Avisen.dk | Nov 24, 2017 | DR-chefer sendt hjem: Praktikanter udsat for upassende adfærd | Blogger. Let the cleansing begin!! -- The Movement of #MeToo has hit DR, officially biggest Danish Broadcasting Corporation, several senior exec has been suspended in a case of inappropriate behavior against trainees.. Sleeping Beauty is the latest victim, #MeToo is here to stay. We must challenge all men about sexual harassment. However, why are the MSM outlets silence about #PedoGate industry? The hashtag #MeToo might draw attention to sexual violence, but will it make men stop? We have been drowned in sexual abuse for many centuries, not to downsize the importance of #Metoo, but when do Pandora's Box opened for Deep State and the C.I.A.'s Global #PedoGate were the REAL important players are in hiding?... |
DR tolerer ikke mobning eller krænkelser af nogen art, lyder det fra DR-ansatte Caroline Reiler. Foto: Bjarne Hermansen/DR