Oct 17, 2017

Dr Michael Salla Update | Oct 17, 2017 | Covert Recruitment into Space Marines “20 and Back” Program | Blogger: Remember COREY GOODE Interviewed at Eclipse of Disclosure (by Sabrina and Sterling Age Regression and Time Travel Technology)? Seem to recall that U.S. Marine Corps, Michael Christopher Gerloff's ""scar"" on his right knee looks similar to what Corey Goode got when he age regressed due to neurological problems and highly magnetic fields and other things that apparently did a lot of unpleasant things to the body. I know that Corey Goode has talked about his many surgical operations in his body - never mind...👽Many of my danish hillbilly friends properly thinks i'm entirely crazy, believing in this sought of stuff, many has never been into my blog, don't dare it. Well, i don't really care, not trying to dupe anybody. I just share what i find interesting, meet up with people within the military- and ufology community, spiritual leaders, read thousands upon thousands of documentation on lots of different subjects, that has convinced Me, Myself & Irene🙏... |

On June 1, 1978, during the second day of bootcamp for the U.S. Marine Corps, Michael Christopher Gerloff was asked whether he wanted to go to space and serve in a “20 and back” program. He recalls everything that subsequently happened during the intake process for his recruitment into the “Space Marines”, and has partial recall of his subsequent activities during his 20 and back service.

After ending active reserve service with the USMC Reserves (1978-1984), Gerloff went on to serve as a U.S. Army Ranger (1987-1991), and police officer with the Mountlake Terrace and Seattle Police departments (1992-2001). From 2004-2005, he served as an international police officer with the United Nations Liberia peacekeeping mission.

Gerloff has provided military and police records that corroborate key aspects of his testimony, and contain many anomalies which point to his “20 and back” service. He believes that his coming forward has been sanctioned by a USMC/Department of Navy intelligence group established by President Dwight Eisenhower, which is actively promoting disclosure of a US Navy Secret Space Program.

In Part 1 of this five part interview series, Gerloff describes a huge triangle UFO sighting that triggered him, only four days later, to begin the process of joining the U.S. Marine Corps. He describes how a USMC captain interviewed him during his initial testing at bootcamp, and alluded to the triangle sighting as a factor in him receiving a special offer. The captain made an offer to Gerloff to join a “20 and back” Space Program.

The captain said that he would send a telegram to Gerloff’s parents. In 2016, Gerloff saw the telegram, a “Marsgram”, for the first time and it triggered more memory recall. The Marsgram is among the documentary evidence supplied by Gerloff in support of his claim of being covertly recruitment into a “20 and back” secret space program run by the US Navy.

Part 1 of video interview series is below.

Source: http://exopolitics.org/covert-recruitment-into-space-marines-20-and-back-program/

Politico.eu | Oct 16, 2017 | Leading Maltese political journalist killed by car bomb | .. Prime minister calls bombing ‘a spiteful attack on a citizen and freedom of expression' .. | Blogger: A political murder? Journalist killed by powerful car bomb after she wrote about corruption.. Journalist and blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia, was murdered near her home in Malta yesterday.. We've all heard about the assumable assassinations of the Vegas witnesses, now this... |

Daphne Caruana Galizia, who was killed in a car bomb today, was named one of 28 individuals who would have a major impact on Europe in 2017 | Illustration by Denise Nestor for POLITICO
READ MORE: http://www.politico.eu/article/leading-maltese-political-journalist-killed-by-car-bomb/

InPowerMovement | Oct 16, 2017 | ~~ SB 649 has been vetoed!! ~~ | Excerpts from newsletter: .. Just before midnight last night, California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed Senate Bill 649!! As you may know, the bill was the wireless industry's dream, as it would have blocked the ability of cities and counties to control the installation of microwave radiation antennas. If this legislation had passed, it would have then opened the door for the industry to take over in other regions.. And, if and when the need arises, several thousand have already indicated participation interest in a Liability Action to address SB649 and or 5G deployment at the root cause of the problem .. | Blogger: You might say, this is yet another US problem, to solve. NOPE! This will have huge impact and vital consequences for the rest of the world's infrastructure. Mobile- and wifi industry tiptoes towards 5G, expanding mobile wireless capacity and smart meters, extended the radiation and killing people, will not stop this insane trillion dollar big industry... |



Jesus through John special prayer | Oct 16, 2017 | Please hold Sheldan Nidle in your prayers and meditations |

Dear readers and listeners,

My very dear friend Sheldan Nidle had major surgery on his back last Thursday, October 12th, and remains in hospital in severe pain. It is hoped that in a few days he will be moved into the rehabilitation part of the hospital so that with physiotherapy and gentle exercise he will regain the ability to walk, which he has been unable to do for quite a number of weeks.

