Dec 5, 2019

🎖️ ~ US Space Force... (SP Official) ~ | Blogger: 🙀WHAT IF -- There' a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden. What i'm talking about here is a secret space program (SSP) that has been kept hidden from the public. But a program that was paid for by the public... 💜EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT... |

Simon Parkes-->

President Putin has conceded that the US is nearly ready to go live with its 'Space Force'.

This is the public facing aspect of the SSP.

However it marks another step toward the public being shown some advanced equipment.

3️⃣2️⃣1️⃣🚀 ~ Blue Dawn / Ascension Conference Report (COBRA) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Latest from Cobra and the Resistance Movement✊] ... {🌠It's The Final Countdown -- Victory of the Light!🌟} ... Please use your own spiritual discernment... Wauv! This report actually raised my own energy level a bit at SoTW, besides the infiltration of surface Lightworker and Lightwarrior communities, which i have heard of, for many, many years, now... As Cobra says : "As more Light comes to the surface of the planet, all will be made clear and discernment will come, and people will awaken from this strange dream"... |

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Blue Dawn / Ascension Conference Report

Our Taiwan Ascension Conference was a huge success, many people said it was the best conference ever.

We had an extremely strong and dedicated group, and we were not alone, our star brothers and sisters were with us. This unidentified aerial vehicle (UAV) appeared above the conference venue during the lunch break:

According to sources, it was an unmanned positive Andromedan ship which was beaming supporting and healing energies to the conference attendants. This ships belongs to the Andromedan fleet that will be involved in the financial Reset operations.

During the conference, intel of planetary importance was released to the surface population, as the Light Forces were beta testing the response of the awakened surface humans. The reception was very positive, and an expanded version of this intel will be released on this blog next week together with an important update.

At this point, I can only say that the Blue Dawn is coming:

As we come closer to the final countdown described here:

❌ ~ Security Cam Pic in London; Filename Reference to Lisa Page and MI6 ( ~ | Blogger: HAVE you ever wondered? Why are Lame Stream Media, world leaders and satirical marketing campaigns, ‘having a tantrum' about Donald Trump!. What if it was Clinton or Obama? Who owns who?... |

🔕 ~ Findes der sikkerhedspakker for journalister som vil være whistleblower? Nej vel, ellers ville den danske presse gå planken ud mod faglig selvudslettelse (Verdensalt Arkiv) | Blogger: Din karriere er slut, hvis du tør stå frem som kendis i offentligheden eller værre, som nyheds-journalist og afslører usandheder, der kan ramme censuren der beskytter stater eller andre magtinstanser... PS:, som er grundlagt af journalist Tommy Hansen, den danske journalist - den ægte vare - og frihedskæmper, er desværre død. Ære være Tommy's minde... |

Udgivet første gang den 11. December 2015 af verdensalt 

Forord: "Når jeg skriver romaner, er jeg hersker i mit eget kongerige, skriver Bjarne Reuter"... jeg er selv blogger og det er min force... Med det i mente, årtier tilbage tilbragte jeg en kort tid på Politikens hus som studentermedhjælper, endda i redaktionen. Men der skal ikke en journalistisk insider-viden til, for at gennemskue hvordan propaganda er skadelig for befolkningens tillid til pressens overlevelse... 

Grunden til jeg gik i krig med dette emne er såre simpel, at lokalisere 'the silver lining' via den danske presse og vores journalister, få afdækket hvorfor journalister ikke 'tør' betale prisen og fortælle en kontroversiel sandhed, fordi det skaber fjendskaber, isolation og ensomhed. Eller rettere, 'den kritiske sandhed'. Der findes så og sige ingen som stiller spørgsmål til, troværdigheden af den danske presse, andet end deres egen selvhøjtidelige særpræg og stolthed, men det garantere jeg dig for, ikke er tilfældet i f.eks. USA. Amerikanere er efterhånden begyndt at stille spørgsmål til alting som kommer frem via mediedækningen med en god og kritisk tilgang. Er det fordi danske journalister er blottet for selvbestemmelse over historier, uden af været 100 procent dækket ind af anonyme tys-tys kilder eller det der er værre, journalister er 'betalt' for at fortie sandheden?...

Gallup 1966: Danskerne er kritiske over for Vietnamkrigen, men hvad med ISIS anno 2015?

