Apr 30, 2020

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Thanks to Teri Wade for sharing. Love her postings... |

👼 ~ Grounding - What does grounding mean for your quality of life? How to make a bad day better, with small spiritual baby-steps (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🙇I'm sorry beautiful light beings, verdensalt, cannot always hold your hand around the campfire, singing Kumbaya and getting the joy joy joy down in your spiritual beating heart!! 💞] ... 💭I know what you're thinking - it's too darn easy sitting on (my) spiritual keister and post anonymously, day after day, on a blog, without conveying its messages through an open forum, on youtube or holding seminars, like Anthony Robbins, awaken the inner giant in others... It's easier said than done when you are a private person facing loneliness on the spiritual path and a minority in a society that does not praise spirituality, openness, living the art and virtue of defenselessness... In a dysfunctional society, which knowingly rejects the existence of our extraterrestrial ancestors and fact-truth-giving conspiracies. Don't forget that we all hold the truth inside, recovering empath lovely sensitive, introverted or extroverted, but not ego-narcissistic. Verdensalt.dk do (also) writes about things that our "deep (dark) state" does not like. Themes and Topics may appear 'negative' but are just a deep basic understanding of fact giving - in our 3-D Matrix of Illusion, that we all live in. The question that you probably have to ask yourself is: What is Fake News, alternative facts, source criticism, post-factual, lies and rumors? As REIKI healer (although I am not inaugurated REIKI master) I know how hugely important it is to be grounded to Mother Earth / GAIA. I don't always reach every single meditation, every day, but affirmations and positive thinking - is my guide to active positivity manifestations. LET US RECEIVE OUR DAILY SHOTS OF HEARTLY GROUNDING TO FIND 'OUR' OWN INTERNAL TRUTH 💙❤️💚💛💜💗 ... |

Spirituality - the quality of being concerned with the human spirit (with Alien DNA) or Soul as opposed to material or physical things...

Our Spirit Guides has stated it very clearly. We are a Spiritual Being having a human experience, not human beings having a spiritual experience. That means, we are all spiritual beings. If you believe there is more than life itself in the present of now, then in my book, you are becoming aware of one's own spiritual state. Spirituality is not a religion. It does not come from your parents or Jehovah's Witnesses come knocking (just an example). Spirituality arises from somewhere deep inside you (HIGHER SELF or SOUL). It's a inner belief taking root in the heart, without having any visible evidence or proof of why. We have all agreed to stay on earth in this "present-moment-awareness" to experience our Five Senses. That also means, we need to listen to what our thoughts, intuition and gut feeling and act on it. When you learn to actually listen to the inner voice, the result will inevitably be - changes. Because life itself in our 3D Matrix of illusion, begins to fall apart. You begin to questioning everything that surrounds you, what we been taught in school, news media, parents, government and politicians, religion beliefs. Next thing - rollercoaster emotions - angry, fearful, , disappointed, confused, exhausted. Determine to understand. Fear holding You back? Break free from the chains of fear and begin to explore...

Verdensalt.dk (SoTW):

(1-minute grounding meditation -Ask your guides, ascended masters or guardian angels, to assist you)

  • Take a seat with your feet on the ground. Eyes closed and hands were it feels comfortable
  • Take a deep breath in. Feel your body as you inhale
  • Take a long breath out. Notice your body as you exhale 
  • Try incorporating a set inhale-exhale ratio (3 times or as you feel comfortable)
  • Follow your breath in and out
  • Rest your mind on your belly or your chest or at your nostrils
  • Just be aware as you breathe in and aware as you breathe out
  • Kindly ask to be joined with the inner Earthly Star of Gaia and to be grounded with her
  • Say thanks and send LOVE to the healing your have receive from above 

    2. (Extended grounding - Ask your guides, ascended masters or guardian angels, to assist you)

