May 22, 2020
🙅💉🤗 ~ Petition Against Mandatory Vaccination For The Coronavirus (Almost 500,000 Signatures) ~ | Blogger: [👉Oh Wauv! People "know"👈] ... BTW, Trump says coronavirus vaccine will be voluntary: ‘Not everyone is going to want to get it’... |
People of goodwill can disagree about the safety, efficacy and religious implications of a new vaccine for the coronavirus.
But, everyone should agree on this point:
No government can force anyone who has reached legal adulthood to be vaccinated for the coronavirus. Equally, no government can vaccinate minors for the coronavirus against the will of their parents or guardians.
Please SIGN this urgent petition which urges policymakers at every level of government to reject calls for mandatory coronavirus vaccination.
Fear of a disease - which we know very little about, relative to other similar diseases - must not lead to knee-jerk reactions regarding public health, nor can it justify supporting the hidden agenda of governmental as well as non-governmental bodies that have apparent conflicts of interest in plans to restrict personal freedoms.
🛸 ~ (MSM Russia Today) Residents joke about ALIEN INVASION as fiery UFO spotted in the skies above Victoria, Australia (VIDEOS) ~ | Blogger: [👉While Putin and World leaders prepare and warns of potential 2nd wave of Covid-19 infections in the fall, Meteor shower sparks confused fears of Highly Advanced Weaponized Technologies by Pentagon, DARPA, DoD, CIA, NASA, USAF, NAVAL and MIC-SSP, is planning a fake alien invasion?👈] ... It can be done you know that, right? With Project blue beam 5G and the right tools... A staged alien invasion? Holographic imaging, military UFOs, mind control technology, human abductions, false messiahs etc. etc.... Oh my... |
Source (
“Feels right that the next step for 2020 is alien invasion…” wrote one Twitter user as their feed was flooded with images of an unidentified flying object in the skies above southeast Australia on Friday evening.(READ MORE)
UFO News ~ Stunning Seven Bright UFOs Leave Witnesses Amazed over Vista (California) plus MORE
Fascinating advanced laser technology with multiple applications. Could also be used for creation of holograms in a false flag alien invasion if the Deep State decided to play that card as the CV-19 plandemic falls apart. Navy Laser Creates Plasma ‘UFOs’— Michael Salla (@MichaelSalla) May 22, 2020
🔴 ~ David Zublick Channel: FAUCI INDICTED! [16 MIN VIDEO] ~ | Blogger: Please always use your own spiritual discernment... |
Source (David Zublick Channel)
The United States Justice has finalized a sealed indictment against Dr. Anthony Fauci for crimes including treason, conspiring with the enemy and fraud. David Zublick unseals the truth in this breaking story.
💯~ 💗 “Oldest Woman in Spain”, 113, Recovers From Coronavirus 💕 ~ |
Source (truththeory)
Maria Branyas, a 113-year-old Spanish national, has made a full recovery from the coronavirus.
It’s the third major ordeal she has lived through, having survived the flu pandemic of 1918-19 as well as the 1936-39 Spanish Civil War.
A mother of three, grandmother of 11 and great-grandmother of 13, Maria was diagnosed with the coronavirus after Spain went into lockdown in March.
A mother of three, grandmother of 11 and great-grandmother of 13, Maria was diagnosed with the coronavirus after Spain went into lockdown in March.
La anciana más longeva de España, con 113 años, supera la COVID-19.— La Vanguardia (@LaVanguardia) May 12, 2020
La catalana María Branyas también es a partir de ahora la persona de más edad en superar el coronavirus después de hacerlo en la residencia en la que vive en Olot, Girona. #coronavirus
🚥 ~ 💗 FLASH OF TRUTH GOOD THINGS ARE COMING 5/21 (description box) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to Aluna Ash 9D for sharing... Actually what Aluna is discussing is for me, how to connect & raise the color-vibration-soundwaves of the collective consciousness as a whole by (mass) meditation form. A visualization of astral colors represents the varying forms and degrees of higher angelic light rays, that helps the thought-energy-field, for improving quality of life, peace, gratitude and oneness, expanding it around the world... A little bit similar to Cobra's 'Buddhic Column Meditation'... But I could be very wrong... Listen to more... |
#Awakening #SolarActivity #TheEvent
I will figure out the times across the world that align with of 4pm Eastern Time soon and post! The days I am able to jump on and do a quick livestream at 4pm, I will. Metaphysical Groups, Secret Societies, Saints, Mystics, Monks, Mystery Schools would do this & still do- work on the Spiritual & Mental Planes at the same time, for months to build a Thought-Field. (READ MORE)
🔺👁️💊 ~ David Icke Interview: Bill Gates, Elon Musk & Soros Are Frontmen For The Top of the Pyramid ~ | |
In this exclusive interview, Spiro is joined by David Icke. Spiro and David discuss the ongoing coronavirus crisis. David explains how the public is being manipulated by the system in perhaps the greatest psychological operation in history, as medical and government officials admit the numbers have been inflated.