He and his beloved life partner, Colleen Marshall, are in need of your help through prayer and meditation, because the last few weeks of his immobility followed by the major surgical procedure has been, and continues to be exhausting for them both.

When he returns home he will have to use an electrically operated hospital bed which Colleen has ordered for him. Apart from that they have had numerous other heavy expenses due to his illness, so if any of you feel intuited to send him a donation in this his hour of great need, it will be most warmly, appreciatively, and gratefully received.

If you do not know of Sheldan here's the link to a brief biography: http://www.paoweb.com/bio.htm

and here is the link to his web site where there is a mine of pertinent information about him and his work:


Thank you for your kind attention to this call for help,


GAOG | Oct 17, 2017 | Writing Love Everywhere. . . | .. St. Germaine has asked us to write Love on many things, from bodies of water to jugs of water, across the sky and inside our homes. We can write Love across the hurricane heading to Ireland and Scotland, on the 22 million refugees, the flooding in Asia, the war in Yemen, the opioid crisis, the desperation in Venezuela, the disarray in Africa, the Los Vegas shooting, Harvey Weinstein, a neighbour down the street, our families, our self. L o v e | Blogger: At first glance, a few days ago - NO WAY! But, I totally agree - if you've got unresolved frustration or anger with someone, you should NEVER let it be part of the daily drama and illusionary thinking - it maybe OTHERS bad energy, it might be your own unsolved core issues, unresolved traumatic experiences etc. When that is said, we could point fingers at the satanic old unworthy 'system', who lets people like Harvey Weinstein, run around for decades and misusing others. People has lots of dark sides, done bad deeds and secrets, many take their secrets into their grave. The ones who is exposed in our 3D Matrix of illusion, should be punished, but we need to fight against the corrupted system... |

SFGATE | Oct 15, 2017 | Watch as Berkeley firefighters arrived in Santa Rosa, stunned by scope of Tubbs Fire | Blogger: Woooow! OMG! LOOK AT THIS VIDEO!!! As a FB group has posted: ".. You do not want to miss this video footage from a fighter-fighter on one of the Engines of a five Engine Firefighter Strike team arriving from a distance an hour away on the scene neighborhoods of fully engulfed fire. By the time they traveled their planned staging area in a K-Mart parking lot was full engulfed in flames. Hundreds of homes aleady were reduced to concrete slab, It’s raw and undeniable their comments upon arriving and looking around.."... |

A group of Berkeley firefighters was called out to help fight the Tubbs Fire early Monday morning. They thought it was a "large grass fire," but arrived in Santa Rosa to find hundreds of homes and businesses burned. This video was taken and produced by a Berkeley firefighter.Media: Berkeley Fire Department

READ MORE: http://www.sfgate.com/local/article/Watch-as-Berkeley-firefighters-arrived-in-Santa-12279786.php

National Geographic | Oct 16, 2017 | What Are Gravitational Waves, and Why Do They Matter? | (Gravitational waves bulletin may transform our view of universe).. GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 101 -- What are gravitational waves and how are they detected? These ripples in space-time, sometimes caused by neutron stars colliding, were recently recorded in the groundbreaking LIGO-Virgo observation .. |

READ MORE: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/10/what-are-gravitational-waves-ligo-astronomy-science/

Folkets Avis | 17. Oktober 2017 | Alternativ konsulentopgave: Kommune betalte over halv million kroner for hjælp til at planlægge brugen af idrætshaller | .. Det var åbenbart ikke nok med kommunens egne bureaukrater .. | Blogger: Så du også DR's nye miniserie 'De dyre direktører'? Har ikke TV, nægter at se DR's latterlige programer, men engang imellem, tager de emner op, som er så lynende vigtige for at skubbe Statsadelen ud af Dannevang og stoppe soft korruption, digitale tyranni og magtelitens embedsværk, som skummer fløden på bekostning af skatteydernes pengepung. Er du vred? Så gør noget... |

