Jun 15, 2016

Mors hjerteskærende opråb: Derfor skal I vaccinere jeres børn (Blogger:STOP nu det hjernevask og FRYGT, at vacciner er godt og en absolut nødvendighed!!)

Kayleys lille søn har fået skoldkopper, og nu vil hun advare andre forældre.

'Vaccinér jeres børn, folkens'.

Sådan starter amerikanske Kayley Burke et Facebook-opslag, som i skrivende stund er blevet delt over 86.000 gange. Hendes søn har fået skoldkopper, og som billederne viser, er han meget hårdt ramt og i smerter. Hun er også selv blevet smittet, og da hun hverken har haft det som barn eller er blevet vaccineret, gennemgår hun også selv et smertehelvede, skriver hun på Facebook. 'Skoldkopper som voksen er så forfærdeligt og smertefuldt, at jeg hellere ville føde uden smertelindring', skriver Kayla Burke.

LÆS OGSÅ: Hver anden dansker: Forældre skal tvinges til at vaccinere deres børn
LÆS OGSÅ: Mor til vaccinesyg: Fireårige Marcus kradser sig til blods om natten



Top 9 Vaccines You Will NEVER Need

Sure, we live in a capitalistic country, and more power to the people who run businesses and make a good living selling goods and services.

Excerpt from article:

'Since the beginning of time, indigenous peoples have found natural foods, herbs, tinctures, berries, mushrooms and minerals that prevent and cure all types of infectious diseases, but in America, only a small portion of the population know about them, and some of those folks don't even believe in them anymore.

What's the reason for that? Fear.

Immense fear has been instilled in citizens by their government, that takes a few of the worst-case-scenarios for each infectious disease, and promotes propaganda to literally scare people to death (a slow death via toxic medicines).

There are pictures of children who got polio and lost the use of their limbs! There are pictures of babies covered from head to toe with smallpox and measles and chicken pox... OMG!

The 9 vaccines you NEVER need, that won't protect you from anything, especially the diseases they're labeled to prevent:

  1. Chicken pox vaccine (Varicella)
  2. Measles vaccine (or MMR: measles, mumps, rubella)
  3. Zika virus vaccine
  4. Influenza vaccine (flu shot)
  5. Swine flu vaccine (H1N1)
  6. Bird Flu vaccine (H5N1–Avian)
  7. Polio vaccine
  8. HPV (human papillomavirus)
  9. Anthrax vaccine
Read the hole article: http://humansarefree.com/2016/06/top-9-vaccines-you-will-never-need.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+HumansAreFree+%28Humans+Are+Free%29