Feb 15, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Pie in the sky hopium: Corey Goode Hero or Fruit-cake?) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Feb 15, 2023 ~ (SoTW; I do like James Gilliland / ECETI and have meet him IRL, like Dr. Michael Salla - he's a bit weirdo. Corey, been to a number of conferences with him and David Wilcock and others. There's a loooot of conflicting full disclosure narratives inside the truthers and Ufology SSP community right now - so it seems! Why James keep Corey around I have nooo idea - but I'm not judging - I'm just an Danish hillbilly or farmerjohn who knows nothing and owns nothing! Buuutt, there does indeed seem to appear conflicting intel coming from Corey and his team and Elena/Megan/Michael Salla about the present state of exopolitical affairs in terms of the current operations of the Dark Fleet, Draco/Orion Alliance and Interplanetary Corporate Complex. I'm not into Elena's narrative anymore, but think Salla and Alex is okay, most of the times. I really like Megan Rose and gonna stay on her narrative! Corey seem to have changed a lot after 2019/2020 and is taking the more pessimistic cup is half-empty approach based on his intel sources. In contrast, Elena, Megan, Salla, Alex Collier, Dani Henderson and othrs, are taking the more optimistic cup is half-full approach in relaying the intel provided by their Galactic Federation sources about events unfolding behind the scenes. Who is right and who is wrong? Corey/James both agree that Ufo conference events / convention / congress + GAIA TV and alike, is a multibillion industry CIA reptilian agenda and I concur on SoTW. Truth is not coming out abt SSP before first contact or full disclosure, in my humble opinion on SoTW) ~ |

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