May 17, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (WH/Alliance & Tarot: GOTG 3 uses disturbing animal cruelty to make a larger point) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ May 17, 2023 (P.S.: We all know abt ankle monitor on Hillary Clinton and many other celebs. Q' said watch for the medical boots. Watch for the leg injures) ~ |
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👁️⃤𓂀👍🤔👎 (Men nu til noget helt andet) Die Dummen Dänen: Gjorde Henrik Fisker nu også som han lovede? Der er sgu ikke noget spirituelt eller esoterisk i, at 65.000 verden over, sidder i saksen og venter på en "batteribil" som kaldes for, Fisker Ocean. Siden 2016 har Mr. Fisker og konen, rejst 1,6 mia. dollars (10,5 mia. kr.) hos energi-kontrolleret investorer. Det har kostet et depositum på 250 dollar pr bil og for en del, 35.000 ekstra konge-kroner, for, Hr og Fru Jensen, at fremskønne produktionen, i 2023. Men for pokker da, hvor alle disse MÆND (og et par enkelte kvins), kan blære sig. Ego-begæret og Janteloven, længe leve. Jeg vil æde min gamle hat på, at samme problemer opstår, når Fisherman's Friend bilerne ENDELIG dukker op, ligesom Volkswagen's ID.4 elektriske bil, kom på gaden. Min nabo, da jeg ejede et hus i Gribskov, var så pavestolt, han fik den allerførste, af slagsen. Jeg fik et laaangt foredrag, men efter halve års ekstra ventetid og hvor var han bare så trist, da alle problemerne, hobede sig op. Fik da også mulighed for selv, at køre i én af mine tidligere bankchefers Tesla. Fedt at prøve, men vil hverken eje eller ha' den. Tesla til 700.000 kr. (næsten samme pris brugt som ny) og kan kun køre 400 km på en opladning - de må have spist søm. Teflonpolitikerne, som er sponseret af olietyran og medicinal-mafioso Rockefellers, ledet af jødiske oligarker, globalisterne og OPEC-kartellet, som er smurt ind i olie, styrer stadigvæk, olie- gas og elproducenterne, rundt om i verden ~ 17. Maj 2023 ~ |

Efter uro: Fisker regner med at levere første elbiler i juni (
Fisker delivers first Ocean SUV - Just Auto (
Fisker Ocean | Fisker Inc.

Global opvarmning tæt på at overstige 1,5 grader og inden 2030, vil EU reducere CO2-udledningerne med 55% - Danmark med 70% . Benzin- og dieselbiler får dødsstødet - det hele er BUUULSHIT... Det' ren kagemand Fisker-elpisker. Jeg vil hellere ha en Star - Hydrogen Electric XP1 Hypercar aka Hyperion. First supercar that runs on pure water...

Editor's Note: Vi ved, fra masser af studier, der konkluderer, at elbiler, forurener mere end sorte dieselbiler. Selve batteriet er værste CO2-synder. Historien om Lille Sorte Sambo, om igen, (undskyld udtrykket) når børnearbejdere i koboltminer, dør, for, at indsamle kobolt, nikkel, mangan og litium er blandt de miljøskadelige råstoffer og kan IKKE nedbrydes. Et lithion-ion-batteri, er ligeså giftigt, som plutonium. Mange elbilister betaler alt for meget, fastslår hemmelig rapport med lokale monopoler for el-opladning. Man ved også nu, at der er en farlig sammenhæng mellem Elbiler og EMF-stråling. Ikke kun dårlig indeklima fra elektronikken, men højteknologiske elbiler, udsender i stedet en gasfri forurening: Elektromagnetisk feltstråling eller EMF-stråling også, under opladningen. Det, som mange mennesker ikke ved er, at elektriske produkter; alt fra el-løbehjul, el og gassporvogne og biler, var allerede opfundet og rige Mands Eje, i 1800-tallet. Det er sgu rigtigt. Gå på TikTok for se beviser. 1970'erne, havde man en fuldstændigt fungerende Citroën vanddrevet bil i produktion i Frankrig. Senere i Japan, Toyota-fabrikken, men det, blev også lukket ned. Stanley Meyer - Den mystiske død af vandbilens opfinder. Der var sågar en mand, som opfandt, en græsslåmaskine. Vand-til-brint-konverteringsprocessen er opfundet og fri-energi. Men, fri-energi- produkter, må ikke frigives, da man ikke, kan tjene penge på dette. Der findes langt over 6000 superhemmelige patenter, som er mørkelagt af især energi-mafiaen, i USA. Tror du selv på, at Power-to-X (PtX) produktionen, som koster, en jetjager at bygge, bliver en realitet? Selve "Energiøen", betyder, milliardregning for skatteyderne. Til den tid, og i 2030, findes der ikke længere Fossile brændstoffer; el, kul, olie og naturgas. Til den tid, er den nuværende regeringen gået af og fået en fed ministerpension, Folketinget er opløst, vi har flyvende vand-brint-brændsel biler. Til den tid, så har vi udkonkurreret fossil brændsel-oligarker, og basere os på FRI ENERGI, via magnetisme, Nikola Tesla's Zero Point Energy og en masse andre af de patenter, som er i dag, findes bag lås og slå... |

