Aug 6, 2016

Message to Lightworkers - August 6, 2016 (...Stand up (right now), and say with us, for we will all of us say it with you, “I release all the passivity and smallness I was trained to live in. I command forth NESARA law now! I command forth the New Earth now! I give thanks.”)

Hello, Amazing One!

The energies are very powerful right now, as the Lion's Gate 8-8 energies pour in. Though they are taxing, they're pulling us into increasing levels of empowerment.

This is what the Collective talk about in this week's Message.

You may be feeling exhausted, a bit dizzy, and a bit fed up. Rest when you can, and give yourself time to absorb this amazing new Light data!

(The Lightworker life is not for sissies, I've decided.)

Also wanted to share a bit about the Collective's new book coming out on August 30 in the Kindle store:

Abundance For All
The Lightworker's Way to Creating Money and True Wealth 

This is part of the Collective's new Fifth Dimensional Life series. Early reviewers are calling it powerful, enlightening, and practical.

Every chapter starts off with a question from a Lightworkers on a vital issue, such as:

We're becoming fifth dimensional beings--so how do we deal with a money system that's stuck in the third dimension?

Which is a great question.

As a side note, when I had a channeling session with Rama & Tara Berkowitz a few months ago. Rama channeled Mother Sekhmet, and Tara did an astounding Tarot reading for me. I asked who the Collective are, exactly.

Mother Sekhmet said, "They are the elementals—the representatives of Earth, Water, Fire, and Ether—as well as the Ascended Masters, the Angels and Archangels, and all the way up to the Ones who sit before the throne of Mother/Father God/Goddess."

This surprised me, but the astounding energy in the room, as soon as Mother Sekhmet came in, told me that the Collective -- many higher beings -- were present. Mother also noted that.

Every single one of those powerful beings is by our side, ready to assist us at any time.

Blessings of Love and Light,

A Message to Lightworkers - August 5, 2016

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, Way-Showers!
We are aware that many of you are highly impatient for the changes you have dreamt of for so long to take place in this world, in ways that are not only "noticeable," but which transform your daily lives.
And though we have already noted a number of areas where these changes are already taking place, we wish to make clearer how they affect your daily life.
For you are looking for very great shifts now.
You have envisioned a life of freedom from not only the system of financial debt, and from the ongoing pressure to maintain your daily living in ways that are difficult and painstaking.
You have also envisioned living the life you desired as a child—one of freedom of expression, of joy and exploration, of aiding others, or expressing your creativity (which is a great and positive help to others).
You have dreamt of cleaning up Lady Gaia’s beautiful Earth, Her air and Her waters, and ensuring her plant, mineral, and animal life were accorded the respect and loving care they deserve.
And you have asked—increasingly, commanded—that all oppressive systems on the Earth, whether domestic, governmental, financial, religious, or educational, be transformed from the inside out, so that those in charge are Bringers of Light, working with fifth dimensional intentions and forms, and fully releasing the third dimensional actions of force and division.
Understand that all of these changes are already being birthed, but that they are brought forth first in your own consciousness.
You are not creating a world in which certain things suddenly happen to “fix everything” for you, where ships suddenly appear in the sky and dissolve the old structures, instituting new fifth dimensional structures in their place.
Could this sort of positive intervention happen? Has it happened, in isolated instances?
Yes, some intervention has already occurred, and is still occurring.
Ship in Clouds Over Lake
You may have heard of starships appearing to disengage a nuclear missile as it was being deployed from its silo—there are reports of such from your military, and from others around the world, and they are not fabricated.
But what we speak of now is not a fifth dimensional reality that is handed to you (for that cannot occur, for any civilization), but one which you create yourself.
Now you will ask, “How do I do that, when I have no idea how to create a fifth dimensional world?”
And we would say, that you are already doing so.
With each powerful energy wave pouring onto your planet, every particle of Light data pouring into your crown chakra and absorbed by your entire being, you are transforming into exactly those higher beings who, with their very presence, have the power to create a New Earth and bring it into being.
You need no third dimensional ways to bring down old governments, financial systems, or other corrupt entities. 
Because NESARA law already exists, and is ready to ensure that this dismantling of the old takes place in perfect ways, in accordance with both your common law and Universal law.
We speak of your own presence, your own powerful transmissions of Light and new, higher thoughtforms--your vision for life on Earth as it can be, and as it is now becoming.
And we speak of your encapsulation of these higher energies. For you at every moment anchoring them as the new reality for Earth Herself.
The intervention you have cried out for, that Gaia Herself has cried out for, is indeed occurring, but in transmissions of Light that introduce higher frequencies to the Earth. 
All of you and the planet Herself are now mixing and resonating with those frequencies, as being increasingly natural to your consciousness and physical being.
Every particle of Light that you accept as part of your own vibration now, is helping to free your planet from thousands of years of oppression and dark control . . .