Sep 4, 2018

Awakening Our Truth \\ Universal Love & Light Wisdom Healing Offerings Treasures of the Heart ~ Christed Timelines | By Joanna L. Ross | Sept 4, 2018 | .. August 25 – KCOR RADIO .. |

Universal Love & Light Wisdom Healing Offerings Treasures of the Heart ~ Christed Timelines 9/1/2018 Joanna L. Ross @JoannaLight33 Sending Love & Light to all of you for the amazing roll you play in this beautiful spiral of Love we Live in. Namaste Soul Family 🐬 Video:
KCOR radio

Hour I ~ Entering the full moon, we allow for the deeper reflection of All that we as we open within our Universal Destiny and what lies within the Treasures of the Heart in our self-love of such evolutionary cycles and rebirth.

Our Universal Destiny is within the NOW, and knowing we are new, we are rebirthing, we are gifting ourselves the mastery lessons to return to love. Honouring each phase of our evolutionary cycles, opens the portal, the door to all quantum, multi-dimensional levels of soulful theme’s and lessons held within what we manifest as we play an active part in Universal evolution. Joanna offers an alignment how to easily and softly align within harmonization within; the Higher Self, Heart of Gaia, Omni-presence of Creation, Divine Sacred Heart-MotherFather, and harmonizing within the ALL that we truly are, and lovingly respond from this higher dimensional perspective and release ego-reactions which are based on old patterns, out-dated systems of fear, control, and limitation.

Hour II ~ Multi-dimensional Parenting ~ honouring the phases and cycles of ourselves allows for the opening to honour all others in their paths, and joyfully move forth and inspire a creative expression and environment for the crystalline children to do so as well. How we are each ushering one another into a new dynamic cycle.