Dec 7, 2017

Radio24syv | 7. Dec 2017 | Støjbergs ministerium mistænkes for ulovlige afslag til syge udlændinge | Blogger: (In English:) OMG! Sometimes I'm embarrassed to be a Dane... Yet another racist #Stoejberggate under scrutiny -- Several experts and politicians now suspect the Danish Immigration and Integration Ministry intentionally acted in violation of international law (European Court of Human Rights) by refusing a ""tålt ophold"" (which means that he or she will have to reside in a special place and report to the police) to seriously ""ill foreigners"".. (this is a separate story:) Do you remember, Opholdsstedet, in Haslev, where the poisoned family lived?? 12 people were driven to various hospitals after presumably eating poisonous mushrooms. Two siblings died of mysterious poisoning: The son of this family who survived, in total refusal over the alleged poisonous mushroom theory, created by the danish governmental & medical authorities. Did the Danish government REFUSE to give them proper medical treatment, because there were colored people, living in a government payed residence???... Furthermore, other scandals which is forthcoming; Inger Støjberg, Danish Minister for Immigration, Integration and Housing, open to send rejected asylum seekers to ""deserted islands"". An old proposal from The Danish People's Party (DPP) (Danish: Dansk Folkeparti, DF), to send refugees to deserted Danish islands revives in negotiations on the 2018, financial laws in Denmark.. So, let me make this clear, that will NOT only mean, people who commit crimes than rejected asylum-seekers and illegal immigrants, in theory, it could mean, everyone unwanted in the danish municipality system, like the innocent refugees who's been rejected to sent home to their war torn countries, homeless people, war veterans with PTSD, beggars, drunks, drug addicts and romani & gypsies etc... |