Jun 8, 2017

Stillness In The Storm | June 6, 2017 | Manchester Terror Attack: Rallying the Youth Around the Occult Elite |

(Vigilant CitizenThe Manchester Terror Attack took place at an Ariana Grande concert – an industry superstar. It was a grand and horrifying clash of the worlds of entertainment and high-stakes terrorism. 

The Manchester terror attack was sickening for several reasons. Its aftermath was also sickening, for a slew of other reasons. It was about forcing horror on children, killing dozens of them and shattering whatever wonder and innocence that was left in the survivors. It was about mixing the worlds of song, dance, and entertainment with fear, death, and horror. 

Related UK Intel Warned About Manchester Bomber TWICE, Did Nothing to Stop Him

Source - Vigilant Citizen

by Staff Writer, June 6th, 2017

On May 22, 2017, a suicide bombing occurred in the UK, immediately following a concert by Ariana Grande at Manchester Arena. Twenty-three adults and children were killed, and 119 were injured, 23 critically. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. 

Before I go any further, it is necessary to explain the underlying nature of ISIS. Contrary to appearances, it is not an enemy of the world elite. In fact, the emergence of ISIS was “facilitated” by the powers that be

In 2014, I published an article entitled ISIS: A CIA Creation to Justify War Abroad and Repression at Home; it is still relevant today. “ISIS” is continuously used to destabilize governments hostile to the elite, while facelessly causing fear, panic, and terror in major cities. 

The elite agenda is rooted in fear, panic, and terror. Such emotion is a golden currency, an invaluable asset that can be used to shape and mold society with little to no resistance. 

The number of terror attacks and deaths blamed on ISIS is staggering and is becoming, sadly, a “new normal”. Places of fun, leisure, tourism, and entertainment are being turned into sites of carnage. And, of course, after each event, no concrete plan or solution is ever proposed. It is almost as if they want modern society to accept the notion that it is “normal” for any person to be randomly killed at any time, for no particular reason. 

Is there any mainstream discussion about the problems that are the root cause of ISIS and concrete ways to solve them? Rarely. However, a bunch of “satellite issues” are often brought up – ones that were clearly on the elite’s agenda for years, simply waiting for the next terror attack to bring them about. 

Here’s what Theresa May had to say in the wake of the Manchester attack: 

A headline from the Independent.

Apparently, terror needs to be contained through the regulation of the internet. May stated: 
“We cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed – yet that is precisely what the internet, and the big companies that provide internet-based services provide,” Ms May said.

“We need to work with allied democratic governments to reach international agreements to regulate cyberspace to prevent the spread of extremist and terrorism planning.”
The response to each terror attack is one more incremental step towards an all-out, highly monitored police state that represses all of its citizens. The only response to terror society is capable of, it would seem, restricting the basic rights of privacy, free speech, and democracy of ALL citizens. It is never about understanding the root of it all … because then things get real. And They don’t like when people get real. They want people to be afraid while listening to Ariana Grande. 

Related Here’s What The Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About The Manchester Attack
Ariana Grande 

The Manchester bombing took place in a setting with heavy symbolic value. It occurred during a show by an industry superstar who is particularly loved by children: Ariana Grande. And, in case you haven’t read other articles on this site, she is a tool of the elite – not unlike ISIS. However, Grande works in the elite’s “entertainment” department. Through the handful of media conglomerates who sign and promote a select group of stars, the elite uses this system to shape and mold the masses – especially the youngest and most impressionable – to adopt specific ideas, values, and attitudes. 

Ariana Grande has been part of the system since she was a young teenager who played the role of “Cat Valentine” in the Nickelodeon show Victorious. This role led her “teen idol” status, a platform that was then used to launch her singing career. 

Not unlike other teen idols, Grande’s solo career coincided with a drastic image change. She quickly became a figurehead of the “Sex Kitten” agenda used to expose children to sexual imagery at a young age. 

Indeed, “Cat Valentine” from Victorious turned into a singing Beta Kitten.

Since the launch of her singing career, ‘cat ears’ became part of Grande’s trademark look. 
Everything about her is cat related. 

Grande is often dressed innocently in accessories that could be used in the elite’s “Eyes Wide Shut” parties where Beta Kittens are involved.

Berlingske Politisk morgenpost | 8. Juni 2017 | »Hvordan kan 89 andre borgerlige politikere gå på sommerferie med det her hængende over hovedet« | .. Dagens overblik: Centrale dokumenter undergraver Inger Støjbergs forklaring om lovlig sagsbehandling, skriver Politiken. Det får S til at sige, at »Støjberg sidder og lyver på samrådet«. Og så har DR-journalister hilst på DFs Christian Langballe, mens en minister har sendt brev til Louis Vuitton .. |

LÆS VIDERE: https://www.b.dk/politisk-morgenpost/hvordan-kan-89-andre-borgerlige-politikere-gaa-paa-sommerferie-med-det?utm_source=ni.dk

Humans Are Free | June 8, 2017 | Elite Openly Paying to Ingest the Blood of the Young |

Once the talk of conspiracy theorists — the rich ingesting the blood of the young to foster longevity — is now a reality and an actual business in the United States. 

