Jan 3, 2018

NI-news | 2. Januar 2018 | Norsk partiformand tror på anklager om sexchikane | .. Det er endnu ikke klart, om næstformand i Arbeiderpartiet Trond Giske kan vende tilbage til sin post .. | Blogger: (In English:) -- After a four-hour long crisis meeting, the leadership of the Norwegian Labor Party held a press conference on Tuesday's party chairman Trond Giske, who is accused of sexual harassment.. "We believe in the charges. We believe in the accusations that has come forward and we have a responsibility for the accused to give his version of what has happened. And then we have to make a conclusion as to whether sexual harassment has taken place, "says the party leader Jonas Gahr Støre, according to the Norwegian media VG... According to Reuters: Norway Labour Party's deputy leader suspended over harassment allegations... DENMARK: 2008 - Gross and indecent misuse of power, having sex with a underage political girl student. Social Democrat Jeppe Kofod, has been suspended and withdraws as his party's foreign affairs spokesman. It happens after he had a "moral inappropriate relationship" to a 15 year old girl. Problem is, that the sexistic danish politicians reenters in politics, in hidden and under the radar. Since 2008 - Jeppe Sebastian Kofod is STILL a Danish politician in the Danish Parliament and Member of the European Parliament... |

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