Er vi som danskere, enten naive og sluger alting råt eller ikke selvkritiske nok, når det kommer til at få undersøgt baggrund stoffet i historierne virkelighed? Begrundelse for Irak-krigen var 'sikkert korrekt' anskuet og afdækket i 2003, fordi samtlige medierne brugte samme retorik og politisk lederstil, for at 'føje' den dertil siddende regering. 

Dog er danskere begyndt at vågne til en ny virkelighed og ser Anders Fogh som en del af problemet. Men vi sluger historien 'råt', når den er dugfrisk... 

Tør du som læser dette blogindlæg, betvivle eller bekende, at det faktisk er amerikanske kræfter som finansiere og styre ISIS, i stedet dette maleriske 'Islamofobisk Propaganda' billede? 

Sandheden er noget, vi alle skal 'søge' efterDet får vi ikke fra flimmerkassen eller fra nyhedsmedierne. Det manuskript som læses op på TV2 News hver dag 24/7 kunne lige så være eksekveret fra aber. Det som jeg kalder "Monkey In Suits". Det er måske svært at forstå, men vi er lige så meget underlagt censur og lobbyister fra stærke virksomhedsinteresser og geopolitiske kræfter og magtelitens 'banksters' som kvæler ytringsfriheden... 

Hvis stærke kræfter (centralt kontrol) styrer roret og er en del af magtbalancen der tillader tabloidaviser- og nyhedsmediers "sensationalisme" over udgivelser af et konstant forenklet, underspillet og censureret fremstilling af nyheder som blot handler om skandaler, intriger, krig, terror, mord og ødelæggelse. Alt sammen som skaber negativt fortegn i mennesker. Frygt & kontrolMassedrab foregår omkring os, bare ikke i vores baghave. Det er ikke kun bomber og kanonerDet er også den medicinden forurenede luft og vores forarbejdet fødevarerDu er i en konstant krigszone, ikke kun tusindvis af kilometer væk fra krigszonen? Ville du tillade dit eget ego og forblive konstant 'tavs' i tryghedens andedam? Eller tillader du dig selv at læse indenad og se igennem røverhistorierne?

'Journalisternes selvopfattelse og ambition kommer i første række, dernæst historiens indhold' 

Vi ved fra udlandet, fra flere journalistiske whistleblowers, dem som tør vise sin sande ansigt og kritisere mediernes dækning af krig,  politikere, det farmaceutiske videnskab m.m. med andre ord, de journalister der står mellem at bekrige 'systemet (fastholde sin egen idealistiske tro) eller forblive trofast til systemet, men vælger det første, er dømt ude, allerede ved 'strike one'. Fordi, det ikke længere er muligt, at beholde sin journalistiske identitet eller sit 'netværk',  kollegialt sammenværd, som er så 'livsvigtigt', for en journalist (Intimideret, sagsøgt, truet, afvist af kollegaer, bortvist af systemet osv). Selv samme mønstre ville ske i Danmark, lige fra freelancere til vores ypperste journalister, vindere af Cavling Prisen eller vores elskede 'yderst' velbetalte nyhedsankere på TV2 og Danmarks Radio. Går du imod strømmen, bliver du slagtet....

Vi er så småt begyndt, se en bedre tendens... Tag bare Michael Qureshi, det har opdigtede falske kilder i årevis..Se og Hør-sagen m.fl.   Men... der er faktisk nogen som 'tør' gå mod strømmen - 'all-the-way-in' og fortælle den kritiske sandhed... vender tilbage til det senere...

Det nemmeste er at falde tilbage i strømmen, padle videre i gummibåden sammen med alle andre, journalisterne er nemlig 'styret' af systemets selvcensur, loyalitet overfor Deres arbejdsgivere. 'Journalisternes selvopfattelse og ambition kommer i første række, dernæst historiens indhold

