Feb 12, 2018
Universe Inside You \\ SITSSHOW | Feb 11, 2018 | "Interdimensional Beings Are Visiting Us" - FBI Documents Confirm Declassified |
Declassified FBI document—beings from other dimensions exist. Top-secret document in the FBI archives which speaks of interdimensional beings, and how their ‘spacecraft’ have the ability to materialize and dematerialize in our own dimension. The definition for interdimensional beings or interdimensional intelligence is usually described as a theoretical or ‘real’ entity that exists in a dimension beyond our own. The interdimensional hypothesis was proposed by a number of Ufologists like Jacques Vallée who suggests that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and related events (such as alien sightings) imply visits from beings from other “realities” or “dimensions” that coexist separately with ours. Some have referred to these beings as visitors from another universe. Footage from the movie "Knowing (2009)" was used under Fair Use
NN | Feb 12, 2018 | Washington Post, CNN, NPR, PBS all praise murderous North Korea and its slave state leaders |
RT - Russia Today | Feb 12, 2018 | Woman dragged out of hearing for exposing Big Energy donations (VIDEO) | .. A candidate for the West Virginia House of Delegates was dragged out of a hearing after listing the donations received by state lawmakers from fossil fuel companies. She was testifying on a bill on oil and gas drilling rules. Lissa Lucas was criticizing a proposed bill, HB 4268, which would allow oil and gas companies to drill on private land with the consent of just 75 percent of the landowners. Energy companies are currently required to have 100 percent approval from landowners before they can extract gas and minerals from land .. |
The Washington Post | Feb 11, 2018 | The Trump administration wants to turn the International Space Station into a commercially run venture, NASA document shows | Blogger: So, Mr. Trump wants to privatize NASA and the universe - Isn't it already? Remember that Corey Goode just spoke about how surprised they were, finding NASA logo on some guys at one of the three secret LOC (alpha, bravo, tango) on the Moon. Among the many factions of SSP (Secret Space Program). NASA claimed to be on a excavation hunt of Ancient Aliens technology ... |
The White House wants to turn the International Space Station into a commercially run venture after 2024, according to an internal NASA document. (Elyse Samuels/The Washington Post
READ MORE: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2018/02/11/the-trump-administration-wants-to-turn-the-international-space-station-into-a-commercially-run-venture/?utm_term=.966ba05e637e
24syv Nyheder | 12. Feb 2018 | Dokumentarist udskammet for at påpege massiv forurening | .. Dokumentar advarede allerede i 2006 om voldsom forurening i Grindsted Å. Men filmen blev tysset ned og instruktøren udskammet .. Nye målinger har afsløret, at 100 kg gift fra en fabriksgrund hvert år siver ned i Grindsted Å. Professor ved DTU Poul Løgstrup Bjerg kaldet udsivningen en af de største i Danmark: "Selv på verdensplan er der tale om en meget stor forurening," siger han til Ingeniøren. "Man valgte at skyde budbringeren". Men allerede i 2006 fortalte dokumentarist Michael Graversen om den massive forurening i sin dokumentar "Jorden er giftig," der blev sendt på DR2 .. |
Niels Harrit Update | 11. Feb 2018 | ~ ”Det Syvende Tårn – en skæbnesvanger historie fra nutiden” ~ | v/ Niels Harrit, lic.scient., pens. lektor, Københavns Universitet |
Hermed tillader jeg mig at gøre opmærksom på et foredrag, betitlet
”Det Syvende Tårn – en skæbnesvanger historie fra nutiden”
v/ Niels Harrit, lic.scient., pens. lektor, Københavns Universitet
Tirsdag d. 20. februar, 19.30 – ca. 22.15
Kulturstationen, Festsalen, Frode Jakobsens Plads 4, 1. sal
Entré kr. 50,- stud/pens kr. 20,-
I de fleste menneskers bevidsthed var World Trade Center (WTC) to gigantiske tårne, der styrtede i grus, efter at de hver blev ramt af et jetfly den 11. september, 2001. Færre mennesker ved, at centeret i virkeligheden bestod af syv bygninger omkring et torv. Den syvende af disse bygninger var halvt så høj som tvillingetårnene, men ragede trods alt næsten 200 m op med sine 47 etager og dækkede et grundareal lidt mindre end en fodboldbane.
Endnu færre mennesker ved, at denne bygning styrtede sammen sent på eftermiddagen, syv timer efter tårnenes kollaps. Bygning 7 blev ikke ramt af noget fly.
Foredraget handler alene om de tekniske og fysiske omstændigheder ved denne begivenhed, der må betegnes som den mest uventede og uforklarlige sammenstyrtning i moderne arkitekturs historie.
I første del gøres bl.a. rede for den officielle forklaring på sammenstyrtningen, som den er fremsat i en rapport fra National Institute of Standards and Technology, september, 2008. Denne holdes op imod nogle enkle observationer og Newtons love.
I anden del præsenteres en revideret hypotese, som understøttes af teknisk dokumentation – incl. de nyeste opdagelser.
Der er tid til diskussion.
Med venlig hilsen
Niels Harrit
BREAKING | Legal Insurrection | Feb 12, 2018 | Donald Trump, Jr.’s Wife Opens Envelope With White Powder, Taken to Hospital | .. So far she and a few others appear fine .. |
Donald Trump, Jr.’s wife Vanessa is at a New York City hospital after she opened an envelope with white powder. From ABC7NY:
The letter was addressed to Donald Trump Jr. and sent to the couple’s apartment on East 54th Street in Manhattan.
