Nov 24, 2017

Zachary K. Hubbard Youtube Channel | Nov 24, 2017 | Oxford Circus London false flag shooting scare, November 24, 2017 +The Kabbalah (Cabal) Code | Blogger: Another London false flag??. “The Fall of Earth’s Planetary Prince” – Hope for the World – 11.21.17 (Oxford Circus: Piers Morgan accuses Olly Murs and Russell Brand of sparking hysteria with ‘fake news’ tweets amid major terror scare - Terrorism Fears Unfounded) -- illuminati kabbalah numerology -- False Flag Egypt & London Scare... |

Daily Mail reporters get their facts utterly wrong in rush to break Oxford Circus evacuation


Oxford Circus London false flag shooting scare, November 24, 2017 +The Kabbalah (Cabal) Code

In these terrorist times, putting up heavy stone blocks as part of the city landscape in several major Danish cities. This also applies in Aarhus, where they have just set up some architectural and white painted concrete blocks, replacing the somewhat less beautiful versions that had previously been at the entrance to the pedestrianised high street "Strøget" in Aarhus city. But many has made their remark and wonder, that something is completely wrong..

'Security surrounding pedestrianised high street "Strøget" a FB posting begins:

The most important purpose of the concrete blocks is to prevent terrorist attacks such as those taking place in Nice and Barcelona, where terrorists plowed crowds from large trucks and vans, but the picture shows a truck in the background which seems impossible to climb or get passed the  concrete blocks, people has reacted with wonder on on the Facebook page.....[READ MORE]