Dec 24, 2019

🎅 ~ STAR WARS THE FORCE SPACE FORCE ~ | Blogger: [🦌May The (Space) Source Be With You During This Christmas Gift Of 2019 & Into A (Reborn) 2020 ~ SoTW🌲] ... Wishing my readers a Merry (Christ) Consciousness Christmas. May all your wishes and dreams come true... As an Angelic Star-nation of Starseeds on Earth, let us Decree from our Heart-center our readiness to graduate to a higher dimension of (unconditional) Love, Joy, Peace and Abundance, on the most positive timeline for all beings in the Multiverse.... So be it, and So it is🙏 |

💉🤥😷 ~ En gang til: Vaccinationer giver ikke autisme ~ | Blogger: [Er Ingeniøren, sponsoreret af den medicinske mafia?🤔] ... |

VIDENSKABENS TOP 5: Forskere ved Aarhus Universitet finder 12 genvarianter, der disponerer for autisme og er blandt de nominerede til årets bedste forskningsresultat.

Kilde (

Af Jens Ramskov 20. dec 2019 kl. 09:380

Selvom en stor dansk undersøgelse af 657.461 børn afkræfter, at MFR-vaccinen øger risikoen for autisme, lader vaccinemodstanderne sig ikke sådan overbevise.

I en nu tilbagetrukket artikel fremsatte den senere miskrediterede britiske læge Andrew
Wakefield i 1998 påstanden om, at vaccination mod mæslinger, fåresyge og røde hunde (MFR) kunne øge risikoen for, at børn udviklede autisme. I et stort dansk studie i 2002 med undersøgelse af 537.303 børn blev en sådan sammenhæng klart afvist. Det overbeviste dog på ingen måde den hårde kerne af vaccinemodstandere verden over, som mente at kunne tilbagevise den danske undersøgelse på den en (LÆS VIDRE)

🖼️ ~ Queen to acknowledge 'bumpy path' during Christmas Day message ~ | Blogger: [🎀Where is 'The Pink Elephant In The Room'?🐘] ... PS: (SoTW:) - Where is the missing family? Queen Elizabeth II records her annual Christmas broadcast in Windsor Castle, Berkshire. On her desk, family picture are missing the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (spared) i last second, by stripping them from their royal titles and where is the 'Elephant in the Room', the Duke of York, 'Randy Prince Andy' in a royal pickle???... |

READ MORE (northwalespioneer)

👼 ~ 💗 TWINFLAMES JANUARY 2020 💕~ | .. Twinflames- Divine Feminine Consciousness and Divine Masculine Consciousness of the Collective Mind/Energy- January 2020! .. |

Source (Aluna Ash- 9D)

😵 ~ 👩‍❤️‍👩 Se billederne: Anne Linnet er blevet gift ~ | Blogger: [🤔Du må meget undskylde, siger tingene råt for usødet, men 38 års forskel, det er måske liiidt sygeligt, ved denne form for forblindelse eller fascination af andres magtposition, populisme og idoldyrkelse, som i dette tilfælde!? ÆGTE kærlighed? Hvis ja, tillykke💖] ... {Det var dengang, at Anne Linnet skrev en uhyggelig krimi, forbudt på fjæsen, som Kirsten Birgit fik første kapitel af, og den er fucked! - Verdensalt mistede alt for Linnet, efter Den Korte Radioavis oplæsning - Kvindechauvinisme, feminist, rødstrømpe, betonlebbe eller mandehader, er nogle af de ufine ord, jeg vil bruge om Linnet} ... "Johnny Madsen (OMFG!!?)", skrev "Det, vi taler om" på FB i seneste program, efter unge og ældre kvinder, bestormer ham og vil ha sex (eller lave om på ham) ...🤔 Det tættest jeg kommer på (vandrygt) er Jørgen Leth på 82, der har fortalt vidt og bredt om sit forhold til en 17-årig haitiansk pige på Haiti (meget tæt på pædofili)... 🙀De sociale medier er også gået (amok) i disse dage over aldersforskellen på Keira Knightley og Thomas Brodie-Sangster fra filmen ‘Love Actually - 'Han ligner en på fem, hun en på 25'... 🙄Klaus Riskær Pedersen, der blev farfar sidste sommer, skal nu have et barn med sin 27-årige kæreste (36 års forskel)... 👉Billy Joel og Alexis Roderick. Han er 33 år yngre. 👉Rupert Murdoch, er samme med Jerry Hall. Han er 25 år ældre.. 👉Richard Gere, og hans kæreste, Alejandra Silva. Han er 34 år ældre end hende. 👉George Clooney (56) bliver far og hans 18-årige kone Amal eller Donald Trump (70) og hans første dame, Melania (47 år), bliver kommentatorer psykoanalytikere, hvilket tyder på, at den yngre kvinde, klart søger en faderfigur. Lignende historier udløses af den (meget mindre almindelige) sammenkobling af en yngre mand med en ældre kvinde, som med den 39-årige franske præsident Emmanuel Macron og hans kone, Brigitte, 64. Sjældenheden af ​​sådanne bryllupper gør dem til nyheder, men ikke foder til den samme type spekulation... 🔞Væsentlig aldersforskel i seksuelle forhold har været et træk ved både heteroseksuelle og samme køn par i mange kulturer og samfund. Det mest almindelige mønster i heteroseksuelle par er en ældre mand med en yngre kvinde. Dette kan ske som et arrangeret ægteskab, eller et medlem kan forfølge og indlede forholdet i de samfund, der favoriserer friere forhold. Situationer der involverer en yngre mand med en ældre kvinde eksisterer også, men er ikke så almindelige. Aldersforskelle i ekstreme tilfælde kan betragtes som dysfunktionelle (en parafili), hvis sådanne forhold forfølges til udelukkelse af alle andre og til skade for partnerne. Betegnelsen alphamegamia kan bruges, når en person er seksuelt opstemt af partnere, i en anden aldersgruppe, og "chronophilia" kan beskrive en seksuel fixering på medlemmer af en anden aldersgruppe... 🥰Verdensalt' sidste kæreste, var 27 år, hamrende (spiritual) intelligent og (Wozniacki) gudinesmuk, og jeg, ja, er på alder med kronprinsen, det varede heller ikke så længe, der var simpelthen for stor aldersforskel og så er jeg heller ikke tv-kendt, millionær og VIP-politiker med en Ph.d.-uddannelse, fyldt med (skabs)bøger og pro-intellektuel, som eks.vis., Katherine Diez, går efter... |


