Apr 12, 2019

Verdensalt.dk | 💓 ~ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ 💕 |

TV2 Østjylland | ~ Tobak til debat: Vil hæve prisen på cigaretter til det dobbelte ~ | Blogger: [🚬KAN du sige: VALGFLÆSK = Stephanie Lose🚭] ... Verdensalt: Der er INGEN evidence for at politikere vil dig godt, jamen undskyld, men sådanne hæn- ger det sammen... Desuden bestemmer de ikke, det gør vælgerne, heller ikke... Derimod afgører erhvervsorganisationer, VL-grupperne, ulovlig partistøtte- donationer, embedsværket, politiske familiedynastier, samt Elitenetværket (423 personer)... Det her drejer sig om ikke at blive taget med bukserne nede over for vælgerne - så politikerne forbliver stuerene... ALT HANDLER OM PENGE... Tobaksindustrien, fødevareindustrien, fiskeri- og landbrugsorganisation, medicinalindustrien og Bank Syndikatet - de største danske lobby-huse som kontrære med politikernes lod og de folkevalgte er ellevilde af begejstning.. Politikerne mener, at lobbyisterne er nyttige som medspillere i det politiske arbejde. Hele 90 pct. mener, at lobbyister i høj eller nogen grad gavner den politiske proces, mens kun 7 pct. ikke mener, at lobbyister gavner i processen fra forslag til lovgivning.. Lobbyister fra virksomheder og organisationer har ikke det bedste ry i medier og befolkning. Ofte bliver lobbyisme-disciplinen omtalt med let skjult mystik og dets udøvere som skruppelløse bagmænd med kommercielle interesser, der manipulerer sig vej til politisk indflydelse... |

Hård kritik af politikeres møde med tobaksgigant: - Industrien slår over 13.000 danskere ihjel

LÆS   VIDERE: Tobak til debat: Vil hæve prisen på cigaretter til det dobbelte

LÆS OGSÅ: https://bit.ly/2X8Gh3k

Maritime Herald | ~ UFO or Ghost Ship? Gigantic Object Captured that Creates a New Mystery (VIDEO) ~ |

The lakes are an inexhaustible source of myths and legends, who has not heard at least about the monster of Loch Ness ?

At the border of the United States with Canada there is a place called ‘The Great Lakes’, this site consists of a group of five lakes. They are the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world; They are also considered closed seas.

These lakes are so large that their surface equals the entire United Kingdom, and they contain 21 percent of the world’s fresh water.

The Great Lakes began to form at the end of the last glaciation about 10 thousand years ago, since when the ice sheets melted they carved basins in the land and these were filled with melt water.

Legends About The Great Lakes

This place is considered the ‘Triangle of Bermuda‘ of the North of the United States. In this enigmatic site there have been disappearances of ships, people and planes since 1891, when a schooner named Thomas Hume and his crew vanished.

ICYMI | ~ Civil War in Libya? NATO’s freedom bombs have created a real geopolitical pickle ~ |

