May 18, 2021
🙏 ~ 💝 ('Trust Higher-Self') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟You Are Not Going Crazy. Your HIGHER SELF is Guiding you ~ Lorie Ladd🌟] ... O-M-G! Thanks to Lorie, just how I feel at SoTW at the moment... PS: Below UFO relic was found in Mayan ruins (FB post from 'The Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network'). "On May 17th, the Pleiadian Portal will open. It will be a very important milestone in the progress of Humanity and the Light forces towards the final planetary liberation, according to."(SoTR) ... "Jupiter, planet of faith and expansion, moves into Shatabhishak from May 22nd until July 20th, the nakshatra inside Aquarius which associates with healing, mysticism and independent spirit" (align27)... (Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius May 26th, 2021; The Truth Shall Set You Free) "We are heading into one of the most important gateways of the year, the total eclipse at 5 degrees Sagittarius on May 26. This initiates one of the most intense portals of all the year. One that will continue until the Solstice and whose energies will bring the gift of clarity and the subsequent inner realization of who we truly are, rediscovering new aspects of our authentic self as well as of the unique personal mission that we brought into this Planet. The frequency from the eclipse is already felt for the ones that are connected to the subtle energies, as many would have already noticed how emotions, communication flow, and the transparency that they need for their journey." (By Natalia Alba + Era of light) ..)
👩🚀🚀🌌 ~ (SSP Good, Bad, Worse News!) Spaceships Landed On The Moon Captured By Nikon Coolpix P1000, Real or Fake? (OOM2+) ~ | Blogger: [👉OMG! I want one of these Camera's - only have my SkyMaster 25x70 Binoculars, which i have used in America and other countries👈] ... 🤗Good news is, besides these awesome shots of the moon and UFO/UAP spacecraft, that, govt. disclosure (or great deception) about upcoming June 1 UFO reports. 60 minutes news coverage (below) already got 2,2 million views, Luis Elizondo will be on Richard Dolan *LIVE* show on May 20, 2021 and Fox's Tucker Carlson, reacts to video of UFO confirmed by Pentagon... 😔The bad news is, that SoTW cant travel (so easily) ANYWHERE and discover UFO's and attend live conferences or seminars etc... 😢The worst of it all is, that, Mark McCandlish, just recently died in April of 2021 in his home on Redding, CA of a shotgun blast to the head. Shasta County Coroner’s official report cites his death as a “Suicide” from self-inflicted gunshot wound (project Camelot reporting)... ⚰️SoTW has offered you insight of what happened (way before Alfred Lambremont Webre) to UFO investigator and MUFON Director Craig R. Lang death and many more. Perhaps, you now understand, why Navy pilots, like Cmdr. Dave Fravor and Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich, had some "unsettling" 2004 UAP sightings, and were training with the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group when a UAP encounter occurred over the Pacific Ocean, only, recently has come forward with their testimones on 60 minutes AFTER declassification...🛸 I'm sorry that SoTW never speaks about the Chinese SSP or Russian (Dr. Michael Salla does), but that's even more (secret) but have spoken about DTU Space, Terma A/S and the 5 major defense and aerospace manufacturer (and what I can find with my simple research on the internet). I did talked to a active shy IT-guy from Janet Airline / EG&G / JT3 "Janet" (plus SAS Airline) is the call sign for the flights that shuttle workers back and forth between Area 51, TTR and Las Vegas (and many more).... There's simply, too many secrets outthere and it's "dangerous" to have "insider" knowledge... |
😮😏🤪 ~ HVAD SAGDE JEG!?!?!?! (SoTW Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: [👉Spørgsmålet er om du tror på clickbait nyheder, stribevis af tragedier, død og ødelæggelse fra personer som Magnus LØGNICKE, Søren UNDERSTRØM, Metto, Allan Randrup OMSEN / MOMSEN eller folk fra Novo Nordisk integral lidelse og indre svinehund, der styrer Danmarks coronastrategi, eller ønsket om at du bliver klogere på at udvikle dine egne spirituelle evner, evolution og frigørelsesstrategi?👈] ... Selvom Henrik Qvortrup blev straffet med andre, advarsler blev ignoreret af PET og Nets angående tys-tys-kilden, som jeg personligt har mødt på SoTW, og arbejdede sammen med, ja øv! Dagen efter sagen kom frem i 2014 var det nemt indenfor min branche at finde vedkommende via google, slettede linkedin arkiv, hvor man kunne se nuværende og tidligere arbejdspladser (IBM + IT-bank). NÅÅÅ MEN, jeg er helt enig med Qvortrup, efter mandagens forhandlinger om yderligere genåbning, var en ubarmhjertig (magt) demonstration, hvem som leder landet... OG HAR SAGT hele tiden, vi får ikke "normale" tilstande, før WEF's "The Great Reset" er udført og nanotech-genterapi-microchipped projektet bag ved Corona-Corporation, har fået vaccineret A-L-L-E danskere ned til 16 år (og senere ned til 12 år senere 0 år)... LIGE NU lukker Skolen ved Bülowsvej på Frederiksberg med 1,000 elever, mange frygter af hele København (igen igen) lukker ned snart grundet de automatiske nedlukningsprocesser... SVØMMEHALLER, fitness, restauranter, caféer og frisører m.fl. skal fortsat agere corona-politi, natklubber og diskoteker er fortsat udskammet og svensk/tysk-grænse og flyrejser, medtager KUN passagere med Digital Coronapas, senere CV-kørekort eller (Digital) Vaccinekort, som i de gode gamle dage??... OG GU FANDEME IKKE, at et nyt britisk studie fra AstraZeneca eller Pfizer, viser, at næsten ALLE får antistoffer efter første vaccinestik - DET ER EN DIREKTE LØGN! (vil jeg sige med al respekt) DET DER PROPPES ind i din krop, er ikke vacciner (ved godt det er fandens svært at forstå)... Verdensalt kan blot sige; 🤨HVAD SAGDE JEG!... |
📚NOTE: Antagelsen går i al almindelighed ud på, at der også eksisterer et medicinalindustrielt kompleks, bestående af ledende industrifolk, læger, forskere og regeringsembedsmænd, der alle har kommercielle interesser i den herskende lægemiddeltænkning.