    🤪 ~ Corona-gakgak: Mette Frederiksen med hold i ryggen, i Krydsild - 'Vi er lykkedes' og STORMER ud af Borgen mod Hospitalet og Takker ALLE som Landets Moder og Statsoverhoved ~ | Blogger: [👉DEBAT: En strategisk genistreg? Sønnens sygdom var IKKE alvorligt, men Fromme Moder Mette-mus fik sneget sig UD inden hasteforespørgselen om partiernes genåbningsplan blev en realitet og hun blev ROASTED! Ligesom da Statsministeren lå i seng på Herlev Sygehus under valgudskrivelse og Britta Nielsen hastesyg og et retsmøde, blev udsat👈] ... {automatreaktioner og statens følelsesmæssig regulering} ... Når man står i 'lort' til halsen, én milliard kroner i tabt bruttonationalprodukt om dagen samt 'konkurser og fyringsrunder' i vente efter hårde corona-tiltag, ønsker alle danskere et SVAR på TILTALE!... Dog, har Landsmoderen Mette med hjælp fra #FølelsesmæssigKapring #FamiliensNødsituation, #Skyggestatsminister #MartinRossen, Statens #BrostrømSSTKåreSSI og #BillGatesAJVaccineFabrik formået, at henlede opmærksomheden VÆK fra Coronakrisen! Er det en strategisk genistreg, der udgør et eksistentielt drama, der river tilskuerne med i hele følelsesregisteret af angst, fortvivlelse, glæde og ekstase? Den gjaldede propaganda-vogn som INGEN ende vil tage og INGEN, ønsker jo at være den del af #SANDHEDEN - følelsesregisteret - ikke mindst i dommedags- og dødssyndsskildringer... Statsministeriet advarede om 'meget alvorlig' lækage, men gjorde først noget efter 26 dage... Mens alt dette sker, har #VerdensL(ø)kkeligsteL(ø)kke-Per skabt sig en ny tilværelse i #CVLøkkeLandet, som konsulent under #JødiskeGorrissenFederspiel samt valgt ind i bestyrelse for #FærøskTFHoldingselskab #BetriP/F... Endnu en skandale i #ForsvarsministerietsEjendomsstyrelse, som forgyldte kæreste med millionordrer... Alle andre er på skideren, men ny overenskomst giver 1.100 bankansatte en lønstigning på 4,2 pct. over tre år... VINDERNE af det hele, bliver Statens Serum Institut, W.H.O / Bill Gates / Novo Nordisk Fondens mange samarbejdspartnere og Biotekselskabet Gilead, eller hvem som kommer med CORONAGULDÆGGET ...GUD BEVARE METTE OG ALLE DANSKERNE SOM ER I FRYGTEN- OG FØLELSERNES VOLD... |

    🗽 ~ 💗 Opdatering fra oplysningsforbundet MAY DAY DANMARK 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"Flere siger det: COVID-19 er genmanipuleret, behandling med C foregår nu flere steder i verden, pensioneret overlæge skeptisk over for en hastevaccine..." ~ May Day👈] ... Hooooold da kæft, troede her på verdensalt redaktionen, at det var Søren Brostrøm og Kåre Mølbak, som var med på EVENT 201, men nu viser det sig, at det var Magnus Heunicke. Uanset hvad og hvem, som er kørt med på denne galej, at tænke sig, jeg har haft ret i næsten alt hvad jeg har forudsagt på verdensalt om CV19 og Regeringen, men at sidde og se på, at May Day organisationen skriver det på sort og hvidt, gør mig både glad og ængstelig for hvordan den almindelige dansker, vil tage det... Jo flere vi er, jo bedre... |

    Kære venner

    Vi håber, I alle har det godt!
    Og vi fortsætter med at sprede oplysninger om immunstyrkende næringsstoffer! Man skulle tro, det var farlig narko, man forhandlede på det sorte marked, sådan som naturmidler til immunforstærkning kriminaliseres. Videoer, der omtaler behandling med C-vitaminer, fjernes af YouTube så hurtigt, de kommer op. Det er blevet kaldt kvaksalveri og sidestillet med "conspiracy". Det er helt almindelige næringsstoffer, som kan hjælpe folk. Men næ nej. Vi skal hellere sidde helt stille og vente på økonomisk ruin, mens alverdens læger maser på for at få en vaccine kørt igennem systemet, som pga. af hastværk kunne ende med at være farligere end selve sygdommen. Det så vi med svineinfluenzaen i 2009. I May Day arbejder vi for ytringsfrihed, retten til selv at vælge behandling og retten til at bestemme over egen krop, og det vil afspejles i vores artikler og links. Synes du, det bliver for ensidigt, så ved du, hvor du kan gå hen. ;-)

    Men hvad foregår der egentlig? Her er et bud!
    I oktober 2019, et par måneder før coronavirussen ankom, var Bill og Melinda Gates Foundation sammen med Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economics Forum værter for "Event 201" - en 3½ times simuleringsøvelse af et dramatisk scenario med en tænkt pandemi. Vores sundhedsminister Magnus Heunicke var også med, hvilket han selv har bevidnet på Twitter. "Tilfældigvis" handlede det hele om en ny verdensomspændende virus, der ville være yderst farlig - 65 mio. døde var det scenarie, der blev arbejdet med. Heunicke fik scenariemodellen eller køreplanen med hjem til Mette, må vi gå ud fra, og nu var det så bare at vente på, hvad der ville ske. Og voila - den kom ganske som spået i simuleringen.
    Men det gik dog ikke helt som præsten prædikede. Sygdommen opførte sig kun en del værre end almindelig influenza, var mest farlig for folk med andre sygdomme eller lavt immunforsvar, og hospitaler har stået tomme, mens ventelisterne for andre behandlinger er vokset, og samfundet er gået i stå.