Gigi Young | ~ Mars and Artificial Intelligence ~ |

Berlingske | ~ Navne, CPR, pasnumre og fotos: Over 3000 af Forsvarets udsendte ramt af datalæk ~ | Blogger: [🛂Civil Registration System (#ID's), Passport (#ID's) & Official Photographs of 3000 of Armed Force Employees Leaked🛡️] ... {Blame Russia.. no China... no hmm.. who is our enemy of today?} ... ".. Dataskandaler ‒ "systemet" passer ikke ordentligt på vores personlige oplysninger. Det står sløjt til med datasikkerheden i Danmark. Personlige data kommer igen og igen i hænderne på de forkerte. Den manglende datasikkerhed er som regel en følge af menneskelig (u-)dåd. Vi er heldige at leve i et samfund hvor vi i høj grad har tillid til hinanden. Men tillid er ikke det samme som sikkerhed. Disse eksempler viser med al ønskelig tydelighed, at sikkerhed langt fra kan bygges på tillid. De typiske datalæk skyldes i hovedtræk: 💩 Brodne kar, dvs. sager hvor autoriseret adgang til fortrolige data misbruges. Sager hvor uvedkommende skaffer sig adgang til data. Hændelige fejl som følge af ubetænksomhed, forglemmelser osv. Decideret uansvarlig / inkom- petent håndtering af sikkerheden. Systemfejl, dvs. læk som følge af usikre sys- temer... 🚩 'Datatilsynet får 83 indberetninger om ugen om brud på persondata- forordning:' -- CPR-nummer, sygejournal, bankkode, sociale ydelser er personlige oplysninger, som skal behandles med stor sikkerhed uanset om det er et firma, en kommune eller en myndighed, der ligger inde med dem. Men siden persondata- forordningen blev indført 25 maj, er det væltet ind med anmeldelser til Datatil- synet om brud på sikkerheden. Over 1.500 anmeldelser - i gennemsnit 83 om ugen - har tilsynet måtte behandle (DR)'... 🚩 2011: -- Tusindvis af københavneres personlige oplysninger lækket. Landets Jobcentre sender fortrolige oplysninger til forkerte borgere, og i København gik det helt galt... 🚩 2012: -- Persondata lækket af nordsjællandsk kommune. På mindre end en uge er tre kommuner blevet afsløret i sløseri med borgerne cpr-numre. Denne gang stammer sikkerheds- problemerne fra Nordsjælland... 🚩 2014: -- En sikkerhedsbrist på CPR-kontoret under Økonomi- og Indenrigsministeriet er gået ud over 900.000 danskere, der dermed har fået lækket deres CPR-numre... 🚩 2016: -- 5.282.616 millioner cpr-numre samt oplysninger om personernes helbred er blevet forkert udleveret til et kinesisk visum-bureau ved navn Chinese Visa Application Centre, da der blev sendt 2 CD'er med ukrypterede cpr-numre via brevpost... 🚩 2017: -- Oplysninger om 3.600 kunder hos teleselskabet 3 er blevet stjålet og brugt som afpresnings- middel mod selskabet... 🚩 2018: -- 590 Særligt udsatte statsansattes navne, cpr-numre og funktioner har ved en fejl ligget frit tilgængeligt på det åbne internet i 20 dage... |

Arkivfoto: Kontingentparade hos Den Kongelige Livgarde i Gothersgade med Rosenborg Slot i baggrunden. I anledning af hjemkomsten af soldater fra Irak og Afghanistan i 2017.Foto: Mads Claus Rasmussen
LÆS VIDERE: https://bit.ly/2KETFuG

X22Report | Ep 1838b | ~ Something Big Is Coming, The Hunters Move In On Their Prey ~ | .. Assange is being spied on in the Ecuadorian Embassy. NYT is no projec- ting trying to get ahead the spying, declass and the OIG report. Collins releases Bakers testimony. Barr putting together a team to investigate, Barr admits that Trump was spied on. MSM trying to say that Obama's separation of children is different than Trumps. Q is back and says the following PANIC .. |

Kryon Official | ~ Kryon 2019: Healers Instructions ~ | Channeled by Lee Carroll |

Full Transcript: 

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

When you take a look at the various places on the planet, some of them have very different energies. It’s a hard thing to explain because you don’t see the energies that are there, but you can certainly feel them. Many times, the result of a Gaia cooperation with humanity in a certain way can create pockets where people will clump and live because the energy there will enhance what they do. In the case of metaphysics, you’re in one of those special places now.

This town of Santa Fe, for hundreds of years – even before your culture arrived – was known as a healing place. It’s an interesting phenomenon where Gaia supports the Human Being in their healing work, connecting to the land with profound energies. All over this planet there are pockets like these and the interesting thing for you is that they are not always in pristine places. Some are in ordinary places that have extraordinary energy. So, what I want to do is address the metaphysical workers in this channelling, the ones who are finding themselves in these places with unique issues.

In these areas, healers tend to clump together. It’s not just here in your country, but all over the planet. So, I want to specifically address the ones who are doing the work. Multidimensional energies on this planet are changing. Part of the light/dark relationship is changing, and it’s what we have discussed earlier today. The energy is starting to shift and the ratio of light to dark is starting to change and it affects everything here. We have only “scratched the surface”, as you say, in our attempt to describe the multitude of changes that begin to occur because of it. We started speaking of consciousness shift and the way people are starting to think differently, but there’s so much more.