His wife, Vanessa, opened the letter just after 10 a.m. She and two other people were decontaminated by firefighters at the scene and taken to a nearby hospital for evaluation.
They appear to be fine, officials said.
Police and Secret Service agents are at the scene investigating.
JUST IN: Letter sent to Donald Trump Jr.'s apartment containing unidentified white powder, NYPD says, and opened by his wife; she and two others were decontaminated by firefighters at the scene. Police and Secret Service are investigating.
#BREAKING: Letter with unknown white powder sent to @DonaldJTrumpJr and opened by his wife. She and 2 others decontaminated as a precaution, under evaluation at @nyphospital. @NYPD17Pct, @SecretService investigating.
Stillness in the Storm | Feb 11, 2018 | ~ NEWS: Wilcock on Tic Tac UFO Controversy, Grammys Symbolism, Jared Rand SSP ~ | .. Sterling Nicole Bennett discusses the top news articles from the last week, including the truth revealed about the “Tic Tac” UFO, Illuminati Symbolism at this year’s Grammys, Alleged SSP insider Jared Rand Testimony, the Connection between UFO and Nuclear Weapon Storage Facilities, and the Chemical Imbalance Theory Conspiracy .. | Blogger: Having an autographed t-shirt is special. Got one from Jimmy Church (Radio - Fade To Black). The danish hillbilly freak was happy 🤗. David Wilcock, Corey Goode and other VIP's are almost impossibe to meet. The Expo was packed with people like a antfarm, did manage to locate Jordan (Destroying the Illusion) and Teresa (Divine Frequency)... |
PRC \\ COBRA | Feb 12, 2018 | ~ Let there be Life ☥ ~ |
Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen http://2012portal.blogspot.com ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.
Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via bibliotecapleyades.net (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller (http://www.verdensalt.dk/2014/08/kort-situationsopdatering-pa-kloden.html) for at forstå hele sammenhængen.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
Benjamin Fulford Partial Report ( Full Report VIDEO) | Feb 12, 2018 | ~ The Vatican, Chinese Communist Party, British Empire, and Pentagon plan world government ~ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: PS: Benjamin Fulford is also saying, that the Russian plane that crashed and kills all of its 71 aboard, could have been an quiet assassination attempt by Cabal to get Ivanov Vyacheslav the CFO of Rosatom. Ivanov Vyacheslav was involved in Hillary's Uranium One deal with Russia back in 2009 under Barack Obama ... Outside Fulford's report: according to HAL Turner Radio Show -- " .. Russian authorities released passenger names on the official Death list, several of those now-deceased names raised immediate "red flags" because they appear to be directly connected to the Hillary Clinton / Barack Obama UraniumOne Conspiracy and to the (fake) "Russian Dossier" used to smear President Trump. Now that they've been caught, it appears to many that "the Deep State" is cleaning house and getting rid of any loose ends who might testify! Sergei Millian, a Belarus-born businessman who briefly worked with the Trump Organization and was reportedly a key source in the explosive dossier alleging ties between President Donald Trump and Russia, was in the spotlight following release of testimony before the House Intelligence Committee .. This Russian Businessman Sergei Millian goes by another name; Sergey Panchenko. Sergey Panchenko just happens to be one of the dead passengers in last night's Russian plane crash that killed 71 people.. (..)..." |
Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.
Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.
The Vatican, Chinese Communist Party, British Empire, and Pentagon plan world government
A major peace Growing evidence signals that the Vatican, the Chinese Communist Party, the British Empire, and the Pentagon are negotiating the creation of a world government.
The latest sign came in an agreement reached between the Vatican and the Chinese government to jointly select bishops for the Catholic Church in China. While this may seem like a minor issue pertaining only to the 9 million or so Chinese Catholics, it is actually an agreement for joint world power-sharing, according to Asian Secret Society and P2 Freemason sources.
The agreement means each side has veto power over who gets selected as bishop—meaning both have to agree—and this is a blueprint for a future East/West process of selecting world government leaders, the sources explain. Remember that most so-called world leaders are given large deposits in bank accounts with the Vatican Bank when they assume power and are told they have a choice between silver or lead (bribe or bullet). Most take the silver. In other words, most of the “world leaders” on display at the UN take orders from the Vatican P2 Freemason lodge. Thus, an agreement between the Vatican and the Chinese means this agreement is between the Western-dominated old world order and the Asian-dominated New Age movement.
According to a member of the British royal family, the Chinese may also announce they will use “Christianity with Chinese characteristics,” as their national religion as a part of this deal. In a hint that this may be true, the Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Argentinean Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, insisted in a Spanish-language interview with the Vatican Insider that, “At this moment, the Chinese are the ones implementing Catholic social teaching best.”
The British Empire has already publicly sided with the Asian plans for world government by merging its financial markets with those of China, by supporting the AIIB and the One Belt One Road (OBOR) infrastructure campaign, and by secretly supporting a gold-backed yuan to replace the so-called U.S. dollar.
The British Commonwealth, the Catholic Church, and the Chinese are responsible for the destinies of 5 billion people out of a world population of 7.6 billion. Add in countries like Germany, Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, and Iran, whose governments also support this plan, and it becomes clear the world is headed for a new age.
Former cabal bagman Henry Kissinger has been secretly shuttling around the world negotiating the creation of this government, multiple sources confirm. After his previous meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump in October, Kissinger said, “The Trump administration is overseeing a moment when the opportunity to build a constructive, peaceful world order is very great.” Last week after he met Trump, he said, “something new and remarkable,” will emerge out of the Trump administration.
One remarkable thing Kissinger told Trump last week was that “North and South Korea were going to announce…
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