Jun 29, 2022

🔭🌌🪐 ~ (OMG! Oort cloud = 100s of Earth-like Planets with 6-root races. Saturn is Female. Venus Goddess. Male-Mars a war-tomb-planet.) Intuitive Discoveries of our Solar System (NewEarthTeachings.com) ~ | Blogger: [👉Science as-you-know-it: The Kuiper cloud or Kuiper belt, is a disk-shaped region that is seen beyond Saturn’s orbit, consists of millions of icy comets. The Oort cloud is a mass of trillions of comets and dust that circle the Sun👈] ... Brad Johnson has discovered "secrets" about CABAL said to be the Male Saturn (planet the Edomite Judeans associated with their “god”, now called “Satan” - which is NOT true). He has also discovered our Earth-Mother-Gaia - is NOT only habitable planet in the Solar System, of course not. Our 'Earth' was once, part of Oort cloud-community of 100s, maybe, 1000s of Earth-like planets, that decided to leave 'Oort cloud, as a unique jewel and be part of the 'planetary solar system dynamic matrix', as Brad, calls it. He also discovered massive Spaceships, near the Sun collecting 'etheric intelligence' and was NOT, as many predicted, used as 'evacuation spaceships' for our Earthlings... 🤳PS: Unfortunnaly Brad, did not look into whereabout of "Planet X or Nibiru". In which, my higher-self told me at SoTW, that is soon entering our solar system and has some influence on the Earth's geological and magnetic field, as well as North or South Pole displacements...|


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