Aug 20, 2019

🔴 ~ Grotesk og dybt problematisk: Politikere i hård kritik af techgiganter efter afsløring af overvågning i hjemmet (politiken) ~ | Blogger: THIS is not a breaking, just Denmark who have woken up to the reality, that HUMANS at Apple / Google listen to Siri’s recordings, smart speakers with Google Assistant, of people having sex, fighting and every single (private) conversation in the unity of the danish Realm. To sell (secrets) to highest bidder - like Facebook, uses that data to make money... PS: Yesterday, a mass malfunction of Google services has been reported across the entire US and beyond, with people unable to log into their Gmail accounts or use search. What of importance, did happen, yesterday?... |

Politikere kalder det grotesk og problematisk, at techgiganter har lyttet uden brugernes viden. De store internetvirksomheder går langt over stregen, når de optager og gemmer lydklip på tidspunkter, hvor forbrugerne langtfra forventer, at andre lytter med


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