Jun 18, 2020

💠🔫⚔️ ~ Ole Dammegard's SPECIAL Home Delivery Copenhagen (The Ultimate Dot Connector) ~ | Blogger: [🏴‍☠️'100' Danes/Nordics Groomed By CIA After WWII/During Cold War Operation Gladio – NATO / CIA “Stay-Behind” Secret Armies🏴‍☠️] ... "Operation Gladio is undisputed historical fact. Gladio was part of a post-World War II program set up by the CIA and NATO supposedly to thwart future Soviet/communist invasions or influence in Italy and Western Europe. In fact, it became a state-sponsored right-wing terrorist network, involved in false flag operations and the subversion of democracy. The existence of Gladio was confirmed and admitted by the Italian government in 1990, after a judge, Felice Casson, discovered the network in the course of his investigations into right-wing terrorism. Italian prime minister Giulio Andreotti admitted Gladio’s existence but tried to minimize its significance" ~lightonconspiracies... 😓Emotional Roller Coaster for Ole Dammegard, because Ole has just discovered, that Erik his father, were an agent (spy) and mother, honey trap operation, later divorced him to move on next target, to a US special jungle warfare soldier... Both of Ole's parents are dead now, but according to Ole, his father were working & key figure within the Danish resistance movements. Later the Danish civilian spotter group, the Luftmelderkorpset and apparently, a secret agent, trained by Gladio-style groups, and its “stay-behind” networks. He was leading the establishment of Stevnsfort, NATO's most sophisticated electronic doorkeeper at Øresund, controlling sites were weapon depot was stashed and much more... During this private session with Ole, he revealed that, his recent discovery was made by his father's USAFA Class Ring, his father were also gifted with a brand new Chevrolet Bel Air 1957 (which in those days, was considered as a Ferrari, today)... Please remember, we're talking about 1950 - 60's and beyond, all the way up in the 1980's, Erik was on CIA's payroll...🔨Hit the nail on the head was when Ole saw the danish documentary called "Stay Behind - Min farfars hemmelige krig" and talked to the movie-maker, Ida Green. When his father turned down CIA clandestine operations, many years later, the Dammegard had to rush to Sweden, Arnsby, and luckily his father Erik, stroke a deal, to avoid something happened to him and other family members. In Sweden, because Erik turned down CIA and could have been bribed a villa in Rungsted, the Dammegard family lived almost in the swedish wilderness, but later it turned out, that Ole's father had weapons stashed in secret and were friendly with 4 famers, police chief, grocery owner. AND the dot-connectors to Johnson & Johnson, freemonsary, NATO's exercises in Denmark (Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D.), Haslev military barracks during the Occupation (Montgomery), Esso (those who controls the fuel depots), «Quand le stay-behind portait De Gaulle au pouvoir» (The Cuban Crisis, Berlin Wall), False Flags terror attacks, Secret Societies, Bilderberg Group, Mind Control (MK Ultra), Elite families, New World Order, and much, much more... (Once CIA, Always CIA)... PS: We also listen / talked briefly to his buddy "Cody Snodgres" LIVE on skype... |


PS: Med filmen "Stay Behind - Min farfars hemmelige krig" og Ole Dammegårds omfattende research omkring hans egen danske far, der var hemmelig agent i CIA, så, kan du selv lave din egen - Ultimate Dot Connector... 

Söndag 12 maj

On Sunday May 12th, 15.30 2019, we have the great pleasure of welcoming you to an amazing, intimate and super interesting evening with world renowned Code Breaker, Truth Seeker and Peace Maker Ole Dammegard, awarded the Prague Peace Prize and adopted by the Apache Nation. He has spent more than 35 years exposing some of the biggest top political assassinations and alleged terror attacks and is now seen as many as a leading expert in these areas.


Instruktør Ida Grøn har altid været tæt med sine bedsteforældre, men noget tyder på, at hendes farfar, Otto, ikke blot var den respekterede tandlæge og modstandsmand, som hun troede han var. Det tyder på, at han under den kolde krig arbejdede som agent for CIA i et hemmeligt, europæisk netværk. Otto benægter alt - men hvorfor sov han så med en pistol under hovedpuden, og hvorfor kan Otto og hans kone Dagmar ikke huske centrale detaljer om deres ophold i USA i 1950’erne, hvor de efterlod deres ellers blomstrende tandlægeforretning i Danmark? Efterhånden som Ida taler med dem, der har kendt ham, tegner de mange spor et andet billede end det, hendes farfar siger. En familiefortælling om loyalitet og dobbeltliv, der rækker fra Nordvestjyllands kyster til højteknologiske laboratorier og hemmelige arkiver, mens Ida og hendes far optrevler sandheden om sin farfars hemmelige krig.

EPK KLIP - STAY BEHIND - min farfars hemmelige krig from Bullitt Film on Vimeo.

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