Jan 30, 2015


Posted on January 30, 2015

There is a higher state of Being which is truly something so deep, so immensely and totally there and is best connected to deep within ourselves.

It is that BEING which is behind all life and life forms, the very Higher Mind, the Higher Heart and Soul, and that which is beyond all of that.

In this moment, that is what we, who have been prepared for this for so long, are stepping into in the next few years. It goes beyond whatever went before, and into a much higher octave of consciousness.

I understand this as pure energy and energy field, and it is there in every living cell, atom, and particle of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and all other bodies (12 in all) and it moves with very patterns and symbols, sounds of creation itself.

We can only tap into this from very deep inside of us, for it moves through certain energy systems in our physical bodies and then once those are unclogged and activated again, we move into a much higher frequency band.

I have been led to do intensively interesting transmissions on the spinal column for instance, and that has made me more aware of how this part of our physical body is an amazing device in its own. When I say device I mean just that and I mean it in the context where it is linked to planet earth and then most of all cosmically. It acts as an intricate cosmic transmission center on its own.

Cosmic Radio Burst Caught Red-Handed at Royal Astronomical Society

Astronomers have finally observed a fast radio burst happening live. Since 2007, astronomers have been trying to explain this phenomenon, when a milliseconds long burst of radio waves shows up out of nowhere, seemingly from outside of our galaxy. Though there are plenty of theories floating around and not one has been generally accepted, I’m going to go ahead and say they’re signals from other beings outside our galaxy. Do I have any evidence of this? Absolutely not. However, I’m also including an article from May of last year explaining more about these intriguing signals.

Published on Monday, 19 January 2015 08:00

Snap! Astronomers using CSIRO’s 64-m Parkes radio telescope in eastern Australia have for the first time seen a 'fast radio burst' – a short, sharp flash of radio waves from an unknown source – happening live.

This brings us a step closer to understanding the phenomenon, which astronomers worldwide are vying to explain. The finding is published today in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

A schematic illustration of CSIRO’s Parkes radio telescope receiving the polarised signal from the new ‘fast radio burst’. Credit: Swinburne Astronomy Productions. Click for a full size image.

Lasting only milliseconds, the first such radio burst was discovered in 2007 by astronomers combing the Parkes data archive for unrelated objects.

Six more bursts, apparently from outside our Galaxy, have now been found with Parkes and a seventh with the Arecibotelescope in Puerto Rico.

"These bursts were generally discovered weeks or months or even more than a decade after they happened! We’re the first to catch one in real time," said Emily Petroff, a PhD candidate co-supervised by CSIRO and by Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, which is a member institution of the ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO).

Banking that she’d spot a 'live' burst, Petroff had an international team poised to make rapid follow-up observations, at wavelengths from radio to X-rays.

After Parkes saw the burst go off the team swung into action on twelve telescopes around the world – in Australia, California, the Canary Islands, Chile, Germany, Hawai'i, and India – and in space.

Update - David Wilcock Update Via Fulford Blog - January 27, 2015 CET

Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-film CONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening. 

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier. 


“In the greater sense of the community and environment around us, there have been decisive and astonishing moves made. No one in the Cabal expected this… Some of the events that are now happening were foreseen, but not for another year. Everything has sped up dramatically.

“…the entire solar system has been put on lockdown. Everyone is quarantined. No one can get in, no one can get out, and no communications can get in or out either… in just the last 3 weeks, virtually ALL offensive weapon capabilities, including the most secret ones, have been taken offline and / or destroyed. This includes secret SDI stuff, nukes, you name it… My take on it, as well as everyone else’s, is that this is a precursor to major events happening on earth.

“…about the “lockdown”… any Cabal members trying to get out of here, such as by ship, are actually being shot down… There have been a variety of reports of strange meteors and atmospheric phenomena…

“…the Snowden “documents” are vastly, vastly deeper than anything we have seen so far. He got EVERYTHING. Why the rest hasn’t been revealed yet… it appears the alliance has a sequential process in mind.