Not only is it a business but billionaires are actually admitting their interest in it.

“I’m looking into parabiosis stuff, which I think is really interesting. This is where they did the young blood into older mice and they found that had a massive rejuvenating effect,” Peter Thiel, the billionaire co-founder of PayPal and adviser to Donald Trump told Inc. magazine.

“I think there are a lot of these things that have been strangely under-explored.”

Divine Frequency with Teresa Yanaros | June 4, 2017 | Stacy Goode Exclusive: Wife of Secret Space Program Insider |

Join Teresa Yanaros in this Divine Frequency exclusive interview of Stacy Goode, wife of secret space program insider Corey Goode. Stacy describes how her and Corey met, and takes us through her journey of learning the truth about her husband's involvement in the secret space program. This is Stacy's first ever exclusive interview! The deep insights she provides are inspiring, and her perspective and positivity shines through as a beacon of light to women all around the world.

Awakening Our Truth ~ Raising Consciousness | June 5, 2017 | A message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council | Channeled through Valerie Donner |

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council 
Det Plejadiske Råd blev dannet ca. 200.000 år efter den første store galaktiske krig. Eftervirkningerne af galaktiske krig i Lyra-systemet spredte den Lyranske civilisation af humanoids ud til hele galaksen. Historisk set, har denne begivenhed været den mest dramatiske og desperate tid for menneskeheden til dato. Mange af de Lyranske flygtninge fandt deres vej til Pleiadies stjerne klynge, som indeholder over 1000 stjerner og spænder 8 lysår. Det Plejadiske Råd giver Spiritual, Taktisk samt regeringsvejledning til Plejaderne. Rådet består af 12 medlemmer pr division med 12 afdelinger i alt med 144 valgte højst ankede rådsmedlemmerRådet udfører mange forskellige opgaver, fører tilsyn med de Plejadiske forbindelser til resten af galaksen. Det Plejadiske Råd er en betydningsfuld medlem af 'Galaktiske Føderation af Worlds' og har en enorm indflydelse på de beslutninger, der træffes for den galaktiske helhed....   

Kanaliseret af Valerie Donner
© 2017 thegroundcrew

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council 

Neil Keenan Updates | June 8, 2017 | Blogger: NK is providing new information about the world affairs and how Cabal/shadowy government is trying to take down Trump, stealing the accounts/gold in Asia, U.N. Agenda 21 depopulation, and trying to own the political western hemisphere region. NK also talks about the frequency/energy medicine and healing machines etc... |

Alternative Bio

Neil Keenan skulle efter sigende være 'Sagsøgeren' for Dragon Familien ( ansvarlige for de Globale finanser).. Red Dragon Familien har i årtusinder, indsamlet langt størstedelen af alt Guld på Jorden. De ser ikke dem selv, som eneste ejere af dette Guld, snarere som forvaltere, fordi de forstår, at guldet kommer fra menneskeheden og tilhører menneskeheden og vil blive overlevet tilbage til menneskeheden, når tiden er rigtig. Red Dragon Family nedstammer fra multietniske Japanske og Kinesiske aristokratiske familier. Deres HQ ligger i Kina, men har en bred skare af medlemmer fra verdens kontingenter. Mere end 180 blodlinier. Der er masser af misinformation omkring disse forskellige "farvede" symboler og familie grupperinger. Red Dragon, har levet "under jorden" så at sige, væk fra offentlighedens lys i mange tusinde år, som nok er forståeligt, da Illuminati / Cabal sikkert har gjort alt hvad de kunne, for at stjæle Deres guld og skabe ødelæggelse. Dragon Familien har dog sagsøgt det amerikanske Federal Reserve (FED) og skulle efter sigende have vundet lidt tilbage.. White Dragon, der har en gammel asiatisk modstykke, Black Dragon (Højere østasiatiske fælles velstand m.m.), Dragon familien (merovingiske royalty), Green Dragon, som har rødder i Iran (Persien) og Centralasien. Yderligere findes der Gold Dragon, Blue Dragon, m.fl. Benjamin Fulford skrev en artikel i 2011, omkring han mente, at Red Dragons kunne være nazisternes nye alias navn, fordi Odessa gruppen (efterkrigstidens nazister) var så afgjort, på krigsstien (Nok nærmere MIC-SSP). Det er naturligvis altid svært at bevise at Dragon Society eksistere og sandfærdig, men ikke mere end andre fantastiske og eventyrlige fortællinger fra vores hemmelighedsfulde verden, som kun få kender til.. Som altid, søg selv viden og brug din indre guide, til at hjælpe dig.

Visit www.neilkeenan.com for further information.