    Den omtalte model, som Heunicke kom hjem med, har andre lande, bl.a. USA også fulgt, men nu har USA besluttet at forlade den (se længere nede). Man har simpelthen indset, at den ikke holder vand. USA vil i stedet agere på baggrund af de faktiske data om risiko for smitte og død og dermed foretage en mere korrekt her og nu vurdering af mulighederne for at genåbne samfundet. De vælger altså de faktiske statistikker - og IKKE en scenariemodel, der dikterer handlemåder uden forbindelse til virkeligheden. Overført til Danmark. Hvorfor tøver Mette? Hun står og ser på flere og flere arbejdsløse og konkurser, men vil ikke komme med en strategi. For det store problem er: Skal hun fortsat holde sig til den udstukne køreplan og gøre, hvad den dikterer - eller skal hun forlade den og agere på de rigtige data og det reelle trusselsbillede? Det sidste kræver, at hun tør tage ansvaret og gå selv. Lad os se, hvad hun dur til!

    May Day inviterer til online generalforsamling for medlemmerne den 17. maj kl. 11. Se detaljer på www.mayday-info.dk. Du skal være meget velkommen!

    Breaking: coronavirus er genmodificeret 
    Nyt  bemærkelsesværdigt forskningsresultat: Professor Luc Montagnier, den franske forsker, der fik en delt Nobelpris i medicin i 2008 for at opdage HIV, blander sig i nu de stemmer, der hævder, at den nye coronavirus er blevet skabt i et laboratorium. I et interview på en fransk nyhedskanal, fortæller han, at virusset er blevet fabrikeret af molekylebiologer, måske med det formål at lave en HIV-vaccine. Efter egne analyser af virusset kan han se, at det indeholder genetiske elementer af HIV, og med den egenskab kan det ikke være opstået naturligt. Han oplyser intet om, hvem eller hvilket land der står bag, hvilket fejlagtigt er blevet noteret under videoen. (fransk/engelsk)
    Dr. Buttar (USA) har også undersøgt COVID-19
    Samme konklusion: Dele af HIV er indsat i en almindelig korona-virus (forkølelsesvirus) for at gøre den mere "hidsig" og resistent. Den blev udviklet i 2015 på University of North Carolina Chapel Hill i USA, men et moratorium stoppede forskningen, fordi virologer i USA sagde, at det var for farligt og kunne forårsage en pandemi. I stedet betalte National Institute of Health 3,7 mio. dollar til Kina for at fortsætte forskningen, og på den måde blev moratoriet omgået. Dr. Fauci (toprådgiver for Det hvide Hus) godkendte bevillingerne og mærkeligt nok allerede i 2017 sagde han, at verden ville opleve en pandemi under Trumps styre. Hvor vidste han det fra? Hvorfor brød han loven og fortsatte forskningen? Hør selv videre i videoen fra 22. april. (Sæt undertekster på og skru evt. ned for hastigheden, for det går stærkt.) 
    Behandling med C-vitamin bruges nu flere steder i verden
    50 tons C-vitamin blev sendt til Wuhan og stoppede dødsfaldene, læger fra Virginia, Texas, Californien, Helsinki og andre steder fortæller om deres behandlinger. 
    Masser af studier i vitaminmangler
    En ny dansk hjemmeside informerer om masser af forskningsresultater ang. mangler på essentielle næringsstoffer som vitaminer og mineraler (med henvisning til de videnskabelige studier). Tilstanden kaldes hypovitaminose. 