“…the defeat of the reptilians is a CERTAINTY… many still trapped in our solar system… they can’t get out, their allies can’t get in… no communications. Thus they are extremely fearful.

“In order for the ETs who are doing this to have accomplished this, it was required for them to have constructed a completely alternate parallel reality that people were living and working in, and that appeared to be our real future.

“…at the highest levels… events they expected in 2016-2017, as in “Grand Culmination” type stuff, are happening RIGHT NOW.”


Comment by dwilcock on January 27, 2015 @ 1:38 am

Kort situationsopdatering på kloden - Cobra - 30. Januar 2015 CET

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen : http://2012portal.blogspot.com ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen. (Jeg har tilladt mig, at smide nogen hyperlinks ved nogen af Cobra's begreber, så det er muligt, at følge med, hvad der bliver talt omkring.)

Taiwan Conference Report / Solar System Situation Update

Taiwan conference was a huge success. Because Taiwan is one of the main centers of the positive Dragon forces, it could grow a very strong Lightworker and Lightwarrior community. The conference took place very close to the location where Taiwanese Dragon families hid their gold after they escaped from mainland China after WWII.

During the conference, we took important physical and energetic steps towards the financial Reset and a new fair and balanced financial system.

During the same weekend, ALL physical strangelet and toplet bombs of the Chimera group have been cleared. Only plasma strangelet and toplet bombs are now remaining. Plasma plane remains the main strong area of the Chimera group and this needs to be taken care of before the Event happens. We will deal with the plasma situation in detail in one of near future blog posts.

As a result of the cleared physical bombs, there was great relief among the Light forces and a lot of intel that was previously classified has now become safe to be released. This short release by David Wilcock appeared just a few hours after the clearing of the physical bombs and I was surprised that he has revealed so much so early while the operations are still ongoing:


There is a fleet of motherships of the Galactic Confederation positioned just outside of our solar system and this fleet presents a barrier through which no space vehicle of the Chimera group can escape. The unholy four were secretly hoping that Chimera would provide them with the escape route beyond this solar system towards Barnard's Star just before the mass arrests, as this was the promise the Chimera gave to those top cabalists.

It is true that Chimera controls a few fragments of the once powerful physical Draconian and Reptilian fleet, scattered and hiding on some minor asteroids in the main asteroid belt and in the Kuiper belt. This information was top secret until now because the Reptilians were threatening to retaliate to a relatively small number of human hostages that they still hold captured on those asteroids. This weekend, the Light forces of the Ashtar Command, the Pleiadian Fleet, the Sirian Fleet and the Resistance Movement have begun an operation to clear the entire solar system completely.

Until recently there were also fragments of the Draco/Reptilian fleet, hiding in asteroid belts of Barnard's Star and star named Wolf 359. All those fleet fragments have already been cleared out completely.

It is also true that Chimera controls a system of subterranean strongholds, with Long Island being their only major access point to the surface. These subterranean strongholds of the Chimera are totally unrelated to DUMBs (deep underground military bases). All DUMBs have been cleared already and Negative Military and the Cabal has no access to Chimera strongholds, so they are stranded on the surface.

You need to understand that people involved in the secret space program / breakaway civilization did not have access to the Chimera locations inside our solar system and under the surface of our planet and were mostly even not aware of their existence.

This intel was classified until now as Chimera still has human hostages in those underground places and scattered on some locations in our solar system (NOT Moon and Mars) and liberation of those hostages must be carried out with utmost care.

Those locations are the places where the scalar plasma grid technology is operated from.

More intel will follow when it will be safe to release it.