The official projected coronavirus numbers disseminated by the establishment to the public, which were used to justify the lockdowns, were based on controversial and inaccurate computer models funded by Bill Gates.
In this must-see interview, David Icke and Spiro examine the events leading up to this current crisis, including the shutdown of the US military bioweapons program Fort Detrick, to the world military games in Wuhan China (the alleged ground zero of the outbreak) to Event 201 and much more.
In this report, David Icke lays out the entire scenario piecing together the puzzle, leading up to present day and projecting ahead while not only exposing the frontmen for this global operation, but exposing who is at the very top of the pyramid, and it is not Bill Gates…
🗣️⚔️🏳️ (You can't make this stuff up) Regeringen misbrugte den sundhedsfaglige rådgivning, da den lukkede Danmark ned i marts 2020 (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉VELKOMMEN TIL OPLYSNINGSTIDEN: I al almindelighed og "især" i krisetider, stiger tilbøjeligheden til at ty til konspirationsteoretiske narrativer og forklaringer, da der er en mangel på "sikker viden". 2020 er bruddet med flere århundrede magtmonopoler, eller absolutismens tidsalder, der har skabt så dyb mistillid til alt, hvad der har med (politisk) kult-sekt-denomination-kirke, at gøre👈] ... Mange forbinder konspirationsteoretikere med skøre og paranoide kældermennesker. Men teorierne skal faktisk tages alvorligt... 👀KIK DIG OMKRING!👀... Det er blevet et STORT problem, at vores fine og ophævede autoriteter; medierne, forældre, lærere, læger, præster, psykologer og naturvidenskabens forskere, ikke kan svare på livets mest fundamentale spørgsmål, som presser sig på i nutidens vestlige civilisation... Lev ikke i fortiden, drøm ikke om fremtiden, koncentrer dit sind om nuet, siger man i de spirituelle esoteriske kredse, men hvad nu hvis 'nutiden' er PILRÅDDEN!?? Jamen, så er det vigtigt at huske, at A-L-T, det vi lærer og bliver gode til i ét liv, eller ryger i det "spirituelle fængsel" for, tager vi med os ind i det næste liv. Det er "bevidstheden", der overlever den fysiske død. Bevidstheden er totalsummen af menneskets tanker, følelser og vilje. Det, der dør, er den fysiske krop. Stoffet gives tilbage til naturen og indgår i det store kredsløb eller naturens genbrug... Vi skal prøve at leve alle slags liv, både som rig, fattig og midt i mellem. Vi skal være slave og hersker. Vi skal være undertrykker og den der er undertrykt. Vi skal være mordere og ofre. Vi skal have det let, og vi skal kæmpe. Vi skal leve både med og uden religioner, i krigstid og fredstid, og under forskellige politiske regeringer og overbevisninger. Vi skal prøve at leve som både mand og kvinde, som tyk og tynd. Vi skal have forskellige seksualiteter og forskellige præferencer i partner. Vi skal leve forskellige steder i verden, og vi skal prøve både at have i overflod, og at leve i fattigdom. Og ikke kun en gang. Om og om igen. Med nye og udvidede variationer hver gang... ⏰ PS: Lige nu, ville jeg ikke være inde i hverken Heunicke, Brostrøm, Mølbak eller Frederiksens sjælekroppe, fordi, når først folk ønsker, at finde sandheden, så kommer det ENORME spirituelle paradigmeskifte og revolution, som alle vi andre, venter på. Danskerne kan måske ikke vælte karmaloven og skæbnen er fastsat i en multidimensionel tidslinje, men vi kan med udvidelse af individuelle bevidstheder, skabe en 'BEDRE' verden, plads til (ægte) fællesskab, solidaritet og broderskab... Som Werner Erhard sagde engang; Hvordan skaber vi en verden, der virker for alle?... | |
— Magnus Heunicke (@Heunicke) October 18, 2019
Tid til forberedelse før mit møde med Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation i mit midlertidige kontor kælderetagen på Danmarks smukke ambassade i Washington. @gatesfoundation #sundpol
Dokumenter i forbindelse med nedlukningen af Danmark, som Jyllands Posten har gennemgået, sår tvivl om baggrunden for regeringens beslutning.
Statsministeren sagde ifølge
avisen flere gange, at det var på myndighedernes anbefaling, at man lukkede
samfundet ned 11. marts.
- Det
her indikerer, at statsministeren har talt direkte usandt til
danskerne, siger politisk ordfører Sophie Løhde (V) til Jyllands-Posten.
Sundhedsminister Magnus Heunicke siger til avisen, at beslutningen dengang blev truffet ud fra en 'samlet vurdering'.
Sundhedsminister Magnus Heunicke siger til avisen, at beslutningen dengang blev truffet ud fra en 'samlet vurdering'. | | | |
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