Dec 4, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 (Operation Warp Speed Vaxx Cards) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟BE PREPARED TO GET LOCKED OUT OF EVERYTHING WITHOUT THE GOLDEN TICKET ~ A Call For An Uprising🌟] ... Remember guys -- everything SoTW post on is Fake... But don't worry, Facebook and Instagram will now remove misleading information about COVID-19 vaccines, same does YouTube - that is - conspiracy theories, like stopping the spread of dangerous QAnon conspiracies and the Worldwide Great Awakening... Will they succeed killing the X-mas Spirit?... Only, if you let them... |

📆 ~ 💗 (Cosmic Insight) December 2020 Predictions: The Grand Finale for a Life Changing Year (Joni Patry) 💕 ~ |



This year is coming to a close in December with a crescendo - like the Grand Finale, an extraordinarily eventful month.

November 2020 Predictions: It's going to be dramatic.

14th December

Solar Eclipse & Kalasarpa Yoga
A Solar Eclipse will be happening at the degree mark of Gandanta, which will give a sense of being out of control. Major change will be coming about globally that we won't be able to get a grasp of - this could also be in the form of storms or earthquakes. 


Kalasarpa Yoga is also happening at this time, which is when all the planets are on one side of Rahu and Ketu and represents the entrapment of karmas that are effecting all of us. Coronavirus for example was very karmic. 



14th December

Mars in Gandanta

Right before Mars enters its own sign of Aries around 21st-24th, Mars is in Gandanta, which is when things might accentuate the feeling of things not being without our control.




21st December

Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction

The two planets will come together around 6 degrees of Capricorn, which is the degree where Mars and Saturn conjoined March 31st 2020, the day the stock market dropped. When Jupiter and Saturn come together, we will see a big switch in the markets. It will stay volatile, but due to the vaccine there will be some radical rises in the stock market. But be careful, as soon as Jupiter leaves Capricorn on April 5th 2021 there could be a drop after the rise.

❓🔮🤔 ~ (Part II - Wake up America you are losing your country) More questions that need answers (James Gilliland ECETI Ranch) 💗 ~ | Blogger: [👉Dominion - Danish Smartmatic - Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) / DXC ~ SoTW👈] ... I just wanna make sure you understand it's NOT only in America... So it seems, that "Biden" was handpicked by The Dominion Voting System with Smartmatic tech, controlled from Germany, Spain and Venezuela... 🤔Who REALLY owns the Smartmatic Voting Machines (or the dominion election system)?... 🤜According to the danish former Minister of Economy and Interior, Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Bille, and the answer he got from (someone) in the administration, Smartmatics, ultimately is owned by a company in London?..🤜However, in another newspaper article, it's stated (, that the company leading structure belongs to Curacao, the Netherlands Antilles... 🧐So who is it? George Soros, City of London, Hugo Chávez in Venezuela or Curacao, who is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands?... Or as Wikipedia claims - Venezuelan-owned multinational company... 🙋The REAL QUESTIONS you might wanna raise is, WHO OWNS the source code inside this machine? DXC Technology or CSC, was in corporations with danish authorities to provide software for 2019 Danish general election, who is controlling CSC? And why hasn't Trump exposed the whole deal yet, including given names of the countries and specific names of the people, who target him too?... These questions or riddles are driving me nuts🥴... |


James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience

The Latest from ECETI and James Gilliland 

More questions that need answers

Blogger: (Part II)

  • Who was the Dominion employee caught on video downloading data on a USB , plugging it into a laptop, manipulating data, ‘Likely in Bidens favor as in most other cases” then steals the USB. Who were the other Dominion employees seen accessing the voting machines and what were they doing?
  • Why are so many democrats and rhinos heavily invested in Dominion and other voting software, did they get kickbacks and promises of reelection?
  • Why are hostile governments also heavily invested in voting machines, machines used in banana republics and socialist countries with Smartmatic technology designed to rig an election and why are these easily hacked systems with built in access including internet being used in America?
  • Why are votes being tallied in other countries like Germany and Belgium? Why is there not a chain of command to insure the tallies are not tampered with? Most important why is the raid on the Dominion servers in Germany now in the white hat control hardly getting a mention and what did they find? Hint extreme fraud technologically shifting votes to Biden and deleting votes for Trump
  • Why were there 25 plus USB cards loaded into the machines unsupervised according to highly credible witnesses followed by a massive spike in votes for Biden?