Plus Dansk og udenlandsk biotek- og medicinalindustrien, magthavere som Bill Gates samt The Rockefeller Institute of Government, der skal fremskaffe en Global Vaccine, der med ID-Nano-DNA ændrende implantater og kunstig intelligens, kan 'forme' dig efter behov. Gøre dig lidt mere syg, så man kan fastholde dig i sundhedsvæsenet eller gøre dig til en perfekt 'lydig borger'.
🙅♂️Jeg vil nægte, ikke selvom de gav mig 1 million dollars at blive testet i disse 'telte', som jeg tror tager ens DNA via spytprøver (RT-PCR, antigen og antistof) og andre profileringsmetoder som sælges til medicinal- og biotekvirksomheder og GenomeDenmark m.fl. Samme kommer til at ske mht covid-19 tests og i lufthavnen...
🙋SPØRGSMÅLET er om du tror på, det ENORME spirituelle paradigmeskifte som er på vej til os alle, eller basere din viden på frygt og angst, for fremtidens opbremsning, afmatning eller recession, ikke set siden 1929?...
🧘♂️Snakker ikke om, at du skal gå på jagt efter den 'hellig gral', spørge Ronald Hubbard fra graven om han vil åbne den tyverisikre kuffert med Scientologys hemmeligheder, gå på TNT tantraskole legeplads for sexahængige og slå dit EGO ihjel eller blive døbt i Jehova Gud's navn, men at du måske, indser, du er blevet NARRET, berøvet din RET og FORRÅDT... |
Hentet fra:
※🔴🔺~ (“Bibi the clone.” Switzerland Priory of Sion, the Knights of Malta, the Dragon family') Benjamin Fulford Partial Full Report & weekly geo-political news and analysis ~ | Blogger: Sometimes BF reports get me sick or rather, lower my energy, and I don't post it at all on SoTW. He is however, trying to wakeup people in a rather hash way, but I guess, his heart is in the right place... ANYWHO, letter from The Ambassador of the (supposedly benevolent) Chinese Royal Family, the so-called Red Dragon Family's letter, is enclosed. Also a V-E-R-Y disturbing picture on a beach with WEF globalist Klaus Schwab (who has "formed or organized" THE GREAT RESET Corona-Corporation Agenda and meet ministers and leaders including Danish govt) .. (why do you think Blinken meet with Margrethe II of Denmark & KING Frederik yesterday? They're all freemasons if you ask me)... ON A SIDE NOTE: For a more (positive) "overall" world affairs approach listen to Dr Charlie Ward and Mel K's latest on Bitchute, that also mentioned Simon Parkes has a amazing news coming soon, after they BOTH talked to him and/or had him in a interview... FOR MORE in-depth report about especially Israeli-Palestinian conflict (claims of IDF using white phosphorus munitions against the Palestine's) plus the U.S. election-fraud or steal-cheat, check out the latest Goldfish Report with Louisa and well-known Jim Fetzer (former professor of the philosophy of science at the University of Minnesota Duluth, 'conspiracy theorist' and Holocaust denier). Sometimes (Goldfish Report) also host The Ambassador of the Red Dragon Family & Benjamin Fulford, so does PrepareForChange (PFC), a kind of Cobra RM USA support channel...All right. Well, ya'll, have a blessed day... Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush... |
Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.
Human Sacrifice on Temple Mount Won’t Save Satanists
Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...
Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and his fellow Satanists staged a human sacrifice on the temple mount in a desperate bid to retain power and avoid war crimes tribunals, according to Mossad sources. British intelligence also confirms a mass killing event took place but details of exactly what happened are scarce.
MI6 sources say there was “some kind of massacre at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount. We have a suggestion this is all purely Khazarian Mafia with some CIA thrown in.”
We have previously reported the original Netanyahu is long gone and so, according to Mossad, the figure now presiding over the massacre of Palestinians is “Bibi the clone.”
MI6 adds the “Jala Tower in Gaza was attacked to destroy servers with incriminating evidence relating to the mass murder of Palestinians.”
The Satanists behind Netanyahu, in order to stay in power and avoid jail also ordered missile attacks on Israel and blamed it on the Palestinians. The attacks were designed to cause minimal or no casualties. Then “retaliation” begins as a part of a final push to wipe out the non-Jewish population of Israel. It also enables martial law so that he and his goons can stay in power.
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