🗞️ ~ Trump is ready for revenge ~ | Blogger: [🤥The War on Fake News : Why does Sensationalism Sell? What is Yellow Journalism? What is considered Clickbait? The lamestream media is Lying to you…and Itself🤥] ... {The danish tabloid cash-cow 200 million clickbait maschine} ... THIS article is a (direct) illegal translated copycat version (to the very letter) by a Danish / Belgium owner (and controlled) LSM (The Lamestream Media) Danish tabloid newspaper. Originated from The Indo NewYork, but simple put, illegally, published by a danish journalist, Henning Høeg and his danish porn-media, Berlingske Media. B.T., (with no references). B.T. has then added additional pictures from Reuters and AFP and all the other lying smearing campaigning media networks, simple, to ridicule POTUS, put him in a bad spot and to show, that the world is laughing at Donald Trump .. (to Quote Pres. Trump on Twitter: “Revenge is sweet and not fattening.” - Alfred Hitchcock)... PS: sensationalism as a practice of writing to entice, attract, stimulate, arouse, exaggerate and generally provoke an emotional response in readers... |

(SoTW:) "Pelosi Is Holding on to Impeachment Articles to Disrupt the Senate's Investigation into Fisagate"
 ~ Qmap Proofs / Memes

Org. Source (indonewyork)
Copy source (danish B.T.)

Donald Trump is now officially accused of high treason. And while the charges hang like a black cloud over The White House, does the president himself supposedly ready for revenge.

And Trumps crosshairs is among other things aimed against high-ranking democrats like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.

The typing of the two american media, The Daily Beast and Politico.

As Donald Trump in 2017 was asked to name his favorite part of the bible, he said slightly ominous: "an eye for An eye."

And according to The Daily Beast it is precisely this old testament hævnopfattelse, which operates the Donald Trump.

"If Trump goes down, so he refuses to go down alone," writes Justin Baragona in The Daily Beast.

🔭🙄 ~ NASA Found Life on Mars 40 Years Ago, But Covered it up for Political Reasons ~ | Blogger: [NASA - Never A Straight Answer] ... FBI - Federal Bureau of Intimidation ... The CIA is extremely secretive and has developed many nicknames, such as “The Agency,” “Pickle Factory,” “Christians In Action,” “Crooks In Action,” “Cocaine Importing Agency,” “Capitalism’s International Army,” “Capitalism’s Invisible Army” (by R. Buckminster Fuller in 1981), “Certified Idiots of America” and “Virginia Farm Boys” (after its headquarters in Langley, Virginia).... |

Source: (HumansAreFree)
Thx to OOM2

One of the experimenters involved with the Labeled Release (LR) life detection experiment that took place during NASA’s Viking mission to Mars back in 1976 has gone public with the claim that life on Mars was discovered more than 40 years ago, even though the government has yet to admit the truth.

According to Gilbert V. Levin, writing for the Scientific American blog, test results from this mission were returned to NASA on July 30, 1976, revealing that something was, in fact, alive on Mars in the distant past, despite the planet being uninhabitable today.

