Jun 2, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (Last time CERN 2015: Wakeup Meditation Sunday 5th June 2022 to Speed-up Geopolitical Situation worldwide) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: "We are to hold this in tandem with actions being undertaken by the White Hats." says, Simon Parkes... SoTW considers this 5 minute intense (short, sharp and effective as Simon says) CC Worldwide Member Mass-Meditation and wake-up call for the vast populace (fastest sleepers, normies, muggles) as important. Perhaps some similar "mass-meditations" conducted by C.O.B.R.A.- R.M., Fire-the-Grid, Global-Unity-Meditations (Marlene Swetlishoff, Sandra Walter, Laura Eisenhower, Corey Goode and Meg Benedicte + more)... If you wish to help bring out more Light as a leading divine angelic ⭐ towards Freedom, Disclosure, and Spiritual Ascension, also known as Spiritual Awakening, a Natural Evolution and Planetary Liberation... |

🐑❌🗳️ ~ (Alle Mæættes får og en 'ren' røv at trutte i...) 666 for Satans Dag: Igen, igen var DDR som afgjorde valget med Pippi-Langstrømpe Astrid og Hestegate-Langkilde og de gamle DKP-kommunister som ønsker et stærkt EU der vandt (DK) ~ | Blogger: Næste fase er HURTGT, at udskrive et Folketingsvalg og genvalg af Mink-Medico-Mette, nu hvor MMM, er berider, æresmedlem i C4 s laug AAL, sammen med Dronningens soldaterkammerater og laugets tørstmester, Jens Schulz, med høj røst råbte laugets valgsprog ”Vor tørst først”... Også som alternativet stemte i med, MMM, vidste udmærket godt, at det på forhånd, blev et rungende ja, noget som SoTW også sagde for mange dage siden... I dag, kan regeringen sende helt unge soldater og specialstyrker ned og blive slået ihjel, i hvilken som helst EU-land og danne, den læænge ønskede EU-hær, og EU-verdensregering (NWO)... Jeg bor selv ude på lars-tyndskids-marker og gik personligt ned på den lokale skole og stemte NEJ - bare så det giver et rungende ekko ude i Universet... Det er dagen efter, hvor, DDR's 'Valgaften: Afgørelsen' - også annoncerede afgørelsen, før, alle andre. Da MMM stod ud at den 2M store ministerbil, havde hun via S-troldehæren, spindoktorer og jubelglade festaber, fået nyheden, læænge før, alle andre. Min kammerat, min mor og jeg, var/er sku lidt depri til morgen, for hvad djævlen (666 - se billederne) skete der?? Det er også dagen efter, at Russia Today (som er bandlyst sammen med SputnikNews m.v.) kunne konstaterer, at det amerikanske cyberagentur, har fundet "sårbarheder" i afstemningsmaskiner. Her snakker jeg om selve Softwaren brugt af Dominion Voting Systems, er nu ENDELIG oplyst i massemedierne, som sårbar over for hacks, ifølge en føderal rapport indhentet af Associated Press. HUSK hvad, journalist, Benjamin Fulford, sagde; når de RIGTIGE "nyheder" kommer ud i AP og NYTimes, så har (Cabal) tabt. Herhjemme, har SoTW, fortalt om sammenhængen mht. Dominion - Smartmatic - CSC / DXC - Danmarks nye elektroniske valgsystem i 2018. Smartmatic-koncernen, der har rødder i Venezuela, hovedkvarter i London, sammen med DXT Technology, tidligere CSC, sat sammen med danske teknikere, der beskyl­des for korruption og fifleri under det seneste præsidentvalg i Filippinerne og optræder i læk fra skatteparadis. For ikke at forglemme, at "softwaren" som b.la. er leveret af efter påstande om udbredt bedrageri og manipulation i præsidentkapløbet i 2020... |

Amerikansk cyberagentur finder "sårbarheder" i stemmemaskiner – medier – RT World News (www-rt-com.translate.goog)
The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: Search results for valg verdensalt
Skattely og korruption: Udskældt firma fra Venezuela skal bygge Danmarks nye valgsystem (berlingske.dk)
New Zealand discovers 1,500 fraudulent votes ... in an election on birds - CNN
Folketinget er blevet vildledt om elektronisk valgsystem | fyens.dk
HUGE Election Fraud in California To Be Investigated | BWCentral
Första gången: Internationella observatörer till svenskt val - Nyheter (Ekot) | Sveriges Radio

Koster skatteydere 26,6 millioner om året ligesom Rabat til Aalborg Portland vil koste 1 milliard om året...

