Aug 31, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Tucker Carlson: "The Biden adm. blew up Nord Stream. CNN ++ anchors mouthpieces for CIA etc. Predicts no Covid, instead “there's hot war U.S. vs. Russia 2024”.) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Aug 31, 2023 ~ |

Yevgeny Prigozhin is seen in new footage 'dismissing reports of his elimination': Warlord insists 'everything is fine' in video filmed in Africa during 'the second half of August' | Daily Mail Online

🦋👅🌮💦 ("These People Are Sick" - Q) Symbolic Pics of the Month 08/23: 'The blatant symbolism surrounding the Barbie movie; Millie Bobby Brown shows submission to the industry; Doja Cat is losing it. Also: What the hell is wrong with Travis Scott’s Instagram account?' (VC) ~ Aug 31, 2023 ~ |

I recently watched Barbie at a movie theatre and, honestly, the experience stunned me. And not in a good way. Witnessing the audience applaud the weird, toxic, and borderline hateful messages found throughout the movie left me somewhat queasy and worried for the next generation.

A whole lot of things are said and done throughout that movie so, in order to properly analyze it, I’ll have to rewatch it, pause it and take some notes. A full article about this movie is definitely in the plans.

Meanwhile, symbolic pics surrounding Barbie appeared across mass media and they confirm one important fact about the movie: It is elite-sponsored propaganda.

greta2 Symbolic Pics of the Month 08/23

Of course, elite-owned papers such as the New York Times gushed over the movie. In this article headline, Barbie director Greta Gerwig hides one eye with a Barbie eye, effectively doing a one-eye sign. The message: The movie is elite-sponsored propaganda.

barbie2 Symbolic Pics of the Month 08/23

One of the most popular characters in the movie is Weird Barbie. As you can see, that character was a perfect opportunity to incorporate a blatant one-eye sign right on the face of a Barbie. The message: This is elite-sponsored propaganda.

Like all modern elite-sponsored propaganda, the movie has to pander to the gender-blurring agenda.

👁️⃤𓂀🟠⍩⃝🔫 (Andreas Pac-Man, Klone-ellemann og Illuminati-Ibi på nye spøgelseseventyr) Tju Bang Chokolademand, løgnedetektor test og æv, bæv bussemand sure tæer i saftevand: Og snart kommer 'Knæk Cancer'-showet som skal tjene milliarder ind til Masons og Kræftindustrien. Mennesket anno 2023, hvor de sundhedspolitiske systemer og det medicinsk-industrielle kompleks er blevet væsentlige spillere på den globale scene og redder Dannevang. Dermed, symtombehandles mennesket, uden skelnen til helheden og helbredelsen, men fastholdes, evigt, i 'systemet'. ~ 31. August 2023 ~ |

Værnemagerne og de enorme stærke okkulte kræfter...

  Imens alt dette sker, nægter Klamme-Wammen at give os store bededag tilbage, som koster kommunerne, Kassen-Fru-Madsen, mens han finder en ekstra milliard i en skrivebordsskuffe. Novo Nordisk med kræftfremkaldende produkter, redder dansk økonomi og hele den Medicinske Mafia, hvor THC og Pusher Street, er cancerindustriens største konkurent... "Troen kan flytte bjerge" ifølge Det Nye Testamente og Herren på den yderste dag skiller fårene fra bukkene... 

FREE GUY: Om Andreas, et barn du ikke kan nå, er i rummet eller ej, er fuldstændigt ligegyldigt. Han er en del af Ashkenazi-Kabbalah sammen med Buzz Lightyear og alle de andre astronauter, som aldrig har været i en løgnedetektor. Et livfuld skipperskrøne; en fantasi om rumskibe, kæmper kampe, handler på aktiemarkeder, mine asteroider eller stjæler som rumpirater. Om Månebase Alpha, Eau De Mars og at ønske sig væk til rummet der vrimler med liv og beboelige jordplaneter, for finde et godt sted at bo uden Bankglobalister, det militære-medicinelle-industrielle kompleks og alle NDA'erne (fortrolighedserklæringer) og den sorteste løgn.

