located in the heart of the FE. Everything suggests that the same device continues to be active in all NATO member states"📑 (voltairenet)... | 

Danish spy chief Lars Findsen imprisoned and perhaps Danish ex-minister charged with treason, PET said that four people were charged under section 109(1) of the Danish Criminal Code, which carries a maximum sentence of 12 years in prison...

To protect NATO’s Stay-Behind network in Denmark?...

To protect former President Bill Clinton, who asked then Danish Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen for access to his country’s core internet system which meant illegal surveillance activity every Dane, as well as that of any foreigner passing through Denmak?...

To protect the rigging of Danish tender procedure for fighter jets and impose the F-35 to the detriment of the Danish and European industry?...

To protect and save Danish government by allowing to evacuate dual nationals, woman and children, from Syrian camp in exception to own policy, not leaving them to die?...






🙏 ~ 💝 (Online Bullying in the Spiritual Community) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Why is music and humans so powerful?... Sadness, spiritual exhaust or fatigue can come and ago as part of life, no matter no "drama" or lots of it, enters. I'm no 'Guru-follower' I told you many times over. However, been high up in (or close to people like my Ex-girlfriend) (spiritual*) Cobra RM 250K plus organization (no more). Cobra and the team behind his American version PrepareForChange (PFC) plus WeLoveMassMediation (WLMM) has tons of intel and "Active Meditations", if you feel so guided. I'm still inside Simon Parkes & Becky's 100K spiritual organization. Every Friday/Saturday there's Medi called "International CC member Meditation to raise consciousness" - highly recommended for (members) and today, it was to assist Tongans and calm down the volcano, like WLMM has a (free) Urgent meditation for peace between Russia and NATO every 4 hours. However, my mood, will always improve, listen to Tarot by Janine (she's amazing and others like Megan Rose)... |

👤🧨⚖️ ~ ('De superrigeste tjent 30 tusinde mia. dollars på Coronakrisen - middelklassen decimeret i mange, mange lande.') Nytårserklæring med evidens og Nuremberg2.0 ved Mads Palsvig Part 1 af 3 (Mads Palsvig) ~ | Blogger: Vi ved jo alle sammen godt, at vi Folket, anses som det indiske kastesamfundet, i vor moderne vestlige forståelse det ultimativt forkastelige (Useless Eaters). Men vil lige gøre Mads og Co., opmærksom på, sådanne har det været i 6000 år og det er et højere hierarki af udenomjordisk væsens indflydelse, men det må man jo ikke snakke om i JFK21 (UFO-historier er bandlyst). Med al respekt, nogle gange, så ser jeg JFK21 og Mads, som værende for "Zirkus Nemo og Smadremanden" der råber ’Hillary Clinton er pædofil og Dan Jørgensen er sadomasochist’, der tiltrækker hardcore anarkister som ønsker, at "smadre byen på en ikke-voldelig måde". Uanset om udsagnet er sandt eller falsk, er han født med en FIAT-Bankguldske i munden, med kandidat-/masteruddannelse, og bor stadigvæk, i det riges ghettoer. Mange anser ham som en FOLKEHELT, andre, som en "kontrolleret opposition" (Hvilket betyder at være styret af Black Hats, men skal se ud som White Hats). Klassificeres som højre / venstreorienteret konspirationsteoretiker, i det offentlige rum. Personligt syntes jeg... [LÆS VIDERE]... PS: Alle skal respekteres og gives lov til, at udtrykke deres synspunkter og meningsdannelse, hvis man agere og handler i god tro, uanset hvad du og jeg tror på, er sandheden, som kun, kan komme indefra, men tit, bliver båret af udefrakommende impulser, lytte- og sanseindtryk... |

Deler nedenstående fra biodynamiske nyheder 8 pkt. og Lars Mikkelsen

8 Nytårstale af Mads Palsvig

Se især den første ½ time.

Resten er mindre interessant, men dog ok.


Tallene nedenfor er minuttal.
  • 6 CDC kan man se om her: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
  • CDC stoppede anerkendelsen af PCR-testen i USA 30-12-21.
  • Den kan ikke skelne mellem corona og andre influenzaer. Derfor kasseret.
  • 18 Statsministeren medlem af loge i Aalborg.
  • 20 Mads tager for 1. gang et manuskript op, da dette er så vigtigt. Aldrig gjort før.
  • 22 Virus ca. 250 gange mindre end hullerne i maskerne.
  • 24 10 % flere døde i 2021
  • 25 20.000 tyske læger nægter at vaccinere.
  • 28 Godt nytår


... han/de er for aggressive, bombardiske egocentrikere uden noget som helst udslæt af barmhjertighed overfor autoriteter, som udlever Deres egen guddommelige sjælekontrakt, på godt og ondt. 