Yesterday we described how the various reflections that you might have of your past can now be designed and changed. You no longer have to live with the sorrow and the suffering of difficult memories, just because they etched themselves into your mind. Instead, you have a new kind of control over these things due to the new light/dark balance. The Human past, dear ones, was often really tough. It was tough because darkness always seemed to win, and that has been “the way of it” for almost all lightworkers, healers, readers and meditators. It has been tough going for centuries.

Strange Sounds | ~ The volcanic unrest continues… And with the current solar minimum, it is not going to stop in a while! Be prepared! Ongoing eruptions in Kamchatka, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Chile… Unrest in New Zealand ~ | Blogger: [🔥Talking about The Pacific Ring of Fire: An earthquake of magnitude 7 struck Indonesia's island of Sulawesi on Friday - USGS🌋] ... |

Map of erupting volcanoes worldwide as of April 11, 2019. via VolcanoDiscovery
READ MORE: https://bit.ly/2XdbouD

verdensalt | ~ Nyheder fra den lille andedam: Nye danske kampfly larmer mere end ventet, over 100 decibel - jeg får ondt i maven, siger nabo. Danske Banks revisor politianmeldt, mens Ministre forgår - embedsmænd består. Nulfejlskultur i uddannelsessystemet: Studerende ryster på hovedet over nyt 12+. Veganere er klar: På søndag skal danskerne have sandheden at vide. Pandaudklædte demo- nstranter er klar ved Zoo: 'Danmarks Kina-politik er pinlig'. Tibet flag skal væk, siger politiet og de politiske vogtere ~ |

Nye danske kampfly larmer mere end ventet - jeg får ondt i maven, siger nabo
Danske Studerendes Fællesråd har svært ved at se, at den nye udmærkelse 12+ vil andet end at øge ræset.
Veganere er klar: På søndag skal danskerne have sandheden at vide

healthmasters | ~ Ted & Austin Radio Show Highlights for April 10, 2019 ~ | .. Are migrants causing the measles? Forced vaccine, martial law or fines or jail in NYC? Wow this is a mess! Netanyahu wins. Clinton makes white nationalists comments. Candace Owens before Congress. Pope says migration and multiculturalism always bring riches! .. | Blogger: Don't go to deep into this drama of the 3D Matrix of illusions... verdensalt is ONLY posting informations that present A-Truth, not THE-Truth... PS: DID YOU KNOW, that 'NONE' of the danish core of private health professionals (Doctors GP) vaccinate their 'own' children... That's a FACT... |

Show Highlights:
  • High energy thought provoking high energy show!
  • Forced vaccine martial law or fines or jail in NYC? Wow this is a mess. Discussed in detail!
  • Netanyahu easily wins re-election. Told you.
  • Super Bowl going cashless. Is this a beta test?
  • Clinton says white nationalists support Trump. Again, more race baiting.
  • Candace Owens gives committeeman a verbal thrashing.
  • Are your eyes the window to your soul?
  • Pope Francis says multiculturalism always bring riches.
  • Yes and diseases and turmoil and civil war to boot!
  • Teach your children how to think and ask questions!
  • High energy must listen show!
Player not showing? Click Here to Listen Now

ZeroHedge | ~ Allison Mack Pleads Guilty In NXIVM Sex-Cult Case ~ | .. Former Smallville actress Allison Mack wept in a Brooklyn federal courtroom on Monday as she pleaded guilty to charges that she manipulated women into becoming sex slaves for the leader of a purported self-help group tied to the Clintons .. | Blogger: Sorry to bring this up again, but important, nevertheless... NONE from Denmark has stepped forward, but in Sweden, Sara Edmondson, who was a (BRANDED women's flesh with the founder's initials) member of the organization Nxivm - whose leaders are now prosecuted for rape and much, much worse indictments in this sex slave cult... According to a 2010 Vanity Fair report, Clare and her sister Sara Bronfman, who joined NXIVM in 2002, contributed approximately $150 million of their trust fund to NXIVM, while Claire bought 80% of Wakaya island off the coast of Fiji for $47 million in 2016. Edgar Bronfman was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by U.S. President Bill Clinton in August 1999.. Mum's the word 🤫This is the real deal folks! The NXIVM-Cult is REAL and so is Journalist, David Seaman, reporting about it and 'In Our World'👍 EVERY, B-list actors and actresses, is a either a recruiter of the NXIVM Cult or recruiters of the secret cult, ABOVE, NXIVM. Yes, the Archons and power elites has an agenda!... O-M-G! Sickening🤢 ... |