👩‍🌾🗼🤦 ~ (Danmarks rigeste 53 mia. jyde) Mens kritikken heglede ned om fyringer og manglende huslejebetalinger, donerede Holch Povlsen anonymt 36 mio. kr. til test-indkøb og det danske sundhedsvæsen. Netop kåret af Bloomberg som DK-rigeste, og blev 439 mio. kr. rigere på bla. Nemlig, Normal, Zalando, samt udenlandske butikker, mens resten af Dannevang, går konkurs (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Der blæst' en vældig vind den daw ud' fra vest. (Uha da da, uha da da da da). - Øøøh 'Anders'? Er det ham CEO for Bestseller nede fra øøh... - Ja! - Nå! Uha da da, uha da da da da👈] ... tsk-tsk... Det er bare et sted KLAMT, de rige er blevet rigere på Coronakrisen og vi skal være så EVIG taknemmelig, når Lame Stream Medierne plasker os til med historier, som gør vor elskede/hadede regering og magtelite, stuerene, samaritter og medlemmer af venligboerne... Snakkede med én af mine venner forleden da og han kunne fortælle mig, at hans nabo er leverandører til sundhedssektoren og da Coronakrisen var på sit højeste havde regeringen spurgt ham, om han kunne levere mundbind og andet godt fra havet, GRATIS! Det sagde han pænt nej tak til, da han OGSÅ havde en masse udgifter forbundet, herom.. Hvis det har været "metoden" at tigge og bede om hjælp fra virksomheder, selvom Staten har 1,500- 2,000 milliarder at lege med hvert år i form af indkasseret skatter, samme som Danske Bank svindlede med, og dermed, vise SAMFUNDSSIND, i en god sags tjeneste, skal jeg lige love for, Dannevang, er på SPANDEN.. Også, Mærsk, der havde doneret og sat 24 fly ind i kæmpe luftbro mellem Kina og Danmark for, at hjemsende MILLIONER af (ubrugelige) værnemidler, som Sundhedsaggregatet Magnus Heunicke og Kongecobraen, Kronprins Frederik modtog, tilbage i Juni måned, da flyet ankom, som vi ved, "IKKE" havde nogensomhelst effekt. Takket være den kinesiske regeringsagent, Jack Ma fra Alibaba... DET ER ET STORT SCAM DET HELE... Man burde i stedet for stille spørgsmålet om, hvad Bestsellers topchef Anders Holch Povlsen, får for sin heltedåd til Staten... Der er INTET som er GRATIS!.. |


Mens kritikken heglede ned, donerede Holch Povlsen anonymt 36 millioner kroner til test-indkøb

Mens Bestsellers topchef Anders Holch Povlsen i medierne mødte voldsom kritik for manglende samfundssind, donerede han via sit holdingselskab Heartland A/S testudstyr for 36 millioner kroner til det danske sundhedsvæsen.Foto: PR-foto: Bestseller Hans Christi
Kilde (

Samtidig med, at Anders Holch Povlsen blev voldsomt kritiseret for Bestsellers fyringer og manglende huslejebetalinger, købte Holch Povlsens holdingselskab covid-19-test for 36 millioner til et næsten tørlagt sundhedsvæsen. Det viser en aktindsigt i regionerne, som afdækker det hidtil ubeskrevne forløb op til den anonyme donation.

Bestseller har ikke kun doneret antistoftest til det danske sundhedsvæsen under covid-19-krisen. Anders Holch Povlsens holdingselskab Heartland A/S sørgede også for kontakt til BGI, en kinesisk producent af covid-19-test, da det danske sundhedsvæsens beholdning af test var kritisk lav. Ligesom han betalte regningen for maskiner og de tilhørende test til en måneds forbrug.

Det viser en aktindsigt i regionernes kommunikation om indkøb af testudstyr, som Berlingske har fået.