Naturligvis skal den zionistiske verdensorganisation samt militærjunta; israelske våbenfirma Elbit, Terma A/S mange ulovlige våbensalg og hele Forsvarets F-16 samt andet oldnordisk krigslegetøj, sendes til skrot, der gives frit og kvit, som gaveregn til Nazi-Ukraine (Depopulation Agenda). Det udemokratisk pengesystem skal fjerens, frimureriet nedlægges og politikerne kastes, i voldgraven. Og med det, indførelse af universets love, frembringelse af frihed og lighed. GCR, G-NESARA og QFS systemerne og den "New Golden Age" a.K.a. Tidsalder / Den Nye Tid / Den Nye Energi / Den Gyldne Tidsalder... | 
novo nordisk holder hånden over dansk industri - Google Search
Ørsteds aktionærer har tabt 335 mia. kr. under Mads Nipper (
Populært slankemiddel fra Novo Nordisk forbindes med øget risiko for kræft: Det ved vi nu om mistanken |
Ungarns Orbán tror på Trump som fredsskaber i Ukraine | Kristeligt Dagblad (

Hædret for DR-programserie •
Historien om honnør |

Ingen tog på strækningen – Ekstra Bladet

Aug 30, 2023

❤️‍🔥🙏 (#where R the children???) Max Igan: A Hawaiian Holocaust ~ Aug 30, 2023 ~ |


FREE GUY: I personally think on SoTW Max Igan he's a total nutcase, but he might be right with this video. If you don't wanna listen to him, look at all the video clips he collected from start until 15 minutes into the video... |  

🙏 ~ 💝 (12 Spiritual Laws that govern the universe) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Aug 30, 2023 ~ |

0️⃣🌀♾️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 ('Prep for Equinox Gateway on Sept 22nd. The pull inwards is very real.') Meg Benedicte: Galactic Zero Point Reflection ~ Aug 30, 2023 ~ |


This Wednesday August 30 will be the second Full Supermoon of the month, a Blue Moon at 07°25′ Pisces. A Full Supermoon is when the moon appears larger and brighter than usual. A Pisces Moon emphasizes deeper spiritual connection and compassion for others. This Supermoon connects to Saturn in Pisces, providing a bit more pragmatism, piercing the veil of delusion and dissociation. Allow your imagination to grow and glow, while Saturn instills practical steps to manifest.

With Uranus shifting direction today, this makes seven planets currently in retrograde motion at this time......Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and now Uranus! During planetary retrogrades, we experience more internal moments of deeper reflection, review and renewal. Take this time to uncover any unresolved issues that need to be addressed. With so many planets retrograde, this soul-searching phase will bring to your awareness what is ready for processing.

🙃🔄🥴 (Wacky Wacko Wednesday) Who is 'Agent' Zelensky? You can't make this stuff up ~ Aug 30, 2023 ~ |

FREE GUY: George W. Bush 9/11 'inside job' called 'Lord Voldemort' Zelensky the ‘Winston Churchill of our time’. Was Churchill not the worst leader in history? As 'Evil' as Hitler, Mao and Stalin? How many of our 'leaders' are actors, film producers and screen writers? The 'Drug President' Zelensky is again called to get treatment for addiction. Previously, boxer Mike Tyson and actor Elijah Wood called on Zelensky to go to rehab. Now the lover of cocaine and counterattacks was called on by the "Breaking Bad" star Dean Norris, Zoolander, Orlando Bloom and many, many more... | 