🏚️ ~ Løkke sælger villa: Elendigt tag og ulovlig el ( ~ | Blogger: [🗽Jeg vil bo her i Nyhavn, til jeg dør🐜]... Og, ja, Lars Løkke, det ser også sådanne ud, med gratis tag over hoved i Nyhavn, gældsklemme med kviklån, Don Ø's Kommandit- selskab og restgæld på knap 3,2 millioner kroner i Græsted samt MINDST, 400.000 kroner på spenderbukserne, for overhoved, at kunne sælge, huset... Jeg tør godt sige, hvor andre tier, at Lars Løkke, er den STØRSTE scamster, som Danmark, har set siden, Nigeria-brevs svindlen, blev opfundet.. Du har så mange skandale-historier over dig, at der ikke er mere plads til flere perler, palietter, kinderægge- skaller på fruens balkjole... Du har ædt, drukket og røget, alle skatteydere og Venstre's partiforeningspengetank op, du har skjult, et hemmeligt notat og siden hen, brændt det på bålet, af Fogh bebudede Irak-støtte til USA et år før krig... Du er en skændsel i velfærdsstaten, og teknisk insolvent, hr. tidligere Statsminister, og har skabt i panik, #DenPrivateLarsLøkkeSugarFondensPensionsScamUden- Regnskabspligt mens #UdenlanskeFremmede-MagterSvenskeHandelsbanken, har en gældslemme på Larskviklån realkredit, via 00'ernes Don Ø's Kommanditselskab, som komplementar og UDEN regnskabspligt, snørede dig, Løkke og de 9 kommanditister, bla. med Fitness-konge Palm og Jørgen Glistrup, der gik konkurs og man hæfter solidarisk med Don's sommehuse-indkøbs-fidus... Mens erhvervslivet eeeeelsker dig for, at beskytte Danmarks Guld 1000 største virksomheder, landbrugsorganisationen, Too Big to Fail But Not too Big to Crush - banker, kvotekongerne, oligarkerne, Kongehuset, USA, diktaturstater, Israel og ikke mindst, den danske forsvarsindustri og især billioner store medicinske-industrielle kompleks... ‘karma is a bitch’🗯️ og du har ikke længere nogen steder, at gemme dig... |


Kilder som 'Kisser' nævner (nogle): 👉

    Her er Løkkes kaotiske privatøkonomi

    🧑‍🎤 ~ FBI File: Michael Jackson (theblackvault) ~ | Blogger: SOME SAY, Michael Jackson suffered from mind control and attempted to tell the world before he was killed. Many others such as Mariah Carey and Britney Spears show obvious signs of mind control) ... Sudden death of Prince and celebrities who died In bizarre circumstances... 2016 was a rough year for celebrity deaths: Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Prince, Florence Henderson, Muhammad Ali, Anton Yelchin, George Michael, Arnold Palmer, Sharon Jones, John Glenn, Alan Thicke, Glenn Frey, Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds and more. It made it easy to believe in the myth that "celebrity deaths come in threes." Famous people who died in 2017 include rock singer Tom Petty, '70s teen idol David Cassidy, James Bond star Roger Moore, actress Mary Tyler Moore, rock-and-roll legend Chuck Berry, grunge icon Chris Cornell, comedian Charlie Murphy, filmmaker George A. Romero, The Allman Brothers Band drummer Butch Trucks, Oscar-nominated actor John Hurt, "People's Court" Judge Joseph Wapner, actor Bill Paxton, Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, wrestler Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka and more actors, musicians, athletes and entertainers.. (Perhaps 'some' of them were actually victims of 'Skull and Bones' kill order - a branch of the Illuminati organisation or simply their heavenly contract that ran out?)... |



    Michael Joseph Jackson, a celebrity pop star, was born on August 29, 1958. He died unexpectedly on June 25, 2009 at the age of 50.

    Between 1993 and 1994 and separately between 2004 and 2005, Mr. Jackson was investigated by California law enforcement agencies for possible child molestation. He was acquitted of all such charges. The FBI provided technical and investigative assistance to these agencies during the cases. The Bureau also investigated threats made against Mr. Jackson and others by an individual who was later imprisoned for these crimes.

    This release consists of seven separate files, as described below, including another FOIA request seeking records not released to the FBI’s Vault. This yielded “cross reference” files.

    Document Archive

    9A-LA-142276: 1992 to 1993, 199 pages

    This file details a Los Angeles field office investigation into extortion threats against Michael Jackson and others in 1992. The subject of this investigation pled guilty and was sentenced to prison in 1993.

    A total of 111 pages were withheld to prevent duplication of material already released or to protect personal privacy, the identity of sources that provided information to the FBI in confidence, and internal rules and practices. Some information was referred to the U.S. Secret Service.