    🤒 ~ Læger advarer om sjældent børnesyndrom: Kræver intensiv behandling ~ | Blogger: [👉Corona-tæer! Nuuuu stopper legen! PLUDSELIG som Ørkenens Sønner og Varm luft i Canal Grande, er der dukket en sjælden inflammatorisk tilstand op hos børn, der muligvis kan relateres til covid-19. Hvad tror du på?👈] ...{No laughing matter for the taxpayers - One happy vaccine Sheikh and Bill Gates} ... Der er lagt 'masser' af lokkemad ud under de danske avisoverskrifter fra internetaviser. Vi kan hurtigt blive enige om, at clickbaitrubrikker og adsense indtjening, ofte er mere æggende end dækkende og mere kryptiske end oplysende... Har børnene blevet 'tvunget' til overdreven brug af håndsprit, fået for lidt Sol og C og D vitamin? Vi ved med garanti, at håndsprit og ethanol, hænger uløseligt sammen med forgiftning, men kan rødmen på låret, være en akut hudskade fra vævsopvarmning (forbrændinger) grundet microwave 5G, spørger min holistiske naturlæge?... Hvis ikke det er Mæslingeepidemier, så er det AIDS, Fugleinfluenza, SARS, MERS, Ebola, Zika... og nu CV19... hvad kommer næste gang?... UANSET hvad du læser og hører, om det er DR / TV2 FNYS NEWS eller tabloidpressen, sociale medier, læger, bforskere på videnskab.dk, SSI, Sundhedsstyrelsen, Kræftens Sammensværgelse, Google Gestapo Search, så gør du dig klog i, at sætte dig rigtigt ind i tingene... Bare en lille tanke... Men du har jo fri vilje og kan gøre hvad du ønsker dig!.. |

    Kilde (EB.dk)

    I flere europæiske lande advarer læger nu om en sjælden inflammatorisk tilstand hos børn, der muligvis kan forbindes med covid-19.

    Det skriver nyhedsbureauet AP.

    Tidligere i denne uge har den britiske børnelægeforening Britain's Paediatric Intensive Care Society udstedt en advarsel til hele landet.

    I advarslen lyder det, at der inden for de seneste tre uger er set en stigning i antallet af børn med en 'multi-systemisk inflammatorisk tilstand, der kræver intensiv behandling'.

    De mest karakteristiske symptomer ved en inflammatorisk tilstand er rødme, hævelse, varme og smerte.(Læs videre)

    🥘 ~ Vacay Barcelona : Romantic Yearning, a Kiss, and a Tropical Sunset? I wish (SoTW 2019 Archive) ~ | Blogger: [😔Are the shorter, darker days of winter making you depressed? Love is the cure I've heard💑] ... I have been incredible lucky to spirit manifest a few years of traveling. Simple by taking a leave of absence from my daily routined life, dropping out of the 3-D Matrix of simulation, leaving my $100,000 9–5 job at the bank and fearlessly listen to positive spirit-based entities whispered in my ears, when I should travel and visit other places, people and getting new energy and inspiration, on GAIA. In the grand scheme of things, being grateful for what you have, both tangible and intangible, what you receive and what you get, out of any situation, that comes your way - no matter being on your own or with friends/partner... This year, it took me to amazing USA Road Tip 2019 4 States incl Mexico - Pranic Healing & Sedona UFO Tours, best ever trip to Thailand and this week, Barcelona... Leaving my own house was easy, cold, windy, sunless, people were depressed and stressful in x-mas time, they're having a hard time coping with day-to-day meaningless work life, to earn money in jobs they hate, in order to survive etc. etc.... (anyways) - Okay, to turn a long story into a very short Barcelona tour guide - if you're a pro-catalonia supporter or really understand why (we) all need to support the Catalan independence movement, this is THE place to be. If you're an FC Barcelona fan on top of that, it helps, but not me, I'm a former American football player and Triathlonist, so no. Let me (try) very hard NOT to leave your striped down naked with a bad feeling or spiritual numbness after this, but being inside a Chemtrailed city of (useless eaters) from “globalists” in Brussels (the EU) or Washington (deep state), and suppressed people, (under Gen Franco), Spain... [READ MORE]... |

    (continued).... After the fall of Barcelona into the hands of the Francoist troops, the new regime mirrored Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy in order to eradicate any trace of the Red, Republican and Catalanist past of the city​.

    I'm, sorry, but just been out of Aisa, and Spanish (barcelona) citizens are NEVER smiling, very loud speaking, 'non-urgent' horn-honking - a digitized image from Matrix zombies always looking down into their phones, never stopping or showing generosity by stepping aside, rude (ish) and worry less - well - it's a tough, tough city, to be in.

    Everything cost min. €30 and above, if you're a tourist and wish to experience the many, many tourist attractions. However, I did manage to book Hop On Hop Off Barcelona, it's a great choice (outside of season)...

