READ MORE>>#TowerHamlets— London 999 Feed (@999London) December 19, 2018
Three people have been brutally stabbed at St Stephen’s Health Care Centre on St Stephen’s Road in #Bow, #E3.
Police including armed officers were called at 11.06am.
A man was detained nearby and taken to hospital.
Video: @OOlere
Dec 19, 2018
🔴 BREAKING RT | ~ Three stabbed in ‘machete attack’ at east London hospital, armed police at scene ~ | Blogger: [🏴☠️London 999 Feed = 666. Govt False Flag Op?: The Million-Dollar Bet. Blame Russia or The Yellow Vests🏴☠️] ... London will soon be termed as crime capital of the world. Are the police incapable to handle the situation? Are their any political pressure? What is the excuse now? A political motived plot, going on? Next, a traditional FF Op xmas bombing any time now... |... Normal template of a 'staged' TERROR INCIDENT(bogeyman:) --- 👳Immediate comprehensive narrative & national news coverage, including a convenient culprit (easily identified by saturation media coverage) - once again a “lone wolf” male attacker - recently CONVERTED TO ISLAM (or WHITE SUPREMACY - on psychedelic drugs). Sounding Muslim name - big dark eyes, prominent noses, distinctive large black beard - affiliated with either ISIS or Al-Nusra - terrorist shouted Allahu Akbar - likely radicalized inside US (wherever) and STRONG supporting Islamic State (IS). Blood at the scene, but no bodies (injured or killed always at a unknown hospital), police forces on the scene almost immediately, taken care of all the problems, shooter/knife/machete/killer clown-person 'almost' always killing themselves or police will, later on. Cell activated by CIA's MK-Ultra program or psychedelic drugs. (Ole Dammegard on Las Vegas shooting:) - shoes off, open shirts, one leg exposed are symbols of Freemasonic connection. Referring to rituals. Colours too. No communication needed. They communicate using symbols to each other (get the picture?) ... 👳 --- |
Singularityhub | ~ Life-or-Death Algorithms: Avoiding the Black Box of AI in Medicine ~ | Blogger: [🤖Robot eller sygeplejerske - Fremtiden er begyndt👩⚕️] ... ✴️ jo jooo, bevares, vi ved jo alle sammen godt, at FamilienDannevang tager afsæt i et demokratisk, socialistisk idégrundlang, af Borgens kæpheste og trolde, Blå, Røde eller farvede partier, er TOTAL ens tænkende. Socialisterne mener jo, at det ikke er muligt at skabe frihed, så længe der er nogle, der tjener styrtende med penge, mens andre næsten ikke har en rød øre. De liberalistiske og konservative partier, der sidder til højre for talerstolen, mener det stik modsatte, overlader hellere magten til Elitenetværket af de 423, for at redde dem selv... Det laver man om på nu, og skaber Sundheds Robotterne, som bestemmer, om du skal DØ eller OVERLEVE en diagnosticering fra en talende robot papegøje... Dog, er verdensalt bloggen, baseret på et uafhængigt og upartisk alternativ netmedie, men nu hvor der er valgkamp, og LøkkePosen bliver endevendt, så er det nærliggende, at tage fat i roden og smutte ned i selve maskinrummet, embedsværket eller Teknokratiet og de satans ministerier, såsom Offentlig Innovation, og Deres Robotkvinde- forkæmper, Sophie Løhde, som styres af en Kunstig Intelligens...
🤖Undskyld mit franske, men regeringen vil da skide højt og flot på menneskelige ressourcer...
StatsAdelen aka embedsværkets elitekorps af partisoldater, har for længst beregnet sig frem til en cost benefit model og kommet frem til et resultat, der brænder de 800.000 offentlige ansattes lys af i begge ender.
DE OFFENTLIGE ANSATTE koster for meget, af have siddende (godt gammeldaws Venstre politik)
Til gengæld, har erhvervseliten og banksektoren, fået en hjælpende håndsrækning med garantien om konstante fyringsrunder, hvor mennesker, bliver erstattet af ROBOTTER, lige siden Sophie Løhde, blev ny minister for offentlig innovation...
Sophie Løhde er IKKE en CYBORG lige nu, men en Genetisk Modificeret Politiker, som vil ændre Danmark med hidtil uset form for digitalisering- & robotiseringsteknologier... mennesker, primært beskæftiger sig med ADMINISTRATION og SUNDHED..
Med andre ord, Sophie Løhde står i spidsen for ny teknologi, digitalisering, innovation og disruption. En minister som er tvungen ind i teknologibevægelsen »The Singularity« eller Singularity University (sponsorer som Google, NASA, Cisco og biotekgiganten Genentech) der henter inspiration fra NASA Ames Research Center i USAs tech-mekka Silicon Valley. Her finder de svarene på, hvordan vi overlever og skaber forretning i en fremtid befolket af selvflyvende droner, selvkørende biler, selvlærende robotter, biologiske 3D-print, kunstig intelligens og et arbejdsmarked, uden MENNESKER 👶👦👧👩👴👵 ...