    62D-LA-162715: September 16, 1993 to August 8, 1994, 59 pages

    👼 ~ 💕 To awaken is to know who You are (Message from Saul) 💕 ~ | .. The time for egoic power struggles is coming to an end .. |

    Saul is an ascended Master just like Jesus, Buddha, Mary and many many more. BTW you are all on your ways to becoming ascended masters so stand up and celebrate your greatness.

    channeled by John Smallman 
    © 2019 johnsmallman

      Saul Audio Blog for sunday December 1st

    As a large part of humanity – those who are aware that they are on a spiritual path leading to their awakening – waits expectantly for the awakening to happen, much is occurring worldwide that is very unsettling for nearly everyone, and very painful for those who are living in war zones or in areas in which the planet herself or the weather is causing damage and disruption on a large scale. This is all in preparation for the awakening, because much negativity – resentment, hatred, bitterness, anger, and negative judgment – that humanity has been clinging to, has to be seen, acknowledged, and released in order for you to awaken.

    Those strongly held feelings and opinions most definitely affect not only those who live in areas where they are endemic, intensifying them, but also people all across the world, and the planet herself. Therefore it is essential that you all open your hearts, even more fully than you already have done, to allow Love to flow through you far more freely to those who are living in fear and thereby shutting It out of their lives. Your intent to share and extend your Love to all on Earth, regardless of the apparent differences between you – whether of race, color, or ethnicity, of religious or political beliefs, or any other differences – is the most effective thing you can do to assist in the awakening process.

    Your awakening is inevitable, because it is God’s Will. And, because it is God’s Will, it is also your will, because You and He are One, always, eternally, in an infinite state of joy! You have never left that state, but the vast majority of humans focus their attention on the myriad distractions with which it seems that the illusion, the dream/nightmare state is continuously presenting you. It is a very noisy and disturbing environment, and while you focus your attention there it is practically impossible for you to be aware of or access the field of Love in which your eternal existence is forever playing out in supreme happiness. Some of you have had moments when you very briefly experienced that Love, when you actually felt It, and It mightily changed your perception of life permanently. Fear then fell away, leaving you in a state of peace and acceptance, knowing that you are indeed beautiful sentient immortal beings, infinitely and eternally loved by God.

    🤖 ~ Economic ‘carpet bombing’: Huawei looks to reverse FCC order barring US companies from using federal funds to buy its products (RT) ~ | Blogger: [🌐Upkeep of Agenda 21(2030) the Veil, Web, Grid, Net, 3-D Matrix Space Fence : Connecting the Skynet, AI Surveillance, IoT and Transhumanist Agendas😟]... We know for a FACT, China's surveillance State has eyes on Central Asia, but also, the rest of the World, by allowing 5G mmWave tiny chip(set) that could be integrated in ANY IoT devices... CHINA, is the most dangerous country, in regards to leading 5G and AI technology applications and (beyond) right now, if you ask SoTW. An open China is becoming the “playground” for global AI businesses and a key landmark for a joint exploration of AI’s direction of end development... You don't believe me? Check out the 5G smart city technology at the China Mobile booth at the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2019 in Barcelona, Spain, on Feb. 26 2019... |

    Chinese tech giant Huawei has filed a complaint seeking to overturn an FCC ruling that bans American firms from using an $8.5 billion federal fund to buy electronics from the company, dubbing it a metaphorical “carpet bombing.”


    Smart cities—the data nodes in the Digital Silk Road—are a smart investment. By 2050, nearly 70 percent of the world’s population is expected to live in urban areas, and cities will account for 90 percent of Asia’s population growth. Central Asia is no exception, and its modest population is set to grow from 72 million to 95 million by 2050.

    👯 ~ An Explosive Documentary Exposing Pedophiles In Parliament & The British Royal Family (CE) ~ | Blogger: [⚰️First reports are by hanging... The bank executive, Thomas Bowers, (worked at Deutsche Bank AG & Citibank) who handled the finances of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his home (not a suicide - You Are Free TV 😲] ... THIS might come as a SHOCK to some, but unfortunately, the (world) is like David Icke has said many times over, runned by Satanists and Pedophiles, until (we, The people) stops it, because, the Dark Alliance (Cabal shadow P2 freemasonry government), will not... A must-see video... |