    ㊙️🦠📸 ~ The True Agenda of the WHO: A New World Order Modeled After China ~ |

    Source (vigilantcitizen)

    The WHO has been handling the COVID-19 outbreak in a specific matter. It went from downplaying the virus and lobbying against travel bans from China to pushing for the constant lockdown of the world and its economy. There’s a method behind the madness: The WHO is using the pandemic to move towards a New World Order that is modeled after China’s oppressive regime.

    Since the outbreak of COVID-19 outside of China, the World Health Organization (WHO) has taken a prominent role in the handling of the pandemic on a global level. The unquestioned power and influence of this organization created by the United Nations lead most governments around the world to shape their policies and pandemic response according to the WHO’s data and guidelines. In other words, nations enabled a global (and non-democratic) entity to dictate decisions that are taken on a national and local level.

    The result of this direct pipeline between the WHO and national governments has been profound and far-reaching. Fueled by apocalyptic models and projections, governments were urged to confine their entire population while shutting down their entire economies for several months. The devasting consequences of this global lockdown are still difficult to quantify. However, a prediction made in my article COVID-19 Lockdown: A Global Human Experiment quickly came to fruition: Billions of dollars were funneled from the working class towards the elite.(READ MORE)

    🥳👵😂 ~ Den Korte CoronAvis: Ramt af nogle helbredsmæssige omstændig- heder (ikke Corona) ~ | Blogger: [🧨Når du har set dronningens nytårstale kan du stikke over på DR2 og se dronningen af journalistik - Kirsten Birgits nytårstale. So long!🥂] ... Verdensalt (nåede) heldigvis at se "Sommeren på Birgitø" liveshow på Bremen Teater inden Coronaen kom fordi og lukkede, det hele... |

    🔮 ~ 💗 May 2020 Predictions: Is Humanity on a Path to Self -Destruction (Joni Patry) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"This year will be the most dramatic in history; everything is magnified, faster, and more condensed. The most significant event so far is the COVID-19 pandemic, but there is more to come. The months of May and June will have more surprises with a period of storms and earthquakes."👈] ... |

    Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.

    May 2020 Spiritual Insights

    This year will be the most dramatic in history; everything is magnified, faster, and more condensed. The most significant event so far is the COVID-19 pandemic, but there is more to come. The months of May and June will have more surprises with a period of storms and earthquakes.

    The most significant astrological event for this month is that three major planets, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will turn retrograde. Saturn will turn retrograde on May 11, Venus will turn retrograde on May 13, and Jupiter will turn retrograde on May 14. Retrograde planets indicate it is a time to reverse and review. It is not a time to move forward. Therefore, this is not the month where things will open up. The retrograde activity can mean the stock market will have a decline as the result of many businesses remaining closed and losing money.

    Now is the time that the results of so many closed businesses will have a long-term effect on the economy. The domino effect will begin as businesses begin affecting each other. It will begin to feel like a depression.

    Even though I am predicting a depressed period now, I still believe there will be a comeback sooner rather than later. Retrogrades delay and push timing backward, but in the reset of everything, new developments and positive changes will evolve.

    As Mars transits towards Neptune, scandals concerning the origins of COVID-19 will surface. As the truth surfaces in so many areas, the world will wake up. By next September, there will be healing that will eventually clear the air and dissipate the fear.

    🖆 ~ Global Ophævelse af Signaturer ~ | Blogger: Tak til CC DK - Simon Parkes - for at dele denne video. Jeg har ikke haft kendskab til denne form for ophævelse af signaturer, men nogle kender måske allerede til Pengeskabelsesbedraget eller Danmarks Nationalbank er ikke en statslig virksomhed og Kongehuset, der styrer Den Danske Frimurerorden og frimurerne styrer alle ministerier og styrelser... Som jeg ser det, så kan dette dokument evt. fritage dig for tvangsvaccination og mange andre ting... |

    🦁 ~ Joe Biden Stares Ahead Silently As Wife Jill Speaks For Him In Bizarre New Clip ~ | Blogger: [👉DNC Cognitive Decline, Dementia, Alzheimer Creepy Uncle Joe Biden LionKing, is going to be the new POTUS, backed by Gay Obama and Lesbian Crooked Hillary with DNC's former Gay Denmark Ambassador, John Rufus Gifford, as new Deputy Campaign Manager👈] ... Brother Hallelujah.... |