Noget der passer perfekt til den danske industri, den offentlige sektors sparerunde og finanssektorens strategi om simplificering, standardiserede it-systemer og global arbejdsdeling. Som skabt ud af lobbyisternes støbeform til danske Erhvervsvirksomheder ... | You can take that to the bank!...
When it comes to applications for machine learning, few can be more widely hyped than medicine. This is hardly surprising: it’s a huge industry that generates a phenomenal amount of data and revenue, where technological advances can improve or save the lives of millions of people. Hardly a week passes without a study that suggests algorithms will soon be better than experts at detecting pneumonia, or Alzheimer’s—diseases in complex organs ranging from the eye to the heart.
The problems of overcrowded hospitals and overworked medical staff plague public healthcare systems like Britain’s NHS and lead to rising costs for private healthcare systems. Here, again, algorithms offer a tantalizing solution. How many of those doctor’s visits really need to happen? How many could be replaced by an interaction with an intelligent chatbot—especially if it can be combined with portable diagnostic tests, utilizing the latest in biotechnology? That way, unnecessary visits could be reduced, and patients could be diagnosed and referred to specialists more quickly without waiting for an initial consultation.
As ever with artificial intelligence algorithms, the aim is not to replace doctors, but to give them tools to reduce the mundane or repetitive parts of the job. With an AI that can examine thousands of scans in a minute, the “dull drudgery” is left to machines, and the doctors are freed to concentrate on the parts of the job that require more complex, subtle, experience-based judgement of the best treatments and the needs of the patient...
StatsAdelen aka embedsværkets elitekorps af partisoldater, har for længst beregnet sig frem til en cost benefit model og kommet frem til et resultat, der brænder de 800.000 offentlige ansattes lys af i begge ender.
DE OFFENTLIGE ANSATTE koster for meget, af have siddende (godt gammeldaws Venstre politik)
Til gengæld, har erhvervseliten og banksektoren, fået en hjælpende håndsrækning med garantien om konstante fyringsrunder, hvor mennesker, bliver erstattet af ROBOTTER, lige siden Sophie Løhde, blev ny minister for offentlig innovation...
Sophie Løhde er IKKE en CYBORG lige nu, men en Genetisk Modificeret Politiker, som vil ændre Danmark med hidtil uset form for digitalisering- & robotiseringsteknologier... mennesker, primært beskæftiger sig med ADMINISTRATION og SUNDHED..
Med andre ord, Sophie Løhde står i spidsen for ny teknologi, digitalisering, innovation og disruption. En minister som er tvungen ind i teknologibevægelsen »The Singularity« eller Singularity University (sponsorer som Google, NASA, Cisco og biotekgiganten Genentech) der henter inspiration fra NASA Ames Research Center i USAs tech-mekka Silicon Valley. Her finder de svarene på, hvordan vi overlever og skaber forretning i en fremtid befolket af selvflyvende droner, selvkørende biler, selvlærende robotter, biologiske 3D-print, kunstig intelligens og et arbejdsmarked, uden MENNESKER 👶👦👧👩👴👵 ...
Noget der passer perfekt til den danske industri, den offentlige sektors sparerunde og finanssektorens strategi om simplificering, standardiserede it-systemer og global arbejdsdeling. Som skabt ud af lobbyisternes støbeform til danske Erhvervsvirksomheder ... | You can take that to the bank!...
When it comes to applications for machine learning, few can be more widely hyped than medicine. This is hardly surprising: it’s a huge industry that generates a phenomenal amount of data and revenue, where technological advances can improve or save the lives of millions of people. Hardly a week passes without a study that suggests algorithms will soon be better than experts at detecting pneumonia, or Alzheimer’s—diseases in complex organs ranging from the eye to the heart.
The problems of overcrowded hospitals and overworked medical staff plague public healthcare systems like Britain’s NHS and lead to rising costs for private healthcare systems. Here, again, algorithms offer a tantalizing solution. How many of those doctor’s visits really need to happen? How many could be replaced by an interaction with an intelligent chatbot—especially if it can be combined with portable diagnostic tests, utilizing the latest in biotechnology? That way, unnecessary visits could be reduced, and patients could be diagnosed and referred to specialists more quickly without waiting for an initial consultation.
As ever with artificial intelligence algorithms, the aim is not to replace doctors, but to give them tools to reduce the mundane or repetitive parts of the job. With an AI that can examine thousands of scans in a minute, the “dull drudgery” is left to machines, and the doctors are freed to concentrate on the parts of the job that require more complex, subtle, experience-based judgement of the best treatments and the needs of the patient...
PFC Leadership | ~ ONLY 3 Days Left Until the SOLSTICE! ~ | .. Let’s MEDITATE to Trigger the Event ! .. |
We are in the middle of a Powerful Portal between 12/12 and the Solstice on 12/21 in which we have an incredible opportunity….
….to shift to much more positive timelines for our beloved Planet Earth ….
……through our collective MEDITATIONS on the WINTER SOLSTICE!
The Sun and Moon are both at a zero degree null point….
… OPPOSITION to each other….
