Mar 20, 2020

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: While we wait on the “Special forces group" from the Light Forces - The Benevolent Alliance... The Defender Europe 20 Military Exercizes as a cover to arrest leading Deep State Players... The RV Reboot, the New Quantum Financial System, N.E.S.A.R.A & G.E.S.A.R.A, the EVENT, Planet X (the King planet, which Is coming), Spiritual DNA Activation, Spiritual Paradigm Shift 💘 ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE 💖... "Lord, there are people in this world who have not yet experienced your incredible love. Some of these people seek to harm others because they are different, out of vanity or vainglory, greed as avarice or covetousness, and wrath as anger. I ask you kindly, that you focus your love on our enemies. Please show them what they are missing without you in their lives. Protect the innocent from the harm of others. In Jesus' name, (The Divine Source) Amen."... So be it, and so it is!.. 🙏 .. |

You are the salt of the world. We are the salt of the world. We live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....

👉“A person should look for love within, not just outside. As long as you don’t find love within, you can’t find love out there, never, never.” — Baba Muktananda👈

So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin? 
You maybe see me outside, a few, can also see me within. 
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see, 
Who I AM is not what others think of me. 
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be, 
A dreamer that just wants to be free, 
A warrior of light for eternity.

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If You Feel So Guided Or It Resonate With You. 
Much love & Light. 

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