Archangel Gabriel: Vision

Ærkeengelen Gabriel er Åbenbaringens Engel. Hjælper os med håb – glæde, renhed og disciplin. Gabriel er den engel som fortalte Maria, at hun skulle føde Jesus, som viste sig og talte til Josef i en drøm og som ligeledes viste sig for hyrderne. Gabriel eller "Djibril" - hendes arabiske navn, betyder Den Trofaste Ånd, der bragte åbenbaringen til Mohammed på Magtens og Ærens nat og dikterede Koranen. Gabriel var i Jødedommen, Dommens engel, men blev i kristendommen forvandlet til Nådens engel. Gabriel har sammen med Michael til opgave at hæve Jorden og hele vort solsystem op til 5.e dimension. Gabriel repræsenterer vest og vandelementet.
Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff 29 Jan 2015
© 2015 therainbowscribe.com

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as vision. Having vision is focusing on a preferred future. One person with vision in their heart can change the world. For example, a higher vision as a quality within oneself is a positive way to respond to the happenings in the world. This encourages each individual to always take action based on their desire for the highest good of all. By holding the higher vision and staying focused on one’s individual life as an expression of pure spirit, it is their intention to grow into that awareness and role. This also provides them the foundation to walk their path in life in faith and trust that all is well in their affairs. Each individual’s effort to maintain their higher vision is met with grace from the universe which creates and manifests the embryo for finding spiritual growth in everything. When an individual sees life with an expanded spiritual awareness, their virtuous actions as a way of life are the only ones that make sense to them.

As each individual seeks truth as their highest vision, their own sense of honesty strengthens and they are able to see more clearly into their own spiritual heart. They begin to appreciate the perfection of their spiritual nature. They become more content with who they are and how they act in responding to the world around them. Their worldly attachments and desires naturally dissolve into the stream of their higher aspirations and vision. They become free from limited desire but seek more as their faith and trust in the benevolence of the universe increases. As their surrender to their higher vision increases, it allows the beneficence of universal grace to guide their every step. Their future vision expands into gratitude for the perfection of everything that comes to them at every new step of their life. They have created a personal vision which recognizes material diversity and spiritual unity at the same time. They recognize that within each embodied form there resides an individual spark of consciousness that lives simultaneously in the hearts of all living beings, therefore their vision is clear, perfect, and universal in its scope of understanding.

Jesus through John Smallman: Oneness and individual identity are incompatible.

Sananda udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den Opstegne Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer af hele verden, og var en af ​​de største Spirituelle healere, der gik på vores elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle vores opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har tilladelse til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af civilisationer, kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov. 

Kanaliseret af John Smallman 29-01-2015 CET
© 2015 johnsmallman.wordpress.com

Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday 21th

Here in the spiritual realms we are all on high alert as the moment for humanity’s mass awakening draws ever closer. Yes, we are pushing the envelope of your acceptance of our forecasts . . . again! And although it seems to you that we have let you down or disappointed you, you do need to remind yourselves frequently that time is of the illusion. In truth there is only the eternal moment of “now.” Everything happens “now,” there is no other possibility because there is no other moment. So we talk of “soon” and “near” and “close” to impress upon you the reality of making things happen now.

You all incarnated at this point in humanity’s evolution, in this moment of the illusion, to take part very actively in the awakening process. After many earth lives you were ready to awaken and ready to assist others who, for a variety of reasons, are far more deeply asleep and therefore need the devoted assistance that only you can provide. You provide that assistance by your loving intentions, repeated every time that you go within to the quiet and eternally loving center of your beingness, which, as we – your spiritual guides, mentors, and friends – have told you before, are enormously powerful. You made the choice to incarnate because of the enormous power that you would each unleash as individual aspects of the Tsunami of Love, to bring the awakening to fruition, and because the awareness of what you would be doing was so enthralling.

You are all aspects in form of the mightiness that is being released on Earth by the Tsunami of Love. That is why you are drawn so strongly to your spiritual paths; you resonate with the divine field of Love in a glorious harmony of aligning frequencies. You are shielded from the full force of the Tsunami of Love because your physical form could not be maintained without that protective shield, but that shield also blocks your awareness of who you truly are, and that is why doubts and anxieties about the awakening, about God’s divine plan for humanity keep arising and unsettling you.