Sep 5, 2018

Recreating Balance | Sep 5, 2018 | ~ Planetary Alignments September 2018 ~ | .. This summer has seen a lot of retrograde planets, bringing a lot of focus on inner work, review, re-evaluation, shadow work, etc. Since the end of august and as we go through september, planets turn direct again and we are entering a new phase with new projects, more action and covering new territory as we integrate the lessons of this fading retrograde season .. Venus is the energy of the Goddess, lover, and beauty archetypes in all of us. When she goes through the retrograde period, this is a period of facing and reviewing how we relate to this within us. The main question is what inner aspects of us that relate to these Venus energies are we externalizing and attracting outside in our circumstances ? We will talk more about this process over the next few months as she turns retrograde in october .. |