👁️⃤𓂀👨‍💻⛓️🐇🛐 (Du ER hvad du har LÆRT! Læs TJENER!) En lille joke, med alvorlige undertoner, for det betyder rent faktisk, vi er, hvad vi har lært fra forældre og bedsteforældre, pædagogerne, folkeskolelærerne, præsterne under konfirmationsforberedelserne, professorer der underviser ved universitetet, bosserne på jobbet, Stormesteren og Oldermanden, samt politikerne og deslige! Vi er alle hvad vi har lært, skal vi unlearne, og det kræver måske, at 'smarten up, og evt. træde ud af organisationer, som er Service-til-Selv og ikke Service-til-Andre ~ 30. August 2023 ~ |

 (3) Det fanme uhyggeligt, du! | Peter Schrøder | DR Satire - YouTube

CopenHell er for djævlerockere - CopenHeaven er Festival for Eternity? Kun 'Facts Matter', ikke 'All Lives Matter'? Som er skjult BLM og betalt af George Soros og De Grønne Monstre-industrien?... Få mere smæk for skillingen på SoTW og lyt til GRATIS råd...

FREE GUY FREE ADVICE: Ved godt jeg bliver uvenner med endnu flere, men Hør mig TJENER og forstå. Hold nu op det er en joke! Lad nu være med at fare sådanne op! Jeg ved godt jeg provokere men forstå mig når jeg siger, at SoTW vil ikke underkastes frimureriet, de politiske programmer og FE/CIA/Mossad's manipulation. Mht. 'Facts Matter' - følg Pengestrømmen! Det dyreste 1-dags konference nogensinde, for at få 'sandheden' at vide, som burde være GRATIS.

Jeg skal ikke gøre mig klog på noget-som-helst! Som jeg plejer at sige; 'I know nothing ... I am from Barcelona.'.. Med det sagt, så har jeg prøvet mange, mange ting, i mit liv, med 16 år i det indoktrineret skolesystem, 30 år i det pulserende erhvervsliv højt oppe i IT-branchen, hvor der findes folk fra den "øverste, øverste hylde". Samt, flere år i det alternative behandlermiljø og rejst verden rundt (næsten). 

Aug 29, 2023

📰🍿❌('Charlie Ward: GCR completed. BRICS bank & QFS trading in gold-backed D. Currency 8-9 months') DC: Restored Republic via a GCR ~ Aug 29, 2023 (FREE GUY: I still call them RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS. Wishful thinking) ~ |


Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Aug 29, 2023

Compiled Tues. 29 Aug. 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”

Judy Note:

  • Hurricane Idalia was about to hit Florida. No water available. Gas stations are out of gas. People in Walmart were getting sick from something in the air. Towns and cities evacuating – with all the signs of what happened in Maui. 20 million people in Florida are trapped by gas stations. They are not allowing gas to be pumped into containers for generators or vehicles, saying the fuel is contaminated. People are being told to evacuate but the gas stations are getting their fuel contaminated. The Governor (DeSantis) says the electricity for the whole State may go out.  Airports in Florida are being shut down so people cannot leave by that route.  Two hurricanes heading toward Florida and the East Coast.  A state of emergency has been declared in the State of Florida and people are being told to leave but that is being hindered.  Contaminated fuel around Tampa can harm or stop the engines of vehicles (even water will do that).  Any fuel gotten after 10 AM Saturday at Citgo around Tampa and some other stations are contaminated and vehicles will stall out on the roads.
  • It took the Alliance Special Forces five years to clear 32,000 miles of Underground DUMB Tunnels across the Globe, while rescuing millions of children. Mission started July 2018, completed in Aug. 2023. Marines, Seals Head Rescue of Millions of Tortured Children, While Trump Implodes Fiat Dollar for a Global Currency Reset | Politics | Before It’s News (
  • The Khazarian mafia-controlled West is about to fall over a cliff despite frantic attempts by its leadership to scare us back into submission with fire, plague, war, alien invasion etc. What is interesting is that the collapse could include the government of Xi Jinping in China and not just the West. That is why Jews are fleeing Israel and 11,000 Chinese millionaires are fleeing China. The US, the West and KM about to fall into the abyss – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis (
  • The time has come for every Veteran to remember that oath and be prepared to soon act on it. If not us, who? Veterans are the well trained regulated militia. Be ready, be vigilant, be strong. America depends on us. We are the only authentic Homeland Security. …Veterans Patriots Brigade on Telegram