Der hersker ikke nogen tvivl, hvis, Tyske CIA-HQ blev bestormet og Dominion-servere konfiskeret, som hostede valgdata ulovligt gennem Spanien, Vatikanstaten og dens satellitter, har været involveret i Trumps nederlag i 2020, der gentagne gange snakker om valgsnyd og stormen på Kongressen, blev iflg. Tucker Carlson overdrevet og brugt som et skalkeskjul for at fjerne vigtige Trump-supportere & False Flag Operation, så kan Dannevang, vil også fuske?... |


👼 ~ 💓 ('Be assured that everything underway is leading to the elimination of every vestige of darkness there.') Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, June 2, 2022 💕~ | Blogger: [👉"Effects of darkness; extraterrestrial assistance; Russia, Ukraine; low vibrations; ongoing action; Elon Musk; abortion"👈] ... Oh my Lord... Just what i needed today. Thank you Matthew - love it🥰🍾🎁✨🛐... |

'This brings us to what many of you have asked, how you can help in addition to “just BEing.” Visualize Earth in golden-white light—visualization is powerful!—and send the light of compassion, hope and optimism to all of our Earth family. Send light to Gaia, too. Yes, she is rejoicing that the planetary cleansing underway is ending the long reign of rampant evildoing, but she also feels her people’s suffering, sorrow and fear, and she needs light’s healing energy..'~ Matthew

Channeled by Suzy Ward
© 2022 matthewbooks

Blogger's note: This is about channeled information on reincarnation, karma, extraterrestrials, spirituality & metaphysics from Matthew Ward through his mother Suzanne. It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen (both Sheldan and Montague has stopped given us updates) eceased Montague Keen (both Sheldan and Montague has stopped given us updates) 

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Many of you anticipated that by now some truths would have come forth, so let us begin by saying the international group working off-stage to rid your world of darkness is using good judgment by not publicizing their efforts. Be assured that everything underway is leading to the elimination of every vestige of darkness there.

We know it is difficult to comprehend that darkness even in small measure can in time become so massive that twice it caused all of Gaia’s life forms to perish and left her in deep sorrow. You can rightfully think of her as Mother Earth and all human, plant and animal life as her children, her sentient co-creations whom she loves and nurtures. She didn’t want to experience their devastation again, and during the millennia negativity deriving from darkness once more was accumulating, she kept struggling to keep her life forms alive.

What happens anywhere affects everything else everywhere else, and Gaia’s plight was known throughout this universe. But in accordance with the universal law that no civilization may intervene in the affairs of any other except by request, the myriad lighted souls could do nothing. Beings of light observe this law, beings of darkness do not.

📯👑💂 ~ (“JUST IN: Is this Queen Elizabeth II's secret to good health?) £1,3 Billion Costly Salute: For a Little Old Bag Lady. Prison-Planet Controller. 1,400 Parading-Powered Queens Army 'Trooping the Colour' (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: ♛(D.MAIL) - Jubilee security alert as police tackle vegan Animal Rebellion activists holding signs saying 'Reclaim Royal Land'... ♛ (EXPRESS) - 'Sad and reckless!' Australia moves to DITCH Queen as head of state days before Jubilee... ♛(INEWS) - Meghan and Harry to attend Trooping the Colour but Andrew will be nowhere to be seen... (RT) - Queen’s Plane Aborts Landing Amid Electrical Storm... |





Queen is ‘punisher granny who drinks blood of rebel babies’ – ex-Ukraine MP’s bizarre post

A FORMER Ukrainian politician once dubbed the Queen a “punisher granny who drinks the blood of rebels’ babies” in loyalty to the Ukrainian military, according to a bizarre joke posted on Facebook from the MP’s verified account in 2015.


Queen’s Plane Aborts Landing Amid Electrical Storm

Returning from Balmoral Castle ahead of the upcoming platinum jubilee celebrations, Queen Elizabeth’s private plane was forced to abandon its first landing attempt after being caught up in an electrical storm, before eventually landing safely.

The 96-year-old British monarch is marking 70 years on the throne with a series of parades and performances, but her appearance is yet to be confirmed by the Palace.

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