Apr 25, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (Biggest Cabal LOSERS & LOSSES this week) HUGE LOSSES FOR KABAL, THE ALLIANCE WINNING, RUSSIA CONTROLLING MARIUPOL, CHINA UPDATE, FOOD DISTRIB (3D to 5D Consciousness) ~ | Blogger: New Nyla Nguyen Update... Drip drip drip 💧... MAJOR win Russia (Earth Alliance) controlling Mariupol... Who is gonna WIN ask Nyla?? Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky - a flamboyant, gay, dancing in stilettos, plays the piano with his penis, with his (Nazi) army drug addicts, trained by the CIA' -- VERSA -- Putin, x-KGB agent, been in this kind of business a looong time with Russian soldiers, highly skilled and trained, with Avangard (hypersonic glide vehicle) missiles, military strategies etc. etc. RUSSIA is gonna win this war, says Nyla - no matter how many weapons the CABAL is gonna arm Zelensky... PS: SoTW are waiting for WH actor Joe Biden (the original Joe died 2 months back acc. to Simon Parkes - SoTW think in 2016) to step down and Clone-Queeny's death (the original Queen died years back)... |

Huge losses for Kabal, the Alliance winning, Russia controlling Mariupol, China update, Food distribution facilities burning, and more!. The cabal has been on a losing streak. A number of their companies have posted huge losses, while the Alliance is winning and succeeding. First with Truth Social migrating with Rumble Cloud services, and then Russia gaining control over Mariupol. China on the other hand is turning into a prison. People are wanting to escape but the government is confiscating their passports. Food distribution all over America is burning which is going to lead to the collapse of the food supply chain over there. More information of food preparation for the impending collapse. 

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