Nov 18, 2017

Verdensalt | Nov 18, 2017 | Something is 'rotten' (corrupted) in the state of Denmark - politicians is toppled by unprecedented corruption cases - except for one, former ambassador & Hollywood-glitter Go-To Gay Guy, Rufus Gifford. We Need A Purge - NOW... | Blogger: Fewer politicians explain gifts and free travel expenses of taxpayers money. The parliamentary bureau has long called on the members of parliament to inform about shares, travel and paid board positions. Nevertheless, several (MANY) MPs go the opposite way... Want to take part in Danish democracy in municipal and regional elections on November 21st 2017? Before you start, be careful not to stumble across the politicians who are breaking every rule in the book (no regrets, no remorse - lie, cheat, steal, kill, win, win). The topbrass of 'KL' which is a private interest and membership organization for all 98 municipalities in Denmark. KL's purpose is to take care of the common interests of all the Danish municipalities. Recently several high profiled people within KL has been fired and charged of corruption. The police notification deals with cases of purchase of luxury office supplies and travel bills etc. After the leaks, KL tried to downsize the corruption charges (hide it) and angrily perpetrated and confusing several media, like TV 2 NEWS (given them thousand of useless of papers from 'access to documents' aktindsigt).. A politician has been charged of setting up gangbangs, trafficking in women, prostitution and pimping (Per Zeidler, town council member from Syddjurs). Deputy Mayor is accused of covering fraud (Preben Andersen from Skive - DF). Local politicians accused of racism on Facebook (Stephanie Terndrup - V). City council candidate punished with three years of suspension of bankruptcy (City Council candidate for Social Democracy in Kolding Mohamed Abdulahi). Editor and radio host accuses a danish parti for hetz and economic sanctions (Radio Limfjord Christian Kjeldsen). Danish People's Party Municipal Council member and candidate for municipal elections on Bornholm, René Danielsson, accused to belong to a highly right-wing and xenophobic movement (Dansk Front). Support for a Mosque, danish mayor, toast (The mayor of Holbæk Søren Kjærsgaard - V). Taxpayers paid the mayor's birthday to 108,000 kroner (The mayor of Frederiksberg Jørgen Glenthøj - K). Candidate withdraws after the issue of free gift cards together with an invitation to vote for her (Charlotte Biskup - Lyngby-Taarbæk).... The discharged municipal politician (and many like her) get "free of charge"" services for wedding ceremony & 30th birthday party at Copenhagen's tourisme brand, national Romantic-style City Hall, among many other charges of corruption (former mayor of Copenhagen municipality, Anna Mee Allerslev - B). For ordinary citizens it costs 65,000 kroner to rent. Some of the following has paid 'some' amount back after news leaks.. Rufus Gifford wedding payed (2016) = 0. Danmarks Liberale Parti current league candidate Cecilie Lonning-Skovgaard party and her wedding in 2012 (want to pay after leak) = 0. Member of the Danish Parliament The Social Democratic Party, Mogens Jensen (held his birthday under LO's location) = 0. Lars Løkke Rasmussen is a Danish politician and current Prime Minister of Denmark since June 2015 (birthday under Dansk Metal's location) = 0. Mayoral candidate in Copenhagen, Tommy Pedersen (40 year birthday, want to pay after leak) = 0. Member of the Social Affairs Committee and member of the Children's and Youth Committee, Henrik Nord (Party, want to pay after leak) = 0.... The list of sexscandals, corruption and tax-free for danish politicians goes on (and on....). When do danish voters bark and yield and say STOP?????... |