3. april indgik BGI og Region Hovedstaden en kontrakt om købet af 200.000 testkit og seks analysemaskiner til at udføre testene i, men regningen på 36 millioner kroner blev efterfølgende dækket af Heartland A/S. (LÆS VIDERE)

👼 ~ 💗 You truly can have no idea of the immense power of Love that flows through you all in every moment (Jesus through John ) 💕~ | Blogger: Excerpts: "Yes, as humans playing the game of separation, it appears that you do have a multitude of flaws and inadequacies, and of course you do make errors and mistakes as you live your human lives. However, instead of judging and condemning yourselves for those errors and mistakes, become aware of and understand the lessons with which they presented you when they occurred, and then you can learn from them and move forward very positively on your individual paths of spiritual evolution..".. |

The Ascended Master Sananda / Jesus / Christ / Yeshua serves as a teacher of the whole world, and was one of the greatest spiritual healers who walked on our beloved planet Earth / Nova / Gaia. It is important to understand that all our ascended masters and galactic friends, so to speak, are not allowed to use their powers to change the course of civilizations, only in very rare cases. Law of the Universe. The Law of Divine Oneness.

channeled by John Smallman 
© 2020 johnsmallman

Jesus Audio Blog for Thursday December 3rd

Today I want to talk to you about self-acceptance, not self-esteem, just self-acceptance. There are very few among you who have not suffered psychological and emotional trauma as you grew from infancy – as soon as your consciousness began to arise in-utero – to adulthood. Those traumas are the basis of your fears and lack of self-acceptance. The traumas were the result of judgment and shaming by those who were your caregivers – parents, close relatives, siblings, school teachers – who were all, with no exceptions, doing the best that they could in each moment. They too had been traumatized from infancy. When you are traumatized your human nature automatically builds psychological and emotional defenses, and, when you become a little bit independent – crawling, toddling – you start making your first attempts to build physical defenses to help you feel safe, through bodily physique and/or strong personality development. The result is that most people, when interacting with others in any manner at all, are on the alert in case they experience a situation in which they feel a need to defend or assert themselves, or preemptively attack someone else. This is an extremely stressful manner in which to live your daily lives.


😈🔀🆔 ~ (NWO) The Great Reset Cannot Be Complete Until America Is Placed Under U.N. Authority – Joe Biden Pledged Tuesday To Make That A Reality (HAF) ~ | Blogger: [🤜PS: Don't forget to watch 'UN Announces Biometric Digital ID Wallet' by Spiro Skouras🤛] ... |

Former Vice President Joe Biden spoke with U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday, promising a “strengthened partnership” on a host of issues from coronavirus to climate, all predicated on a resumption of access to U.S. taxpayer dollars.

by Geoffrey Grider

As we have long told you, you cannot have the New World Order until the Great Reset is completed, and the Great Reset cannot be completed while America remains outside the global authority of the United Nations.

On Tuesday, Joe Biden in a phone call with UN Secretary – General Antonio Guterres pledged to reverse all Trump – era policies related to our national sovereignty and agree to form a ‘new partnership’ with the globalist parasites of the United Nations.

Did you know that the UN is foretold in the bible?

Take a look and see:

👨‍💼😶‍🌫 ~ (Trump Legal Team Presents CLEAR Evidence of Fraud) Situation Update, Dec. 3rd – Trump invokes foreign interference provision of his 2018 executive order, authorizing military response to cyber warfare, see NSPM 13 (NN) ~ | Blogger: [👉President Trump... Staunch Lightworker or Cabal Stooge?👈] ... Since i'm not a American, but have read American (false) history in High School and later studied how the Rothschild Cabal and China, is driving America into One World Government, this has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans - they are all politicians - so it makes no difference - 'many' are corrupted! Besides TRUMP - because he IS the ONLY 'protected' royal purple lightworker, with ENOUGH "cojones" that can ALTER the (Fixed) Matrix Negative Timelines, because, he cannot be BRIBED or DO NOT BREAK DOWN! - with all due RESPECT... AND Biden, to 'ask' Americans to wear masks for 'just 100 days', took bribe from China & Ukraine, and his son, a sexual cocaine predator... PS: Since I do not have internet on a secured link or enough mobile data, I have not yet listen to all, or watch the videos in its entirety... |

