May 9, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 ('Starseeds & Lightworkers: 'It is now time for the masses to awaken out of the Hypnosis') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Galactic Family Of Light - part 3 (Soul Calling)🌟] ... {OMG! things a coming to life when i'm doing this work today ~ Teja} ... I have falling for her - Teja Wood from Soul Calling - Intuitive, Mentor, Author, Teacher, Intuitive Business Coach... Unfortunately, she's not getting well deserved attention on YouTube... I could have picked Kryon, LeeHarris, Joni Patry, Elizabeth April, Lorie Ladd or Ralph Smart who (always) has important messages and hundreds of thousands of followers and sooooo many others. But I think TW, is always so supportive, lovely, enchanting and appealing, to me and her supporters. She's just admitting so much Cosmic divine light, smiling and happy, and actually, this video is also pretty funny, when her puppy-dog goes "grrrr", second later, a "ghost" suddenly closing the door in the room and her playful dog wants to participate in the conversation... |

✅ ~ 💗 (Important read to the Lightwarriors & Lightworkers) Change Needed In the Lightworker Community (Era of Light + Alexander Quinn - Arcturian Channeler) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to, and KejRaj(KayRy), the creator of the website. I am an Elohi(singular for Elohim) of the Blue Ray, incarnated on Earth at this time. I entered the Milky Way galaxy via the Pleiades star system from Andromeda, to share as much as I can with humanity... |

"With all of this in mind, it is exceptionally difficult being human. There are so many pitfalls and traps along the way. That is why if you really do want a 5D world you MUST expel judgement and criticism of others. Gaia will be slowed down by these limiting emotional states greatly. They do not exist in 5D. Only Solutions and compassion engage in 5D." ~ Alexander Quinn -Arcturian Channeler

Dearest Starseeds and Lightworkers,

I want to write about a few things that are broken in the Lightworker community at present. I have broken it down into the following;

– Spirituality and Ego
– The Old Soul and Spiritual Work
– Drugs
– Money
– Diet
– Who is going to save us
– How to use discernment

There will be triggers in this post but I offer nothing that has not come from compassion and understanding for all souls who are on earth at this moment in time working out of the limited box called being human which comes with the difficult limitations in which living in a corporeal body in a transitioning consciousness delivers us each day.

There are subjects that are not being addressed in the spiritual community because there are those too afraid to even discuss these issues because they know that all the so-called lightworkers will come out of the woodwork and shoot them down in flames before they have even uttered a word. That is not a community where love and compassion rule. That is a community that is keeping up and coming spiritual people locked in a dark room because they are afraid of persecution from the very people they are looking up to. Most people don’t want to address these issues for those reasons.

I’m going to address them all,

1. Spirituality and Ego

🙏 ~ 💝 (#SaveOliviaBirgitDanskeBørn) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🤜"Danmark bliver nu det første i Norden til at gennemføre medicinsk apartheid og bekræfter nu, at de, der ikke ønsker at lade sig injicere med nogen af ​​de covid vacciner, nægtes adgang til spillesteder, teatre og biografer. De har heller ikke lov til at spise på restauranter, træne i fitness eller deltage i indendørs sportsgrene ~ løst oversat fra nyadagbladet"🤛] ... PS: SoTW har boet i Sverige fra 2002 - 2007 og nydt HVERT et sekund!. Både i Oxie, i Radhus ved siden af en sigøjnerfamilie, gør-aldrig-det, også i et 200 kvm almindelig villa i Kristineberg, med nogle af de sødeste naboer, man kan finde, hvor jeg lavede det hele om, også med biograf og hele mulivitten. Har også snuset til det rige liv i New England i USA, hvor jeg boede tæt på, hvor Ghislaine Maxwell, blev taget i sin millionstore jagthytte og rejst mange steder rundt om i verden. Det ændrer ikke ved, og fortryder ikke, at flytte tilbage igen til Danmark, da jeg mistede min kæreste, og senere min datter, men siden 2020, ville jeg gerne have boet i Sverige. Der har været et KONSTANT pres for flere restriktioner i Sverige, men Tegnell og åbenbart også regeringen, har stået fast på sin strategi, selvom (Den Mørke Stat) helst så noget andet. Jeg flyttede ikke til Sverige for at købe min dengang lækre Volkswagen Passat V6 4motion, og smukke unge kæreste, som bare ville have en masse børn, men for at leve billigere - meget, meget billigere. Dog arbejdede jeg dengang som en hest i Banken, uden at se mig tilbage og knoklede også for min datter i fogedretten, advokater, statsforvaltningen og børnesagkyndige m.m. Selvom det er blevet meget dyrere at købe hus i det svenske, så er der stadigvæk MASSER af fordele, og især nu, at komme væk fra det sand helvede det er, at bo i et land, der mærkbart, har sagt ja-tak til en global Corona-Corporation, som syvende og sidst, slår mennesker ihjel, med vaccinationer samt medicin, overtræde demokratiet og menneskerettigheder m.m. Sådanne har det måske altid været, vil nogle sige, men det er ikke til at tage fejl - det er blevet MEGET synligt, hvem vor fælles fjende, er. Selvom jeg idag, har valgt, som et eksperiment, at træde ud af det magtfulde elitematrix, uden nogen former for offentlige forsørgelse, indkomst eller hjælp, så fortryder jeg intet. Det gør mig bare mere tændt på, at lave, "systemet", om... |