…which means they are open to…
OUR influence
…..on deciding which course and direction to take during the most powerful Solstice Alignment in Recent History……
Now The End Begins | ~ THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES: SCHOOL CHILDREN IN ENGLAND TO BE TAUGHT IN SEX EDUCATION CLASSES THAT ‘ALL GENDERS’ CAN HAVE MENSTRUAL PERIODS ~ | .. We believe that it’s important for all genders to be able to learn and talk about menstruation together… Our approach recognises the fact that some people who have periods are trans or non-binary." The same council also recently released a "Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit" to help teachers treat gender identity sensitively .. | Blogger: 🎗️🙈🙉🙊🌬️Trans- humanism – The Consciousness Trap: Big-Pharma-Nano-Nucleonic-Cyborg-Summoning-Homophobia-Transgender-MeToo-LGBT-He, She Or Hen-Feminism-Transhumanism-Artificial-Intelligence-Inorganic-Consciousness-Escapism-Xenophobic-Fear-Mongering-Rant... |
Destroying the Illusion | ~ [12.18] SPACE COMMAND / Quantum Initiative Act / Flynn / Vaccine Censorship / Trafficking News ~ |
Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics
DR FNYS NEWS | ~ Regeringen beskyldes for at tale med to tunger om udrejseø ~ | Blogger: [🔺The Hunt for Red October -- Dr. Jeffrey Pelt, National Security Advisor: Listen, I'm a politician, which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops, but it also means that I keep my options open🔻] ... (When Danish ambassadors speak abroad with the International News Service about the expat center on the danish Island of Lindholm, they are REQUIRED to "sugarcoat" the official story using popularizing phrases or "speak in tongues", that differs what is presented to the danish press and public eyes)... SURPRISE, SURPRISE... Politikere er meget opmærksomme på ikke at sige lodrette løgne. Til gengæld vikler de sig tit ind i et net af hvide løgne, skrøner og manipulation - som tilsammen giver os et indtryk af, at de hele tiden lyver.. MEN VENT... Du, gør det også ikke sandt?!... Du taler også med dobbelt tunge, når du siger, du ikke er fremmedfjendsk, men stemmer på indvandrerkritisk partier, som Nye Borgerlige, Venstre, DF og Socialdemokratiet!?... Når du kommer hjem til din partner efter en våd julefrokost!.. Overfor din børn, for at beskytte dem!... Hvis din chef, tager dig i, at fejle... Din livslange løgn, du tager dig med i graven... Stopfordre dit eget ego-center og narcissistisk ekkokammer, så du ikke skal tage ansvar, for dit virke og dårlige samvittighed... JA, Inger Støjberg radikaliserer mennesker, hendes udtalelser om ramadanen er, »fake news«, satte døde flygtninge på sit juletræ, #skinke-gaten, smider fuld integrerede 13-årig piger ud af landet, Støjbergs styrelse om ulovlig praksis, fejrer udlændingestramning nr. 50 med lagkage o.s.v o.s.v... Hun er kaldt for en racist af mange og det der er værre, men hun har et flertal bag sig, altså både af politikere og vælgere, derfor kan hun IKKE VÆLTES... Tænk lige over det, næste gang du sætter dit kryds... |
🔴We Love Mass Meditation | ~ December Solstice 2018 - 21st of December 2018 at 10:23 PM UTC ~ | .. As we have been told by Cobra, the Ascension window for planet Earth has opened on May 25th, 1975. It will then close on July 7th 2025. It was always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly of darkness and to trigger the Event within this time window, and that plan did not change .. | Blogger: this video is a English guided audio... Other languages: Russian, Slovakian, Romanian, Hindi, Telugu, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese guided audio... |
PFC | Benjamin Fulford Interview | ~ Ding Dong the Sherff is dead, Military Tribunals are now ahead! ~ |
Published on December 18th. 2018
King Pin Bush death signals critical cabal loss. Rothschilds add nail in their coffin? 3M Woes (Macron, May, Merkle). Upcoming US Senate Hearings
King Pin Bush death signals critical cabal loss. Rothschilds add nail in their coffin? 3M Woes (Macron, May, Merkle). Upcoming US Senate Hearings
Today’s release recorded on the 13th December 2018, Prepare For Change continues its interview series with Benjamin Fulford.
In this episode, we discuss the recent "official" death of Bush Snr AKA Scherff, the notes that where given to the bad guys at the funeral telling them the game is up, discussing China and how they’re involved with the Clintons and the recent "suicide" of top scientist there.
We further discuss how things are heating up in America and that January is looking to be crunch time for the mass arrests and military tribunals. We also touch on the fact that the Rothschilds are selling their Trust business, something that the family has had for over 145 years!
Things are continuing to heat up and so much is happening it's difficult to keep on top of all these changes in the background.
Benjamin Fulford Continues to Work to Liberate the Planet
Alltime Conspiracies | ~ What Are They Hiding Under Denver Airport? ~ |
Denver International Airport has been a hub for conspiracies since it’s opening more than 20 years ago. Over the years, it’s been accused of being home to the Illuminati, operating secret underground bunkers populated by aliens, and even that it’s controlled by Nazis. But why is there so much intrigue surrounding this airport? And is there really anything sinister going on? It’s time to open The Conspiracy Files…
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