READ MORE: https://bit.ly/2UIAiEA
Sarah brännmärktes – med ledarens initialer

SGTreport | ~ DEEP STATE STRIKES? ASSANGE ARRESTED ~ | Blogger: [🚨A WESTERN FARCE OF FAKE NEWS VS. EAST BLOC REAL NEWS!?😶] ... {Or is it the other way round? Energy flows where attention goes} ... From Danish to English spoken newspapers, saying that Julian Assange was arrested after the country’s president Lenin Moreno accused the Australian of “discourteous and aggressive behaviour” as he confirmed the south American country had withdrawn Assange’s asylum status and Assange, could be jailed for allegedly violating court's gag order. Ecuador Embassy was marked by "discourteous" behavior and bad hygiene reports (after smearing POO all over the walls of Ecuadorian Embassy)... The Deep State actors like Hillary Clinton, showed signature style as she chuckles over Assange’s arrest in a latest video from a FOX News talk show. US lawmakers & UK MP's rejoice over Assange arrest, some claiming, that UK is just a ‘plaything’ of Washing- ton... On the flip side of the coin, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova with hundreds of free journalists, are saying that ‘Assange’s arrest threatens journalism and whistleblowers’... But is it all a The Deep State 2.0 MKultra mind game, to lure us away from the real facts?... Is Rory Hall correct when he says; 'what Assange and WikiLeaks was doing was specifically for the benefit of humanity - period? and they can't stand that'... Is it a coincidence that Trump accuses Dems of ‘treason’ and Robert Mueller’s probe an ‘attempted coup’ and the next thing that happens, is Assange is arrested???... What Happened to Julian Assange’s Dead Man’s Switch for the WikiLeaks Insurance Files?... |

urintuitivecoach | ~ Intentional Focus ~ | By Jennie Ankney |

We want to ask ourselves a question from time to time just to check in. What are we focusing on?

To answer that question let’s look at the manifestation process, or Law of Attraction. If it is true that we create our reality, and it is a function of the collaboration of our thoughts, which creates a feeling and subsequently we are motivated to act and behave in certain ways. And it is also true that we are energy and all energy has a vibration. Then we are vibrating at a specific frequency that then gets broadcasted into the space around us. That energy or frequency tunes into other people or things or even situations that are at that same frequency, and thus we have an attractive force based on our thoughts, feelings and actions…or focus.

Our focus is entirely under our command. We choose what to focus upon. Sometimes that can still be like holding an open firehose, right?

It has a mind of its own.

I can’t get a saddle on my mind chatter.

This is more common than not for many of us. We are distracted by so much input and possibilities in our modern world. There is chaotic energy pulling our focus in many directions. We have even found reasons to blame other people or objects for what we are creating with the vibration we are pulsing out by the focus we are holding. When we take full responsibility for our vibration and resulting experiences, we grab our focus back onto the experiences we want to create vs. random creation/focus. We give ourselves back our personal power.

Look at how powerful TV has become.

We sit down, relax and gaze our focus upon the programming on TV. This is passive focus.

We allow our focus to be dragged in and out of our selected program to focus upon advertising for businesses with a lot of money to spend. They have control of our focus. And depending upon what program we chose, that program also has our focus and is making suggestions about us and the world around us.

When our focus is so relaxed as it is when we watch TV or movies, these suggestions are quite powerful because our brains are at the ready to be programmed in that relaxed mode. This is the place we want to get to during meditation. This is where we practice being the observer. Practicing no thought. This is a powerful focusing tool. Imagine the seeds you can plant when in this relaxed state. You have the power to change your life in what ways you see fit.

If we allow our focus to pin ball from one thing to the next, like TV programming and advertising, our energy is chaotic and the overall net vibration we are pulsing out creates more chaos. Do we want to start utilizing that power of our focus to our benefit?

What do we want to focus on? What do you want to focus on?

If what we focus on expands, then this is where we decide what we want for our lives. We are here to create things in our lives that are enjoyable or even thrilling! Not more chaos, right? Let’s set our intention on harmony, and we may want prosperity for ourselves and our loved ones too. Take the time to sit down and figure out what you want to create in writing – writing it out gives your creations more power. And we’re all about personal power.