    #ImpeachFail: Feldman CFR, Epstein Banker dead, OECD Threat #Barron4Baron


    The Facts:
    Sonia Poulton, a British journalist, social commentator, and filmmaker, has been investigating the dark web of pedophilia for years. Some of her research has been complied into a documentary called "Pedophiles In Parliament."
    Reflect On:
    Evidence has been emerging for decades with regards to this type of activity in 'high profile places.' Why, only now, is the entire planet starting to wake up to this fact? Reflect on how much power and control these people have.
    ”They use all forms of persuasion to prevent people from speaking out, to silence people. Threats, intimidation, blackmail, financial deprivation. And all types of harassment such as put under intensive surveillance, telephone tapping, all of this. They pull out the stops and they have unlimited funds because those funds are supplied by the tax payer” Andrea Davison, Former Intelligence Agent (source)

    Whilst the global press is focusing on Prince Andrew’s alleged involvement with Jefferey Epstein’s child trafficking sex ring, this may, in fact, actually pale in comparison to other criminal activity involving children by the hands of the British Establishment.

    Sonia Poulton, a British journalist, social commentator, and filmmaker, has been investigating the dark web of pedophilia for years that connects Margaret Thatcher, ‘Sir’ Edward Heath, David Cameron, Theresa May and Jeremey Corbyn to the cover-up (and for some, the actual facilitation) of sex crimes against children. It is thought that this cover-up, may have been going on for at least 30 years.

    Her documentary ‘Paedophiles in Parliament’ is a shocking expose which links many MP’s to child abuse. Sonia exposes how the British Royal Family is also tied into this.


    👽 ~ Alien Life Will Be Found ‘Within the Next Few Decades’, Claims NASA Study ( ~ |


    • A NASA-backed study (see here) proposes that a 126 antennae array observatory be established on the far side of the Moon that would scan the sky and look for habitable planets capable of sustaining extraterrestrial life. The FARSIDE array, which stands for Farside Array for Radio Science Investigations of the Dark ages and Exoplanets, would scour the sky for planets having a magnetic field like our own, which is considered ‘a key ingredient for planetary habitability’, as well as looking for gases and other ‘biosignatures’ indicating the presence of alien organisms.

    • In addition to searching for exoplanets within the ‘habitable zone’ of distant star systems, the Moon observatory could also aid in the search for ‘Planet 9’, a mysterious and as-yet-undiscovered world believed to be lurking in the furthest reaches of the solar system. It could also aid in trying to find ‘dark matter’, a substance believed to make up a large proportion of all the matter in the universe. The FARSIDE array can also study ‘coronal mass ejections’ from the surface of distant stars and explore the evolution of the universe itself.

    • The placement of the FARSIDE observatory on the back of the Moon would shield it from both radio frequencies from the Earth and ‘noise’ created by the Sun’s solar wind.

    • Authors of the FARSIDE observatory proposal include scientists from NASA as well as academics from various American universities. They write that: “The discovery of life on a planet outside our solar system is at the heart of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. … Such a discovery may arrive within the next few decades and is the focus of a number of planned and concept NASA missions.”

    • While NASA has not actually committed to building FARSIDE,optimistic scientists have claimed that alien life could be found on an ‘exoplanet’ outside our own system ‘within a few decades’.

    • [Editor’s Note] Considering that a previous report titled: ‘Final Report: Design of a Lunar Far Side Observatory’ was written in 1989, NASA hasn’t put a lot of effort into making an observatory on the far side of the Moon a reality. It is likely that NASA has never had any real intention of establishing a public presence on the far side of the Moon. For if they did, it would expose that the back of the Moon is a veritable beehive of activity, with spacecraft flying to and from a number of lunar bases occupied by a variety of extraterrestrial species, including the Lunar Operations Command – a large base located on the back of the Moon at the ten o’clock position (from our point of view), that serves as US military alliance headquarters with many subsurface levels. The LOC was originally built by German Nazis in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, and was then modernized and expanded through a formal alliance of the American military industrial complex with the Nazis in the 1950’s, which continues to the present day.

