Oct 13, 2014

Meddelelser fra Lysarbejdere, Galatiske venner og Opstegne Mestre - 12. Oktober 2014 CET

For at forstå sammenhængen, og føler du dig inspireret, læs alle artiklerne igennem, i stedet for min lemfældige opsummering og uddrag. Der er simpelthen ikke tid til, at oversætte i det enorme tempo som vi får meddelelser fra alle vores Opstegne mestre, vores skaber og den galaktiske familie inden den store begivenhed finder sted. 
1. Gabriel 
2. Jesus (audio version)
3. Hilarion 
4. Aster
cosmicgaia.com samt GoldenAgeOgGaia.com er gode opsamlingssteder for ugentlige kanaliseringer og budskaber

Gabriel: The Quality of Love Known as Observing

Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff 09-10-2014 
© 2014 therainbowscribe 

Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as observing.
It is through observing how the different aspects of one’s self manifest into the world that one begins to realize that there is nothing more important that one can do for one’s self than to give the highest priority to this process of self-discovery.
This process asks that one take notice and give consideration to what is going on within one’s self. It is becoming aware of one’s self so that there is only vigilant watchfulness about everything within one’s being and in one’s response to everything outside their being.
Nothing is beyond the scrutiny of self-observing; every thought, every feeling, every action is up for careful reflection. It is accomplished by cultivating an inner receptivity, an inner listening and an inner alignment to the signals that one receives from their higher selves.
This guides them through every action, decision and choice that they make on a daily basis. Everyone has within them a deeper, wiser, all-knowing self whose heart’s desire is to communicate with them.
It requires that one ask one’s higher self to come into one’s con­sciousness, and then to begin to notice everything with a heightened awareness..... (fortsættes)

Jesus: Release Yourselves from Fear by Embracing Lov

Kanaliseret af  John Smallman 12-10-2014 
© 2014 John Smallmann Wordpress
Waiting is difficult for you. Here in the spiritual realms, where time is not an issue, we do understand this aspect of
the illusion as many of us have had lives as humans.
In the spiritual realms all is always just as it should be, perfect. Within the illusion more and more of you are opening to the Tsunami of Love and to the awareness that you are, each and every one of you, on a spiritual path or, if you prefer, a spiritual mission to assist humanity to awaken and dispel the illusion.
To do that you have to be human! And that means that you are, to a certain extent – in fact to a very large extent indeed – unaware of the absolute brilliance with which the Divine Entity that each of you is shines forth, constantly. You were created perfect and you remain perfect for all eternity.
But to enter the illusion as humans to assist humans in the awakening process it was essential that you became like them, lost, confused, and seemingly abandoned in a fearfully threatening and unforgiving world.
It is unreal, but it seems wholly real, all that exists, to the vast majority of humans, and death seems like the end, the termination point of a brief, unsatisfying, and pointless life. An unfair and unreasonable experience that gives you no choices of your own that would allow you to alter it to suit your rightful needs and desires.... (fortsættes)

Hilarion: The Light and Love in Your Heart Shine so Brightly Now it Resembles the Light of the Sun

Kanaliseret af Marlene Swetlishoff 12-19 Oct 2014 
© 2014 therainbowscribe 

Beloved Ones,
Going with the flow of energy as it comes through is most helpful in the coming days.
Whatever comes to the surface of your consciousness should be met with love, compassion and understanding, patience and tolerance.
Your loved ones are also in the process of awakening to their higher light and they need your patient and loving support as they begin to see the world with more clarity than before.
You might have to take several deep breaths before responding to the unique ways this awakening within them will unfold.
Remember that each person upon the planet is being stretched to the limit of their consciousness and endurance at this time.
There is no end in sight for a respite from the increasing intensity of cosmic light coming in waves upon the planet. Everyone must go through the process of assimilation, integration and balancing within the human operating system.
Those of you who read this have already passed through the majority of this process and are in a role of holding the higher vision for the rest of humanity. Many of you have already passed through the fires of initiation and have emerged on the other side, forever changed in a defining way, an empowering way.
You now walk the Earth with humble heart, remembering well the testing times and how difficult it was to rise above the chaos to create a higher vision and to hold it high..... (fortsættes)

Aster: What is the Hesitation?

Kanaliseret af Andrea Scully 10-19 Oct 2014 
© 2014  Andres Star 00

Hello again, Aster.  How very odd it feels to come to an open page and not know what will come out of it. I also find that if I go back and reread what’s been given before, it’s often like I’ve not read it before. If this is information coming what basically is from myself (as we are One), then how can this be? It’s a bit confusing, even though I accept this is how it is for now.
Aster: There’s so much of who we are. To stretch to the limits of this, when there are no limits… And yet, in any moment there is whatever there is there to come into focus. To hold all focal points in precision at all times will require much more opening and stretching of what is considered to be ‘consciousness’.
There’s so many beliefs in the human realm at this time to limit this expansion. It’s happening even so, and yet there’s still much to be done in encouraging all beings in limitation to honor what expansion is happening. The habitual stance is to disregard that which is ‘outside’ the norm, and there’s also the stance to dismiss that which can’t be understood in habitual ways.
We continue to encourage you to simply allow for expanded concepts to exist without doing this limiting and back-stepping into limited mind-sets. Most of the Universe is, and will be, incomprehensible so long as there’s the need to corral it into what is seen as manageable or logical sequence in order to perceive it.
It will be a long time until the expansion will be enough for the mechanisms [of the Universe] to be understood in ways that approach what is being longed for here. And truly, in many ways this will never happen. Perception is curtailed greatly by this approach and it must be balanced with an approach that masters allowing for What Is to be in the field of perception without the need to corral it into any notion of labeling or ‘knowing what it is’...... (fortsættes)