🆔🏃💨 ~ (ID2020 coming soon to a town near you) Magnus Løgnickes papnæse for minksagen. Politiets militærkup og 'Nick the Dicks' Baron von Münchhausen løgnehistorier. Mette-mus magtfuldkommenhed, beslutninger uden kvalitetssikring og nu, Bill Gates, Kina og WHO's massevaccinationer og ID2020 aKa Certificate Of Vaccination ID (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Immunitetspas, e-vaccinationscertifikat, vaccinationspas, digitale sundhedspas - kært barn har mange navne👈] ... 'Mette eller KAOS' siger mange af de millioner af partisoldater... Jeg siger METTE OG KAOS... Den tidligere stripper, Dan Jørgensen, som fik en næse for klima-nøl, sortsnak og privatisering af dit skrald, der har været så presset, at han har parket stop for oliejagt til hjørne, og lavet historisk aftale hvor dansk oliejagt i Nordsøen skal være slut i 2050. A hva' for en FUSER -- 2050. Til den tid, har vi flyvende brintbiler og teleportation, og alle kommunisterne, gået på pension... Andre som er uværdige på Deres nuværende eller tidligere poster, andet end Klaus Riskær Pedersen, ifølge Sauron Pind?... (Kirsten-Birgit 2019:) "- Danmarks Statsminister som man kan købe for en gemen luder for 50.000 kroner"... (SoTW) Claus Hjort Vader, der har fået en stor næse, efter den anden, for at lyve i Folketinget og betalt af forsvarsindustrien (Terma A/S) .. "Traktor-Troels", tidl. skatteminister, der fik dyrt Rolex af oliesheik .. Kristian Thulesen DARL, der mødes med lobbyister, der køber hans aflagte Peugeot, til overpris .. #Stoejberggaten, der lyver om sit CV og barnebrude .. Anders "Fog of War" og Irak-krigen .. "Radio Møller" og den manglende info om Den udenrigspolitik nævn og Skat ... og vi kunne blive ved og ved... |

Kort efter samråd om politiets actioncards skriver statsministeren, at 'vi har verdens bedste politi'

Kort efter et samråd om politiets ageren i minkskandalen sender statsminister Mette Frederiksen (S) en hilsen til politiet, som hun roser i høje vendinger.

- Vi har verdens bedste politi. Og politiet har en stor del af æren for, at vi som land indtil nu er kommet godt igennem det her svære år, skriver Mette Frederiksen på Facebook.

Hun nævner også, at politiet begår fejl, hvilket var tilfælde i minksagen, hvor politiet deltog i arbejdet med at få aflivet alle danske mink, selv om det til at starte med var ulovligt.

- Vi undgår ikke, der bliver begået fejl. Jeg vil appellere til opbakning til politiet i den her svære situation. Hvis du kender en, der er ansat i dansk politi eller har været det, kunne det være i dag, du sender en hilsen med opbakning, skriver Mette Frederiksen.

Mette Frederiksen siger endnu engang, at man ikke kan undgå at begå fejl. (Foto: CLAUS BJØRN LARSEN © Scanpix)


Mette Frederiksen: 'Der er ikke mange af os, der kan holde jul, som vi plejer'

Der bliver nu stillet spørgsmål til, hvordan danskerne kan forvente at holde jul i år:

- Der er ikke ret mange af os, der kommer til at kunne holde jul, som vi plejer, siger Mette Frederiksen og forklarer, at hun selv er ud af en stor nordjysk familie.

- Vi skal se færre mennesker, vi kan ikke danse om juletræet, som vi plejer. Præcis, hvordan det kommer til at foregå, det ved vi ikke endnu, fortæller hun.

Hun henviser blandt andet til smittetallene i hovedstaden, som hun kalder 'bekymrende'.

- Hvis ikke de ændrer sig, må man nok imødese, at der kan komme flere restriktioner, siger hun.