For all you worried about the future, don’t be:

  • The Federal Reserve has been rolled into the US Treasury.
  • The IRS is no more.
  • The fiat US Dollar is defunct and we are now functioning on a gold/asset-backed US Note.
  • Big pharmaceutical companies will be sued to oblivion.
  • The oil market has been brought to zero to bring down Rockefeller. Free energy is on it’s way.
  • Free Med Bed Treatments will replace hospitals and drugs to create maximum health by allowing the body to heal itself through light and sound waves.
  • Constitutional Law will grace the land. Nations will be sovereign and free.
  • Cabal Deep State agencies will come tumbling down.
  • Worldwide peace will reign.

👁️⃤𓂀📐🧭⚒️ (Logeeden - Ørkenens Sønner og bondeknoldene der rejser sig med slangen ved brystet og heste der ikke 'burde' kunne tvinges til truget) Deraf udtrykket ”at nære en slange ved sit bryst”. Man tager sig venligt af et andet menneske, som senere falder en i ryggen og det er ikke sikkert hesten har lyst, men før eller senere, skal den drikke, ellers dør den. Og slangen vil altid grine af hestens vittigheder, mens hesten vil sætte pris på slangens elegance, som bugter sig gennem Aalborgs gader, Oldermanden først. Med 8.000 betalende- og 30.000 medlemmer under Christian den fjerdes laug ~ 29. August 2023 ~ |

FREE GUY: Ganske trist blev jeg på SoTW, da jeg så May Day Danmark' nyhedsbrev, hvor jeg har en bekendt. Ikke nok med de har sammensat deres August billedcover med speakers på; International konference "Facts Matter" hvor der kommer 'flere store kanoner fra Danmark og USA'. Nu også med en fordummende overskrift som skrevet står; 'Trump er en platugle på vej i fængsel'. Som jeg har sagt i mange år på SoTW; Bondeknoldene fra familien Dannevang bliver det sidste land, hvor lortespanden vælter, der fortsat skraldgriner af frimurerens Ørkenens Sønner og Dramaet om Gyllegården. Q siger; "We are saving Israel for last." Israel rygtes som største koncentration af shape-shifting reptilske hybrids der dominerer globale anliggender. Inde på Fjæsen, skambider de Kathrine K. H. i et væk, fordi, hun viser os det enorme store spindelvæv af KO'erne, som er et cover/et slør og rekrutteringsrampe, som henter alle skyldige og uskyldige frihedskæmpere, ind, i deres hestefold.  Nej du, kan måske godt forstå at de 80% vaksineret danskere, ikke fatter en bjælde af hvad der foregår. Nu også, 'nogle' af de sidste 20% u-vaksinerede, der åbenbart igen og igen, falder på halen-komik for frimurernes gunst og manipulation... |
SoTW illustrerer frimurernes paradis
Dennis Knudsen sigtet for vanvidskørsel (

(6) Facebook

(6) Facebook

🙏 ~ 💝 ('Idalia' in Spanish "The Sun". Italian or Greek origin "Behold The Sun") Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Aug 29, 2023 ~ |

❤️‍🔥🙏 (Hawaii death toll 93, deadliest in 100 yrs. More than 1000 remain missing. A secret recording from a Starlink-internet inside Lahaina) Hawaii Real Estate ~ Evidence of Direct Energy Weapon? Judge For Yourself… ~ Aug 29, 2023 ~ |

(30) Maui D.E.W: Evidence of Direct Energy Weapon? Judge For Yourself.. - YouTube

GAOG: These fellas are taking pictures where no one’s supposed to be, and we can see why the perpetrators of this crime don’t want us to witness any of it.'... |