    🤑 ~ America’s Super-Rich See Their Wealth Rise by $282 Billion in Three Weeks of Pandemic (mintpressnews) ~ | Blogger: While 50 million americans have lost their job in past 6 weeks, survey finds (zerohedge)... |

    Source (mintpressnews)

    A new report from the Institute for Policy Studies found that, while tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic, America’s ultra-wealthy elite have seen their net worth surge by $282 billion in just 23 days. This is despite the fact that the economy is expected to contract by 40 percent this quarter. The report also noted that between 1980 and 2020 the tax obligations of America’s billionaires, measured as a percentage of their wealth, decreased by 79 percent. In the last 30 years, U.S. billionaire wealth soared by over 1100 percent while median household wealth increased by barely five percent. In 1990, the total wealth held by America’s billionaire class was $240 billion; today that number stands at $2.95 trillion. Thus, America’s billionaires accrued more wealth in just the past three weeks than they made in total prior to 1980. As a result, just three people ­– Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffet – own as much wealth as the bottom half of all U.S. households combined. (READ MORE)

    🔴 ~ (BREAKING:) Wuhan lab 'most likely' coronavirus source, U.S. government analysis finds ~ | Blogger: Wuhan lab ‘most likely’ #coronavirus source, U.S. government analysis finds... Sooooooo... It's no longer a conspiracy theory that COVID-19 originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and was part of a Chinese biowarfare program. Now the US govt concludes that is the most likely explanation. Deep State about to be exposed IMHO... HOWEVER, before we all yell VICTORY and throw our hands up in the air, nobody is mentioned why on February 2020 a DOJ arrest took place of a Harvard University nanoscientist Charles Lieber, and his associates 2 chineseman Zaosong Zheng & Yanqing Ye, who worked for Dr. Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard University’s Dept of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, trying smuggle 21 vials of biological research to China, Wuhan, on December 10, 2019... And of course nobody didn't bother to mention, why Bill Gates funded the Pirbright Institute, which owns the patent on Coronavirus. Or, why Bill Gates poured 300 million kroner into the The Danish state's vaccine production business in 2013, 2014 and 2015, before a Saudi company, AJ Vaccines A/S, bought over 50% shares in Danish SSI-vaccine factory who will produce vaccines against, e.g., polio, tuberculosis and Corona, at the SSI’s premises on Amager, Copenhagen... MORE investigations is needed... |

    Source (washingtontimes)

    A Wuhan laboratory is the “most likely” source of the COVID-19 outbreak now ravaging the globe, according to a U.S. government analysis that catalogs the evidence and concludes that other explanations for the origin of the coronavirus are less credible.

    The document, compiled from open sources and not a finished product, says there is no smoking gun to blame the virus on either the Wuhan Institute of Virology or the Wuhan branch of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, both located in the city where the first outbreaks were reported.

    But “there is circumstantial evidence to suggest such may be the case,” the paper says.(READ MORE)

    ⚖️ ~ Unsealed FBI Docs Show Agents Plotting to Pressure Michael Flynn to Lie to Prosecute Him, Get Him Fired (Breitbart) ~ |


    Source (Breitbart)

    Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) documents unsealed on Wednesday showed that FBI agents strategized on January 24, 2017, before speaking with former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn, about getting him to admit to breaking the Logan Act or getting him to lie so that he could be prosecuted or fired.

    ⚠️ ~ (SPIRITUAL WAKE-UP CALL) Corona Emergency Hearing #4: Dr. Rashid Buttar & Dr. Judy Mikovits ~ | Blogger: [👉Can You Handle The Truth? Let This Video Go Viral👈] ... Both Dr. Rashid Buttar & Dr. Judy Mikovits (and Bakersfield doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi Covid-19 press conference is missing) has been censored and removed by Google's Artificial Intelligence Algorithms, via Shadow Banning, introducing Fake Accounts and AI for Social Media Censorship going against Bill Gates & W.H.O.s guidelines... |

    Source (International Tribunal for Natural Justice)

    On the 28th April, 2020, Dr Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM and Dr. Judy Mikovits, Molecular Biologist, gave testimony to the ITNJ Commission of Inquiry into Weaponisation of the Biosphere.

