Aug 10, 2019

6️⃣6️⃣6️⃣ ~ Vis dine børn Danmark (Scandic Hotels) ~ | Blogger: [🏨Uskyldig børnereklame fra Scandic, promovere toppens nummer 2 af 10, af Illuminati signaler, som støtter Beyoncé Triple 6 eller djævelens tegn, dødens mærke🤘] ... {“Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” ~ Revelation 13: 18 New King James Version (NKJV)}... NO.2 - TRIPLE 6 - 666. 666 hand sign, Six Six Six, Circle Eye, OK Sign, Okay ... (Verdensalt Arkiv) Gennemtrawlede fake nyhedsstrømme i går på min Ipad, og stødte på denne reklameblok, som tydeligvis, 'ubevidst', formår at promovere eller fremmer, illuminati agendaen... Jooooo. men det er bare uskyldige børn, som spejder efter det danske Kongeriget og skal lokkes ombord på Scandic Hotellerne, siger du... 🤔Men på en meget uheldig måde, ville du ikke sige det!? ... 📍PS: Det er INGEN tilfældighed, at man kan blive bachelor i Beyoncé på Københavns Universitet. Vi må ikke være for blåøjet..".. ”Hun bidrager med et indspil til, hvad feminisme er, eller kan være, men fortæller om feminismen uden for det akademiske miljø og universitetet,” siger underviser Erik Steinskog om det nye, meget populære fag på København Universitet."... 🐵Prøv at hør - Beyoncé - er DEN frontfigur, for én af de største og mest magtfulde P2 Freemasons Illuminati fraktioner, som findes i verden. Så må du tro, hvad du vil... Lidt ligesom, den mest efterspurgte og eftertragtede skuespiller, Tom Cruise, engang 'born-again Christian,' nu købt og flyttede ind for millioner af kroner i Scientology dynastiet's hovedsæde, Florida... Det er heller ikke tilfældigt, at Benjamin Fulford siger, at Hilton Hotellerne, er en global hvidvaskningmaskine til mørke penge... (“As you know, Deutsche Bank is a George H.W. Bush-Sherff Fourth Reich establishment,” a CIA source explained.) ... You Be The Judge ... |

Innocent children's smile from Scandic, promoting the number 2 out of 10, by Illuminati signals, supporting Beyoncé Triple 6 or the devil's sign, the death's mark - CITROËN -- Payment in small installments WITHOUT additional costs...

... NO.2 - TRIPLE 6 - 666. 666 hand sign, Six Six Six, Circle Eye, OK Sign, Okay ... 

Runned through fake news streams yesterday on my Ipad, and encountered this advertising block, as apparently, 'unconsciously 'able to endorse or promote the illuminati agenda ...

You might say... It's just an innocent commercial of a lady or children who are looking for the Danish Kingdom and have to be lured on board the Scandic Hotels, you say...

It's no coincidence that you can become a bachelor in Beyoncé at the University of Copenhagen. We must not be too blue-eyed ..

"She contributes to what feminism is or can be but tells about feminism outside the academic environment and university, "says Erik Steinskog, teaching the new, very popular subjects at the University of Copenhagen. "...

Try to hear this - Beyoncé - is the front figure of one of the largest and most powerful P2 Freemason's Illuminati factions found in the world. So, you must believe what you want ...

Just like, the most sought out and popular actor, Tom Cruise, once-born-again Christian, 'now bought and moved in for millions of dollars in the Scientology dynasty's headquarters, Florida...

It is also not coincidental that Benjamin Fulford says that the Hilton Hotels is a global money laundering machine for dark money ... ("As you know, Deutsche Bank is a George HW Bush-Sherff Fourth Reich establishment," a CIA source explained)...

You Be The Judge...

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