Og de skal nok, få deres staf, uanset om Mads, underspiller rollen som Nuremberg-dommer, og alle der har været med i cononabedraget skal straffes, fængsles og fratage, deres formue ("nazisterne" skal likvideres). 

Hvis man starter et parti med at smide ALLE folk ud igen, for at snakke for meget om frimurerne, UFO-venner og "konspirationer" (som ikke er Mads egne), da jeg var medlem af JFK21 i ultrakort tid, er der for meget benægtelse og ikke-spiritualisme. 

🤯😶‍🌫️ ~ (You can't make this stuff up...) The Real News (For Some) Expect The Unexpected (SoTW) ~ |




B. The Real News for Fri. 14 Jan. 2022:

  • Countries across the globe were preparing for an imminent blackout due to Cyber Attacks.
  • Banks in North America including Canada, US and Mexico were no longer exchanging foreign money unless it was sent digitally and was from a tracked account.
  • On Thurs. 13 Jan. the UN announced that in their new Dinar Rate, Iraq paid Kuwait what was owed for the war, a requirement before the Global Currency Reset could be released.
  • The Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset – the Iraqi Dinar’s new International Rate – was set to be announced on Sat. 15 Jan. and begin trading on Forex the next day, Sun. 16 Jan.
  • Redemption Center Staff have been told they would begin working full time on Sun. 16 Jan.
  • As of Thurs. 13 Jan. the US Supreme Court Building in Washington DC was closed to the public until further notice.
  • On Fri. 14 Jan. 2022 the US Government was closing schools across the nation for around a week.
  • Sun. 16 Jan.: 1.16 = 11.6 Trump Presidency Made Public.

👑💥🦎 ~ ('The shadow world government – the Bilderberg group.') Olga Chetverikova: Plunged into Chaos: Europe on the Eve of the Bilderberg Conference (2010) (Global Research) ~ | Blogger: [👉Putin: «The Queen Is A Shapeshifting Reptile» - WHAAAT?? A Danish taxi driver described driving past a group of VIP guests at the 2014 Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen and seeing some of their faces turn reptilian and some of their hands and feet take on a reptilian look.'👈]... I personally do not see, the "Bilderberg-group", as the only secret-society element, that controls the world. There's so many to pick from (Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberg Group, The Roundtable, The Rhodes Foundation, The Committee of 300, Rockefeller & Rothschild Khazarian Satanists, P3 Freemason, The Gnostic Illuminati. etc. etc.)... You might wanna listen to the free version of BF Friday Q&A video and the (satanic-mafia) who rule the world, according to Mr. Fulford... |

Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video Interview 01/07/2021



Way back in 2010, a Russian international-relations professor was laying bare the whole Bilderberg plan. Her conclusions are remarkably apt and prophetic:

“Most likely, the shadow world government – the Bilderberg group – will administer to the public the dose of social problems carefully calculated to enable the elites “to offload troubled assets,” retain control over the situation, and divert protests from the actual sources of problems that trigger them.

“From Russia’s perspective, the conclusion is obvious: any deepening of its integration into the ‘free’ Europe strengthens the financial and informational control over Russia exercised by the global elites seeking to strip it of the status of an independent geopolitical player.”

Long. Intended for the immensely interested.



Plunged into Chaos: Europe on the Eve of the Bilderberg Conference 

By Olga Chetverikova

Global Research, June 3, 2010
Strategic Culture Foundation


The Bilderberg group will convene in Sitges, Spain, a resort community 30 km from Barcelona, on June 4-7. As usual, the information is supplied by James Tucker and Daniel Estulin who revealed that this year the issues topping the agenda of the club’s meeting will be the global recession and the approaches to provoking such economic breakdowns that can help justify the establishment of a full-scale world economic governance.

Intending to prolong the global economic downturn for at least another year, the Bilderberg group hopes to take advantage of the situation to set up a “global ministry of finance” as a part of the UN. Though the decision was actually made at the group’s meeting in Greece last year, according to Tucker the plan was torpedoed by US and European “nationalists” (for the Bilderberg group, “nationalists” is a generic term for all nationally-oriented forces espousing national sovereignty and statehood).

All year since the last meeting, representatives of the global executive management have been convincing the public across the world to embrace a “new financial order”. The idea recurred in the statements made by N. Sarkozy, G. Brown, and the freshly elected European Council President H. Van Rompuy, but – against the backdrop of a relatively harmless phase of the crisis – the activity remained limited to psychological conditioning and no practical steps have been taken.