    Apr 29, 2020

    🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Thanks to my friend, the Native American Shaman, Rahelio Rodriguez, for sharing this amazing Documentary... |

    😮 ~ Novo-fond i tæt partnerskab med Bill Gates: »Vi kommer til at spille en større rolle i samfundet« ~ | Blogger: [💭Det er jo galimatias det her, måske drømmer jeg? Av! Av! Av! Stop så med a nive mig i armen - tid til at vågne op, venner!⏰] ... Bill Gates har betalt funny-money under bordet, for at være i lederskab med Statens Serum Institut (SSI), der har overført Instituttets vaccineproduktion til AJ Vaccines A/S og snart udkommer som førende poliovaccineplatform samt CV19-vaccinen... Nu skal de største fonde Novo og Co. som også er medspillere hos Monsanto (MonSatan, NaziBayer) via Novozyme i samfundet til, at tage en endnu mere aktiv rolle i samfundets udformning. Hvorfor?!?😳 Måske er det (VED) at gå op for folk at Bill Gates er samme person som har kontrollen med Corona patentet (gennem PirBright Institute)?... Vidste du, at omkring seks uger før udbruddet af coronavirus-epidemien, i begyndelsen af ​​december 2019 i Wuhan (Kina), blev en øvelse arrangeret af Davos World Economic Forum i samarbejde med Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security og Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?... Den gik under navnet EVENT 201... Øvelsen blev afholdt i New York den 18. oktober 2019 med det specifikke formål at kortlægge de transnationale selskabers og regerings reaktion på en coronavirus-epidemi. 15 verdensledere deltog i denne øvelse, inklusive de to kinesiske og amerikanske embedsmænd, der var ansvarlige for at bekæmpe epidemier... Det store corona-spørgsmål er nu, var den erhvervsdrivende Novo Nordisk Fonden, ekskommunisten og elitelægen, der blev coronageneral, Søren Brostrøm og hans alvorlige wingman, Kåre Mølbak, velvidende om dette EVENT?... Hvorfor er det lige NU, at Novo slå knuder om Bill Gates og kommer ud af æggeskallen og prostituere sig som helterollen, når Danmarks største fond, knytter formaliserede bånd med flere af verdens mægtigste fonde, herunder Bill Gates' fond, amerikanske Rockefeller Foundation, Englands største fond, Welcome Trust, samt WEF?... Hvorfor var det ikke lige, du kunne se sammenhængen, før nu? Dette fænomen kaldes kognitiv dissonans, en forskel på hvordan vi opfatter verden og hvordan verden er i virkeligheden. Nu er du måske parat til at acceptere, du lære bedst sandheden at kende, når du finder ud af hvor dybt kaninhullet går... |

    Kilde (Berlingske.dk)

    Danmarks største fond knytter nu formaliserede bånd med flere af verdens mægtigste fonde, herunder Bill Gates' fond, der efter etableringen i 2000 i dag betegnes som den største humanitære organisation på verdensplan.

    Det sker, når den erhvervsdrivende Novo Nordisk Fonden i forbindelse med det økonomiske topmøde i schweiziske Davos bliver såkaldt strategisk partner med World Economic Forum, der er organisationen bag topmødet.

    Dermed kommer landets suverænt største fond, der i 2017 havde værdier for 358 milliarder kr., i eksklusivt selskab med Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, amerikanske Rockefeller Foundation samt Englands største fond, Welcome Trust, der også er såkaldte strategiske partnere med World Economic Forum, WEF. (LÆS  VIDERE)


    🤬 ~ ‘You misspelled censorship!’ YouTube expands ‘fact checks’ to protect Americans from coronavirus ‘misinformation’ ~ | Blogger: [👉I Know What You Did Last December - Theme👈] ... {the attack on so-called “fake news” is an outright campaign for censorship of the TRUTH} ... Everyone who pays attention KNOWS that YouTube (GoogleGestapo), Mark Zuckerberg (Adrenochrome addict) Facebook or other free internet services on social media platforms or WordPress blogger services or (4++, 5G, Wi-Fi 6E) telecommunications services, you name it, is in cahoots with our "CONTROLLERS" under and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ruled by The Rockefeller Big Pharma Scam, who also owns CIA-controlled Mockingbird Op Lame Stream Media... Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me... This is (not) THE FINAL COUNTDOWN -- Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, eBay Inc. and many other friends with benefits, will serve their master and create a Berlin Wall of Internet Censorship (or Mexican Border Wall). But don't despair: the 3-D Matrix of Illusion and Simulation fight is ONLY over if you think it is and Humanity leaving the planet in a Spaceship because Earth has been rendered uninhabitable by Nuclear Wars and Asteroids, said by the lyrics of The Final Countdown' by Europe, is not gonna happen. Swedish rock band 'Europe' is asking us: 'Will things ever be the same again?'... Noooo... After the fake CV-19 world arena storm is over, nothing is EVER going to be the same... We, The People are going to WIN this BATTLE... |

    Source (RT.com) 

    YouTube will now “fact check” US search queries, expanding a feature tried in other countries last year in an effort to eradicate “misinformation” about Covid-19 – but some netizens are seeing hints of Orwell in the project.

