May 30, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (Bush son of Scherff 4th Reich USA 'Freudian slip': Mistakenly condemns 'brutal invasion of Iraq instead of Ukraine' . 'From the makers of "Pfizer" Zoloft - we bring you Testicle-off.') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Thank you JP for the laugh... |

White Hats IntelRestored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 30 May 2022

  • Biden approval rating is 20%
  • The microchip shortage is more than you can fathom. It affects car companies, phone companies, computers, Smart TV, Smart appliances, government weapons systems – all of which productions are coming to a standstill.
  • Cargo ships across the world are halting. Millions of companies are cancelling orders because of chip shortages which means they cannot finish production and must cancel the next projects.
  • Layoffs begin. Vaccine mandates in other countries are losing workers, drivers, delivery personnel, the cargo ships are backed up and warehouse storage is full.
  • It all leads up to Red October =  Pain, Pain, Pain – the sheep are awakening.
  • The World will be surprised when 90% of the Catholic system breaks away from the control of the Vatican and it’s Deep State Money Laundering machine system.
  • The Great AWAKENING is touching the ears of many leaders across the world and they see the Evil.
  • Many PLANS are coming into place. The ripple from the U.S. will wash over the seas to EU and through the world. One-day a great respect for culture and knowledge will be in a crossroads of friends

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