Throughout the course of the experiment, a total of four positive results backed by five varied controls showed that “microbial respiration” did exist on the Red Planet, with soil tests showing similar data curves as those collected on Earth.

At the time, NASA was insistent that the mission didn’t uncover true life because no actual organic matter, considered to be the “essence of life,” was detected.

As such, NASA declared the mission to be a failure, as it only resulted in the discovery of a life-like substance.

“Inexplicably, over the 43 years since Viking, none of NASA’s subsequent Mars landers has carried a life detection instrument to follow up on these exciting results,” notes Levin, suggesting that NASA never expected to discover life on Mars in the first place, and certainly never intended to tell the public about it if it did.

“Instead the agency launched a series of missions to Mars to determine whether there was ever a habitat suitable for life and, if so, eventually to bring samples to Earth for biological examination,” Levin further explains.

NASA Is Fake News

※🔴Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | ~ Calabrian mafia arrests, International Criminal Court actions against Zionist leaders signal doom for Khazarian mafia ~ | Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: Excerpts from the full report : "... (However, our Russian sources say the real target was Vladimir Putin, and the attack was carried out by “nine).... militants from the Right Sector of Ukraine. Three of them were killed, three were taken to prison, and three managed to escape.” The attack took place while Putin was nearby for an FSB Day celebration. “This is a war inside the FSB,” the source added. In other words, the Zionist Rothschild faction tried and failed to kill Putin. The question now is whether Trump will join Putin in... [READ MORE]... |

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Calabrian mafia arrests, International Criminal Court actions against Zionist leaders signal doom for Khazarian mafia

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s repo- rts for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. Especially after Cobra and David Wilcock and others latest outbreak of mistrust in BF postings... With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...
Published by Benjamin on Dec 23, 2019 CET

The arrest of 334 gangsters from the Calabria-based Ndrangheta mob, and International Criminal Court (ICC) proceedings against Israel mean the net is closing tighter on the Khazarian mafia.

“The wheels of justice grind slowly. The ICC prosecuting Israeli war crimes in Palestine after 5 years may lead to arrest warrants and other war crimes in Syraq [sic], since Israel supports ISIS [Daesh] and steals Syrian and Iraqi oil,” Pentagon sources say. U.S. Special Forces will soon be hunting down Zionist war criminals wherever they may try to hide on this planet, the sources promise.

The arrests in Italy, meanwhile, are a direct blow to the Italian/Swiss faction that carried out the Fukushima mass-murder attacks against Japan, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. This means the fraudulently elected criminal regime of Crime Minister Shinzo Abe in Japan is going to finally face justice, the sources say.

We will have more details on both of these developments below, but first let’s look at other big moves taking place around the world.

The biggest story, as usual, remains the ongoing bankruptcy negotiations of the U.S. corporate government. “The corporate American government exists from hand to mouth, week by week, month by month. This is not sustainable and at some point must be reset,” British intelligence sources say.

That’s why U.S. President Donald Trump will be attending the annual gathering of the world elite at Davos on January 21st to try to negotiate funding to keep his regime going past its January 31st payments deadline, European royal family sources say. Remember, early this year Trump skipped Davos before caving in and hiring neocon Zionists after a 35-day partial government shutdown. Let’s see what the Davos elite try to force Trump to do in exchange for more debt this time.

🍫 ~ Ferrero Rocher 'uses children as young as six' to pick hazelnuts used in its chocolates, claims human rights group ~ | Blogger: [✋Child labour🛑]... Just like China, who is running forced labour camps in the remote province of Xinjiang - and retailers like Ikea, Target, Cotton On, Jeanswest and H&M are embroiled in the scandal with thousands of other companies... |

READ MORE (Daily Mail Online)

👼 ~ 💗 AGE OF AQUARIUS JANUARY 11TH/12TH 2020 💕~ | Blogger: Thanks to Steven and the Cobra resistance...🙏|

Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the massive astrological configuration on January 11th/12th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will lead us into the Age of Aquarius.

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! 

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the Age of Aquarius closer to us. This activation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to finally trigger the process that will start the long awaited Age of Aquarius. Number of people doing that activation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process. We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide. We will be doing our Age of Aquarius meditation at the best possible moment that will have the maximum positive effect on humanity. It will be at 10:11 pm PST on January 11th in Los Angeles. This equals 11:11 pm MST in Denver on January 11th, and then we cross into January 12th for other time zones: 00:11 am CST in Chicago, 1:11 am EST in Newy York, 6:11 am GMT in London, 7:11 am CET in Paris, 08:11 am EET in Cairo, 2:11 pm CST in Taipei and Beijing, 3.11 pm JST in Tokyo and 5:11 pm AEDT in Sydney.