    The video-sharing giant rolled out the new feature on Tuesday, announcing that its “fact check information panels” will now appear on American searches, in which “authoritative sources” will show up below the search bar to correct claims that YouTube deems suspect.

    “We're now using these panels to help address an additional challenge: misinformation that comes up quickly as part of a fast-moving news cycle, where unfounded claims and uncertainty about facts are common,” the platform said in a statement, citing unverified claims that Covid-19 is a “bio-weapon” as an example. (READ MORE)

    🔔💉✋ ~ WAKEUP - VACCINES - 60 Minutes Report 1976 ~ |

    Posted By: Namaste
    Date: Tuesday, 28-Apr-2020 13:33:33


    This is nothing more than irrational fear used to control people, at any time!

    60 Minutes Swine Flu [VACCINE] 1976 - Lets see how long this video stays up before YouTube kills it

    Shutting down society is not only illogical, and unscientific, but immoral (way more suffering and death will happen due to shutting down, than even the contrived numbers they attribute to the oogie boogie virus. This brings me to another issue I have, in how they supposedly knew there was an outbreak at all.

    With such a basic symptomology of cough, fever, and weakness, and in more severe cases, shortness of breath, there would have never been any way for them to know the origin or source of this supposed organism. There would be no way to know of “patient zero.” There would have to likely be 1/2 a million or more cases worldwide before there’d be enough of a red flag raised in order to dig deeper and find out what is going on.

    The umbrella of diagnosis is large enough to cover several hundred thousand extra deaths with flu, pneumonia, etc, without any suspicious warrant to bring in groups like WHO or CDC

    🛸 ~ Live Alien Interview? More Stringfield Bombshells. Richard Dolan Intelligent Disclosure ~ | Blogger: PS: Richard Dolan were laughing about Stom Area 51, at the Copenhagen event 2019 (UFO´s and Remote Viewing w/ Richard Dolan - Chris Aubeck - Tracey Garbutt)... SoTW attended in CPH event and also lucky to travel through 4 states and Mexico back in 2019, did of course make a pit stop at Vegas and after some heavy security checks, entered The Storm Area 51 “raid”, with Bud Light and Collective Zoo... But for me, the September 2019 event has something to do with spiritual bonding with others, a meet-up with ONE common goal, no (spiritual) leaders to tame us or misguide our minds, to seek full disclosure, without any aggressive approach, avoid raiding anything in fact, no pickup arms not violating any laws (nobody can get 50 miles from Area 51, that abandoned and sealed off anyway). Simple being part of a creative initiative, growing trend, a positive leap of transformation from our individual perception, sensation and awareness to collective consciousness, towards a better good... |

    Source (Richard Dolan)

    Although the UFO news is currently talking up the latest Pentagon admission of the validity of those pesky videos that were released over two years ago, they are still in the "we don't know what these are" phase of public discourse. But the research of the late Leonard Stringfield shows how weak that position is. Stringfield pioneered the research of UFO crash retrievals. He made contact with countless individuals. Unlike many of today's researchers who talk about "whistleblower" testimony, Stringfield was actually careful and professional, vetting his sources to the greatest extent possible. His cases are worth careful review. Richard and Tracey discuss yet another incredible Stringfield case, this time an alleged one-on-one with an alien being. This was one of Stringfield's last cases -- he died in 1994. You don't want to miss this one.


    ⚠️ ~ URGENT! Breaking News & Updates from Dr. Greer ~ | Blogger: I honestly don't know what to think anymore, but we're are NOT allowed to questioning about, if there's more of us out there in the vast universe... |

    News and Updates

    Dr. Steven Greer LIVE tonight 04/28 on Fox News
    on Laura Ingraham at 7 PM Pacific / 10 PM Eastern talking about the Pentagon UFO video confirmation.
    "The release of this has associated with it a false narrative" - Dr .Greer

    As predicted by Dr. Steven Greer,
    the US government admitted today the the UFO footage leaked was in fact a deliberate release. As stated in Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind this footage was provided to master disinformation operative Luis Elizondo and TTSA with the false flag narrative of an
    "alien threat". Find out the TRUTH
    Stream CE5 HERE

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