    🟠 ~ Christmas Annular Solar Eclipse - Watch the Sun Forming a 'Ring of Fire' in the Sky (OOM2) ~ |

    A “ring of fire” will appear over parts of the Middle East and Asia this December. The spectacle will be visible from a 100-mile-wide path of annularity that stretches from Saudi Arabia to the South Pacific islands of Guam. The event is largely a partial solar eclipse, with the “ring” event lasting just a few minutes. It will be visible at sunrise on the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Oman), and later in the day in southern India, northern Sri Lanka, the Indian Ocean and Indonesia. Skywatchers in those areas will have to be quick if they want to see it, with the eclipse only lasting for a maximum of three minutes and 40 seconds. After an eclipsed sunrise in Saudi Arabia, the path crosses Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam before sunset. According to, the first part of the partial eclipse will begin at 02.29 UTC on Boxing Day, with the last part occurring at 08.05 UTC. At the peak of this eclipse, the middle of the Sun will appear to be missing and the dark Moon will appear to be surrounded by the bright Sun. Remember to never look directly at the Sun. All observers will need to wear solar eclipse glasses at all times and attempts to photograph it will require special solar filters. An annular solar eclipse happens because the moon is farther away than usual in its orbit around Earth, and it doesn’t fully cover the disk of the Sun. It’s the most beautiful type of solar eclipse, but it’s also the most dangerous, according to experts.
    Clear skies!

    🙇 ~ 💗 What IS a Lightworker, Anyway? (GAOG) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🕯️Is a Lightwarrior, any different?🤔] ... Of course not... (unconditional) Love & Light, that makes up the universe and how we help in the transition. Not about politics and dark forces, but i'm sorry beautiful light beings, SoTW, cannot always hold your hand around the campfire, singing Kumbaya and getting the joy joy joy down in your spiritual beating heart!! We also need to talk about the Light vs. the Dark... Many beautiful enlighten lightworkers, especially woman, ONLY talks about (the light), which is perfect in a sense, (if) we already know about (the dark). HOW can we CHANGE for the better (Ego-defense mechanisms, denial, unsolved traumas etc) only concentrating about the light, being absolutely in DENIAL about the dark, even exist? We DON'T have to stay in the dark, being part of worldly drama, swallowed up in Darkness (star wars). We just need to surrender to the Source of light beings and making sure staying on the (right) path of LOVE energy, but also make sure, to bring in the principle of Yin and Yang, that is, all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites. How can we even think about separating, avoiding or ignoring balance out the female-male, dark-light, false-truth, ego-humbleness, subconscious-consciousness, laity-spirituality, fear-curiosity, warmongering vs. co-operation, God/Source/Jesus vs. false religious systems? etc. etc.. (What you think you become)--The Law of Cause and Effect states that whatever you send into the universe comes back. Action - re-action are equal and opposite. Yes, that might be so, but if your a strong, de-traumaized, ego-freed person, you will not be Dissolved into Darkness... |


    It’s pretty simple. Everything has a frequency and vibratory rate, and Love has the very highest. Any action taken that contributes to the upliftment, or raising of frequency, of the self (first) and subsequently that of the Collective, is Lightwork.

    Kindness and compassion are actions of Lightworkers. Being in service to others is Lightwork. Honoring one’s own self by caring for the physical vessel is Lightwork. It’s Love, right? Self Love brings us to eat healthy food and drink lots of clean water and brush our teeth, etc.

    Self Love equals Self Care equals Lightwork.

    One does not need to know the term or have any understanding of this in order to BE a Lightworker.

    So please allow me to welcome you to the ranks of Lightworkers, even though you were born that way.

    ✴️ ~ 💗 Adamu Speaks on "The Event"! (Zingdad's Newsletter) 💕 ~ | Blogger: (SoTW) : Weeell, the EVENT--many of us have heard of this moment (e.g. Cobra and thousands of followers + plus others). THIS occurrence is said to represent very rapid and profound changes in human and planetary evolution, and to mark a dynamic, multidimensional transition within our galaxy as a whole.. Buuutt, for me at SoTW, the EVENT-- Is when YOU (as a carbon based human being) STARTS to LISTEN V-E-R-Y carefully to the Empowering voices (your inner voice). A DEEPLY understanding of YOUR own Spiritual Awakening Symptoms, that leads YOUR inner self, soul, Christ-consciousness, Buddha-nature, Spirit and authentic self. Most of all, our Higher Selves, towards and THROUGH the Awakening Destructive Process (a physical lighter version as the galactic Angelic Crystalline Being)... The event is NOW!!!.. Not coming, not in the future, but NOW!!! It has always been inside you, all along! You are the EVENT. We are the EVENT... Mother GAIA, Father Sky and our Galactic Friends in the universe are supporting and contributing, but NOT, as your SAVIOUR'S, but by ENLIGHTENMENT, within... It's the only way to save the planet... (you be the judge)... |

    Unusually enough, today's newsletter includes only one item: a video in which Adamu opens a discussion on the subject of "The Event".