LÆS VIDERE: https://www.folkets.dk/node/2312

Christian Headlines | Oct 16, 2017 | Would You Rather Read about Tony Romo or Somalia Bombing? | .. My local newspaper is the Dallas Morning News. Its website this morning leads with a story about our school district and speculation that Tony Romo could replace the injured Aaron Rodgers. I scrolled to the bottom of the website but found nothing on the bombings in Somalia’s capital that killed more than three hundred people last Saturday. The Chicago Tribune is leading with the Cubs’ loss to the Dodgers last night. It mentions the Somalia bombing with a single line in the smallest print on the website. The Los Angeles Times mentions the story near the bottom of its website with a single line. If this tragedy had occurred in the United States, it would be leading every newspaper in America. The fact that it happened on the coast of East Africa makes it no less heartbreaking for every person who died or was injured and every person who loves them. Including their Father in heaven .. | Blogger: Tænker på det hver gang, Europa og USA, ALTID overeksponeret, mens Afrika er glemt og andre lande, hvor de såkaldte terrorister stammer fra - "den oppiskede stemning" som de vestlige CIA medier, undgår at nævne, siden den Kaukasisk - Mennesketype/-race: "hvide" mennesker, er vigtigere... |

READ MORE: http://www.christianheadlines.com/columnists/denison-forum/would-you-rather-read-about-tony-romo-or-somalia-bombing.html

Nyhedsbrev | 16. Oktober 2017 | Biodynamiskeforbrugere | ~ Økologi er bedre ~ |

Økologi er beviseligt sundere

Mulden bliver nemlig bedre og det giver igen sundere mad.

Biodynamisk så bliver madjorden endnu bedre.

Kilde er norske Nyhetsdryss
11.102017: Mer jordliv med økologisk drift.
For første gang er det utført en metaanalyse av forskning fra hele verden som viser
at det er forskjell på mikrolivet i økologisk og konvensjonelt drevet jord.
Et mest mulig allsidig og aktivt jordliv spiller en viktig rolle for blant annet sirkulasjon av næringsstoffer og kontroll av skadegjørere.
Flere studier har konkludert med at økologisk landbruk har en positiv effekt på jordhelse og -kvalitet, inkludert mikrolivet i jorda.
Forskere i Sveits har nå gått gjennom data fra 56 ulike prosjekter, med i alt
149 sammenligninger mellom konvensjonell og økologisk drift https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0180442 .
Registreringene er utført i ulike klimatiske soner og med varighet fra tre til mer enn 100 år.
Resultatene av metaanalysen viste at jord som ble drevet økologisk hadde høyere innhold av karbon og nitrogen bundet i jordliv, og høyere aktivitet av dehydrogenase, urease og protease, som er mål på jordorganismenes aktivitet.
Det var særlig vekstskifte, bruk av belgvekster og organisk gjødsel som hadde betydning for mikrolivets størrelse og aktivitetsnivå. Mikrolivet påvirkes også av bruken av arealene
(åker, fruktdyrking, eng og beite), dyrking av ett- eller flerårige vekster og klimasone. Ses mere i linket:
Med venlig hilsen
Lars Mikkelsen 

Mød Biodynamisk forbrugersammenslutning på facebook og spred budskabet til dine venner under følgende link 

Radio24syv - Det røde felt | 16. Oktober 2017 | Tæm magteliten ~ Diktaturstat, Statsadelen, eller et nyt Borgerting. Hvad vil du helst have til at lede Danmark? | .. Danmark er et skindemokrati. Så kontant er afsættet for den nye bog ‘Tæm eliten’, som de tre magtforskere Christoph Houman Ellersgaard, Anton Grau Larsen og Andreas Møller Mulvad netop har udgivet. Det er en vildfarelse at tro, at vi er borgere i et ægte demokrati, for den reelle magt er koncentreret i en lille lukket elite. De tre sociologer vil gøre op med det falske folkestyre og foreslår to modtræk: Et nyt Borgerting - et andetkammer med 300 tilfældigt udtrukne borgere - og indsættelse af samfundsrepræsentanter i alle erhvervsbestyrelser. De mener, at borgerdemokrati er svaret på tidens tillidskrise mellem borgere og politikere. Men ville deres vilde idéer overhovedet kunne lade sig gøre? Er befolkningen vred nok til ligefrem at kræve en ny demokratisk revolution? .. | Blogger: Far, mor og blyp!. Faldt ind i en faretruende diskussion med min far forleden dag, omkring cataloniens frigørelse fra Statsadelen i Spanien (fedt ord), han stemmer på DF og Venstre, så ifølge min far, ønsker INGEN mennesker en revolution mod EU og de skal stoppes eller 'straffes' hårdt. Som mange andre danskere er enige med ham i, da vi lever af frygt og hvad fremtiden bringer. Vi lever på hadet, fordomme og i en tro på, at folk som demonstrerer i frihedens tegn, skaber ballade for os andre, så velfærdsstaten, ødelægges og vi mister vores elskede penge og forfalskede demokrati... |

LÆS VIDERE: https://www.radio24syv.dk/programmer/det-roede-felt/19594373/taem-magteliten-1

ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel | As You Wish Talk Radio | Oct 16, 2017 | With James Gilliland & ECETI Ranch | Jordan Sather is interviewed this evening. Jordan is a researcher of higher dimensional esoteric topics as well as cutting edge scientific research |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio,www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.

