Jun 18, 2020

😨😷🤢 ~ Is Denmark part of Cabal's Agenda 2030, Depopulation Program when they shipped useless respirators to Italy? ~ | Blogger: [👉SORRY it's a HARSH statement to say, I know! Just what kind of world are we living in?👈] ... Buuutt, according to new revelations from a Danish national daily newspaper, Berlingske.dk, has all "proof" by request of Subject Access or Access to Public Administration Files, that Denmark, back in April of 2020 has honored italia's dire wish of asking for free, but ""useless respiratory devices"" that Danish State Administration, DELIBERATELY REMOVED that information, it was "useless". According to the newspaper, "Danish senior officials have actively sought to withhold information that Danish respirators that was meant to Italy were useless against covid-19. The information could "conflict with something that, for example, the Foreign Ministry has said". This is a real coverup, politicians believe"... ☝️PS: We know for a fact, that Counterfeit safety masks and millions of respirators acquired from China unfit for coronavirus fight and has been removed from sales websites. We also know, that N95 respirators, surgical masks, and face masks cannot protect against any "dangerous virus", if such one exist. Wearing a mask can cause hypercapnia and Ventilators could kill you and is the last resort, before taking last breath... etc. etc... You be the judge... |

Styrelse fjernede oplysninger om ubrugelige respiratorer

Vi begynder med Berlingskes egen historie, der handler om de respiratorer, Danmark tilbage i april ville forære til Italien som en gave i nødens stund. Det er efterhånden ganske velbelyst, at Forsvarets gamle respiratorer var uanvendelige til behandling af coronapatienter, og i går kunne Berlingske beskrive, at man internt i Forsvarsministeriet var bevidst om dette, og at man på trods af det valgte at sende respiratorerne afsted.

Nu viser nye dokumenter, at man ikke bare var bevidst om respiratorernes utilstrækkelighed, men at man også gjorde en aktiv indsats for at holde denne oplysning hemmelig for pressen. Danmarks Radio henvendte sig nemlig til Forsvarsministeriet om sagen, og her blev oplysningerne om, at respiratorerne rent faktisk ikke kunne bruges til patienter med covid-19, udeladt i det svar, ministeriet sendte til mediet.

Venstres Jan E. Jørgensen, som har fulgt sagen om respiratorerne tæt, har til Berlingske sagt, at han mener, de nye oplysninger er meget alvorlige. Ifølge ham er der nemlig tale om et »coverup«, fordi man simpelthen har »fortiet sandheden« over for et medie.

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