    Adamu: The Event

    In this latest release from Adamu he discusses “The Event”… the phenomenon that will utterly and irrevocably change the world and each of our experiences of our lives!

    In this video, Adamu answers these questions:

    What is The Event?
    When will it happen?
    What will happen during The Event?
    What will happen afterwards?
    What should we each be doing to prepare for The Event?

    Please note, a full text transcript is also available at the link for those who prefer to read (or read-as-they-watch).

    Adamu assures me this is only the beginning of his treatment of this hugely important topic, but I am sure you will agree this video is quite some "beginning"!

    Stay tuned for more from Adamu on this subject in due course and more on other subjects from me even sooner..!

    With love,


    📶5️⃣ ~ 2nd Largest Insurance Firm, Swiss Re, Classifies 5G as a “High Impact” Liability Risk in Annual Risk Report (activistpost) ~ | .. Insurance companies tend to NOT do business with telecom companies anymore .. | Blogger: [🤜"If you’re wondering why people who live in 5G rollout areas seem to be going insane, it’s not your imagination. 5G radiation causes “neuropsychiatric” effects through a mechanism described as ion potentiation poisoning of brain cells" ~ naturalnews🤛] ... |

    By B.N. Frank

    In February, telecom executives gave congressional testimony that they had NO scientific evidence that 5G is safe. 

    Many doctors and scientists say it isn’t. 

    People and pets have already become sick where it’s been installed (see 1, 2, 3). Despite increasing worldwide opposition, warnings, and lawsuits (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) companies are still installing it anyway. Most would consider that to be very risky especially considering that
    Insurance companies tend to NOT do business with telecom companies anymore (see 1, 2).
    Telecom companies have been warning investors for many years that they may eventually be held liable for harm caused by their devices and transmitters. In fact, there’s currently a Smart Phone Class Action lawsuit due to phones exceeding federal RF safety levels.

    So it’s really not surprising that Swiss Re has classified 5G as a “High Impact” Risk.

    The top five emerging risks in our SONAR 2019 report are digital technology’s clash with legacy hardware, potential threats from the spread of 5G mobile networks, increasingly limited fiscal and monetary flexibility by central banks, genetic testing’s implications on life insurers, and the impact of climate change on the life and health sector.

    SONAR examines new and “slow-burner” emerging risks and their potential effects on the re/insurance industry. This year’s report features 15 emerging risk themes and five trend spotlights as well as an overview of global macro trends. Among the topics are the rising vaccine hesitancy, hazards of cosmetic surgery tourism, artificial intelligence and healthcare, concussion injuries in sports, the warehouse of the future, and the baby boomers’ skills gap.

    🛸 ~ Study shows there's nothing wacky about conspiracy theorists ( ~ | .. Reddit conspiracy covers everything from UFOs and 9/11, to political conspiracy theories like 'pizzagate', which took off during the 2016 US election campaign. But despite the subject matter, lead author of the study Dr. Colin Klein says conspiracy theorists aren't always a bunch of "crackpots wearing tinfoil hats" .. |

    Researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) have delved into the world of online conspiracy theories, showing most of the people behind them are actually pretty ordinary.

    The study looked at eight years of content, sifting through more than two billion comments posted on Reddit, including everything posted to the subreddit r/conspiracy.

    R/conspiracy covers everything from UFOs and 9/11, to political conspiracy theories like 'pizzagate', which took off during the 2016 US election campaign.

    But despite the subject matter, lead author of the study Dr. Colin Klein says conspiracy theorists aren't always a bunch of "crackpots wearing tinfoil hats".
    "In the past before the rise of online forums like Reddit, we tended to only hear about the most extreme views, and those people tended to naturally be wary about talking to someone else about their beliefs," Dr. Klein said.

    "These massive online forums paint a very different picture.

    "The enormous set of comments we examined show many r/conspiracy users actually have more 'sensible' interests.

    "For example conspiracy theories about police abuse of power are common. That's not so crazy.

    "These people might believe false things, but with good reason—because similar things have happened in the past."
    Professor Klein and his team also found that while there are subtle differences in the language used by those who end up posting on r/conspiracy, it's not necessarily enough to set them apart from other Reddit users.