NN | Oct 16, 2017 | Bombshell: Congress engineered DEA protection racket for opioid drug makers | Blogger: Hvad betyder det? Så godt artikler omkring emnet for et par dage siden (60 minutes) -- Republikanske lovgivere i den amerikanske Kongres er topfigur til Big Pharmas ulovlige narkotikakartel (opioid) og har vedtaget ny lovgivning, som besværliggøre arbejdet for DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration - amerikansk føderalt politikorps) -- .. Ked af at sige det igen og igen, lobbying bag det medicinal-industrielle kompleks som lever trygt og godt i Sundhedsstyrelsens folder, sammen med stamceller fra danske politikere, der igen er inkorporeret via CDC og de ildebefængte gensplejsede politikere i Washington DC. Ja, sådan er det bare. Det er ikke anderledes end landbrugslobbyien, tobaksindustrien, olie og energi og andre virksomheder, højt profilerede investeringer, som skaber penge til bagmændene, mod bestikkelse hos embedsværket.. Åhh nej, det tror du ikke på, jamen, så undersøg sagen selv - snusfornuft og et åben sind... |

Bombshell: Congress engineered DEA protection racket for opioid drug makers
Mike Adams
Believe it or not, the Washington Post is actually covering this story: How the U.S. Congress engineered a DEA protection racket for opioid drug makers.

The United States of America is now a narco-pharma state run by corrupt criminals who move seamlessly between pharma companies and federal "regulators." The entire operation is a monopoly drug cartel that destroys millions of lives for profit.

We reported all this a decade ago, of course. Finally, the Washington Post is realizing we were right.

Version2 | 16. Oktober 2017 | Alvorlig fejl i WPA2 kan efterlade alverdens wifi-hotspots åbne for overvågning | Blogger: Har du fulgt lidt med på verdensalt, så har Wikileaks Julian Assange, med alle sine #Vault7 leaks, gjort indtryk. Vi har set adskillige eksempler på hvordan bla. Google, NSA, CIA m.fl. har bagdøre og tvinger sig adgang til stort hvilken som helst lukket netværk i verden, bare enheden har internetadgang, men deres smart hackertools. Seneste er, at den russiske cybersikkerhedsfirma Kaspersky, påstår hackere kan 'mine' ens cryptocurrency på din pc.. Nu begynder det så sandeligt, at gøre ondt, for det er slet ikke slut endnu.. Forskere har opdaget en usædvanlig sårbarhed i WiFi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) - en kernekrypteringsprotokol, der anvendes af WiFi-brugere, for at holde deres webaktivitet privat. WiFi brugere er i fare på grund af en sårbarhed, der gør det muligt for hackere at oprette ondsindede netværk, dekryptere data og endda injicere malware på enheder. Alt hvad du gør online, herunder dine bank- og adgangskodeoplysninger, kan udspioneres.. Forsker Mathy Vanhoef fra KU Leuven Universitet i Belgien har forklaret i KRACK Attacks-rapporten: "Angrebet virker mod alle moderne beskyttede Wi-Fi-netværk.". Mathy Vanhoef har oprettet en GitHub-side med tags som WPA2, KRACK, key reinstallation, security protocols, network security, attacks, nonce reuse, handshake, packet number og initialization vector.... |

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LÆS VIDERE: https://www.version2.dk/artikel/alvorlig-fejl-wpa2-efterlader-wi-fi-aabent-overvaagning-1081725

LÆS VIDERE: https://www.version2.dk/artikel/alvorlig-fejl-wpa2-efterlader-wi-fi-aabent-overvaagning-1081725

BT | 17. Oktober 2017 | Strid om det olierige Kirkuk kan starte en krig i Irak | Blogger: Endnu et udbryderland som ønsker selvstændighed, noget som den irakiske regering, the establishment' samt Deres formoede master CIA (deres legesoldater), vil slå hårdt ned på. For hvad er det hele omkring - penge, olie og opiumhandel. Det kan vel ikke komme bag på nogle, efterhånden.. Den der millitært styrer landeområder hvor oliefelterne ligger, bestemmer i resten af territoriet... |

En irakisk soldat holder et kurdisk flag frem efter, at irakiske styrker mandag har overtaget kontrollen med byen Kirkuk fra kurdiske styrker. Scanpix/Ahmad Al-rubaye
LÆS VIDERE: https://www.bt.dk/udland/strid-om-det-olierige-kirkuk-kan-starte-en-krig-i-irak