Szhirley taler ud om Jokerens cokemisbrug: – Jeg var medafhængig | SE og HØR (
'Du skal ikke gøre det her': Uhyggelige detaljer fra retten, hvor 33-årig er sigtet for voldtægter af 6-årig steddatter |

🌠 ~ 💗 (New Cobra Update) Portal of Light Activation and Taiwan Conference Reports ~ May 17, 2023 ~ |


🔮🥰🤳 (Reblog Sept 2022: Tarot readings, Jinn or Djinn, Cobra and RV) SoTW's Higher Self Message channeled through my DK holistic doctor. You're in for a treat: Brutally honest Q&A 'upsetting' news that 'could' trigger many people ~ Apr 17, 2023 ~ |

Editor's Note: Why all this [%]? Percentage - directions -up, down, left, right, stop, go! Does it matter? Great report as always, but perhaps, breach of logic or useless esoteric beliefs, for the common man. Hard to say can it be proven - cannot be disproven. The spiritual leader of Cobra, which real name and location is still a secret, and his American spouse + all the support groups, like PFC, relay, on the spiritual leaders information. One man, who is controlled and misinformed / misguided by a Pleiadian being. My H-S told me - a Pleiadian outsider or "washed out” from the Pleiadian community or bad influenced somehow. Click the link. Anyways, I trust, the spiritual organization has some truth, otherwise, 100K ++ supporters or worshippers, would leave him. And actually they did. After 2019 the 'founding fathers' or core-group like Untwine, Steve & Anita, Emi, Alex etc. + SoTW, left Cobra RM, for many different reasons. Untwine is now monk in Tibet. Steve & Anita, very angry after working for him in more than 6 yrs without pay 24/7. Me, on SoTW, after Brazil conference and he earned €150.000 for 2 days work, I knew, something was wrong. I haven't seen any money going to any humanitarian projects like 'Island of Light'. And like Simon Parkes spiritual organization, with no comparison, people, also work, for free. Simon promised his 120K ++ followers, billions for humanitarian projects (nothing yet). The worst part is, that my ex-girlfriend, told me in 2020, that somehow, the leader of Cobra RM, has been rumored, part of the killing of his former spouse, 'Isis Astara', who were Earth's last high priestess (that is why many from the inner circle of trust has left him). Please don't shoot the messenger... | 

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Portal of Light Activation and Taiwan Conference Reports

Our activation was a massive success, almost 1 million people were informed about the activation and about 160,000 people actually participated.

The energy pulse at the moment of the activation was very strong yet gentle, sending the purest energies of cosmic Love from the M87 galaxy to the surface of this planet. The pulse has corrected the planetary timeline, decreasing the probability for conventional world war from 33% to 27% and the probability for hard financial crash from 37% to 32%:

M87 galaxy was brought into the awareness of the surface population just a few days before the activation:

The energy pulse has brought a lot of beautiful energies into the planetary quarantine, and these energies have manifested some beautiful vistas in the days after the activation:

🦹‍♂️🔥❌ (One of the UNHOLY has died) Message by JFK Jr. on George Soros, Mr.Ed and The Rumor Mill ~ May 17, 2023 ~ |

Editors' Note: You can believe what you want of course. C.O.B.R.A. R.M. told us at one time, there's four (4) "Unholy Souls" (Head of illuminati New World Order) required to leave the Earth Plane, before major things would take place. At a 2018 conference in Brazil, Cobra told my x-girlfriend, SoTW and 600 Brazilians, that George H. W. Bush (The Fourth Reich - CIA-Bush-Rockefeller-Nazi connection), was 1 out of 4 UNHOLY. Elon Musk are hitting on George Soros big time these days. Saying GS is actually a real-life Magneto. Compare the influential billionaire to the Marvel villain...| 

Message by JFK Jr. on George Soros

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 16-May-2023 05:00:13

Message by JFK Jr. on George Soros

Don't believe the lies on MSM.

It's all part of the movie.

Hard to know who is real and who is a clone these days. Mr.Ed :)

💵⚔️🧈 ('Col. MacGregor: damage to Ukrainians is unrecoverable and catastrophic / disastrous.') "Most of them are dead!"- Ukraine's army DECIMATED says Col. MacGregor | Redacted w Clayton Morris ~ May 17, 2023 ~ |

Col. MacGregor: 'Everyone in their right mind would STOP the war. Russia hits all NATO's "ammunition depot" and everything else, with high-precision strikes. Zelenskyy's MASTERS siting in Washington D.C., NY and London, oligarchs and financial gurus, want this war prosecuted, to the bitter end. This war is now a financial war. June of 2023, St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, will be held with 81 nations to get out from the U.S. financial system and U.S. Holdings. To support Gold-backed systems, holding gold, from China, Russia, India, properly Saudi Arabia. I don't' know how much gold is under the streets of London or under the streets of Manhattan in New York city, anymore. Putin and his forces acting like a heavyweight champion only using his left-hand jab'... 

'Colonel Douglas MacGregor reveals the devastating truth about Ukraine's standing army, they've been obliterated. President Zelensky this weekend said there are long lines at Ukraine's recruitment centers but there is no evidence of that. Russia continues to decimate air defense across Ukraine ahead of a June offensive'