🚀🛰️💥 ~ (CCP: "not worth panicking about") The 23-ton spinning 'out-of-control' Chinese rocket debris crashes back to Earth, reentered the atmosphere over the Arabian Peninsula and plunging into Indian Ocean - MSM media (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉"The 100ft (30m) booster is presently passing over all major hubs in the World The wild orbit has led to fears the rocket could crash into a populated area - and it would be among the biggest crashes of a man-made object since NASA's Skylab space station in the 1970s" ~ Teri Wade👈] ... Soooo - show me the proof CCP and State media and why in the first place has the 23-ton core stage of a Long March 5B booster crashed?... PS: Apparently Teri Wade deleted her FB-post, so I've added another picture and live-stream has ended on youtube... |

👩‍💻👨‍💼🤏 ~ (Doesn't he look like Dunham's Walter a retired, grumpy old man?) The real Q: Why has (female) world leaders welcomed fake president-elect China Joe digital mirage, after he picks his all-female comms team, female VP, but NEVER seen him or talked to him IFL? (SoTW Archive) ~ | Blogger: [👉Before everyone is going into a emotional breakdown, asking me to step down on, we KNOW, something is wrong👈] ... Hence, the (social-commie) Danish PM Mette F. has ONLY talked to 'Chameleon' Harris on the phone, and on Zoom with the 'The Ultimate Temp' China Joe, with acting gay Obama as the "hidden hand", and everyone is wondering, why that is!?!... Vice President Biden (stealing an election does not make you a legitimate President) is being disrespected globally... There's so much proof videos out there, showing sooo many CGI compositing errors, that this 'Biden' character, is either a clone, stunt double or crisis actor with a mask on or simply, a fake digital mirage, and is completely staged using green screens and video compositing - but nobody is talking - some speculate that Biden may already be dead... Kim Jung Un of North Korea will not accept a phone call from VP Biden, and the President of Mexico is the one who is going to crack down on the illegal immigrants on the southern U.S. border that is facing a meltdown. There are consequences for fraud, and the entire world knows Joe and his crew are illegitimate and incompetent... Pelosi says Biden’s ‘humanitarian’ approach to migration is based on ‘love of children', calling Putin a ’killer' in a verbal 'fight' with Chinese officials and says all American adults will be eligible for vaccination by May 1, 2021 and you still can't see, something is wrong? (SoTW got help from,, ECETI, Mike Adams, Greg Hunter, Michael K Jaco, GQ and more)... |


PS: Made from Michael K Jaco video and research - this is how SICK they are!!!


🎴👑😮 ~ (The Moloch Bunch: Horrific and shocking dark tarot reading about Denmark's royals, hunting parties, Maersk/Evergreen Line & secret cult vaca Greenland) TAROT BY JANINE LOOKS DEEP INTO DENMARK 🇩🇰 DEEP STATE/ DARK CULT TIES? (Sending Ravens with Tarot by Janine) ~ | Blogger: [👉DISCLAIMER: Please - I don't want you guys to burn down my house, but it makes more sense to me now about my nurse mom told me about gay, Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark and how they put a gag order on him and how he died. SoTW knows the lay of the land and generally doesn't get lost or sidetracked, but this is a stunner! Royalists and parliamentarians, watch out! Truth or no truth, this short video might be plutonium to the 'liar paradox' or adding fuel to the fire of truthseeker paradise! I'm not gonna judge👈] ... 🧷As you have already noticed, are not involved in any way, shape, or form with hatrism, politics, lluminati, NWO, crazy tinfoil hat and providing plots for hit TV shows and dark material for online chatrooms, conspiracy theories and alike... 🏩This is a place for love, happiness and harmony to all of us... 🤔That said, frankly, i'm also a Spiritual Light Warrior to wake up the sleeping populace and you cannot do that, with only presenting my readers holding hands around the campfire, singing Kumbaya and getting the joy joy joy down in your spiritual beating heart!!... 💭I know what you're thinking - it's too darn easy sitting on (my) spiritual keister and post anonymously, day after day, on a blog, without conveying its messages through an open forum, on youtube or holding seminars, like Anthony Robbins, awaken the inner giant in others... 👤 It's easier said than done when you are a private person facing loneliness on the spiritual path and a minority in a society that does not praise (deep) spirituality, openness, living the art and virtue of defenselessness... 🙅‍♂️In a dysfunctional society, which knowingly rejects the existence of our extraterrestrial ancestors and fact-truth-giving conspiracies...🤟Don't forget that we all hold the truth inside, recovering empath lovely sensitive, introverted or extroverted, but not ego-narcissistic...😡 do (sometimes) publish blogposts about things that our "deep (dark) state" really hates. Themes and Topics may appear 'negative' but are just a deep basic understanding of fact giving - in our 3-D Matrix of Illusion, that we all live in. The question that you probably have to ask yourself is: What is fake news, alternative facts, source criticism, post-factual, lies and rumors?. You can only hold the truth of that, be the judge, jury and executioner... |


"In the past, The Danish Monarch, was a deep state cult, a stronghold, fighting NOT to be taking down. In particular Queen Margrethe II is fighting to have her "lifestyle" and it's gonna take some time, before it could be cleaned out by white hats but will be brought to justice - within 6 months it looks like from the cards. There's is a lot of children taking out of there, a lot of it is happening underground, as Janine can see. There might be human hunting parties and the land should be taken away from them if their land is used for that purpose. This Queen is born a male and that is a big sign of cult families and it goes back many satanic cult generations. The White Hats are here in Denmark to infiltrate, but it's a big big mess and it took them awhile to get there! The Royal family is really hanging on to their "lifestyle" - their "reality"  and considers us danes as cattle! There's a battle between the Good guys and Bad guys control, and the Good guys still have a  ALOT of work to do there!" ~ Janine